


AccelMotor Library for smooth control motor with encoder
AnalogKey Library for matrix analog keyboard
Approxy Library approximating arrays of data
AsyncStream Async read from Stream objects (Serial, etc)
AutoOTA Library for checking OTA updates
Benchmark Measure code execution time
BitPack Library for packing bit flags into byte array
BSON Binary JSON packet builder for Arduino
buildTime Library will help you to get compile time
CharDisplay Library for unicode progress pars, bitmap drawing graphics and plots (charts)
Clap Library for clap recognition and counting
CRT Bunch of CRT functions for LEDs
directADC Library for advanced ADC control (AVR)
directTimers Library for advanced hardware timers control
EEManager Simple library for reducing EEPROM wear
EncButton Light and powerful library for button and encoder operation for Arduino
EspSleep Library for esp8266 unlimited deep sleep period
FastBot Fast ESP8266/ESP32 library for Telegram bot (messages, menus, time sync, OTA update + SPIFFS, files upload and download)
FastBot2 Fast and universal Arduino/ESP8266/ESP32 library for Telegram bot
FFT_C FFT library in C
FileData Simple library for storing any data in file
fixed Implementation of fixed poind calculations
FOR_MACRO For macro library
Forecaster Weather forecasting with Zambretti algorithm
GParser Fast library for parsing cstring into substrings, urlencode, unicode encode for Arduino
GTimer Light and multifunctional uptime timer
GRGB Library for smooth RGB LED control
GSON Light JSON parsing and assembling library for Arduino
GTL Library with template tools (buffers, pointers)
GyverBeeper Async tone generator with amount and time settings
GyverBlinker Async LED blinker and task count timer
GyverBME280 Light library for BME280 sensor
GyverBus Communicating by GBUS interface
GyverButton Advanced button control library
GyverDB Fast Arduino database for any type of data
GyverDimmer Phase and Bresenham algorithm for AC triac dimmer
GyverDS18 Light library for Dallas DS18b20 temperature sensor
GyverDS3231 Library for DS3231 with millis() sync and 1-second timer
GyverEncoder Advanced encoder operation library
GyverFIFO Simple ring (circular, FIFO) buffer for Arduino
GyverFilters Library with few filters for data processing
GyverGFX Fast GFX library for displays and matrixes
GyverHC595 Fast SPI/BitBang library for 74HC595 shift register
GyverHTTP Simple Arduino Client based HTTP server and client with stream tools
GyverHTU21D Light Arduino library for HTU21D sensor
GyverHX711 Library for HX711 ADC/weight module
GyverINA Light library for INA219/INA226 sensor module
GyverIO Fast GPIO operation functions for AVR, ESP8266, ESP32
GyverJoy Library for analog joystic Arduino
GyverLBUF Simple linear buffer for Arduino
GyverMAX6675 Fast and light MAX6675 thermocouple library
GyverMAX7219 Fast and light MAX7219 matrix library
GyverMIDI MIDI player
GyverMotor Library for motor driver control
GyverNTC Simple library for NTC thermistors
GyverNTP Library for async receiving precise time from NTP server
GyverOLED Fast and light library for SSD1306/SSH1106 OLED display
GyverOS Simple task manager for Arduino
GyverPID Fast library for PID regulating algorithm
GyverPortal Simple web interface builder for esp8266 and ESP32
GyverPower Library for power management of AVR
GyverPWM Library for advanced PWM settings of AVR
GyverRelay Library for relay regulation algorithm
GyverSegment Powerful library for controlling 7-segment indicators
GyverShift Library for input and output shift registers (HC595 and HC165)
GyverStepper Fast library for stepmotor control and multi-axis planning
GyverTimer Simple timer with period/timeout modes on millis
GyverTimers Library for control hardware timers on ATmega328p and ATmega2560
GyverTM1637 Library for advanced control of TM1637 7-segment display
GyverTransfer Library for 1-wire communication by GT interface
GyverUART Light and fast Serial library
GyverWDT Advanced WDT control library for ATmega328p/32U4/2560 & ATtiny85/84/167
Gyver433 Simple library for 433 MHz radio
Hamming Library for pack and unpack data by Hamming algorithm
Looper Simple task, thread and event manager for Arduino
mString Static lightweight analog of String class
microDS18B20 Light library for DS18b20 sensor
microDS3231 Light library for DS3231 RTC module
microLED Light library for addressable LEDs
MicroUART Simple implementation of UART (ATmega328)
microWire Light library for I2C communication
NecDecoder Light library for IR receiver with NEC protocol
OVS Simple Arduino library for oversampling ADC and other data
Pairs Text pair:value representation for dynamic data
pgm_utils Wrappers and helpers for Arduino PROGMEM functions
Psychrometer Library for psychrometer - read humidity from two thermometers
PWMrelay Low-frequency software PWM for relay
QuickCharge Library for control QuickCharge 2.0/3.0 power adapter or charger
Random16 Fast 16 bit random number generator
rtc_utils Wrapper for esp8266 rtc functions
ServoSmooth Library for smooth control of servo motor
Settings Simple UI webface builder for esp8266/esp32
SevenSegmentsDisp Library for Seven Segments Displays
SimplePortal Simple WiFi credentials captive portal for esp8266
SoftServo Library for software servo motor control (by system timer)
Stack Dynamic/static array buffer for any data type with handy functions
Stamp Library for time keeping and manipulation
StreamIO Read/write wrapper for Stream and array buffers
StringUtils Bunch of converting functions for string data
SunPosition Library for tracking Sun position by location and time for Arduino
Table Dynamic table for Arduino
Tachometer Library for frequency and period measurement
TimeRandom Library for generating random numbers with time syncronization
TimerMs Advanced software timer (based on millis())
UnixTime Unix time stamp to date time conversion and vice versa
VirtualButton Library for advanced button operation for Arduino
VolAnalyzer Library for sound amplitude analysis
WiFiConnector Async WiFi connector auto with backup AP for esp8266/32