Bolder Flight Systems

Bolder Flight Systems
Santa Fe, NM


Bolder Flight Systems Ainstein USD1 Library for communicating with the Ainstein US-D1 RADAR altimeter.
Bolder Flight Systems Airdata Calculations Airdata library.
Bolder Flight Systems AMS5812 Library for communicating with Analog Microelectronics AMS-5812 pressure transducers.
Bolder Flight Systems AMS5915 Library for communicating with Analog Microelectronics AMS-5915 pressure transducers.
Bolder Flight Systems BME280 Library for communicating with the BME280 environment sensor.
Bolder Flight Systems BMI088 Library for communicating with the Bosch BMI088 6 axis IMU.
Bolder Flight Systems Checksum Checksum library.
Bolder Flight Systems Circular Buffer Circular buffer library.
Bolder Flight Systems Controls Controls library.
Bolder Flight Systems Eigen Eigen Matrix Math Library.
Bolder Flight Systems Excitation Library of excitation waveforms.
Bolder Flight Systems Filter Filter library.
Bolder Flight Systems Honeywell HG4930 Library for communicating with the Honeywell HG4930 IMU
Bolder Flight Systems Imap Float to integer mapping.
Bolder Flight Systems LEB128 LEB128 library.
Bolder Flight Systems Message Framing Message framing library.
Bolder Flight Systems MPU9250 Library for communicating with the MPU-9250 and MPU-9255 nine-axis Inertial Measurement Units (IMU).
Bolder Flight Systems MS4525 Library for communicating with MS4525DO pressure transducers.
Bolder Flight Systems Polytools Polynomial fitting and evaluation.
Bolder Flight Systems PWM Library for sending commands to PWM servos.
Bolder Flight Systems SBUS Library for communicating with SBUS receivers and servos.
Bolder Flight Systems Statistics Stats library.
Bolder Flight Systems Terabee Library for communicating with Terabee Evo Hub.
Bolder Flight Systems UBLOX Library for communicating with uBlox GPS receivers.
Bolder Flight Systems ULEB128 ULEB128 library.
Bolder Flight Systems Unit Conversions Unit conversion library.
Bolder Flight Systems VectorNav Library for communicating with VectorNav IMU and INS sensors.