74HC138 |
Arduino library for the 74HC138 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer. |
74HC154 |
Arduino library for the 74HC154 4 to 16 line decoder/demultiplexer. |
A1301 |
Arduino library for A1301 et al magnetometer. |
ACD10 |
Arduino library for the ACD10 CO2 sensor. |
ACD3100 |
Arduino library for the ACD3100 CO2 sensor. |
ACS712 |
ACS712 library for Arduino. |
AD5144A |
Arduino Library for AD5144A 4 Channel digital potentiometer. |
AD520X |
Arduino library for SPI AD5204 and AD5206 digital potentiometers |
AD523X |
Arduino library for SPI AD5231 and AD5235 10 bit digital potentiometers.. |
AD524X |
Arduino Library for AD524X |
AD5245 |
Arduino Library for AD5245 digital potentiometer. |
AD5246 |
Arduino Library for AD5246, I2C 128 step rheostat. |
AD5248 |
Library for I2C digital potentiometer AD5243 and rheostat AD5248 |
AD5263 |
Library to control digital potentiometer AD5263 and compatibles. |
AD5370 |
Arduino library for the AD5370 40 channel 16 bit DAC over SPI. |
AD5593R |
Arduino library for AD5593R, I2C, 8 channel ADC / DAC / GPIO device. |
AD56X8 |
Arduino library for AD56X8, SPI 8 channel Digital Analog Convertor. |
AD5620 |
Arduino library for AD5620 Digital Analog Convertor (12 bit). |
AD5660 |
Arduino library for AD5660 Digital Analog Convertor (16 bit). |
AD568X |
Arduino library for AD568X series Digital Analog Convertor. |
AD5680 |
Arduino library for AD5680 Digital Analog Convertor (18 bit). |
AD7367 |
Arduino library for the AD7367, 2 channel simultaneous sampling 14 bit ADC. |
AD7367_SPI |
Arduino library for the AD7367, 2 channel consecutive sampling 14 bit ADC. |
AD8495 |
Arduino library for the AD8494, AD8495, AD8496 and AD8497 thermocouple.. |
AD9833 |
Arduino library for AD9833 function generator. Supports hardware SPI and software SPI. |
AD985X |
Arduino library for AD9850 and AD9851 function generators. Supports both hardware SPI as software SPI. |
Arduino library for ADC08XS 8, 10, 12 bit ADC (SPI), 2 or 4 channel. |
ADC081S |
Arduino library for ADC081S 8 bit ADC (SPI). |
ADG2128_RT |
Arduino library for ADG2128 8x12 (cross-point) matrix switch with I2C. |
ADG2188 |
Arduino library for ADG2188 8x8 (cross-point) matrix switch with I2C. |
ADG725 |
Arduino library for ADG725 - 16 to 1 channel (2x) multiplexer. |
ADG726 |
Arduino library for ADG726 - 16 to 1 channel (2x) multiplexer. |
ADG728 |
Arduino Library for I2C ADG728 matrix switch. 1x8 Multiplexer. |
ADG729 |
Arduino Library for I2C ADG729 matrix switch. 2x4 Multiplexer. |
ADG731 |
Arduino library for ADG731 - 32 to 1 channel multiplexer. |
ADG732 |
Arduino library for ADG732 - 32 to 1 channel multiplexer. |
Adler |
Arduino Library for calculating Adler-32 and Adler-16 checksum. |
ADS1X15 |
Arduino library for ADS1015 - I2C 12 bit ADC and ADS1115 I2C 16 bit ADC |
ADT7470 |
ADT7470 Library |
Arduino library for AGS02MA - TVOC sensor |
AGS2616 |
Arduino library for AGS2616 - Hydrogen H2 sensor. |
AGS3870 |
Arduino library for AGS3870 - Methane CH4 sensor. |
AGS3871 |
Arduino library for AGS3871 - CarbonMonoxide CO sensor. |
AM2315 |
Arduino library for I2C AM2315 temperature and humidity sensor. |
AM2315C |
Arduino library for I2C AM2315C temperature and humidity sensor. |
AM232X |
Arduino library for AM2320 AM2321 and AM2323 I2C temperature and humidity sensor. |
AMT25 |
Arduino library for SPI based AMT25 rotary encoder. |
AnalogKeypad |
Arduino Library for (Robotdyn) 4x4 and 4x3 AnalogKeypad |
AnalogPin |
Arduino Library for AnalogPin |
AnalogUVSensor |
AnalogUVSensor library for Arduino. |
Angle |
Library to convert between floating point angle to minutes hours representation. |
AngleConvertor |
Library to convert between different less known angle formats. |
Arduino library to send ANSI escape sequences. |
APDS9900 |
Arduino library for the I2C APDS9900 light sensor and proximity detector. |
AS5600 |
Arduino library for AS5600 and AS5600L magnetic rotation meter. |
AsyncAnalog |
Arduino Library for async reading of an analog pin |
AtomicWeight |
Arduino library for atomic weights, calculate massPercentage of elements in a formula. |
AverageAngle |
Arduino library to calculate correctly the average of multiple angles. |
AvrHeap |
Library to runtime analyse the structure of the heap (AVR 328). |
BH1750FVI_RT |
Arduino library for BH1750FVI (GY-30) lux sensor |
BitArray |
Arduino library for compact array of objects with a size expressed in bits. |
bitHelpers |
Arduino library with functions on bit level |
BoolArray |
Arduino library for compact array of booleans of max size 2000 (UNO). |
CHT8305 |
Arduino library for CHT8305 temperature and humidity sensor. |
CHT8310 |
Arduino library for CHT8310 temperature and humidity sensor. |
CHT832X |
Arduino library for CHT832X temperature and humidity sensor. |
Complex |
Arduino library for Complex math. |
Correlation |
Arduino Library to determine correlation between X and Y dataset |
CountDown |
Arduino library to implement a CountDown clock in SW. |
Cozir |
Arduino library for COZIR range of CO2 sensors. Polling mode only. |
Library for CRC for Arduino |
currency |
Arduino library to help formatting integers as currency e.g. $ 1.000.000,00. |
DAC53001 |
Arduino library for I2C DAC53001 10 bit DAC. |
DAC8550 |
Arduino library for DAC8550 SPI DAC Digital Analog Convertor |
DAC8551 |
Arduino library for DAC8501, DAC8531, DAC8550 and DAC8551 SPI 16-bit Digital Analog Convertor. |
DAC8552 |
Arduino library for DAC8532 and DAC8552 SPI Digital Analog Convertor. |
DAC8554 |
Arduino library for DAC8534 and DAC8554 SPI Digital Analog Convertor. |
DAC8560 |
Arduino library for DAC8560 SPI 16-bit Digital Analog Convertor. |
DAC8571 |
Arduino library for DAC8571 16 bit DAC. |
DAC8574 |
Arduino library for DAC8574, I2C, 4 channel, 16 bit DAC. |
dateTimeHelpers |
Arduino library with date and time helper functions. |
Arduino library for a /dev/full stream |
Arduino library for a /dev/null stream |
Arduino library to wrap a random generator in a stream |
DHTlib |
AVR Optimized Library for DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor on AVR only. |
DHTStable |
Stable version of library for DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor |
DHT12 |
Arduino library for I2C DHT12 temperature and humidity sensor. |
DHT20 |
Arduino library for I2C DHT20 temperature and humidity sensor. |
DHT2pin |
Experimental version of the DHT library, using 2 data pins instead of 1. |
Arduino library for DHT temperature and humidity sensor. Integer only to save footprint. |
Arduino library for DHT temperature and humidity sensor, with automatic sensortype recognition. |
DistanceTable |
Library for a memory efficient DistanceTable for Arduino. |
DMM (digital multimeter) library for Arduino. |
DRV8825 |
Arduino library for DRV8825 stepper motor driver. |
DS18B20_int |
Library for DS18B20 restricted to a single sensor per pin. |
DS18B20_RT |
Arduino library for the DS18B20 temperature sensor. |
DS1804 |
Arduino library for DS1804 Nonvolatile Trimmer Potentiometer. |
DS1821 |
Arduino library for DS1821 temperature sensor |
DS2401 |
Library for 1-Wire DS2401 UID restricted to a single device per pin. |
DS2438 |
Library for DS2438 1-Wire battery monitor. One device per pin. |
DS28CM00 |
Arduino library for I2C DS28CM00 unique identification chip. |
DS3232 |
Arduino library for I2C DS3232 RTC (minimalistic). |
ellipse |
Arduino library for ellipse class |
Arduino library for SPI based ERCFS rotary encoder. |
FastMap |
Library with fast map function for Arduino. |
FastShiftIn |
Arduino library for (AVR) optimized shiftIn - e.g. for 74HC165 |
FastShiftInOut |
Arduino library for (AVR) optimized shiftInOut (simultaneously) |
FastShiftOut |
Arduino library for (AVR) optimized shiftOut - e.g. 74HC595 |
FastTrig |
Arduino library with interpolated lookup for sin(), cos(), tan(), atan2() and more. |
fast_math |
Arduino library for fast math algorithms |
Arduino library for FLE = FLoat with Error datatype |
Fletcher |
"Arduino Library for calculating Fletcher's checksum. |
float16 |
Arduino library to implement float16 data type. |
float16ext |
Arduino library to implement float16ext data type. |
Fraction |
Arduino library to implement a Fraction datatype. |
Arduino library for I2C FRAM for persistent storage. |
FunctionGenerator |
Arduino library to generate wave forms (nummeric) for a DAC |
Arduino Library for the GAMMA function |
Gauss |
Library for the Gauss probability math. |
geomath |
Arduino library with geographic math functions. |
Arduino library for Golden Standard Test, confusion matrix. |
GY521 |
Arduino library for GY521 angle measurement |
HC4051 |
Arduino library for a HC4051 1x8 channel multiplexer |
HC4052 |
Arduino library for a HC4052 2 x 4 channel multiplexer |
HC4053 |
Arduino library for a HC4053 3 x 2 channel multiplexer |
HC4067 |
Arduino library for a HC4067 1 x 16 channel multiplexer |
HeartBeat |
Arduino library for HeartBeat with frequency and duty cycle. |
Histogram |
Arduino library for creating histograms math. |
HMC6352 |
Experimental Arduino library for HMC6352 digital compass sensor |
HT16K33 |
Arduino Library for HT16K33 I2C 4x7segment display |
HX710AB |
Arduino library for the HX710A and HX710B 24-Bit ADC. |
HX711 |
Arduino library for HX711 load cell amplifier. |
HX711_MP |
Arduino library for HX711 load cell amplifier. |
I2CKeyPad |
Arduino library for 4x4 (or smaller) keypad connected to an I2C PCF8574. |
I2CKeyPad8x8 |
Arduino library for a 8x8 (or smaller) keypad connected to an I2C PCF8575. |
I2C_24LC1025 |
Library for 24FC1025 I2C EEPROM |
Arduino library for I2C ASDX pressure sensor (Honeywell). |
Library for I2C EEPROMS |
Arduino library for I2C_LCD. |
Arduino library for the I2C_SOFTRESET, to reset stuck devices. |
IEEE754tools |
Fast helper functions for IEEE754 floats. |
INA219 |
Arduino library for INA219 voltage, current and power sensor. |
INA226 |
Arduino library for INA226 power sensor |
INA228 |
Arduino library for the INA228, I2C, 20 bit, voltage, current and power sensor. |
INA229 |
Arduino library for the INA229, SPI, 20 bit, voltage, current and power sensor. |
INA236 |
Arduino library for the INA236, I2C, 16 bit, voltage, current and power sensor. |
INA239 |
Arduino library for the INA239, SPI, 16 bit, voltage, current and power sensor. |
INA260 |
Arduino library for INA260 power sensor |
INA3221_RT |
Arduino library for the I2C INA3221 3 channel voltage and current sensor. |
infiniteAverage |
Experimental Arduino Library to calculate a high precision average of many samples |
integer24 |
integer24 types uint24_t and int24_t for Arduino. |
Interval |
Arduino library for Interval data type. |
Kelvin2RGB |
Arduino library for converting Kelvin temperature to RGB values |
KT0803 |
Arduino library for the KT0803 and KT0803K FM transmitter. |
Kurtosis |
Arduino library for calculating skewness and kurtosis of a dataset. |
LineFormatter |
Wrapper class for Stream e.g. Serial to enhance layout of tabular data. |
Logistic |
Arduino library to explore the logistic formula. (chaos, bifurcation) |
LTC2485 |
Arduino library for LTC2485 I2C 24 bit ADC. |
LTC2991 |
Arduino library for LTC2991 temperature and voltage control IC |
LTR390_DFR |
Arduino library for the I2C LTR390 UV sensor (DF Robotics edition). |
LTR390_RT |
Arduino library for the I2C LTR390 UV sensor. |
Arduino Library for calculating LUHN checksum. |
Arduino library for M5 8ANGLE 8x12 bit potentiometers. |
Arduino library for M5 8ROTATE 8x rotary encoders |
M62429 |
Arduino library for M62429 volume control IC |
map2bits |
Arduino library for mapping a float to a number of bits. |
map2colour |
Arduino library for mapping a float to colour spectrum |
MATRIX7219 |
Arduino Library for 8x8 LED MATRIX MAX7219, MAX7221. |
MAX14661 |
Arduino library for MAX14661 16 channel I2C multiplexer |
MAX31850 |
Arduino library for the MAX31850 thermocouple temperature sensor. |
MAX31855_RT |
Arduino library for MAX31855 chip for K type thermocouple. |
Max44007 |
Library for MAX44007 I2C LUX sensor Arduino. |
Max44009 |
Library for MAX44009 I2C LUX sensor Arduino. |
MAX471_RT |
Arduino library for MAX471 current sensor. |
MAX520 |
Arduino library for MAX520 and MAX521 4/8 channel 8 bit DAC. |
MAX6675 |
Arduino library for MAX6675 chip for K type thermocouple. |
MCP23S08 |
Arduino library for SPI MCP23S08 8 channel port expander 8 IO-lines |
MCP23S17 |
Arduino library for SPI MCP23S17 16 channel port expander 16 IO-lines |
MCP23008 |
Arduino library for I2C MCP23008 8 channel port expander 8 IO-lines |
MCP23017_RT |
Arduino library for I2C MCP23017 16 channel port expander 16 IO-lines |
MCP3424 |
Arduino library for 18 bit ADC I2C MCP3424 et al. |
MCP4261 |
Arduino library for MCP4261 SPI based digital potentiometers. |
MCP4725 |
Arduino library for 12 bit I2C DAC - MCP4725 |
MCP9808_RT |
Arduino Library for I2C MCP9808 temperature sensor |
Arduino library for MCP_ADC, e.g. MCP3008 SPI 10 bit, 8 channel ADC |
Arduino library for Microchip SPI DAC, 8, 10, 12 bit; 1 or 2 channel. |
Arduino library for MCP41xxx and MCP42xxx SPI based digital potentiometers. |
Arduino Library for MHZ series CO2 sensors. |
millis64 |
Arduino library for millis64 micros64 millis32 micros32, time counters with optional offset. |
MiniMP3 |
Minimal MP3 DFURobotics library for Arduino. |
MINMAX library for Arduino. |
ML8511 |
ML8511 - UV sensor - library for Arduino |
moduloMap |
Arduino library for modulo mapping |
MS5611 |
Arduino library for MS5611 temperature and pressure sensor |
MS5611_SPI |
Arduino library (SPI) for MS5611 temperature and pressure sensor |
MS5837 |
Arduino library for MS5837 temperature and pressure sensor. |
MSP300 |
Arduino Library for MSP300 pressure transducer (I2C). |
MT8870 |
Arduino library for MT8870 DTMF decoder |
MTP40C |
Arduino library for MTP40, MTP40C and MTP40D CO2 sensor |
MTP40F |
Arduino library for MTP40F CO2 sensor |
MultiMap |
Library for fast non-linear interpolation by means of two arrays. |
Multiplex |
Arduino Library implementing a stream multiplexer |
NeumannCorrector |
Arduino library for a NeumannCorrector. (randomizing streams of bits). |
NibbleArray |
Library to implement a compact array of nibbles (4 bit). |
optoma |
Arduino library to control Optoma W305ST beamer over RS232. |
Arduino library for (AVR) faster and extended output pin. |
palindrome |
Palindrome library |
PAR27979 |
Arduino library for Parallax 27979 serial LCD display. |
ParallelPrinter |
Experimental (not complete) library to connect a parallel printer to Arduino. |
PCA9549 |
Arduino Library for PCA9549 I2C octal bus switch. |
PCA9551 |
Arduino library for PCA9551 I2C LED driver 8 channel |
PCA9552 |
Arduino library for PCA9552 I2C LED driver 16 channel |
PCA9553 |
Arduino library for PCA9553 I2C LED driver 4 channel |
PCA9632 |
Arduino library for PCA9632 and PCA9633 4 channel, I2C LED driver. |
PCA9634 |
Arduino library for PCA9634 I2C LED driver 8 channel |
PCA9635 |
Arduino library for PCA9635 I2C LED driver, 16 channel PWM, 8 bit. |
PCA9685_RT |
Arduino library for PCA9685 I2C LED driver, 16 channel PWM, 12 bit. |
PCA9698_RT |
Arduino library for the PCA9698 - I2C, 40 channel IO expander. |
PCF85263 |
Arduino library for the PCF85263 RTC (I2C). |
PCF8575 |
Arduino library for PCF8575 - 16 channel I2C IO expander |
PCF8591 |
PCF8591 library for Arduino. Supports multiple I2C WireN bus. |
Arduino library for PCR process control. |
PCT2075 |
Arduino library for I2C PCT2075 temperature sensor / thermal watchdog. |
Arduino library for peristaltic pump DFR0523 and compatibles. |
Arduino PID library |
PinInGroup |
A class that groups input pins so they can be read in one logical step. |
PinOutGroup |
A class that groups output pins so they can be updated easier and slightly faster on average. |
PIR library for Arduino. |
PIR8575 |
Arduino library for 16 channel PIR detection system based upon PCF8575. |
Prandom |
Arduino library for random number generation with Python random interface. |
pressure |
Arduino library for pressure conversion. |
PrintCharArray |
Library to capture prints into a char array. |
printHelpers |
Arduino library to help formatting data for printing. 64 bit integers (base 10 and 16). Engineering and scientific notation. |
PrintSize |
Library to determine size of a printed variable. |
PrintString |
Library to capture prints into a String. |
PT2314 |
Arduino library for PT2314 i2C 4 channel audio processor, |
PulseDivider |
Arduino library to divide a pulse stream with a float factor. |
PulsePattern |
Library to generate repeating pulse patterns. (AVR only) |
Arduino library for a pan tilt radar. |
Arduino library for FC-37 analog rain sensor and compatibles. |
randomHelpers |
Arduino library with helper function for faster random bits |
relativity |
library with relativity functions. |
rotaryDecoder |
Arduino library for a PCF8574 based rotary decoder. |
rotaryDecoderSwitch |
Arduino library for a PCF8574 based rotary decoder + switch. |
rotaryDecoderSwitch5 |
Arduino library for a PCF8575 based rotary decoder + switch. |
rotaryDecoder8 |
Arduino library for a PCF8575 based rotary decoder. |
RS485 |
RS485 library for Arduino. |
RunAvgWeight |
Running Average with weight of N elements. |
runningAngle |
Library to average angles by means of low pass filtering with wrapping. |
RunningAverage |
The library stores the last N individual values in a circular buffer to calculate the running average. |
RunningMedian |
The library stores the last N individual values in a buffer to select the median. |
SD2405 |
Arduino library for I2C SD2405 RTC and compatibles. |
Arduino library to implement simple SET datastructure. |
SGP30 |
Arduino library for SGP30 environment sensor. |
Arduino library to generate hex dump over Serial |
ShiftInSlow |
Arduino library for shiftIn with build-in delay - e.g. for 74HC165 |
ShiftOutSlow |
Arduino library for shiftOut with build-in delay - e.g. for 74HC165 |
SHT2x |
Arduino library for the I2C SHT20 SHT21 SHT25 series temperature and humidity sensor. |
SHT31 |
Arduino library for the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor |
SHT31_SW |
Arduino library for the I2C SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor |
Arduino library for the I2C SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor |
SHT85 |
Arduino library for the SHT85, SHT30, SHT31, SHT35 Sensirion temperature and humidity sensors and compatibles. |
Arduino library to build the "Simon says" game or a digital lock. |
Soundex |
"Arduino Library for calculating Soundex hash. |
SparseArray |
Arduino library for sparse arrays of floats. |
SparseMatrix |
Arduino library for sparse matrices. |
SRF05 |
Arduino library for SRF05 distance sensor |
statHelpers |
Arduino library with a number of statistic helper functions. |
Statistic |
Library with basic statistical functions for Arduino. |
StopWatch_RT |
Arduino Library implementing a stopwatch. |
Student |
LArduino library for Student or T-distribution math. |
SWSerialOut |
Arduino library for SWSerialOut, supports only data out (TX). |
Arduino library for software SPI. (Experimental). |
TCA9548 |
Arduino Library for TCA9548 I2C multiplexer and compatibles. |
TCA9554 |
Arduino library for I2C TCA9554 8 channel port expander - 8 IO-lines. |
TCA9555 |
Arduino library for I2C TCA9555 16 channel port expander - 16 IO-lines. |
TCS3210 |
Arduino library for TCS3210 colour light to frequency convertor. |
Temperature |
Library with weather and temperature conversion functions. |
TEMT6000 |
Arduino library for analog TEMT6000 light / LUX sensor. |
timing |
Arduino library with wrapper classes for seconds, millis and micros. |
TinyKT0803 |
Arduino library for the KT0803 and KT0803K FM transmitter.(tiny edition). Based upon KT0803. |
tinySHT2x |
Arduino library for the SHT20, SHT21 and SHT25 temperature and humidity sensor. Optimized for AVR tiny. |
TLC5917 |
Arduino library for TLC5917 8-Channel Constant-Current LED Sink Drivers. |
TLC5947 |
Arduino library for TLC5947 24 channel 12 bit PWM. |
TM1637_RT |
TM1637 Library for Arduino. |
Arduino library to track top n maxima. |
Arduino library to track top n minima. |
Troolean |
Arduino Library for a three state logic data type |
TSL235R |
Library for the TSL235R light to frequency convertor. |
TSL260R |
Arduino library for the TSL260R, TSL261R and TSL262R infrared to voltage convertor. |
Arduino library for generating UUID's. (experimental). |
Vibration |
Arduino library for a vibration / tilt sensor. |
VolumeConverter |
Arduino library to convert volume units. |
WaterMix |
Arduino library for mixing water with different temperatures. |
WaveMix |
Arduino library to mix two signals (A and B) with an adaptive weight. |
weight |
Library of weight conversion functions |
X9C10X |
Arduino Library for X9C10X series digital potentiometer. |
XMLWriter |
Arduino library for creating XML |