A list of the 1371 libraries in the category Device Control.
AGirs | A Girs infrared server for the Arduino platform. |
AStar32U4 | A-Star 32U4 Arduino library |
ATmega_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on AVR ATmega164, ATmega324, ATmega644, ATmega1284 with MCUdude MightyCore, to create and output PWM any GPIO pin |
ATmega_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an AVR ATmega164, ATmega324, ATmega644, ATmega1284 with MCUdude MightyCore |
ATtiny_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on Arduino AVR ATtiny-based boards (ATtiny3217, etc.), using megaTinyCore, to create and output PWM to pins. |
ATtiny_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on Arduino AVR ATtiny-based boards (ATtiny3217, etc.), using megaTinyCore, to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
ATtiny_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on Arduino AVR ATtiny-based boards (ATtiny3217, etc.) using megaTinyCore |
A4963 | Library for A4963 brushless motor controler |
A4990MotorShield | Arduino library for the Pololu A4990 Dual Motor Driver Shield |
A89306_asukiaaa | It controls A89306 |
AbleTP | A thermal printer library for ArduinoBLE. |
absmouse | Absolute positioning USB HID mouse library. |
AbsoluteMouse | Arduino library to control cursor over USB, using absolute positioning. |
AcaiaArduinoBLE | A library that connects BLE devices to Acaia Scales. |
AccelMotor | Library for smooth control motor with encoder |
AccelStepper | Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of stepper motors. |
Accessories | This is a library for Arduino to handle accessories like lights, motors. |
ACDU | Support library for ACDU hardware unit. |
Acrome-SMD | To use SMD Red boards with Arduino. |
AD5231 Arduino Library | Arduino Library for controlling the Analog Devices AD5231 SPI Digital Potentiometer (DigiPot) |
AD5254_asukiaaa | It manages potentiometer AD5254 or AD5253 |
AD75019 | Arduino Library for the Analog Devices AD75019 Crosspoint Switch |
Adafruit AD569x Library | Arduino library for the AD569x 16-/14-/12-bit DAC |
Adafruit ADG72x | Arduino library for the ADG728 or ADG729 I2C analog switch matrix |
Adafruit AVRProg | Arduino library for programming AVR chips from Arduino |
Adafruit DAC7578 Library | Arduino library for the DAC7578 - 8 x Channel 12-bit I2C DAC |
Adafruit DRV2605 Library | Arduino library for Adafruit DRV2605L Haptic Controller Breakout |
Adafruit DS1841 | Arduino library for the DS1841 breakouts in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit DS3502 | Arduino library for the DS3502 I2C Potentiometer in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit HUSB238 Library | Arduino library for the HUSB I2C USB PD sink driver |
Adafruit microbit Library | Arduino library for using micro:bit nRF51 |
Adafruit Motor Shield library | Adafruit Motor shield V1 firmware with basic Microstepping support. Works with all Arduinos and the Mega |
Adafruit Motor Shield V2 Library | Library for the Adafruit Motor Shield V2 for Arduino. It supports DC motors & stepper motors with microstepping as well as stacking-support. |
Adafruit PCF8574 | Arduino library for the PCF8574 I2C GPIO expander Adafruit shop |
Adafruit PWM Servo Driver Library | Adafruit PWM Servo Driver Library |
Adafruit PyCamera Library | Arduino library for the MEMENTO ESP32-S3 camera |
Adafruit SoftServo | A lightweight software servo library, designed for Trinket/Gemma but good for other Arduino-compats |
Adafruit Soundboard library | Arduino Library for UART control of the Adafruit Soundboard |
Adafruit Thermal Printer Library | Arduino Library for Small Thermal Printers |
Adafruit TiCoServo | Use NeoPixels and servos in the same Arduino sketch (with caveats) |
Adafruit TPA2016 Library | Arduino library for the Adafruit TPA2016(D2) I2C controlled AGC audio amplifier |
Adafruit Trellis Library | Arduino library for controlling Adafruit Trellis |
Adafruit VC0706 Serial Camera Library | Library for VC0706-based Serial JPEG Cameras |
Adafruit VCNL4020 Library | Arduino library for the VCNL4020 light and proximity sensor |
Adafruit VS1053 Library | This is a library for the Adafruit VS1053 Codec Breakout and Music Maker Shields |
Adafruit ZeroTimer Library | Arduino library for SAMD21/SAMD51 timer control |
Adeon | Adeon is a software solution for controlling GSM devices (GSM gates, relays, modules etc.) via SMS commands. |
ADS1220 | Arduino library for ADS1220 24-bit, 2-kSPS, four-channel, low-power, delta-sigma ADC with PGA, VREF, SPI and two IDACs |
ADS1x1x | Arduino library for ADS101x / ADS111x Ultra-Small, Low-Power, I2C-Compatible, ADCs |
ADT7470 | ADT7470 Library |
AFE_NXP_Arduino | Class library for NXP Analog Front End |
Ai Esp32 Rotary Encoder | Easy implement rotary encoder to your application for ESP32 and ESP8266 |
AIStarter | AIStarter programming interface. |
AITINKR_AIOT_V2 | Library for controlling motors, servos, buttons, camera, and MQTT with the AITinkr AIOT V2. |
AITINKR_JSON_FIELDS | A library to manage dynamic JSON fields for IoT devices. |
AITINKR_SHIELDS | A library to drive the AITINKR_SHIELDS to work with Arduino. |
Akafugu TWIKeyboard Library | Akafugu TWIKeyboard Library |
Akafugu WireRtc Library | Akafugu WireRtc Library |
AlPlc_Opta | Arduino IDE PLC runtime library for Arduino Opta |
AlPlc_PMC | Arduino IDE PLC runtime library for Arduino Portenta Machine Control |
AlfredoConnect-Receive | Library for communicating over a serial connection to AlfredoConnect-Desktop. |
AlfredoCRSF | CSRF serial protocol Arduino library |
Alfredo-NoU2 | Library for the Alfredo NoU2 robot control board. |
Alfredo-NoU3 | Library for the Alfredo NoU3 robot control board. |
AlignedJoy | Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to read a variety of analog joystick by aligning axis values (XY). |
AloesDevice | MQTT connector for Aloes |
Alpenglow FUnicorn | Controls the LED message on the FUnicorn. |
AltController | Alternative keyboard controller for Project 1, Physical Computing |
AlternativeLSS | Asynchronous control of Lynxmotion LSS smart servos. |
Altino | The library for the Altino car. |
AMIS30543 | AMIS-30543 SPI stepper motor driver library |
AmperkaFET | Allows to control the power switches through the output shift register. |
AMYTOL_Robot | A powerful however, easy to use library to control NexGen Robot motors. |
Amytol_Sample | A library and samples to get you started |
AnalogKeypad by Makuna | A library that makes interfacing an analog keypad easy. |
Andee | Annikken Andee Library for Annikken Andee U, Android and iOS boards. |
AndeeMobile | For use with the Annikken AndeeMobile |
Andee101 | Annikken Andee101 Library for Arduino 101 |
AndreyRybalko WT2003M02 MP3 Decoder | Library for the WT2003M02 MP3 decoder board v3.0. |
Animately | Precise animation of props or robots without the need for thread-blocking (delay()) or complex state machines. |
Anitracks_PCA95x5 | Arduino library for PCA9535 and PCA9555 (Remote 16-bit I2C and SMBus I/O Expander with Interrupt Output and Configuration Registers) |
AP_DCC_Library | Library for (NMRA/RCN) Digital Command Control (DCC) |
Arara | Biblioteca para o controlador Arara |
ArcPID | PID controller |
ArdRTOS | ArdRTOS provides a real-time operating system for embedded systems. |
ArduRoomba | A library that allows simple serial interfacing with iRobot Create 2 (and similar) robots. |
arducam_dvp | Library to capture pixels from supported cameras on Arduino boards. |
Arducam_Mega | Examples of spi cameras used on different hardware. |
ArduinoFritzApi | An arduino Library for Automation of Fritz!Box, Fritz!DECT and FRITZ!Powerline devices |
Arduino-I2C-KM1 | KeiganMotor KM-1 control library using I2C communication |
Arduino Low Power | Power save primitives features for SAMD and nRF52 32bit boards |
Arduino OPL2 | Use this library to control the OPL2 Audio Board or OPL3 Duo! |
Arduino SigFox for MKRFox1200 | Helper library for MKR Fox 1200 board and ATAB8520E Sigfox module |
ArduinoTEA5767 | A simple to use library for the TEA5767 I2C FM receiver IC. |
Arduino_BQ24195 | Arduino library for the BQ24195 Power Management IC |
Arduino_EdgeControl | Arduino Library for Arduino Edge Control |
Arduino_EMBRYO_2 | Control stepper motor |
Arduino_GigaDisplay | Examples for GIGA Display Shield |
Arduino_LowPowerPortentaH7 | A library to use low-power modes on the Portenta H7 board. |
Arduino_NiclaSenseEnv | Read sensor data from the Nicla Sense Env board and control the board behaviour. |
Arduino_PF1550 | Arduino library for the PF1550 Power Management IC |
Arduino_PowerManagement | A library to charge and monitor the battery and use low power modes on the Portenta C33, Portenta H7 and Nicla Vision boards. |
ardyno | A library to control dynamixel motors |
ArxRobot Library | Enables easy access to the controls of Arxterra robots. |
ArylicHTTP | ESP32 Library for controling Arylic audio devices. |
AS-289R2 Thermal Printer Shield | Arduino Library for Thermal Printer Shieid |
asip | A library to control a board using a stream (e.g., serial) |
asip-services | A library to extend the core Asip library with additional services |
AsyncOTA | Asynchronous over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates for ESP32. |
AsyncWebSerial | Browser-based logging and debugging for ESP32 using the Web Serial API. |
AtTouch | Arduino Library for the Atmel AT42QT1070 QTouch 7-channel Sensor IC via i2c. |
AT42QT | Arduino library for the Microchip AT42QT series capacitive touch sensors. |
ATOM_DTU_CAT1 | Library for ATOM DTU CAT1 development kit |
ATOM_DTU_LoRaWAN | Library for ATOM DTU LoRaWAN development kit |
ATOM_DTU_NB | Library for ATOM DTU NB development kit |
AVR_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on AVR-based boards, such as Nano, UNO, Mega, Leonardo, 32u4, etc., to create and output PWM. |
AVR_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on AVR-based boards, such as Mega-2560, UNO,Nano, Leonardo, etc., to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
AX-Mini | Library for AX-Mini |
AY3891x | Library for General Instrument AY-3-8910, AY-3-8912 Programmable Sound Generator chip. |
BackSeatDriver | Simple move and turn semantics for self-driving vehicles. |
Balboa32U4 | Balboa 32U4 Arduino library |
Ballvalve | A library to control 5 wire electric ball valves like the US Solid MSV-00015. |
Bas.SinglePinDevice | A class for simple devices that can be turned on or off by writing to a single pin. |
basicMPU6050 | lightweight library for the MPU6050. |
Batflow | Battery lookup |
Battery_Shield | Библиотека для работы с Battery Shield - источником автономного питания (ИАП). |
BBE IoT Class Library | This is the C++ class library for students' use in IoT class to control smart systems. |
Better Joystick | A library that handles and processes inputs from dual-axis Arduino joysticks. |
BitFlash_Client | OTA firmware update library for ESP32 |
BitkitRobit | Arduino library for Bitkit Robit. |
BlenderServoAnimation | Library to control servos based on an exported Blender animation. |
BlinkControl | This is an Arduino/ESP32 module for easily manage multiple LED on/off, blinking or Buzzer beats with different pattern. |
BlueRobotics Arduino_I2C_ESC Library | A library for I2C based control of BlueRobotics ESCs |
bluemicro_nrf52 | A nRF52 Library for controler-specific functions like setting up GPIOs, Watchdog Timer and sleeping. |
bluemicro_rp2040 | A RP2040 Library for controler-specific functions like setting up GPIOs, Watchdog Timer and other hardware specific functions. |
bluemicro_samd | A SAMD Library for controler-specific functions like setting up GPIOs, Watchdog Timer and sleeping. |
Bluewhale | GameCube comms library using the RP2040s PIO |
BLVD20KM_asukiaaa | It controls BLVD20KM or BLVD40NM |
BM12O2321-A | Arduino library for 9-bit UART access to the BM12O2321-A/BMD12K232 that H-bridge Drive Module |
BM52D5021-1 | Arduino library for BM52D5021-1/BMN31K502 that Microporous Atomiser Module |
BM52D5121-1 | Arduino library for BM52D5121-1/BMN31K512 that Low Power Atomiser Module |
BMC | Fully featured MIDI Controller Library with a Companion Editor App for 32-bit Teensy boards, Requires Teensyduino. |
BME280_Zanshin | Access the Bosch BME280 temperature, humidity and pressure sensor |
BMI270_Sensor | Library for BMI270 sensor |
BMN31K522 | Arduino library for UART access to the BMN31K522 Atomization Adapter Module |
BMP73T102 | Arduino library for the BMP73T102 that Dual-channel Motor Driver Shield |
BMP73T104 | Arduino library for the BMP73T104 that Four-channel Motor Driver Shield |
BMP75M131 | Arduino library for I2C access to the BMP75M131 that Relay Module |
BMV36T001 | Arduino library for SPI access to the BMV36T001 that Record and Playback Shield |
BNO055SimplePacketComs | Serve the BNo055 sensor using a SimplePacketComs Server. |
BnrOneAPlus | Interfacing Bot´n Roll ONE A+ robot from botnroll.com |
Bofu | A library to send and receive bofu blinds controller messages. |
Bolder Flight Systems Controls | Controls library. |
Bolder Flight Systems PWM | Library for sending commands to PWM servos. |
Bolder Flight Systems SBUS | Library for communicating with SBUS receivers and servos. |
Botly | Librarie permettant de piloter le robot Botly développé par l'association La Machinerie |
BQ25896 | Arduino library for BQ25896 single-Cell Battery Charger |
BQ76952 | TI-BQ76952 BMS IC library for Arduino |
Braccio | Allows to move each Braccio parts using simple calls. |
BraccioRobot | Braccio Robot controller API. |
BraccioV2 | A library that enables more functionality for use with the Tinkerkit Braccio Arm. |
Brushless Servo | A library to use Brushless Motors with Servo syntax. |
BS811X_I2C | Arduino library for BS811X series touch chip I2C communication. |
BTS7960 | Library for BTS7960 Dual H-Bridge 43A DC Motor controller |
BTS7960_Motordriver | A library that helps control a brushed DC motor using BTS7960 motor driver easy. |
BusInOut_Arduino | BusInOut (mbed style multiple GPIO pins control) |
BusRepeater_NXP_Arduino | Demo code for PCA9617ADP-ARD |
ButtonMatrix | ButtonMatrix library for keypads directly connected to the Arduiono/ESP or via external IO |
ButtonnIRQ | Button function based on IRQ |
Buzzer | Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to simplify the use of the Buzzer. |
BY8X01-16P Audio Module Library | Library to control a BY8001-16P or BY83001-16P audio module from an Arduino board. |
Calliope Arduino library | Arduino library for Calliope mini V1 - V3 |
CanSatNeXT | A library for using the hardware resources of CanSat NeXT board |
CanSatNeXT_GNSS | Extension to the CanSatNeXT to add support for the GNSS module |
CAN_BUS_Shield | Seeed Arduino library to control CAN BUS and CAN BUS FD. |
Cat GFX Thermal Printer Library | Adafruit GFX compatible arduino library for using cat thermal printers with the ESP32 |
CD22M3494EZ | A library for controlling the CD22M3494EZ device. |
CD74HC4067 | A library for interfacing with the CD74HC4067 Mux. |
CERP - DF-Robot Wireless GamePad V2.0 for Arduino library | Is a lightweight library for DF-Robot Wireless GamePad V2.0 for Arduino |
CH55xSwitchControl | A library to automate Nintendo Switch games using CH55x microcontrollers. |
CH9329_Keyboard | This library and the CH9329 chip allows an Arduino board without USB capability to act as a keyboard. |
Chassis | Chassis is a C++ library for undercarriage control in robotics. |
CheapStepper | A library for the cheap but useful 28BYJ-48 5v stepper motor with ULN2003 driver board |
Circios Roboter-Steuerung | Arduino-Bibliothek zum Ansteuern des "Circios" Schulroboters |
CLAIRE | API to interface with CLAIRE water management demonstrator at DEIS-AAU. |
clicli | Command Line Interface for Arduino. |
CMMC_LED | An easy led controller |
CNCShield | Lightweight library for the Arduino CNC Shield. |
CoDrone | A library for CoDrone users |
CodingArray MotorShield V1 Library | A library for controlling the CodingArray MotorShield V1. Supports DC and stepper motors with microstepping and stacking capabilities. |
CoilCell | CoilCell Arduino Library |
Commanders | This is a library for Arduino to handle input devices like buttons, Dcc (railroad modeling), CAN or I2C bus, or serial interface to give orders. |
ConfigAssist | A lightweight library allowing managing configuration settings on ESP32 and ESP8266 devices devices using a web portal. |
ConfigurableFirmata | This library implements the Firmata protocol as a set of plugins that can be used to create applications to remotely interface with an Arduino board. |
ContinuousStepper | An Arduino library to spin stepper motors in continuous motions. |
ContinuousStepper_Generic | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on Generic boards to use PWM to control continuous Stepper Motor |
ControlAssist | Generate webserver pages on esp devices and control their html elements at runtime using web sockets. |
ControlLoop | An all in one, device controller with on/off, PID, and Cascade PID. |
ControlSystemsOS | A robotics library for interfacing with a dynamic set of plug-and-play low-level I2C modules through a high-level control systems API. |
ControleForno | Uma biblioteca para controle e automacao de forno tipo esteira. |
ControlledServo | A library to have more control over the movement of a servo. |
ControllerAsI2c_asukiaaa | It handles ESP32 as I2C device of receiver of wireless controller. |
CoogleIOT | An IOT library for ESP8266 to provide WiFi Configuration, MQTT Client, OTA updates and more. |
Corsair Lighting Protocol | Control LED strips via USB from a PC. |
CosmosNV2 | Biblioteca desenvolvida para Cosmos NV2 Shield |
Crazy-IoTik | library for IoTik |
CRC Simula Arduino IDE Library | Support Library for Chicago Robotics Simula Boards. |
CRC VCNL4200 Library | Library for control of the Vishay VCNL4200 proximity and ambient light sensor package. Now includes limited interrupt support. |
CSWBattery | The library for the diy smartwatch projects, which operates with their batteries. |
CSWButtons | The library for the diy smartwatch projects, which operates with their buttons. |
CTRL | Buttons, rotary encoders, potentiometers, leds & multiplexers. |
Cubigel | Read information from the Cubigel compressor system |
Custom PID | Library PID Control System. |
Cytron 3A Motor Driver Shield | Library for controlling Cytron 3A Motor Driver Shield |
Cytron G15 Shield | Library for controlling G15 Cube Servo |
Cytron Maker Sumo Library | Library for Cytron Maker Mini Sumo controller. |
Cytron Motor Drivers Library | Library for Cytron Motor Drivers. |
Cytron Servo Shield | Library for using Cytron Servo Shield |
Cytron_PikaBot | Library for Cytron PikaBot. |
DABShield | Library for controlling DABShield DAB/DAB+/FM digital radio shield |
DABDUINO | Library for controlling DABDUINO - DAB/DAB+ (digital radio) shield |
DalyBMSInterface | Daly BMS Serial Interface Library for Arduino |
DCCpp | This is a library to control DCC devices. |
DcDccNanoController | This library is made to build a basic Dcc controller on small Arduino Nano or Uno. |
DCMotor | Arduino DCMotor library with the L293D motor driver. |
DDBot | Provides simple functions to control a differential drive robot. |
DDC-CI VPC library | A simple library to control you monitor over DDC/CI |
Deneyap Cift Kanalli Motor Surucu | Deneyap Dual Channel Motor Driver TC78H660FTG |
Deneyap Kumanda Kolu | Arduino library for Deneyap Joystick |
Deneyap Role | Arduino library for Deneyap Relay |
Deneyap Servo | Arduino library to drive servo motors |
DeviceConfigJSON | Library enables device configuration using JSON. |
DeviceController | Control Board Pins states using Device Controller Web interface |
DFPlayerMini | A reliable, responsive and compact driver for DFPlayer Mini sound module for Arduino. |
DFPlayer Mini Mp3 by Makuna | Library for the DFPlayer Mini Mp3 module |
DFPlayerMini_Fast | Arduino library to interface with the DFPlayerMini MP3 module |
DFRobotDFPlayerMini | Driver for DFPlayer Mini from DFRobot |
DFRobot_CH423 | CH423 IO Expansion Module(SKU:DFR0979&DFR0980). |
DFRobot_GP8302 | I2C to 0-25mA DAC module(SKU:DFR0972). |
DFRobot_GP8403 | 0-10V DAC module(SKU:DFR0971). |
DFRobot_MaqueenPlus | educational robot library. |
DFRobot_MCP23017 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0626). |
DFRobot_RP2040_SCI | This is a library for a SCI Acquisition Module based on the Arduino platform(SKU:DFR0999). |
DFRobot_VisualRotaryEncoder | Visual rotary encoder driver library(SKU: SEN0502). |
DFR0534 | Class for controlling a DFR0534 audio module by SoftwareSerial or HardwareSerial |
DIYables_Keypad | The Arduino library for keypad. It works with any hardware platform such as Arduino, ESP32, ESP8266. |
DIYables_LED_Matrix | The Arduino library for LED Matrix. It works with any hardware platform such as Arduino, ESP32, ESP8266. |
Didactic Robot | Simple Didactic Robot library |
DigiCombo | Make for yourself a virtual digital pen and keyboard with Digispark Attiny85. |
DIGI-DOT-BOOSTER Library | An easy to use library to control the DD-Booster. |
DigiKeyboardBe | A library that allow to use the belgian azerty keyboard with digispark |
DigiKeyboardFr | A library that allow to use azerty keyboard with digispark |
DigiPotX9Cxxx | A library for X9Cxxx family digital potentiometers (X9Cxxx, xxx=102,103,104,503) |
DigiSpark_PWM | Hardware-based Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) for AVR ATtiny85-based boards using ATTinyCore up to 500 kHz. |
DimSwitch | A library to control dimmable ballasts for fluorescent light tubes. |
Dimmable Light for Arduino | This library allows to easily control dimmers (also known as thyristors). |
DimmerControl | Dimmer control functions, like soft on/off, dimming up/down etc. |
DINO PLC | This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support DINO PLC |
DINO-PLC-V2 | This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support DINO PLC V2 |
DIO2 | Fast digital input/output functions. |
DirectCurrent_Motor_Module | Simple library to control various motors and engines |
DJIMotorAlgoESP | A library for controlling DJI M3508, M2006, and GM6020: A Summary of the Algorithm Using ESP32.. |
DJIMotorCtrlESP | A library for controlling DJI M3508, M2006, and GM6020 motors using ESP32. |
DL_PAC_NK76 | Arduino library for remote control DeLonghi PAC NK76 |
DMStepper | A library to drive stepper motors. |
DMXasLED | Una libreria per il controllo di luci DMX usando ESP32 e freeRTOS |
DoubleResetDetect | Arduino library to check for double reset on ESP8266 |
DoubleResetDetector | Library to detect a double reset, using ESP8266 RTC Memory. |
DoubleResetDetector_Generic | Library to detect a double reset, using EEPROM, DueFlashStorage, FlashStorage_SAMD, FlashStorage_RTL8720, FlashStorage_STM32 or LittleFS/InternalFS. For AVR, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, RTL8720DN, MBED nRF52840-based Nano_33_BLE, Portenta_H7, etc. boards. Now using efficient FlashStorage_STM32 library and supporting new RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, Portenta_H7, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO and STM32 core v2.0.0 |
DpsPowerSupply | Control of Ruideng DPS power supply series thought serial port (DPS3003, DPS3005, DPS5005, DPS5015, DPS5020) |
Drive | Arduino library to use L298N motor bridge. (Works for all esp8266 boards also) |
DriveCell | DriveCell Arduino Library |
DRV2667 | Arduino library for DRV2667 Piezo Haptic Driver with Boost, Digital Front End, and Internal Waveform Memory |
DRV8251-Driver | A library that provides support for using brushed DC motors via the TI DRV8251 motor driver |
DRV8434S | DRV8434S stepper motor driver library for Arduino |
DRV8825 | Arduino library for DRV8825 stepper motor driver. |
DRV8835MotorShield | Arduino library for the Pololu DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Shield |
DRV8870 | DRV8870 Motor Driver Library for Arduino, ESP and STMboards |
DS MCP4018 Library | Arduino library for the MCP4018T-103E I2C digital potentiometer. |
Ds1302 | A C/C++ library to use DS1302 RTC chip. |
DS1631 | Use the Maxim Integrated DS1631 I2C Thermometer |
DS1804Ctrl | Arduino library for the DS1804 digital potentiometer, including helper functions for setting resistance, and using the EEPROM, and retrieving state. |
DS1881 | A driver for the Dallas/Maxim i2c logarithmic potentiometer. |
DS1881_2 | Controller for Maxim DS1881 and DS1882 Digital Pots |
DS3231M | Arduino library to use the Maxim Integrated DS3231 and DS3231M RTC (Real-Time-Clock) |
DS323x | Arduino library for DS3231/DS3232 Extremely Accurate I2C-Integrated RTC/TCXO/Crystal |
DS323x_Generic | Library for DS3231/DS3232 Extremely Accurate I2C-Integrated RTC/TCXO/Crystal |
DS4 | Dualshock 4 wired controller emulator. |
DSC Keybus Interface | Directly interface Arduino, esp8266, and esp32 to DSC PowerSeries and Classic security systems for integration with home automation, remote control apps, notifications on alarm events, and emulating DSC panels to connect DSC keypads. |
DTF_ESP32Update | Update ESP32 devices using Deploy the Fleet service. |
DTF_ESP8266Update | Update ESP8266 devices using Deploy the Fleet service. |
DualG2HighPowerMotorShield | Arduino library for the Pololu Dual G2 High Power Motor Driver Shields |
DualMAX14870MotorShield | Arduino library for the Pololu Dual MAX14870 Motor Driver Shield |
DualMC33926MotorShield | Arduino library for the Pololu Dual MC33926 Motor Driver Shield |
DualTB9051FTGMotorShield | Arduino library for the Pololu Dual TB9051FTG Motor Driver Shield |
DualVNH5019MotorShield | Arduino library for the Pololu Dual VNH5019 Motor Driver Shield |
DualVNH5019MotorShieldMod3 | Arduino library for the running two Pololu Dual VNH5019 Motor Driver Shields on an Arduino Mega |
Dx_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on Arduino AVRDx-based boards (AVR128Dx, AVR64Dx, AVR32Dx, etc.), using DxCore, to create and output PWM. |
Dx_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on Arduino AVRDx-based boards (AVR128Dx, AVR64Dx, AVR32Dx, etc.), using DxCore, to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
Dx_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on Arduino AVRDx-based boards (AVR128Dx, AVR64Dx, AVR32Dx, etc.) using DxCore |
Dynamixel | Arduino library for Dynamixel |
DynamixelShield | DynamixelShield Library for Arduino |
Dynamixel_Servo | Dynamixel_Servo is an Arduino compatible library for controlling Dynamixel MX and RX series servos. |
eFlexPwm | Arduino eFlexPwm library for Teensy 4.x |
ELi_MdM_4_00 | A library for using motor driver modules of E-LAGORi. |
eOS | ETC EOS library for OSC |
E220-900T22S-JP | Arduino E220-900T22S(JP) libraries. |
EasyAndee | Annikken EasyAndee Library for Annikken Andee U, Android and iOS boards. |
EasyAndee101 | Annikken EasyAndee Library for Arduino 101 |
EasyLed | Arduino library for controlling standard LEDs in an easy way. EasyLed provides simple logical methods like led.on(), led.toggle(), led.flash(), led.isOff() and more. |
easyLiDAR | Using vl53l5cx(tof64) LiDAR driver easy. |
EasyOpenTherm | OpenTherm Library to control Central Heating (CH), HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) or Solar systems by creating a thermostat using Arduino IDE and ESP32 / ESP8266 hardware. |
EasyPCF8574 | Generic library for PCF8574 easy to use |
EasyPCF8575 | The easiest library for PCF8575 |
EasySTEAM | Biblioteca para o controlador EasySTEAM |
Easyuino | It offers a set of APIs to easily make beginners use several different sensors and devices using only the Easyuino |
EEPROMextent | This is a library for Arduino to read/write complex data to EEPROM. |
EEPROM_STM_Arduino | Class library for NXP I2C multiplexer and switch |
egoShieldS | Library offering support for uStepper S egoShield |
egoShieldTeach | Library offering support for uStepper egoShield |
egoShieldTimeLapse | Library offering support for uStepper egoShield |
EgoSmartHeaterRS485 | Controlling the EGO Smart Heater via RS485 using Modbus |
Elegoo | This is a library to use the ELEGOO Smart Robot Car Kit. |
EncoderStepCounter | Quadrature Encoder library for half-step and full-step encoders. |
Endo-Continuum-Robot | The Endo Continuum Robot Library |
Energize Lab Servo | Library for controlling Energize Lab Servo. |
ENS160 - Adafruit Fork | Arduino library for the ENS160 digital four channel MOX gas sensor with I2C interface from ScioSense |
ENS210 | Arduino library for the ENS210 relative humidity and temperature sensor with I2C interface from ams |
EQSP32 | A library for controlling your EQSP32 - ESP32 Industrial IoT Controller. |
ESPboy | ESPboy Handheld Driver. |
ES32Lab | Library provided by ESDeveloperBR to facilitate the development of programs that utilize the ES32Lab board. |
ES920 | Arduino library for ES920/ES920LR FSK/LoRa wireless module |
Escon | A library for IoT Device |
escornabot | Arduino library for control of the Escornabot robot |
EspEasyUtils | ESP32 Easy Utils |
esp-fipsy | Fipsy FPGA programmer. |
ESP-FlexyStepper | This library is used to control one or more stepper motors from an ESP32 device |
ESPManager | ESP manager |
EspNowCam | ESPNowCam, a straightforward video streamer for popular ESP32Cam models, leveraging the ESPNow protocol. No need for IPs, routers, or credentials—keeping it simple! :D |
EspNowJoystick | Abstraction of ESP-Now and Protocol Buffers to have improved joystick for any kind of hardware |
ESP-StepperMotor-Server | A stepper motor control server for ESP32 with Web UI, REST API and CLI |
EspUsbHost | This is a library for using USB Host with ESP32. |
ESP32-audioI2S-master | With this library You can easily build a WebRadio with a ESP32 board and a I2S-module. |
ESP32CAR | Allows ESP32 boards to control MakistCar using |
ESP32-Chimera-Core | Alternate library for M5Stack/M5Core2/Odroid-Go/D-Duino and possiblly other ESP32/TFT/SD bundles |
ESP32 Control | This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 Control module.This library support all version of ESP32 Control module,ERS ,E1.0 |
ESP32 Control lite | This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 Control module.This library support all version of ESP32 Control module,ERS ,E1.0 |
ESP32Encoder | Encoder library for the ESP32 using interrupts. |
ESP32 FX1N PLC | This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support all version of ESP32 module 2.0RXO,MiniPLC-32u |
ESP32 Lite Pack Library | ESP32LitePack, M5Lite, A lightweight compatibility library. Support Devices:M5StickC, M5StickC Plus, M5Stack BASIC, M5Stack GRAY, M5Stack FIRE, M5Stack Core2, M5Stack ATOM Lite, M5Stack ATOM Matrix, M5Stack ATOM ECHO |
ESP32MX1508 | An ESP32 library that makes using mx1508 dual DC motor driver easier. |
ESP32PsramLock | Library to control ESP32 PSRAM |
ESP32Servo | Allows ESP32 boards to control servo, tone and analogWrite motors using Arduino semantics. |
ESP32TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on ESP32-based (including ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 and ESP32_C3) boards |
ESP32-USB-Soft-Host | "An Arduino wrapper to @sdima1357's usb_soft_host esp-idf example" |
ESP32WebRemoteControl | Web Remote COntrol |
ESP32_C3_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32_C3 board to control multiple servo motors. |
ESP32_C3_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32-C3-based board |
ESP32_FastPWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 or ESP32_C3-based boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
esp32_gamepad | connect ESP32 to SteelSeries:Free bluetooth gamepad. |
ESP32_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32 board to control multiple servo motors. |
esp32_moga | connect ESP32 to MOGA bluetooth gamepads |
ESP32_New_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3, ESP32_C3 boards to control multiple servo motors. |
ESP32_New_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 or ESP32_C3-based board |
ESP32_PWM | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 or ESP32_C3-based board to create and output PWM to pins. |
ESP32_S2_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32_S2 board to control multiple servo motors. |
ESP32_S2_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32-S2-based board |
ESP8266TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP8266-based board. |
ESP8266_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP8266 to control servo motors. |
ESP8266_PWM | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP8266-based board to create and output PWM to pins. |
ESP_DoubleResetDetector | Library to detect a double reset within a predetermined time, using RTC Memory, EEPROM, LittleFS or SPIFFS for ESP8266 and ESP32 |
ESP_MultiResetDetector | Library to detect a multi reset within a predetermined time, using RTC Memory, EEPROM, LittleFS or SPIFFS for ESP8266 and ESP32, ESP32_C3, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 |
Esplora | Grants easy access to the various sensors and actuators of the Esplora. For Arduino Esplora only. |
Etherkit Si5351 | A full-featured library for the Si5351 series of clock generator ICs from Silicon Labs |
Ethernet_Shield_W5200 | Arduino library to control Ethernet Shield W5200. |
ev3lego | PID controlled motor |
EventBasedFramework | EBF - Event Based Framework for Arduino |
EventEmitter | Lightweight Node.js-style EventEmitter for Arduino. |
evive | This ia a arduino libray for using evive. |
EVN | Software libraries for EVN Alpha. |
ExampleLibrary | An example of how to create a public Arduino Library, that is automatically uploaded into the Arduino Library Manager for public consumption. |
Excelsior | Functions as a beginners guide to programm the Excelsior-Brick. |
Excelsior_Ambassador | Functions as an extensions for the Excelsior Brick. |
Excelsior_Light | Used for easy use of the Excelsior Lightsensor |
FaBo 301 BLE SiliconLabs | A library for SiliconLabs BLE113. |
FaBo 307 BLE Nordic | A library for nRF5x. |
FanController | Arduino Library for controlling PC fans |
FastAccelStepper | A high speed stepper library for Atmega 168/168p/328/328p (nano), 32u4 (leonardo), 2560, ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3, ESP32C3, ESP32C6 and Atmel SAM Due |
FastLEDManager | FastLED Manager that can generate multiple sequences with layered (mixed) output |
FeatherFault | FeatherFault tells you why your Arduino program is crashing |
FED3 | This is a library for operating FED3 |
FFT | Library for FFT |
FingerLib | Allows for servo-like functionality for finger control. For Atmega 2560 (Almond PCB) and Arduino Zero (Chestnut) only. |
FiniteStateMachine | A synchronous time-sliced state management library to build responsive "embedded apps" via callbacks and conditional signal chaining. |
Firmata | Enables the communication with computer apps using a standard serial protocol. For all Arduino/Genuino boards. |
FirmataExpress | An enhanced version of StandardFirmata version 2.5.8 |
FirmataWithDeviceFeature | This library implements the Firmata protocol as a set of plugins that can be used to create applications to remotely interface with an Arduino board. |
Firmetix | The server for the Firmetix Project. |
FirstBuild - Relay | Control a relay by specifying a period and duty cycle. |
FlashLightLED | An Arduino library that can programmatically manipulate the LED color changing light strips controlled by a 44 Key IR Remote. |
FlexyStepper | Stepper motor control library for Arduino supporting in-motion changes. |
Force | This is a library for operating FORCE |
FORCE2 | This is a library for operating FORCE2 |
FourRegs | Prints the low-level configuration registers for Arduino-compatible boards which use an ARM SAMD51 processor. |
FreeRTOS_SAMD21 | FreeRTOS ported for Arduino SAMD21 processors |
FreeRTOS_SAMD51 | FreeRTOS ported for Arduino SAMD51 processors |
Freenove IR Lib for ESP32 | An Arduino library for IR remote receive on ESP32. |
Freenove RFID Lib for Pico | An Arduino library for RFID on Pico. |
FS_MX1508 | Library that makes using mx1508 dual DC motor driver easier. It can be used also with a lot of simple H-Bridge DC Motor Drivers using two input pins (such as DRV8871, RZ7886, TC118SS, etc...) |
GCodeParser | The GCodeParser library is a lightweight G-Code parser for the Arduino using only a single character buffer to first collect a line of code (also called a 'block') from a serial or file input and then parse that line into a code block and comments. |
GalvoController | A library for controlling laser scanners that use the XY2-100 protocol with G-code sent over serial. |
Gamebuino Classic | Create your own games on a fun and retro console. |
Gamebuino META | Make your first game within hours. |
GetInTouch | Arduino library for GetInTouch Twitch Extension. |
GhostLab42Reboot | Arduino library for GhostLab42's Reboot Triple-Display Board Set |
Gizmo | Support library for interacting with the Gizmo Platform from Arduino/Wiring. |
GlobalCovfefe | An emulation of a GlobalCache device with one IR sender and (optionally) an IR learner (demodulating or non-demodulating). |
gma3 | GrandMA3 library for OSC |
GoGoBoard Arduino Library | A library for built-in STM32 arduino core on GoGoBoard to enabled fully functional of hardware along with the used of students. |
GoProControl | A library that makes using GoPro Cameras a breeze. |
GobbitLineCommand | Basic to advanced line following, intersection detection, basic motor control, battery monitoring, gripper control, and basic collision detection with the Gobbit robot. |
Goldfish4Tech | Arduino demo code for project |
Goldfish4TechAirPump | Arduino Library for Goldfish4Tech air pump running code. |
Goldilocks Analogue DAC Library | DAC (MCP4822) functions for Goldilocks Analogue |
Goldilocks Analogue SPI RAM Library | Firmware for SPI solid state memory (including SRAM, FRAM, EEPROM) devices for Goldilocks Analogue |
GPStar Audio Serial Library | Control your GPStar Audio boards with serial communication commands. |
GPIO_NXP_Arduino | Class library for NXP GPIO drivers |
GPT_Stepper | Direct timer drive for A4988 stepper driver |
GRGB | Library for smooth RGB LED control |
GroveEncoder | Grove Encoder Library |
Grove Mini Track Ball | Arduino library to control Grove Mini Track Ball. |
GuaraTeca_Hardware | Bibliotecas de controle de diversas plataformas roboticas em baixo nivel. |
GuaraTeca_OBR | Biblioteca de controle de diversas plataformas roboticas. |
GuiN-E Bot | Arduino Library for building GuiN-E Bot Projects using ROS |
Guppy | Simplifies the control of the Guppy robot. |
Gyro_Tomer | simple gyro interface |
GyverDimmer | Phase and Bresenham algorithm for AC triac dimmer |
GyverHC595 | Fast SPI/BitBang library for 74HC595 shift register |
GyverMotor | Library for motor driver control |
GyverShift | Library for input and output shift registers (HC595 and HC165) |
GyverStepper | Fast library for stepmotor control and multi-axis planning |
Gyver433 | Simple library for 433 MHz radio |
HamShield | A library for use with HamShield by Enhanced Radio Devices. |
HamShield_KISS | A library for use with HamShield by Enhanced Radio Devices. |
Hanuman | Library for Hanuman |
Haptic_DA7280 | Arduino library for Dialog DA7280 Haptic Controller |
Haptic_DRV2605 | Arduino library for TI DRV2605L Haptic Controller |
HeatpumpIR | Heatpump / Air Conditioner infrared control |
HeidelbergInterface | Arduino Library to communicate with Heidelberg Wallbox Energy Control via Modbus RTU. |
Heltec ESP32 Dev-Boards | Library for Heltec ESP32 (or ESP32+LoRa) based boards |
Heltec ESP8266 Dev-Boards | Library for Heltec ESP8266 based boards |
Heltec_ESP32_LoRa_v3 | Proper working library for "Heltec ESP32 LoRa v3" and "Heltec Wireless Stick v3" boards. |
HerkulexServo | A library for communicating with Herkulex smart servos. |
HexFabQuadroMotorShield | Control up to four DC Motors and read their currents with this shield. |
HiTechnic-Arduino | Use the HiTechnic motor/servo controllers with your Arduino! |
HighPowerStepperDriver | High-Power Stepper Motor Driver library for Arduino |
HITIComm | Control and monitoring |
HITICommSupport | Support for HITIComm library |
HotButton | Button library for Arduino. The usual, plus "if (button.event(LONG, SHORT, LONG))" and more. |
htcw_button | Provides button functionality |
HUSB238 | Driver library for the HUSB238 USB-PD IC |
HydroinoJobMgr | A library for managing jobs/tasks associated with an arduino based controlled environment agricultural system. |
Hyperduino Library | Allows anyone to control H-Bridge for Hyperduino |
iMakerPS2 | A library that allows interfacing with PlayStation 1/2 controllers |
IRremoteESP8266 | Send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols (ESP8266/ESP32) |
I0Servo | Servo control. |
I2C AXP192 Power management | This is a library of AXP192, the Power Management for I2C connectivity. |
I2C BM8563 RTC | Library to control I2C RTC |
I2C MPU6886 IMU | Library to control I2C MPU6886 |
I2C SLG | Library to control I2C GreenPAK SLG46826 |
I2Cwrapper | I2Cwrapper is a generic modular framework which helps you implement Arduino based I2C target (slave) devices for control of non-I2C hardware. |
I2cControlPanel_asukiaaa | It communicate with a control panel via i2c. |
I2cMotors_asukiaaa | It controls i2c motor driver. |
I2cMultipleMotors_asukiaaa | Multiple motors driver |
iarduino_GPS_ATGM336 | Библиотека управления GPS модулем ATGM336. |
iarduino_Hexapod | Библиотека для управления Hexapod'ом (шестиногим пауком), через MultiServoShield. |
iarduino_I2C_4LED | Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash LED индикатором. |
iarduino_I2C_Address | Библиотека установки адресов для модулей серии FLASH-I2C. |
iarduino_I2C_Encoder | Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем энкодер-потенциометр. |
iarduino_I2C_IR | Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем ИК-приёмник/передатчик. |
iarduino_I2C_Joystick | Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем джойстик. |
iarduino_I2C_Keyboard | Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash клавиатурой. |
iarduino_I2C_Motor | Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash драйвером мотора. |
iarduino_I2C_ORP | Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем ORP-метр. |
iarduino_I2C_pH | Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем pH-метр. |
iarduino_I2C_TDS | Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем TDS/EC-метр. |
iarduino_I2C_Track | Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулями трассы. |
iarduino_MB_eCO2 | Библиотека для работы с датчиком углекислого газа по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII. |
iarduino_MB_HTL | Библиотека для работы с модулем датчиков влажности (H), температуры (T) и освещённости (L) по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII. |
iarduino_MB_pH | Библиотека для работы с pH-метром (датчиком кислотности жидкости) по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII. |
iarduino_MB_Pump | Библиотека для работы с насосами по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII. |
iarduino_MB_ShtSgpLtr | Библиотека для работы с модулем климатических датчиков по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII. |
iarduino_MB_Socket | Библиотека для работы с розеткой по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII. |
iarduino_MB_TDS | Библиотека для работы с TDS/EC-метром (датчиком минерализации жидкости) по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII. |
iarduino_Metro | Библиотека для работы с модулями из линейки Metro. |
iarduino_MultiServo | Библиотека для работы с Multi Servo Shield рассчитанным для работы с 16 сервоприводами. |
iarduino_NeoPixel | Библиотека для работы с адресными светодиодами WS2812B |
iarduino_PCA9555 | Библиотека для работы с I2C расширителем выводов PCA9555. |
IC Hack Badge | Driver code and examples for IC Hack 2025 badges. |
ICM7218 | Intersil-Renesas and Maxim ICM7218 and Intersil-Renesas ICM7228 LED driver library. |
ICM7218C | Maxim ICM7218C LED driver library. |
ICRS 101 | Example code for Robotics 101 |
IFX9201_XMC1300_StepperMotor | This library provides an interface to control a stepper motor through Infineon’s Stepper Motor Control Shield "KIT_XMC1300_IFX9201" with h-bridge IFX9201 and XMC1300 microcontroller. |
ILIB | Arduino library for ILOGICS DEVICE |
imuFilter | Sensor fusion for an IMU to obtain heading and velocity. |
InfinitePCA9685 | Manage and control multiple PCA9685 devices using a single object in Arduino. |
Ingenia Serial Servo Drive Library | Arduino library for control Ingenia Servo Drives using serial communication. |
InterruptStepper | A stepper library for the Arduino Due board that can run stepper motors using timer interrupts. |
IoTController | IoT Network Controller for ESP8266 and ESP32 |
IoT Suite | IoT Suite is a simple, easy to use platform for building IoT solutions. |
IOTKME | Currency Conversion and Stepper motor control and loadcell reader library for more informtion visit https://kmetechnology.com. |
IOXESP32Audio | With this library You can easily build a WebRadio with a ESP32 board with IOXESP32 Audio shield. |
IOXESP32Motor | With this library You can control motor with IOXESP32 Motor shield |
IP236x | A library for controlling and monitoring the IP2366/IP2368 charging IC via I2C. |
IQ Module Communication | A library for communicating with and controlling IQ motor modules. |
irBoard Library for ESP32 | This library is to become a host of irBoard app by the ESP32 device. |
ISL1208-RTC-Library | Arduino library for Intersil ISl1208 RTC chip. |
IwitVolumeKnob | Library to support the hardware built into many chinese volume knobs (iWit) |
JMotor | This library uses polymorphism and defines common interfaces for reading encoders and controlling motors allowing for easy open or closed loop motor control. |
JavaScript | JavaScript interpreter for Arduino |
jm_PCF8574 | PCF8574 Arduino Library. |
jm_Pin | Pin Arduino Library. |
Joystick | Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to simplify the use of the Joystick. |
JoystickController | This is a library to simplify joystick control. |
Joystick_ESP32S2 | Allows an ESP32S2/S3 board with USB capabilities to appear as a Joystick or Gamepad. |
JrkG2 | Jrk G2 library for Arduino |
JTAG | A library to perform JTAG operations and play XSVF. |
JTAG_Interface | Library for establishing a live JTAG communication between the MCU and FPGA of the Arduino Mkr Vidor 4000. |
KAI Pro Library | Grants easy access to the various species of the Kai Pro. |
Kangaroo Motion Controller | Use reliable Packet Serial to communicate with your Kangaroo. |
KCN_Utility | a simplified motor and sensor driver.\n |
KeyMatrix | KeyMatrix is poll event library for matrix keypads. |
KeySequence | A library for sending complex keyboard sequences. |
Keyboard | Allows an Arduino board with USB capabilities to act as a Keyboard. |
KeyboardAzertyFr | Keyboard library adaptation that allows an Arduino/Genuino board with USB capabilites to act as a french AZERTY Keyboard. |
keybrd | A library for creating custom-keyboard firmware. |
Keypad | Keypad is a library for using matrix style keypads with the Arduino. |
KiddeeExpress | An enhanced version of the already enhanced FirmataExpress version 1.2 |
KIM | Library with examples for KIM1 shield v2 (no longer distributed) on Arduino platforms |
KIM Arduino Library | Handles the interface between KIM shield and Arduino. |
Kionix_KX023 | 3-axis accelerometer KX023-1025 library |
KMESerial | KME Iot Cloud https://kmetechnology.com. |
KmeStepper | Stepper motor control and loadcell reader library for more informtion visit https://kmetechnology.com. |
Kniwwelino | KniwwelinoLib Base Library for the Kniwwelino Board |
KWP2000 | A library that makes interfacing with motorbikes a breeze. |
kxnTask | Simple state machine |
L293 | A library to control motors with the L293x motor driver and L298x compatible modules |
L293D | Allows an Arduino board to use control a motor using a L293D. |
L298N | L298N library for Arduino |
L298NDriver | A library that makes using L298N motor driver much easier. |
L298N_MotorDriver | Arduino driver library for DC-Motors |
L298Nlib | Library for controlling L298N Motor Controller based on the Adafruit Motor Shield Library |
LapI2CTop | LapI2CTop supports a branched topology I2C network, using the ubiquitous TCA9748 multiplexers |
LapX9C10X | A library to drive the X9C102/103/104/503 Digitally Controlled Potentiometers |
LC_lilParser | A library for setting up a simple command parser. (Do the command line thing.) |
LC_slowServo | Control the speed of your RC servos. NON BLOCKING |
LCDDrivers_NXP_Arduino | Class library for NXP LCD driver |
LcdUi | This library is made to build sophisticated User Interface on Arduino for text Lcds. |
LEADS | Lightweight Embedded Assisted Driving System Arduino Library |
LeafonySTM32 | Library for Leafony STM32 basic kit |
Leaphy Extensions | Provides functionality to program all Leaphy robots |
Leaphy Extra Extension | Provides Extra functionality to Leaphy robots |
Leaphy Original Extension | Provides functionality to program Leaphy Original robots |
LectroboxKeypadShield | Driver for the Lectrobox Keypad Shield. |
LectroboxPCJoyShield | Driver for the Lectrobox DB-15 PC Joystick Shield. |
LED | Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to simplify the use of the LED. |
LEDDrivers_NXP_Arduino | Class library for NXP LED drivers |
LedRGBlib | RGB LED library for Arduino (ENG+ESP) |
LedUtil | Controls leds to on/off/blink |
LED744511 | 74'4511 LED Driver Library |
Legoino | Library for controlling PoweredUp, Boost, Corntrol+ controllers/hubs |
Lepton FLiR Thermal Camera Module Library | Library to control a Lepton FLiR (forward looking infrared) thermal camera module from an Arduino-like board (Teensy 3+/ESP32+ minimum). |
LevelShifter_NXP_Arduino | Demo code for NTS0304EUK-ARD |
LibLanc | Allow camera control via the Sony lanc protocol |
libTrial | Library to add two numbers |
LightDimmer | This library allows to drive LEDs to simulate railroad signals. |
LightEffect | This library allows you to easily create light animations from an Arduino board or an ATtiny microcontroller (traffic lights, chaser, shopkeeper sign, etc.) |
light_CD74HC4067 | A lightweight library for interfacing with CD74HC4067 Mux. |
LightningStepper | Control a stepper motor with position tracking, interrupts, and calibration. |
LILCMU GoGoBright Library | An extension board for KidBright aim to enabled fully functional of hardware along with the used of students. |
LilyGo-AMOLED-Series | Library for LilyGo T-Display AMOLED Series |
LilyGo-T-RGB | Library for LilyGo T-RGB |
LilyGO T-Wristband and T-Glass | Library for LilyGO T-Wristband and T-Glass |
LineFollowerPID | Line follower robot library. |
Linear Position Control | Position controllers for linear actuators with low-cost components. |
LiquidCrystalWired | Device driver for AiP31068 based controllers. |
Liquid Handling Robotics | Liquid handling robotics kit: low-level control software. |
LircPlayer101 | Infrared bitbanger for Arduino 101 |
LispIO | new lightweight IO function |
LispMotor | L298x driver |
Lithium-Powered | All-In-One Code Solution for Lithium Battery Management using the LTC4150 Coulomb Counter circuit. |
LM96163 | Driver for LM96163 Fan Controller |
LoR | Handles LoR related background functions |
LTC230x | Arduino library for LTC230x (LTC2301, LTC2305, and LTC2309) 12-Bit ADCs with I2C Interface |
Luni | Implements a framework for device drivers for use on the Arduino. |
LVGL_CYD | Running LVGL on CYD, all the boilerplate stuff. |
lx16a-servo | Simple Arduino library to operate ALX-16A, LX-224, HTS-35H and LX-15D serial servos. |
Lynxmotion Smart Servo -LSS- | A library that makes using the LSS simple. |
mDriver | LM398n motor driver library(SKU:LM398n). |
mPower | Control a Ubiquiti mPower pro IP power switch |
M5-ADS1100 | Library for Unit & Hat ADC |
M5-ADS1115 | Library for Unit Ameter & Vmeter |
M5Atom | Library for M5Atom Core development kit |
M5AtomS3 | Library for M5AtomS3 Core development kit |
M5BurnerNVS | Library for M5BurnerNVS |
M5Core-Ink | Library for M5CoreInk development kit |
M5CoreS3 | Library for M5CoreS3 Core development kit |
M5Core2 | Library for M5Stack Core2 development kit |
M5-DLight | Library for M5Stack Unit & HAT DLight |
M5-Depends | Library for M5 |
M5EPD | Library for M5Paper development kit |
M5Family | Convergence of the relevant dependencies used in M5 products. |
M5-FPC1020A | Library for Finger Unit |
M5Hat-8Servos | Library for M5 HAT 8SERVO |
M5Hat-JoyC | Library for M5Hat JoyC |
M5-LoRa-E220-JP | Library for M5-LoRa-E220-JP |
M5-LoRaWAN | Library for UNIT LoRaWAN |
M5Module-4Relay | Library for M5Stack MODULE 4RELAY |
M5Module-GNSS | Library for M5Stack GNSS Module |
M5ModuleLLM | M5ModuleLLM is a library for M5ModuleLLM |
M5NanoC6 | Library for M5NanoC6 Board |
M5-Outdepends | Library for M5 |
M5PoECAM | Library for M5Stack PoE-CAM development kit |
M5-RoverC | Library for M5Stack RoverC & RoverC-Pro |
M5Stack | Library for M5Stack Core development kit |
M5StackMenuSystem | A quick way to create nice menus for M5 Stack devices with just a few lines of code |
M5StackToio | This library allows your M5Stack micro-controller to control your SONY toio core. |
M5Stack_Avatar | Yet another avatar module for M5Stack |
M5StampC3LED | M5Stamp C3 Mate LED library. |
M5Station | Library for industrial level controller with M5Station(SKU:K123,K124) |
M5StickC | Library for M5StickC Core development kit |
M5StickCPlus | Library for M5StickC Plus development kit |
M5StickCPlus2 | Library for M5Stack M5StickCPlus2 Board |
M5-SX127x | Library for M5Stack SX127x LoRa |
M5Unit-4RELAY | Library for M5Stack 4RELAY UNIT |
M5Unit-ACSSR | Library for M5Stack UNIT ACSSR |
M5Unit-ANADIG | Library for M5Stack UNIT ADC,DAC using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-BLDC | Library for M5Stack Unit BLDC |
M5Unit-CAN | Library for M5Stack M5Unit-CAN |
M5Unit-CatM | Library for M5Stack Unit CatM SIM7080 |
M5Unit-COLOR | Library for M5Stack UNIT COLOR using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-DDS | Library for M5Stack Unit DDS |
M5Unit-Encoder | Library for M5Stack Unit Encoder |
M5Unit-ENV | Library for M5Stack UNIT ENV |
M5Unit-EXTIO2 | Library for Unit EXTIO2 |
M5Unit-GESTURE | Library for M5Stack UNIT GESTURE using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-HEART | Library for M5Stack UNIT HEART using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-HUB | Library for M5Stack UNIT HUB using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-IMU-Pro-Mini | Library for M5Stack M5Unit-IMU-Pro-Mini |
M5Unit-KMeter | Library for M5Stack UNIT KMeter |
M5Unit-METER | Library for M5Stack UNIT METER using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-MQTT | Library for M5Stack UNIT MQTT |
M5Unit-PbHub | Library for M5Stack UNIT PbHub |
M5Unit-PoESP32 | Library for M5STACK UNIT PoESP32 |
M5UnitQRCode | Library for M5Stack UNIT QRCode |
M5Unit-RELAY | Library for M5Stack RELAY UNIT |
M5Unit-RTC | Library for BM8563 RTC |
M5Unit-Sonic | Library for M5Stack Unit Sonic series |
M5Unit-Thermal2 | Library for M5Stack UNIT Thermal2 |
M5Unit-THERMO | Library for M5Stack UNIT THERMO using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-ToF4M | Library for M5Stack M5Unit-ToF4M |
M5Unit-TOF | Library for M5Stack UNIT TOF using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-UHF-RFID | Library for M5Stack Unit UHF-RFID |
M5UnitUnified | M5UnitUnified is a library for unified handling of various M5 units products. (Alpha version) |
M5Unit-WEIGHT | Library for M5Stack UNIT METER using M5UnitUnified |
M5UnitWeightI2C | Library for M5Stack M5Unit WeightI2C |
M5UNIT_8Encoder | Library for M5UNIT_8Encoder |
M5_BMM150 | Library for M5_BMM150 |
M5_EzData | An IoT cloud data storage service |
M62429 Volume Control Library | M62429/FM62429 Serial data control dual electronics volume library for Arduino. |
M8058 | Arduino library for M8058E, M8058S and M8026S melody IC control. |
MakeBlockDrive | Use to drive all devices provided by Makeblock company. |
MakeBlock Drive Updated | Use to drive all devices provided by Makeblock company. |
MakerBoard | Library for MakerBoard(メイカーボード) |
Makerlabvn_I2C_Motor_Driver | Driver for 2-DC motor and 2-RC motor |
Makerlabvn_SimpleMotor | Driver for 2-DC motor. |
ManuvrDrivers | A collection of non-blocking flexible hardware drivers written around CppPotpourri. |
Masaylo | Arduino library for control of the Masaylo robot |
MaterialBoard | This library implements the Firmata protocol for use with the VirtualBoard project to remotely interface with an Arduino board. |
Matrix Color Sensor | An RGBW color sensor. |
Matrix Controller | A combined DC Motor controller and servo controller. |
MatrixKeypad | Simple to use library to interface matrix keypads. |
Matrix Laser Sensor | a laser rangefinder. |
Matrix Mini Library | An Arduino Uno(R3) based robot controller. |
MatrixMiniR4 | An Arduino R4 based Robotics controller made by MATRIX Robotics. |
Matrix Motion Sensor | An inertial measurement unit 6-degree of freedom sensor. |
Matrix Motor Extension | A 4 channel DC motor controller. |
Matrix Servo Extension | A 8 channel RC Servo controller. |
MAX11643 | Arduino library for MAX11643 ADCs |
MAX17048 | Arduino library for MAX17048/MAX17049 1-Cell/2-Cell Fuel Gauge with ModelGauge |
MAX31855 | Arduino Library to read temperatures from a thermocouple using the MAX31855 chip |
MAX541X | Arduino library for the MAX5417/18/19 I2C Digital Potentiometers. |
MB85_FRAM | Read and Write to the Fujitsu FRAM devices in the MB85 Family of memories |
MBED_RP2040_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM to create and output PWM to pins on RP2040 board to create and output PWM to pins. |
MBED_RP2040_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on RP2040-based boards, such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, with Arduino-mbed (mbed_nano or mbed_rp2040) core to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
MBED_RPI_PICO_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on RP2040-based boards such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO |
MCP4131 library | A library to control an MCP4131 digital potentiometer |
MCP4132 | MCP4132 library for interfacing the MCP4132 digital potentiometer with Arduino and compatible MCU. |
MCP4151 | SPI library to interface with the MCP4151 digital potentiometer. |
MCP4461 | Control MCP4461 i2c quad potentiometer/rheostat devices |
MCP45HVX1 | Library for MCP45HVX1 digital potentiomters, |
MCP4661_asukiaaa | It controls potentiometer MCP4661. |
MCP4728 | Arduino library for MCP4728 quad channel, 12-bit voltage output Digital-to-Analog Convertor with non-volatile memory and I2C compatible Serial Interface |
MCP7940 | Arduino library to use the Microchip MCP7940 RTC (Real-Time-Clock) |
MCUVoltage | MCUVoltage measures the voltage supply (Vcc) of Arduino without extra components. |
MD_AD9833 | Library for using a AD9833 Programmable Waveform Generator. |
MD_Cubo | Library for device independent LED Cubes. |
MD_DS1307 | Library for using a DS1307 Real Time Clock. |
MD_DS3231 | Library for using a DS3231 Real Time Clock. |
MD_MAXPanel | Implements functions to manage a panel of MAX72xx based LED modules |
MD_MAX72XX | Implements functions that allow the MAX72xx (eg, MAX7219) to be used for LED matrices (64 individual LEDs) |
MD_MSGEQ7 | Implements functions for the MSGEQ7 7 band equalizer IC |
MD_SmartCar | Core functions for movement control of a 2 wheeled SmartCar Robot using DC motors. |
MD_SmartCar2 | Core functions for movement control of a 2 wheeled SmartCar Robot using Stepper motors. |
MD_Stepper | Stepper Motor control |
MD_YM2413 | Library for Yamaha YM2413 sound synthesizer. |
Mechatro | A library to control motors with the L293x motor driver 메카트로 보드 모터 컨트롤 라이브러리 (L298x드라이버 사용하는 모든 프로젝트 사용 가능) |
megaAVR_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on megaAVR-based boards, such as UNO WiFi Rev2, AVR_Nano_Every, etc., to create and output PWM. |
megaAVR_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on an Arduino megaAVR board, such as UNO WiFi Rev2, AVR_Nano_Every, etc., to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
megaAVR_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an Arduino megaAVR board, such as UNO WiFi Rev2, AVR_NANO_EVERY, etc. |
Melody Player | This library provides an intuitive interface to play melodies on buzzers |
MergedStreams | Make an Arduino stream which writes reads and writes from two streams. |
Meridian | This is a library to drive a communication system for humanoid robots, "Meridian". |
MHGroveBLE | Interface with Grove BLE v1 modules. |
MicroConfig | Configuration menus for microcontrollers. |
microDS3231 | Light library for DS3231 RTC module |
microLED | Light library for addressable LEDs |
micro Maqueen | Simple library for the DF Robot micro:Maqueen BBC Micro:Bit Robot |
Microbot_Motor_Shield | Dual DC Motor Shield V2 library for Arduino |
Microsoft_HidForWindows | Reference implementations of various Windows-compatible Human-Interface-Devices (HIDs). |
MIDI Device Controller | Musical control of devices via the MIDI interface |
MIDIUSB | Allows an Arduino board with USB capabilites to act as a MIDI instrument over USB. |
MINDS-i-Common | Common code to assist with running MINDS-i platforms |
MINDS-i-Drone | Code to assist with running MINDS-i Drones |
MINDS-i-Farming | Code for MINDS-i Farming applications |
MINDS-i-Foundations | Code to assist with running MINDSi robots |
MiniPLC_FX2N | This library providing a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support all version of MiniPLC-32u |
Mintrix | Library for the Mintrix project. |
MKHC595 | A powerful but easy to use 74HC595 Library |
MKRWiFiLed | Control the RGB led on the MKR WiFi board. |
MKS_SERVO42 | This library is used to control one or more Nema17 with MKSSERVO42 driver from an Arduino device |
MKS_SERVO57 | This library is used to control one or more Nema23 with MKSSERVO57 driver from an Arduino device |
MobaTools | Functions (steppers, servos, leds) for model railroaders( and for others too ) |
Modmata | Control an Arduino over Modbus |
MODSPI | Library for interfacing with MODSPI modules and controllers. |
Modular | Minimalist library for Modular |
ModuleMore Sumo V2 | Library for ModuleMore Sumo robot controller. |
MODULE_2RELAY | Library for M5Stack MODULE 2RELAY |
MODULE_4IN8OUT | Library for M5Stack MODULE 4IN8OUT |
Module_GRBL_13.2 | Library for M5Stack GRBL13.2 MODULE |
Module_Stepmotor | Library for M5Stack MODULE DIRECT STEPMOTOR |
Modulo | A library that provides support for Modulo hardware. |
MOREbot Games Library | MOREbot Games Kit Utilities Library |
MOREbot Library | MOREbot Controller Library |
MOS Electronics AY-3-8910 Library | This is a library for the GI AY-3-8910. |
Mosiwi_Basic_Learning_Kit | Library for Mosiwi basic learning kit. |
Moteus | Driver for mjbots moteus brushless servo controller |
motix-btn99x0 | Arduino library for the Infineon DC Motor Control Shield with BTN9970LV and BTN9990LV |
MotoMama Library | Simple library for H-Bridge MotoMama. |
MotorCell | MotorCell Arduino Library |
MotorController | Easy to use Arduino library to control virtually any DC motor controller |
MotorCVD_asukiaaa | It communicate with a motor driver CVD. |
MotorDMKB4_asukiaaa | It controls DMKB4 or DMKB5 |
Motor Driver Library | Motor Driver Library for Arduino Shields with L293D and 74HC595 |
MotorGo_Mini_Driver | The MotorGo Mini driver provides an API to interface with the motor controllers on the MotorGo Mini board. |
MotorVID28 | A library for controlling VID28 or equivalent stepper motors (BKA30D-R5, X25). |
Motor_RS | Library for L293D. |
Motoron | Motoron Motor Controller library for Arduino |
Mouse | Allows an Arduino/Genuino board with USB capabilites to act as a Mouse. |
MovingPlatform | Library for collector motors drivers. |
MP3Player | Library for playing MP3 files |
MPR121 | Proximity capacitive touch sensor controller Arduino library. |
MPU9250 | Arduino library for MPU9250 Nine-Axis (Gyro + Accelerometer + Compass) MEMS MotionTracking™ Device |
mrm-8x8a | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-8x8a, 8x8 LED array + switches |
mrm-bldc2x50 | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-bldc2x50, 2x50A BLDC motor controller |
mrm-bldc4x2.5 | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-bldc4x2.5, 4x2.5 A BLDC motor controller |
mrm-board | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-board |
mrm-can-bus | CAN Bus library |
mrm-col-b | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-col-b |
mrm-col-can | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-col-can |
mrm-common | Common library for MRMS CAN Bus boards |
mrm-fet-can | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-fet-can |
mrm-imu | Library for Bosch BNO055 IMU for MRMS |
mrm-ir-finder-can | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ir-finder-can |
mrm-ir-finder2 | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ir-finder2 |
mrm-ir-finder3 | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ir-finder3 |
mrm-lid-can-b | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-lid-can-b |
mrm-lid-can-b2 | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-lid-can-b2 |
mrm-lid-d | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-lid-d |
mrm-lid1 | Library for MRMS mrm-lid1 board |
mrm-lid2 | Library for MRMS mrm-lid2 |
mrm-mot2x50 | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-mot2x50 |
mrm-mot4x10 | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-mot4x10 |
mrm-mot4x3.6can | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-mot4x3.6can |
mrm-node | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-node |
mrm-pid | Library for a very simple PID |
mrm-ref-can | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ref-can |
mrm-robot | CAN Bus library for a base class for used-defined robots. |
mrm-servo | Library for MRMS mrm-servo |
mrm-switch | Library for MRMS mrm-switch |
mrm-therm-b-can | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-therm-b-can. |
mrm-us-b | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-us-b |
mrm-us1 | CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-us1 |
MT-arduino-stepper-driver | Stepper motor driver library for the Arduino platform, to control stepper motors via stepper motor drivers that have a "step-direction-enable" interface. |
MteCore | MteCore - Library For MTE Controller |
MTR_STUSB4500 | Arduino driver library for STUSB4500 |
Multi Channel Relay Arduino Library | Arduino library to control Multi Channel Rely. |
MultiFuncShield | Arduino Multi Function Shield Library |
multi-half-bridge | Library of Infineon Multi Half-Bridge IC controllers family |
MultiResetDetector_Generic | Library to detect a multi reset, using EEPROM, DueFlashStorage, FlashStorage_SAMD, FlashStorage_RTL8720, FlashStorage_STM32 or LittleFS/InternalFS. For AVR, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, RTL8720DN, MBED nRF52840-based Nano_33_BLE, Portenta_H7, etc. boards. Now using efficient FlashStorage_STM32 library and supporting new RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO and STM32 core v2.0.0 |
mupplet-core | muwerk mupplet Core Library |
mupplet-display | muwerk mupplet Display Library |
Muse_library | A library for the ESP MUSE devices (LUXE, PROTO, MANGA, RADIO) by Raspiaudio |
Musician | This library implements a virtual musician. You can easily ask him to play a melody, based on the MELO music notation from the Melody Library. |
MUX_SW_NXP_Arduino | Class library for NXP I2C multiplexer and switch |
MX1508 | A library that makes using mx1508 dual DC motor driver easier. |
Mybotic Durian Blynk ESP8266 | Library for using Durian UNO + ESP8266 |
nRF52_MBED_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM to create and output PWM to pins on an nRF52840-based Nano_33_BLE board. |
nRF52_MBED_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on an nRF52-based board using Arduino-mbed mbed_nano core such as Nano-33-BLE to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
nRF52_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on nRF52-based boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
nRF52_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on an nRF52-based board using Adafruit_nRF52_Arduino core such as Itsy-Bitsy nRF52840 to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
N64Controller | Arduino library to connect a Nintendo 64 controller (N64 controller). |
N64Pad | Interface with Nintendo 64/GameCube controllers |
Namino_Industrial_Boards | Namino industrial board |
NanoConnectHcSr04 | HC-SR04 support for the Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect. |
NanoPlayBoard | Enables easy access to the sensors and actuators of the Arduino NanoPlayBoard. |
Navigador | Arduino library for dual DC motor navigation. |
NecDecoder | Light library for IR receiver with NEC protocol |
NeoPixelConnect | An experimental NeoPixel Library for the Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect. |
Neosegment | Simple control of Neosegment Displays |
NesRob | Manipulates the Nintendo R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Buddy). |
NeuroMaster | A library that allows Arduino Uno to interface with NeuroMaster BrainAI Device. |
NewServo | An easy-to-use servo motor library for Arduino. |
Nexgen_Rover | The Nexgen_Rover code library contains code to control the Nexgen Rover including a number of examples |
NHBot | A Library for control NHBot |
NH8CHIR-lib | This library is a library that use for control a NH8CHIR |
NintendoSwitchControlLibrary | A library for microcontrollers that uses Arduino to automate Nintendo Switch games. |
NL2Client | An easy-to-use client for the NoLimits 2 Telemetry Server |
nodepp | nodepp is a C++ library that allow building applications in C++ as if it were being written in NodeJS compatible with Arduino Uno. |
NonBlockingSequence | Allows Arduino programmer to create sequence of actions and pauses without blocing the thread. |
NRF52_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware PWM modules on nRF52832/nRF52840 board to control multiple servo motors. |
NRF52_MBED_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an NRF52-based board using mbed-RTOS such as Nano-33-BLE. |
NRF52_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an nRF52-based board |
nrf_rng | True non-deterministic random numbers for nRF5 series chips. MIT License. |
NTPClient_Generic | Library for NTPClient to connect to an NTP time-server |
nuMROBO | An Arduino library for programming nuMROBO robot made by nuMectro Technology. |
NukiClientESP | Library for accessing the nuki smartlock with an ESP8266 |
NXP PCA9633 | Device driver for NXP PCA9633. |
ODriveArduino | Library to control ODrive motor controllers |
OCServo | Allows user to control ROBS series servos (OCServo manufacturer). |
Octofet | Amperka Octofet board (eight-channel power switch) interface library. |
OneSheeld | It allows you to control your 1Sheeld(s). |
Onion Arduino Library | Onion library for use with the Arduino IDE and the Arduino Dock. |
OpenBCI_32bit_Library | The library for controlling OpenBCI Cyton (32bit) boards. The Cyton is the main one. |
OpenBCI_32bit_SD | The library for controlling OpenBCI Cyton (32bit) SD cards. |
OpenBCI_Ganglion_Library | The library for OpenBCI Ganglion board. Please use the DefaultGanglion.ino file in the examples to use the code that ships with every Ganglion board. Look through the skimmed down versions of the main firmware in the other examples. |
OpenBCI_Radios | The library for OpenBCI RFDuino system for GZLL |
OpenBCI_Wifi | The core of the OpenBCI Wifi Shield. |
OpenBCI_Wifi_Master | The library for controlling Push The World - OpenBCI Wifi Shield |
optoma | Arduino library to control Optoma W305ST beamer over RS232. |
OrientalAZ_asukiaaa | It controls motor driver AZ series. |
OrientalBLVR_asukiaaa | It controls BLV typeR series of Oriental Motor. |
OrientalCommon_asukiaaa | Common api of rs485 of oriental motor. |
OSC | Open Sound Control (OSC) |
OSP 2wireSPI aospi | A library that implements 2-wire SPI towards and from OSP nodes. |
OSP CommandInterpreter aocmd | A library with a command interpreter (over UART/USB) and handlers for OSP telegrams. |
OSP Middleware aomw | A library with middleware for OSP applications. |
OSP ResultCodes aoresult | A library that defines all error codes that may occur in any of the OSP libraries. |
OSP ReusableApps aoapps | A library with reusable "apps" for OSP chains. |
OSP Telegrams aoosp | A library that constructs OSP telegrams to send, and destructs received OSP telegrams. |
OSP ToplevelSketches aotop | A "library" that acts as a container for top-level OSP demo sketches and for top-level OSP documentation. |
OSP UIDriversOSP32 aoui32 | A library with drivers for the UI elements on the OSP32 board (the OSP/SAID root MCU board). |
OttoArduinoLib | Arduino library for Otto and Otto Lee robot. |
OttoDIYLib | Otto DIY official Arduino Libraries. |
PVision | This Arduino library is for talking to the DFRobot IR camera. |
Pasos | Allows Arduino boards to control a the stepper motor model 28BYJ-48. |
PaunaStepper | Allows Arduino boards to control hobby stepper motor such as model 28BYJ-48 5v with ULN2003. |
PCA9536Arduino | Arduino library for PCA9536 4-Bit I2C and SMBus I/O Expander With Configuration Registers |
PCA9536_RGB | PCA9536 RGB LED Driver |
PCA9547 | Arduino library for PCA9547 (8-channel I2C-bus multiplexer with reset) |
PCA9554 | PCA9554 8 bit I2C port expander arduino/esp library |
PCA95x5 | Arduino library for PCA9535 and PCA9555 (Remote 16-bit I2C and SMBus I/O Expander with Interrupt Output and Configuration Registers) |
PCA9622 | Library for interaction with the PCA9622 LED Driver |
PCA9624 | Arduino library for PCA9624 8-bit Fm+ I2C-bus 100 mA 40 V LED driver |
pca9633 | Control NXP PCA9633 (and 9632) four channel PWM led driver chips. |
PCA9685 | PCA9685 16-channel 12-bit PWM controller. |
PCA9685 16-Channel PWM Driver Module Library | Library to control a PCA9685 16-channel PWM driver module from an Arduino board. |
PCF2129 | Arduino library for RTC PCF2129 with integrated quartz crystal |
PE43xx | Simplifies usage of PE43xx family of attenuators. |
Pelco_And_Arduino | This library makes Pelco cameras moves! |
pepstep | Stepper Motor Scheduler for Arduino |
PERIPUMP | Arduino library for peristaltic pump DFR0523 and compatibles. |
PestoLink-Receive | Library for communicating over BLE to PestoLink-Online. |
PI4IOE5V6416 | Arduino library for PI4IOE5V6416 16-bit general-purpose I/O expander |
PI4IOE5V9554 | Arduino library for PI4IOE5V9554 8-bit general-purpose I/O expander |
Piano Board | PianoBoard library for the Piano Board from Cheerful Electronic |
PicoPLC | This library providing a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support all version of Raspberry pi PICO,PICO W |
PicoStep | Library for controlling stepper motors with RP2040 through an H-bridge |
pid-autotune | PID autotuning library |
PIDController | A library that implements PID control to your code. |
PID controllers Modular Professional | Professional PID controllers: continuous, step, impulse and twelve control functions |
PID_DG | An improved PID library |
Pikabot | An Arduino library for controlling PikaBot. |
Pinduino | Infterface library for pinduino |
PixelMaestro | Library for creating and rendering 2D animations and patterns. |
pixels-dice-interface | An Arduino library for Pixels Dice |
Pixie | Library for controlling Pixie Displays! |
PixieChromaLite | RAM-limited Library for controlling Pixie Chroma displays on small microcontrollers! |
Pixie_Chroma | Library for controlling Pixie Chroma displays! |
PLCCore2 | This library providing a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support all version of MiniPLC-32u,MiniPLC-S3 ,DinoPLC |
PLEN5Stack | PLEN5Stack Library |
PlugPiBlack | Library used for program the Plu&Pi Black board. |
PM2005Lib | Controls and reads out data from a PM2005 laser particle sensor module. |
PneumaticStepper | A library to manage pneumatic (stepper) motors and servo valves |
Pokerobo_ABC | A library for Pokerobo common classes and utilities |
Pokerobo_Arm | A library for handling Pokerobo robot arm |
Pokerobo_Car | A library for handling a robot car. |
Pokerobo_IRx | A library for handling Pokerobo IR communication |
Pokerobo_I2C | A library for handling Pokerobo I2C communication |
Pokerobo_Labs | A collection of Pokerobo Labs |
Pokerobo_PSx | A library for handling PS2 Dualshock |
Pokerobo_RCB | A library for handling Pokerobo remote control board. |
PololuBuzzer | PololuBuzzer library for Arduino |
PololuLedStrip | Arduino library for addressable RGB LED strips from Pololu |
PololuMenu | Pololu library for simple LCD Menus. |
PololuOLED | Arduino library for displaying text and graphics on a SH1106 OLED display. |
PololuQik | Arduino library for the Pololu Qik dual serial motor controllers |
Pololu3piPlus32U4 | Arduino library for the Pololu 3pi+ 32u4 Robot |
Ponoor L6470 Library | STM L6470 stepper driver chip library. |
Ponoor PowerSTEP01 Library | STM PowerSTEP01 stepper driver chip library with voltage and current drive mode. |
PortaMob | Portable Mobile device-like shield for Arduino UNO. |
Portenta_H7_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on Portenta_H7 board to control multiple servo motors. |
Portenta_H7_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on an STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 board to create and output PWM to pins. |
Portenta_H7_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on an STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 board to create and output PWM to pins. |
Portenta_H7_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 board. PWM feature can now be used |
PositionControl | This is a library aiming at implementing pid control to control the position of a DC motor with feedback from quadrature encoder using speed control driver that accepts PWM input. It is a multifunctional program with extra feature of tuning the gain parameters and very useful for robotic enthusiast in wheeled robots |
Potentiometer_ADI_Arduino | Demo code for AD5161 |
POV library | Arduino library for POV effects |
PowerFeather-SDK | Software development kit for PowerFeather boards. |
PowerFlex4m | Abstraction layer for simple ModBus communications with PowerFlex 4m VFDs |
PPM | RC (radio control) PPM signal |
PRDC_ServoHT | PWM signal for Servo motor control is generated using HardwareTimer library from Arduino_Core_STM32, for every i/o pin, that has PWM capability. |
PrimitiveStepperMotor | A library that makes using Stepper Motors with relays or transistors easy! |
PrintCppVersion | Print which C++ standard is in use for your Arduino board. |
Pro Trinket USB Keyboard Library | An arduino library to turn a Pro Trinket 5V/16MHz into a USB Keyboard! |
Pro Trinket USB Mouse | Library for Pro trinket to turn it into a mouse! |
Progetto One Pin Keypad | A library to use the One Pin Keypad. |
programmable_air | Basic functions to control the Programmable-Air board. |
Psgino | A library to control PSG (AY-3-8910, YMZ294, etc.) with MML. |
PsxNewLib | A library that allows interfacing with PlayStation 1/2 controllers |
PTSolns_I2CBackpack | Control the PTSolns I2C Backpack. |
PTSolns_InterfaceShield | PTSolns library for Interface-Shield. |
PTSolns_microWatt | microWatt Support Library (mSL). |
PU2CLR AKC695X | Control your AKC6955 Family (AKC6951, AKC6955 and AKC6959) BROADCAST FM, AM (LW, MW and SW) RECEIVER. |
PU2CLR BK108X | Control your BK1086 and BK1088 BROADCAST FM, AM (LW, MW and SW) RECEIVER. |
PU2CLR KT0915 | Control your KT0915 BROADCAST FM, AM (LW, MW and SW) RECEIVER. |
PU2CLR MCP23008 | Control the MCP23008/MCP23S08 8-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface with your Arduino |
PU2CLR PCF8574 | Control the PCF8574 8-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface with your Arduino |
PU2CLR RDA5807 | Control your RDA5807 BROADCAST FM from RDA Microelectronics Inc. |
PU2CLR SI470X | Control your SI470X (si4703, si4702, si4701) BROADCAST FM/RDS. |
PU2CLR SI4735 | Control your Silicon Labs SI47XX Family (Si4730, Si4732, Si4731, Si4734, Si4735, Si4740, Si4745 etc) BROADCAST AM/FM/SW RADIO RECEIVER. |
PU2CLR SI4844 | Control your SI4822, SI4826, SI4827, SI4840, 4844A, and 4844B BROADCAST ANALOG TUNING DIGITAL DISPLAY AM/FM/SW RADIO RECEIVER. |
PU2REO Si5351ArduinoLite | A full-featured lite library for the Si5351A (10 MSOP - 3 Clocks Only) series of clock generator ICs from SkyWorks (ex Silicon Labs). |
PU2REO_AD9851 | A full-featured library for the AD9851. |
PU2REO_Si570 | A full-featured library for the Si570 from SkyWorks (ex Silicon Labs). |
PWMrelay | Low-frequency software PWM for relay |
PWMMotorControl | Control brushed DC motors by PWM and uses optional attached encoders to drive fixed distances. For L298 or TB6612, or Adafruit Motor Shield |
PWMOutESP32 | Library for controlling ESP32 PWM outputs similar to use on Arduino |
PWMServo | Control RC Servo motors. |
QC2Control | Set the voltage of a Quick Charge 2.0 source via the Arduino. |
QC3Control | Sets the voltage of a Quick Charge 3.0 source. |
QCFA | Quadcopter Control Functions using Arduino |
QN8066 | Control your TX/RX QN8066 device |
QPESP32 | QP/C++ Real-Time Embedded Framework for Arduino. |
QuickCharge | Library for control QuickCharge 2.0/3.0 power adapter or charger |
RLab | Управление РОББО Лабораторией. |
RPlatform | Управление РОББО Платформой. |
RPulse | Отладка робота в реальном времени. |
RSbus | Library for the (Lenz) RS-bus protocol |
R30X-Fingerprint-Sensor-Library | Arduino library for interfacing R30X series optical fingerprint scanners. |
R4A_ESP32 | Robots-For-All ESP32 support routines. |
RBD_Motor | Control many motors without delay. |
RBD_Servo | Control many servos without delay. |
RBE1001Lib | Support robotics education with simplified support classes. |
rc-switch | Operate 433/315Mhz devices. |
RcSwitchReceiver | Receive data from 433/315Mhz remote controls. |
RC_ESC | A library to use ESC with the Arduino platform. |
RCWL_1X05 | A library for the I2C mode of ultrasonic distance sensors RCWL-1605, RCWL-1005, and probably HC-SR04P |
ReefwingMotorShield | A library that supports the Reefwing Motor Shield and Carrier Board. |
ReefwingPWM | PWM on arbitrary pins |
Relay | Simple relay usage |
RFCodes | RF 433 and IR signal encode and decode library. |
RFExplorer 3GP IoT | Library reference for RFExplorer 3GP IoT |
Rfid134 by Makuna | Library for the RFID WL-134 module |
Ringo by CircuitMess Library | Ringo is an educational DIY mobile phone designed to bring electronics and programming to the crowd in a fun and interesting way. |
RMCS-220X | A library to facilitate the control of a Rhino RMCS-220X Servo Motor over i2c. |
RMDX | Arduino library for MyActuator's RMD-X brushless motors |
ROKduino | Allows control of Rokenbok Education ROKduino robotics system. |
RoboCore - Rocky | Library for the BlackBoard Rocky (https://www.robocore.net/placa-robocore/blackboard-rocky) |
RoboCore - Serial Relay | Library for the Serial Relay module (https://www.robocore.net/modules.php?name=GR_LojaVirtual&prod=663) |
RoboCore - Vespa | Library for the Vespa (https://www.robocore.net/vespa) |
RoboFi | Enables easy access to the controls of the ESP32 Robot Control board. |
RoboWunduino | Arduino Library for Robo Wunderkind Products |
Robopoly Bluetooth | This library allows you to use the bluetooth module on the Robopoly Shield. |
Robopoly PRismino | This library allows you to use all the functions of the Robopoly PRismino and the Robopoly Shield. |
Robot | Arduino library to imitate a real car. |
Robot Control | Enables easy access to the controls of the Arduino Robot Control board. For Arduino Robot only. |
RobotDuLAB Arduino Library | Bibliothèque de pilotage simplifié de RobotDuLAB. |
Robot IR Remote | Allows controlling the Arduino Robot via an IR remote control. For Arduino Robot only. |
RobotLib | A robotics library to simplify implementing generic robotics hardware. |
Robot Motor | Enables easy access to the motors of the Arduino Robot Motor board. For Arduino Robot only. |
RocciBoard-Library | Library for the RocciBoard-Shield. |
Rocket Scream LowPowerAVRZero | Low power management for MegaAVR 0-series MCU. |
RokitSmart | A library for RokitSmart users |
Romi32U4 | Romi 32U4 Arduino library |
roo_control | Arduino relays, port extenders, debouncing, retries: common abstractions and implementations. |
RotaryEncoder_Zanduino | Access the 3-Color LED Rotary Encoder - read and set colors |
Rotary_encoder | Reads the position of a rotary encoder. |
RoverWing | Arduino library for use with RoverWing, a robotics expansion board for Adafruit Feather boards |
RoxMux | Collection of Multiplexer and Hardware Controllers. |
RP2040_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on RP2040 board to control multiple servo motors. |
RP2040_PWM | his library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on RP2040-based boards, such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, with either Arduino-mbed (mbed_nano or mbed_rp2040) or arduino-pico core to create and output PWM to any GPIO pin. |
RP2040_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on RP2040-based boards, such as ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, etc., with arduino-pico core to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
RPI_PICO_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on RP2040-based boards such as RASPBERRY_PI_PICO |
Rtc by Makuna | A library that makes interfacing DS1302, DS1307, DS3231, DS3234, and PCF8563/BM8563 Real Time Clock modules easy. |
RTC4543lib | A simple RTC4543 library. |
RTC_NXP_Arduino | Class library for NXP RTCs |
RTL8720_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an RTL8720-based board |
rupertobot | Biblioteca de Arduino para el control del robot Rupertobot |
RustyKeypad | A flexible keypad library supporting T9 input, long presses, and various event types. |
RX8900 | Arduino library for RX8900 series RTC IC control. |
S4ALib | Simple library for S4A EDU Robotic Controller. |
SAMD_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on SAMD21/SAMD51 board to control multiple servo motors. |
SAMD_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on SAMD21/SAMD51-based boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
SAMD_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on SAMD21/SAMD51 boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
SAMD_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on SAMD-based boards such as SAMD21 Nano-33-IoT, Adafruit SAMD51 Itsy-Bitsy M4, SeeedStudio XIAO, Sparkfun SAMD51_MICROMOD, etc. |
SAMDUE_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on SAMDUE boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
SAMDUE_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on an Arduino SAM_DUE board to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
SAMDUE_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an SAM-DUE-based board |
SBC | Allows communications with a Steel Battalion Controller using a Teensy 4.0 or 4.1 |
SBUS2 | Arduino Library for receiving SBUS and SBUS2 Frames and transmit Telemetry Data |
SCPI Red Pitaya | Arduino library for Red Pitaya SCPI server |
SDU_CAR | Enables the use of all the functions used by the SDU Car. |
Seeed Serial MP3 Player | Arduino library for controlling Grove Mp3 |
Seeed Wio GPS Board | Seeed wio gps board Arduino library. |
SerialTerminalPRO | a simple Arduino library to incorporate a serial terminal to your project |
Servo | Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of servo motors. |
ServoCtrl | An Arduino-based servo control library. |
ServoEasing | Enables smooth servo movement. Linear as well as other (Cubic, Circular, Bounce, Sine, Back, Precision, etc.) ease movements for servos are provided. The Arduino Servo library or PCA9685 servo expanders are supported. |
ServoESP32 | Generate RC servo signal on a selected pins with ESP32 device and Arduino framework. |
ServoESP32Fix | Generate RC servo signal on a selected pins with ESP32 device and Arduino framework, fixed support for latest ESP32 core |
Servo Hardware PWM | Allows Arduino/Genuino Mega boards to control up to 9 servos with the integrated 16-bit hardware PWM timer/counter. |
ServoMotor | Library to make a custom/DIY servo motor. |
ServoOsc | Library to configure a servo to oscillate around a center point. |
ServoSmooth | Library for smooth control of servo motor |
Servo328 | A servo motor driver for Arduino Uno with ATmega328P PWM |
Servo_Motor_Module | This library uses the Servo Library to control Servo Motors |
Settings | Simple UI webface builder for esp8266/esp32 |
SevenSegmentsDisp | Library for Seven Segments Displays |
ShiftOutMega | Library to control additional digital ports using CI 74HC595 |
ShiftRegister | Allows Arduino boards to write numbers to shift register (DEC -> BIN) |
ShiftRegisterController | An Arduino library that allows seamless control of the 74HC595 shift register. |
ShiftRegister74HC595 | Simplifies usage of shift registers, designed for the 74HC595. |
Shifty | Extremely flexible and easy-to-use shift register driver for 74HC595 shift registers |
Shutters | Allows non-smart roller-shutters to be percentage-controlled using time |
SiC45xDriver | A library to talk to the SiC45x series buck converters using I2C (Wire). |
SID6581 | SID 6581/8580 Chiptune Player / MIDI slave for ESP32 |
SignalControl | This library provides code for controlling LEDs in signals on your model railway. |
SIKTEC Keys | Library for Keypad shield |
SIKTEC_AVR_Controller | Examples for programming and using SIKTEC AVR Controller Shield |
SIKTEC_Rotary | Library to easily use Rotary Encoders |
SimRacingController | Advanced controller library for sim racing button boxes. |
SIM808 | Straightforward Arduino library for the SIM808 |
SimpleComponents | A library for Arduino that makes it easy to use various electronic components in your projects |
SimpleControl | A library to control Simple DC-motors. |
SimpleDCMotor | A library enabling DC motor control with SimpleFOC. |
SimpleEncoder | SimpleEncoder is a library that makes it easy to use rotary encoders with Arduino's. |
Simple FOC | A library demistifying FOC for BLDC motors |
SimpleFOCDrivers | A library of supporting drivers for SimpleFOC. Motor drivers chips, encoder chips, current sensing and supporting code. |
SimpleIOT | Connecting Arduino ESP32 to AWS IOT via SimpleIOT framework |
SimpleKeypad | SimpleKeypad is an Arduino library for using matrix keypads. |
SimpleMelt | Open source meltybrain control firmware |
SimpleRelay | A library for controlling a relay. |
SimpleShiftRegisterController | Allows you to control easyly a shift register like the 74hc595 |
Simple5641AS | Simple use of the 5641AS LED 7-segment display. |
Sleep_n0m1 | A library that sets the Arduino into sleep mode for a specified length of time, or until an interrupt |
slight_TLC5957 | Easy Access to lots of RGB-LEDs. |
SlowMotionServo | This library allows to move multiple servos slowly. |
SlowPWM | Slow PWM library which makes driving high thermal inertia loads easy. |
SmartDial | A library to communicate with the Rogue Robotics SmartDial. |
Smart Motor Driver - SAMI | Arduino library for SAMI the Smart Motor Driver by dannimakes. |
SmartRC-CC1101-Driver-Lib | Driver for cc1101. |
SmartSW | Companion library for Smart CHERRY MX LOW Profile RGB switches. |
Smartcar shield | Arduino library for controlling the Smartcar platform |
Sodaq_wdt | An Arduino wrapper for the Watch Dog Timer. |
SoftServo | Library for software servo motor control (by system timer) |
SoftwareReset | Software methods to reset AVR boards |
SoftwareWire | Creates a software I2C/TWI bus on every pins. |
SoilHygrometer | Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to simplify the use of the soil hygrometer. |
Soldering Machine | Download this library to easily interact with the MESA soldering machine |
SOLOMotorControllers | Arduino Library for SOLO Motor Controller Units |
Somfy_Remote_Lib | Control Somfy RTS devices |
Somfy_RTS | A library that makes it easy to control Somfy RTS devices via MQTT using an ESP8266 |
somo-ii-lib | A controller library for the SOMO-II MP3 decoder |
SpaceTrek ExoNaut | ExoNaut Robotics by SpaceTrek |
SpaceTrek_ClassBot2 | ClassBot 2.0 by SpaceTrek |
spaiot-lib | Supervision and Control library for Intxx PxxxSPA with an ESP8266 or ESP32 |
SparkFun Bar Graph Library | Provides functionality of 10-segment bar graphs. |
SparkFun Haptic Motor Driver | Library for the DRV2605L Haptic Motor Driver |
SparkFun HyperDisplay | Standardized library for control of displays |
SparkFun HyperDisplay SSD1309 | Standardized library for control of displays using the SSD1309 driver IC. |
SparkFun I2C Expander Arduino Library | Library for PCA and TCA I2C GPIO Expanders |
SparkFun I2C Mux Arduino Library | Library to control I2C multiplexers including the TCA9548/PCA9548. |
SparkFun MetaWatch | A simple library to interface from Arduino to BlueSMiRF to MetaWatch |
SparkFun MiniMoto | Arduino Library for the SparkFun MiniMoto board, which uses the TI DRV8830 IC for I2C low-voltage DC motor control. |
SparkFun OWire Arduino Library | Library for "OWire" or "0-Wire" 2-pin Multi-Mode LEDs |
SparkFun PCA9846 Mux Arduino Library | Library to control I2C multiplexers based on the PCA9846. |
SparkFun ProDriver TC78G670FTG Arduino Library | Library for the SparkFun ProDriver - Stepper Motor Driver (TC78H670FTG) |
SparkFun Quadstepper Motor Driver | 4-axis stepper motor driver, available from SparkFun Electronics |
SparkFun Qwiic Fan Arduino Library | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic PC Fan Boards |
SparkFun Qwiic Joystick Arduino Library | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic Joystick |
SparkFun Qwiic Keypad Arduino Library | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic Keypad |
SparkFun Qwiic MP3 Trigger Arduino Library | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic MP3 Trigger |
SparkFun QwiicNES Arduino Library | Library for the SparkFun QwiicNES Nintendo Controller Interface |
SparkFun Qwiic Relay Arduino Library | Library for the SparkFun Quad, Dual and Single Relay Boards |
SparkFun Qwiic RFID Arduino Library | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic RFID Reader |
SparkFun Qwiic Step Arduino Library | Control one or more stepper motors by sending I2C commands over the easy-to-use Qwiic system to your SparkFun Qwiic Step Board. |
SparkFun Qwiic Twist Arduino Library | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic Twist Digital Encoder |
SparkFun RedBot Library | Provides control to the SparkFun RedBot. |
SparkFun STUSB4500 | A library for the SparkFun Power Delivery Board - STUSB4500. |
SparkFun TouchInput Arduino Library | Master library to handle user input through touchscreens |
SparkFun TouchInput Driver FT5xx6 | A driver library for using FT5xx6 devices, compatible with the SparkFun TouchInput library |
SparkFun Tsunami Super WAV Trigger Qwiic | A library to control the SparkFun Tsunami Super WAV Trigger Qwiic. |
SparkFun WAV Trigger Pro Qwiic | A library to control the SparkFun WAV Trigger Pro using the Qwiic interface. |
SparkFun WT2003S MP3 Decoder Library | Library for the SparkFun WT2003S MP3 decoder breakout. |
Sparkpad | Arduino firmware for the Sparkpad |
spartan_edge_esp32_boot | Enables the use of the Spartan Edge Accelerator's on-board ESP32 to load FPGA bitstream from SD card on boot |
Sparthan gForce | Bluetooth communication library for the gForce EMG armband |
Sparthan Module | Motor controller library for the Sparthan Module |
Sparthan Myo | ESP32 Bluetooth communication library for the Myo Armband |
SpeedControl | This is a library aiming at implementing pid control to control the speed of a DC motor with feedback from quadrature encoder. It is a multifunctional program with extra feature of tuning the gain parameters and very useful for robotic enthusiast in wheeled robots |
SpeedyStepper | Stepper motor control library for Arduino. |
SpheroRVR | This library allows you to communicate with a Sphero RVR using an Arduino Uno. |
SPIShiftRegister | A simple library for controlling any length of chained 595 style shift registers over the built in SPI bus. |
spi_lcd_read | Tiny simple library to read data from registers on this class of simple and cheap SPI LCD controllers (ILI9341, ST7789, etc). |
SpresenseNeoPixel | NeoPixel library for SPRESENSE (Arduino) |
sprinkler-system | Automated irrigation system with webui, valve controls, metering and other sensors. |
stackchan-arduino | Stackchan library for M5Stack |
STAMP-PICO | Library for STAMP-PICO development kit |
StateMachine | "A simple state machine implementation." |
STEAMbot | Library that provides access to all the STEAMbot facilities. |
SteerBot_TB6612 | A library for controlling differential steering robots using the TB6612 motor driver. |
stemi-hexapod | Library for controlling STEMI Hexapod v3. |
StepMotor4windings | Cool code class for driving 4 windings (pins) stepper motors. |
Stepper | Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of stepper motors. |
Stepper Async 5 | This is a library that modifies the Arduino 'Stepper' library to drive a step motor asynchronously. [Korean]�Ƶ��̳� 'Stepper'���̺귯���� �����Ͽ� ���� ���ܸ��� ������ �� �ְ� ���ִ� ���̺귯���Դϴ�. |
StepperControl | Stepper Motor Controller for 28BYJ-48. |
StepperDriver | A4988, DRV8825 and generic two-pin stepper motor driver library. |
StepperMotor | Arduino library for driving a stepper motor via a motor driver. |
StepperMulti | Allows Arduino to control several stepper motors simultaneously. |
Stepper595 | Quick and easy control of stepper motors through SPI and a shift register. |
Stepper_28BYJ_48 | Stepper Library for 5V Stepper Motors 28BYJ-48 with ULN2003 Driver |
STLED316S | Arduino library for STLED316S 6-digit LED controller with keyscan |
STM32_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 board to control multiple servo motors. |
STM32_PWM | This wrapper library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM on STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
STM32_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
STM32_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1-based board |
STM32duino Low Power | Power save primitives features for STM32 boards |
STM32duino Proximity Gesture | Allows performing simple gestures detection using proximity sensors |
STM32duino VL53L0X | Allows controlling the VL53L0X (Time-of-Flight and gesture detection sensor) |
STM32duino VL53L1 | Allows controlling the VL53L1 (Time-of-Flight) |
STM32duino VL53L1X | Allows controlling the VL53L1X (Time-of-Flight and gesture detection sensor) |
STM32duino VL53L3CX | Allows controlling the VL53L3CX (Time-of-Flight ranging sensor with multi target detection) |
STM32duino VL53L4CD | Allows controlling the VL53L4CD (Time-of-Flight) |
STM32duino VL53L4CX | Allows controlling the VL53L4CX (Time-of-Flight ranging sensor with multi target detection) |
STM32duino VL53L4ED | Allows controlling the VL53L4ED (Time-of-Flight) |
STM32duino VL53L5CX | Allows controlling the VL53L5CX (Time-of-Flight 8x8 multizone ranging sensor with wide field view) |
STM32duino VL53L7CH | Allows controlling the VL53L7CH (Time-of-Flight 8x8 multizone ranging sensor with wide field view) |
STM32duino VL53L7CX | Allows controlling the VL53L7CX (Time-of-Flight 8x8 multizone ranging sensor with wide field view) |
STM32duino VL53L8CH | Allows controlling the VL53L8CH (Time-of-Flight 8x8 multizone ranging sensor with wide field view) |
STM32duino VL53L8CX | Allows controlling the VL53L8CX (Time-of-Flight 8x8 multizone ranging sensor with wide field view) |
STM32duino VL6180 | Allows controlling the VL6180 (proximity sensor) |
STM32duino VL6180X | Allows controlling the VL6180X (proximity and ambient light sensing (ALS) sensor) |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 | Allows controlling the VL53L0X sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L1A1 | Allows controlling the VL53L1X sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L1A1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L1A2 | Allows controlling the VL53L1 sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L1A2 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L3A2 | Allows controlling the VL53L3CX sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L3A2 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L4A1 | Allows controlling the VL53L4CD sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L4A1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L4A2 | Allows controlling the VL53L4CX sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L4A2 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L4A3 | Allows controlling the VL53L4ED sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L4A3 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L5A1 | Allows controlling the VL53L5CX sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L5A1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L7A1 | Allows controlling the VL53L7CX sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L7A1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L8A1 | Allows controlling the VL53L8CX sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L8A1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-6180A1 | Allows controlling the VL6180 sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-6180A1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 | Allows controlling the VL6180X sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-GNSS1A1 | Allows controlling the X-NUCLEO-GNSS1A1 (GNSS expansion board based on Teseo LIV3F) |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1 | Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1 expansion board |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IHM02A1 | Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IHM02A1 expansion board |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IHM05A1 | Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IHM05A1 expansion board |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IHM12A1 | Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IHM12A1 expansion board |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IHM15A1 | Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IHM15A1 expansion board |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKA01A1 | Allows controlling the ST Microelectronics X-NUCLEO-IKA01A1 Expansion Board |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-LED61A1 | Allows controlling the ST Microelectronics X-NUCLEO-LED61A1 Expansion Board |
Stone_serial | STONE HMI LCD Library. Used to receive and send commands on the serial port screen. |
Strawbees Quirkbot | Allows you to program Quirkbots. |
StreamDeviceAT | A library for stream device AT instruction set. |
STS_Servos | Arduino library for Feetech's STS smart servos |
STUSB4500 | Arduino driver library for STUSB4500 |
SunFounder AI Camera | SunFounder AI Camera library. |
SunFounderPowerControl | SunFounder Power Control, a library for PiPower 3, PiPower 5, etc. |
SuperButton | Multifunctional Arduino button. |
super_easing | A comprehensive servo easing library for Arduino |
SupmeaDO7016 | Communicate and control the Supmea DO7016 oxygen probe. |
surf-checker | This library, in conjunction with the Surf Checker hardware, enables an Arduino Nano 33 IoT to display your local surf info. |
SwissHandmade MiniPirate | Commandline for GPIO, I2C and CPU manipulations |
SXAccessoire | Arduino library for accessing the Selectrix SX-bus |
SX150x | A library for the Semtech SX150x family of i2c GPIO expanders. |
TFminiArduino | Arduino library for Benewake TFmini micro LiDAR module |
TactNecklace | Arduino Library receives acceleration data from acclerometer, outputting a signal of varying srength to the vibrators |
TactileSwitch | class for tactile switch |
TankController | Software for the Arduino that controls pH and temperature in the Open-Acidification project. |
TapatioElectronics | Allows access to the use of sensors, actuators and control panels designed by Tapatio Electronics |
Tarmos | Tarmos için modül geliştirme kütüphanesi. |
TB67H450-arduino-library | This is a library for the TB67H450. |
TB9051FTGMotorCarrier | An Arduino library for the Pololu TB9051FTG motor driver carrier. |
TC78B009FTG_asukiaaa | It controls TC78B009FTG |
TCA9534 | Arduino library for TCA9534 Low Voltage 8-Bit I2C and SMBUS Low-Power I/O Expander with Interrupt Output and Configuration Registers |
TCS34725 | Arduino library for TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor |
TCS34725AutoGain | Library for TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor |
TeensyStep | High speed stepper driver for PJRC Teensy boards (T3.0 - T3.6) and STM32F4 |
Teensy_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on Teensy boards, such as Teensy 2.x, Teensy LC, Teensy 3.x, Teensy 4.x, Teensy MicroMod, etc., to create and output PWM to pins. Using the same functions as other FastPWM libraries to enable you to port PWM code easily between platforms. |
Teensy_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on Teensy boards, such as Teensy 2.x, Teensy LC, Teensy 3.x, Teensy 4.x, Teensy MicroMod, etc., to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
Teensy_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on a Teensy-based board such as Teensy 4.x, 3.x, LC, 2.0, etc. |
Telemetrix4Arduino | The server for the Telemetrix Project. |
Telemetrix4Connect2040 | The Arduino Nano Connect RP2040 server for the Telemetrix Project. |
Telemetrix4Esp32 | The ESP-32 servers for the Telemetrix Project. |
Telemetrix4Esp8266 | The ESP-8266 server for the Telemetrix Project. |
Telemetrix4RPiPicoW | The server for the Telemetrix Project. |
Telemetrix4UnoR4 | The Arduino Uno R4 Telemetrix4UnoR4 servers. |
TelloESP32 | Arduino library for controlling DJI Tello drones using ESP32. |
TemperatureZero | Arduino library for internal temperature of the family SAMD21 and SAM51 |
TerminalCommander | An interactive serial terminal for Arduino. |
TFTTerminal | Library for TFTTerminal |
TGP Bouton | Permet le contrôle et la lecture d'un bouton. |
TGP Del | Permet le contrôle d'une diode électroluminescente (DEL). |
TGP LCD Keypad | Permet le contrôle simplifié pour un blindage "LCD Keypad Shield" |
TGP Menu OLED | Permet la création d'un menu déroulant sur écran. |
TGP ProtoTGP | Permet le contrôle simplifié de la plateforme de développement ProtoTPhys. |
TGP Suiveur | Permet de lire le suiveur de ligne composé de 6 photodétecteurs. |
Thermal Printer Library | Bluetooth Low Energy Thermal Printer Library |
ThinSat Program TSLPB Library | A driver library for the Twiggs Space Lab Payload Board |
TI_SN76489 | Arduino (Uno) Library to manage Texas Instruments SN76489 sound chip |
Tic | Tic Stepper Motor Controller library for Arduino |
TIL306 | Library for Texas Instruments TIL306 and TIL307 LED Numeric Displays. |
Timer-CAM | Library for M5Stack Timer-CAM development kit |
TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an Arduino, Adafruit or Sparkfun AVR board, such as Nano, UNO, Mega, Leonardo, YUN, Teensy, Feather_32u4, Feather_328P, Pro Micro, etc. |
TimerInterrupt_Generic | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on supported Arduino boards such as AVR, Mega-AVR, ESP8266, ESP32, SAMD, SAM DUE, nRF52, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, Teensy, Nano-33-BLE, RP2040-based boards, etc. |
TinyGPSPlus-ESP32 | A GPS library |
TinyNunchuk | This is a library for an ATTiny85 to use a Wii Nunchuk. |
tinyServo84 | A small library to control servos on ATtiny84 (Timer1 interrupt, CTC mode) |
tinyServo85 | A small library to control servos on ATtiny85 (Timer1 interrupt, CTC mode) |
TinySnore | Library for putting ATtiny25/45/85 to timed sleep in one line of code! |
TinyStepper | Arduino library to drive stepper motors. Small and easy to use. |
TinyStepper_28BYJ_48 | Tiny stepper motor 28BYJ-48 control library for Arduino. |
TLC59116 | Library for managing Texas Instruments TLC59116 LED Drivers. |
TLC5916_Lite | Works in Normal Mode to turn on/off LEDs, and special mode for current gain and open circuit detection. |
TLC591x | Library for TI TLC5916 and TLC5917 constant current sink LED driver chips. |
TLE72X | Multichannel low-side and high-side driver library. |
TLE9012_BMS_IC | This library provides an interface for Infineons Battery Management IC TLE9012 |
TLE94112 | DEPRECATED. This library provides an interface for Infineons DC Motor Control Shield with TLE94112EL |
TLE9879 BLDC Motor Control Shield | TLE9879 BLDC motor control shield library for Arduino |
TM1650 | 7 segment display driver for JY-MCU module based on TM1650 chip. |
TMCStepper | Arduino library for Trinamic stepper drivers |
TMC2130 | Trinamic TMC2130 bipolar stepper motor driver. |
TMC2130Stepper | Arduino library for Trinamic TMC2130 stepper drivers |
TMC2208Stepper | Arduino library for Trinamic TMC2208 stepper drivers |
TMC2209 | The TMC2209 is an ultra-silent motor driver IC for two phase stepper motors with both UART serial and step and direction interfaces. |
TMC429 | Trinamic TMC429 triple-axis dedicated step and direction motion controller. |
TMC5072 | Control TMC5072 stepper motor drivers. |
TMC7300 | Control TMC7300 DC motor drivers. |
TomIBT2 | TomIBT2 is an Arduino library for controlling the IBT-2 motor driver board |
TomServo | Servo Library that allows multiple servos on one battery |
TomStick | A TomStick library is an Arduino library for simply controlling the axes of the joystick. |
TongHopThuVien | Makerlab.vn Collection |
TongHopThuVienCon1 | Test Tong hop thu vien |
Tools | General purpose API for the Arduino UNO. |
Totem Library | Library to control Totem boards, modules and Mini Lab |
Totem Roboboard | Totem RoboBoard X3/X4 control library for ESP32 Arduino Core |
TQDF_WatchOS | Arduino library to support all features of TQDF Watch. |
TriacDimmer | A library for controlling a triac dimmer. |
Trinamic_TMC4210 | Library to control Trinamic TMC4210 IC. |
TroykaI2CHub | Allows you to control 8-channel I²C-bus multiplexer PCA9547. |
TTP229 | Arduino library for TTP229 module. |
TTP229_BS81X_Serial | Arduino library for TTP229 & BS81X series touch chips Serial (SDO/SCL) Data reading. |
TurnoutPulser | Control a Kato or Tomix style two-wire turnout. |
TwoWheelRobot | A library to make issuing simple directional commands to a two wheeled robot easier. |
Tympan_Library | Tympan hardware drivers and audio processing algorithms. |
tynyDC | Using mx1919 dual DC motor driver tiny. |
uArmLibrary | uArm Library for Arduino |
uEEPROMLib | I2C EEPROM library. Split from uRTCLib https://github.com/Naguissa/uRTCLib - This library controls any I2C EEPROM, independent ones or incorporated on DS1307 or DS3231 RTCs. |
uKit Explore | Use to drive all devices provided by UBTECH company. |
uMuxOutputLib | Arduino, ESP8266 and STM32 7-segment multiplexed outputs library |
uRTCLib | Really tiny library to basic RTC functionality on Arduino. DS1307, DS3231 and DS3232 RTCs are supported. See https://github.com/Naguissa/uEEPROMLib for EEPROM support. Temperature, Alarms, SQWG, Power lost and RAM support. |
uSevenSegmentLib | Really tiny library to basic 7 segments displays |
uStepper | Library offering support for uStepper |
uStepper S | Library offering support for uStepperS |
uStepper S-lite | Library offering support for uStepper S-lite |
uStepperS32 | Library offering support for uStepper S32 |
UltrasonicSensor | Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to simplify the use of the Ultrasonic Sensor. |
um3750-library | Emulate the UM3750 encoder and decoder. |
UMIRobot | UMIRobot library for Arduino. |
Unistep2 | A non-blocking Arduino library for controlling 28BYJ-48 stepper motors. |
UNIT_GLASS | Library for M5Stack UNIT GLASS |
Universal Inputs | Arduino library for reading multiple input devices of different types. |
UnoCar | A library for controlling the car with Arduino Uno |
unoHID | Use Uno R3 as USB Mouse + Keyboard. |
USBHost | Allows the communication with USB peripherals like mice, keyboards, and thumbdrives. |
USBPowerDelivery | USB Power Delivery for Arduino. |
USBStatus | Allows an Atmega32u4 based Arduino board to detect if the host, it is connected to, is active or shut down. |
UtilsBoards | Auxiliary library to uniform the usage of the WiFi and I2C across different boards |
Versatile_RotaryEncoder | A rotary encoder library that allows the callback of up to 10 different functions representing the same number of different encoder events. These different functions can be associated with events like press rotate and long press among many others. |
VescMotorController | Arduino library for the Vesc Motor Controller to control two motors via the Arduino. |
VibrationMotor | The Arduino VibrationMotor library provides a simple and modular way to manage a vibration motor connected to an Arduino board. |
VIDI-X_BQ24295 | Allows ESP32 boards to control a BQ24295 battery charger. |
ViewMarq | Library to communicate with ViewMarq LED Message Displays. |
VitconLink | A library package for interfacing the microcontroller with VITCON Link modules. |
VNH3SP30 | Library for the VNH3SP30 and VNH5019A-E motor controllers (H-bridge motor driver) |
VS1053 for use with SdFat | Device library interfacing VS1053 MP3 player chip to Sd Card. |
WakeOnLan | Generate and send Wake On Lan (WOL) packet over UDP protocol. |
Watchdog | Watchdog resets the device if the timer expires before the watchdog is reset. |
Watermeter | Control Library for reed switch pulse actuated water meters such as the DAE Water Meter Model V-100P |
wdt_samd21 | A very simple library for the management of the WDT on ATSAMD21. |
Webbino | Advanced webserver for Arduino |
Wemos Matrix Adafruit GFX | Library for the WEMOS Matrix LED Shield that implements the Adafruit GFX Library |
WiFiMQTTManager Library | ESP32/ESP8266 library for managing your IoT devices |
WindSensorHWD_asukiaaa | It controls wind sensor HWD. |
Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino | Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino allows an Arduino to communicate and control Windows devices running open-source Windows Universal Application. |
WiredController_asukiaaa | It communicate with WiredController |
WMS7202 | A library for the WMS7202 digital potentiometer. |
wpi-32u4-library | Forked Romi 32U4 Arduino library |
WroobImp | Use to connect your Arduino board to Wroob system. |
WS2812FX | WS2812 FX Library for Arduino and ESP microprocessors. |
X9C103S | A light library to control X9C103S digital potentiometers. |
XboxControllerNotificationParser | It parses value of notification from xbox controller. |
XLR8Servo | Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of servo motors. For Alorium Technology's XLR8 board. |
XMC_Servo | Allows Infineon XMC arm boards using Hardware PWM to control a variety of servo motors and controls. |
XPT2046 Driver | An Arduino library for driving an XPT2046 touch controller. |
XRA1405 | 16-bit SPI GPIO expander library for the XRA1405 chip. |
XRA1405_Button | Button debounce and detection library using XRA1405 SPI GPIO expander. |
XYZrobotServo | Pololu's Arduino library for the XYZrobot Smart Servo A1-16 |
XY2-100 | A library for controlling laser scanners that use the XY2-100 protocol. |
xy6020l | UART control of XY6020L dcdc |
Yfrobot Fingerprint Identification Sensor Library | Arduino library for yfrobot Fingerprint Identification sensor modules. |
Yfrobot I2C Line Follow Sensor Library | Arduino library for yfrobot i2c line follow sensor |
Yfrobot Motor Driver IIC1508 Library | Arduino library for yfrobot iic1508 motor driver |
Yfrobot Motor Driver Library | Arduino library for yfrobot motor driver |
Yfrobot VALON-I3 Library | Arduino library for yfrobot VALON-I3_Arduino |
youkey_stepper | This is a library dedicated to stepper motors for Arduino and microcontrollers. |
Z80RetroShield | An interface to the Z80 RetroShield. |
Zanduino SmoothLED Library 10-bit | Arduino library to control any number of LEDs on any available pins using 10-bit PWM with linear adjustment using CIE 1931 curves. |
Zanduino SmoothLED Library 8-bit | Arduino library to control any number of LEDs on any pins using 8-bit PWM with CIE 1931 curves for linear adjustment. |
ZcmdMotor Library | Library for a motor control with PID |
ZeroRegs | Prints the low-level configuration registers for the Arduino Zero (and similar boards). |
ZMCP23017 Library | Library for MCP23017 I/O extender |
ZPCA9685 Library | Library for PCA9685 PWM I/O extender |
ZumoAutomation | Arduino library to allow for automatic zumo match play |
ZumoShield | Arduino library for the Pololu Zumo Shield and Zumo robot kit for Arduino |
Zumo32U4 | Zumo 32U4 Arduino library |