A89306_asukiaaa | It controls A89306 |
AD5254_asukiaaa | It manages potentiometer AD5254 or AD5253 |
AM2320_asukiaaa | It controls AM2320 or CM2320 |
bits_asukiaaa | A library to handle bits or bytes. |
BLVD20KM_asukiaaa | It controls BLVD20KM or BLVD40NM |
button_asukiaaa | Supply classes for Button. |
CanBusData_asukiaaa | It defines data frame of CAN bus. |
CanBusMCP2515_asukiaaa | It communicate with MCP2515 or MCP25625 on SPI to use CAN Bus. |
ControllerAsI2c_asukiaaa | It handles ESP32 as I2C device of receiver of wireless controller. |
crc_asukiaaa | A library of functions about crc. |
enum_asukiaaa | A library to share enum on arduino. |
EPD | It controls waveshare 1.54 inch e-paper(e-ink) display. |
Gauge_asukiaaa | It calculates value from sample values. |
HX711_asukiaaa | It read values from HX711 |
HzMeter_asukiaaa | It measures Hz from pulse input. |
I2cControlPanel_asukiaaa | It communicate with a control panel via i2c. |
I2cMotors_asukiaaa | It controls i2c motor driver. |
I2cMultipleMotors_asukiaaa | Multiple motors driver |
INA226_asukiaaa | It manages INA226 |
MCP4661_asukiaaa | It controls potentiometer MCP4661. |
MotorCVD_asukiaaa | It communicate with a motor driver CVD. |
MPU9250_asukiaaa | It manages MPU9250 |
OrientalAZ_asukiaaa | It controls motor driver AZ series. |
OrientalBLVR_asukiaaa | It controls BLV typeR series of Oriental Motor. |
OrientalCommon_asukiaaa | Common api of rs485 of oriental motor. |
ResistorReader_asukiaaa | It read value of a resistor. |
rs485_asukiaaa | Functions and classes about rs485 modbus. |
SomeSerial | A library to wrap HardwareSerial, SoftwareSerial or USBAPI Serial_. |
ST7032_asukiaaa | This library controls ST7032 on LCD. |
string_asukiaaa | Functions about string for Arduino. |
TC78B009FTG_asukiaaa | It controls TC78B009FTG |
ThingSpeak_asukiaaa | An API manager for ThingSpeak |
utils_asukiaaa | Utility functions for Arduino. |
WindSensorHWD_asukiaaa | It controls wind sensor HWD. |
wire_asukiaaa | Functions about wire for Arduino. |
WiredController_asukiaaa | It communicate with WiredController |
XboxControllerNotificationParser | It parses value of notification from xbox controller. |
XboxSeriesXControllerESP32_asukiaaa | It communicate with a controller of Xbox series X from ESP32. |
XboxSeriesXHIDReportBuilder_asukiaaa | Report builder of HID for Xbox SeriesX Controller. |