OSP 2wireSPI aospi | A library that implements 2-wire SPI towards and from OSP nodes. |
OSP CommandInterpreter aocmd | A library with a command interpreter (over UART/USB) and handlers for OSP telegrams. |
OSP Middleware aomw | A library with middleware for OSP applications. |
OSP ResultCodes aoresult | A library that defines all error codes that may occur in any of the OSP libraries. |
OSP ReusableApps aoapps | A library with reusable "apps" for OSP chains. |
OSP Telegrams aoosp | A library that constructs OSP telegrams to send, and destructs received OSP telegrams. |
OSP ToplevelSketches aotop | A "library" that acts as a container for top-level OSP demo sketches and for top-level OSP documentation. |
OSP UIDriversOSP32 aoui32 | A library with drivers for the UI elements on the OSP32 board (the OSP/SAID root MCU board). |