A list of the 1449 libraries in the category Sensors.
107-Arduino-APDS-9950 | Arduino library for the Avago / Broadcom APDS-9950 Digital Proximity, RGB and Ambient Light Sensor |
107-Arduino-AS504x | Arduino library for interfacing with various Austria Micro Systems angle position sensors. |
107-Arduino-BMP388 | Arduino library for interfacing with the BMP388 barometric pressure sensor which can be used for inferring altitude information. |
107-Arduino-Sensor | A unified sensor abstraction layer used by all 107-system sensor libraries. |
107-Arduino-TCS3472 | Arduino library for TCS3472 color sensor |
107-Arduino-TMF8801 | Arduino library for interfacing with the TMF8801 time-of-flight distance sensor. |
107-Arduino-TSL2550 | Arduino library for TSL2550 ambient light sensor |
74HC138 | Arduino library for the 74HC138 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer. |
74HC154 | Arduino library for the 74HC154 4 to 16 line decoder/demultiplexer. |
aE2 | E+E E2-sensor library for Arduino. |
ALog | Low-power general-purpose data logger library, written for the Arduino-based ALog but expandable to other devices. |
ATmega32U4 Grove Air quality sensor | ATmega32U4 Arduino library to read values from Grove Air Quality Sensor. |
Accelerometer ADXL335 | Arduino library to control Grove - 3-Axis Analog Accelerometer ADXL335. |
Accelerometer ADXL345 | Arduino library to control Grove 3Axis Digital Accelerometer ADXL345. |
Accelerometer_H3LIS331DL | Arduino library to control Grove 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer(±400g). |
Accelerometer_MMA7660 | Arduino library to control Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer(±1.5g). |
Accessory Shield | Allows an Arduino board to use the DFRobot Accessory Shield |
ACD10 | Arduino library for the ACD10 CO2 sensor. |
ACD3100 | Arduino library for the ACD3100 CO2 sensor. |
ACE128 | Access the Bourns ACE-128 Absolute Contacting Encoder over I2C or digital pins |
ACI_10K_AN-temp-sensor | Read temperature with analog input and 10K RTD |
AD520X | Arduino library for SPI AD5204 and AD5206 digital potentiometers |
AD523X | Arduino library for SPI AD5231 and AD5235 10 bit digital potentiometers.. |
AD5252 | Arduino library for interfacing with the AD5252 digital potentiometer. |
AD5259 | Arduino library for interfacing with the AD5259 digital potentiometer. |
AD5370 | Arduino library for the AD5370 40 channel 16 bit DAC over SPI. |
AD7193 | Library for AD7193 Sigma-Delta ADC with PGA |
AD74xx | AD74xx Driver for Arduino framework |
AD8495 | Arduino library for the AD8494, AD8495, AD8496 and AD8497 thermocouple.. |
AD_Sensors | The Library implements a set of methods for working with a digital and analog sensors. |
Adafruit 10DOF | Library for the Adafruit 10DOF Breakout. |
Adafruit 9DOF | Library for the Adafruit 9DOF Breakout. |
Adafruit ADS7830 | Arduino library for the ADS7830 8-bit ADC in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit ADT7410 Library | Arduino library for the ADT7410 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit ADXL343 | Unified driver for the ADXL343 Accelerometer |
Adafruit ADXL345 | Unified driver for the ADXL345 Accelerometer |
Adafruit ADXL375 | Unified driver for the ADXL375 Accelerometer |
Adafruit AGS02MA | Arduino library for the AGS02MA gas / TVOC sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit AHRS | AHRS (Altitude and Heading Reference System) for various Adafruit motion sensors |
Adafruit AHT10 | Arduino library for the AHT10 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit AHTX0 | Arduino library for the AHT10 and AHT20 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit AM2315 | Library code for AM2315 sensors |
Adafruit AM2320 sensor library | Arduino library for AM2320 I2C Temp & Humidity Sensors |
Adafruit AMG88xx Library | Arduino library for AMG88xx 8x8 Thermocouple Sensors. |
Adafruit APDS9960 Library | This is a library for the Adafruit APDS9960 gesture/proximity/color/light sensor. |
Adafruit AS726X | Adafruit Channel Visible Light / Color Sensor Breakout |
Adafruit AS7341 | Arduino library for the AS7341 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit BME280 Library | Arduino library for BME280 sensors. |
Adafruit BME680 Library | Arduino library for BME680 and BME688 sensors. |
Adafruit BMP085 Library | A powerful but easy to use BMP085/BMP180 Library |
Adafruit BMP085 Unified | Unified sensor driver for Adafruit's BMP085 & BMP180 breakouts |
Adafruit BMP183 Library | Non-Unified BMP library |
Adafruit BMP183 Unified Library | Arduino library for the BMP183 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit BMP280 Library | Arduino library for BMP280 sensors. |
Adafruit BMP3XX Library | Arduino library for BMP3XX series temperature/pressure sensors |
Adafruit BNO055 | Library for the Adafruit BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor. |
Adafruit BNO08x | Arduino library for the BNO08x sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit BNO08x RVC | Arduino library for the BNO08x_RVC sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit CAN | Arduino library for native CAN. |
Adafruit CAP1188 Library | Arduino library for the Adafruit CAP1188 8-Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout |
Adafruit CCS811 Library | This is a library for the Adafruit CCS811 I2C gas sensor breakout. |
Adafruit DPS310 | Library for the Adafruit DPS310 barometric pressure sensor. |
Adafruit DS248x | Library for the Adafruit DS2484 I2C to 1-Wire adapter |
Adafruit EMC2101 | Arduino library for the EMC2101 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit Fingerprint Sensor Library | Arduino library for interfacing to the fingerprint sensor in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit FreeTouch Library | Arduino library for QTouch on samd21 microcontroller |
Adafruit FXAS21002C | Unified sensor driver for the FXAS210002C Gyroscope |
Adafruit FXOS8700 | Unified sensor driver for the FXOS8700 Accelerometer/Magnetometer |
Adafruit GPS Library | An interrupt-based GPS library for no-parsing-required use |
Adafruit HDC1000 Library | Arduino library for HDC1000 and HDC1008 sensors. |
Adafruit HDC302x | Library for the Adafruit HDC3022 Precision Temperature & Humidity Breakout |
Adafruit HMC5883 Unified | Adafruit HMC5883L 3-Axis Magnetometer Breakout library using Adafruit's Unified Sensor Library. |
Adafruit HTS221 | Arduino library for the HTS221 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit HTU21DF Library | Arduino library for the HTU21D-F sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit HTU31D Library | Arduino library for the HTU31D sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit HX711 | Library for the Adafruit HX711 ADC Breakout |
Adafruit ICM20X | Arduino library for the ICM20X Family sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit ICM20649 | Arduino library for the ICM20649 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit INA219 | INA219 Current Sensor |
Adafruit INA228 Library | Arduino library for the INA228 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit INA260 Library | Arduino library for the INA260 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit INA3221 Library | Arduino library for INA3221. |
Adafruit L3GD20 U | Unified sensor driver for the L3GD20 Gyroscope |
Adafruit LC709203F | Arduino library for the LC709203F battery monitors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit LIS2MDL | Unified Magnetometer sensor driver for Adafruit's LIS2MDL Breakout |
Adafruit LIS3DH | Library for the Adafruit LIS3DH Accelerometer. |
Adafruit LIS3MDL | Library for the Adafruit LIS3MDL magnetometer. |
Adafruit LIS331 | Library for the Adafruit LIS331 Accelerometer family. |
Adafruit LPS2X | Arduino library for the LPS22 & LPS25 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit LPS28 | Arduino library for the LPS28 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit LPS35HW | Arduino library for the LPS35HW sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit LSM303 Accel | Unified Accelerometer sensor driver for Adafruit's LSM303 Breakout |
Adafruit LSM303DLH Mag | Unified Magnetometer sensor driver for Adafruit's LSM303 Breakout |
Adafruit LSM303DLHC | Unified sensor driver for Adafruit's LSM303 Breakout (Accelerometer + Magnetometer) |
Adafruit LSM6DS | Arduino library for the LSM6DS sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit LSM9DS0 Library | Arduino library for LSM9DS0 9-DOF sensor board. |
Adafruit LSM9DS1 Library | Arduino library for LSM9DS1 9-DOF sensor board. |
Adafruit LTR329 and LTR303 | Arduino library for the LTR329 and LTR303 light sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit LTR390 Library | Arduino library for the LTR390 UV sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit MAX1704X | Arduino library for the MAX17048 battery monitors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit MAX31855 library | Library for the Adafruit Thermocouple breakout with MAX31855K |
Adafruit MAX31856 library | Library for the Adafruit Thermocouple Amplifier breakout with MAX31856 |
Adafruit MAX31865 library | Library for the Adafruit RTD Amplifier breakout with MAX31865 |
Adafruit MCP2515 | Arduino library for MCP2515 CAN controller. |
Adafruit MCP3421 | Arduino library for the MCP3421 18-bit ADC in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit MCP4728 | Arduino library for the MCP4728 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit MCP9600 Library | Arduino library for the MCP9600 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit MCP9808 Library | Arduino library for the MCP9808 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit MiniMLX90614 | A simplified MLX90614 library for use with the Trinket/Gemma |
Adafruit MLX90393 | Driver for the MLX90393 magenetic field sensor |
Adafruit MLX90395 | Driver for the MLX90395 magenetic field sensor |
Adafruit MLX90614 Library | Arduino library for the MLX90614 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit MLX90640 | Arduino library for the MLX90640 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit MMA8451 Library | Arduino library for the MMA8451 Accelerometer sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit MMC56x3 | Unified Magnetometer sensor driver for Adafruit's MMC5603 or MMC5613 Breakout |
Adafruit MPL115A2 | Driver for the Adafruit MPL115A2 barometric pressure sensor breakout |
Adafruit MPL3115A2 Library | Arduino library for the MPL3115A2 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit MPR121 | Arduino library for the MPR121-based capacitive sensors in the Adafruit shop. |
Adafruit MPRLS Library | Arduino library for MPRLS series pressure sensors |
Adafruit MPU6050 | Arduino library for the MPU6050 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit MS8607 | Arduino library for MS8607 sensors. |
Adafruit MSA301 | Library for the Adafruit MSA301 Accelerometer. |
Adafruit NAU7802 Library | Arduino library for the NAU7802 ADC converter in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit OV7670 | A library for the OV7670 camera. |
Adafruit PCF8591 | Arduino library for Adafruit PCF8591 combo ADC + DAC |
Adafruit PCT2075 | Arduino library for the PCT2075 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit PM25 AQI Sensor | This is an Arduino library for the Adafruit PM2.5 Air Quality Sensor |
Adafruit PS2 Trackpad | PS2 library for Adafruit capacitive trackpads |
Adafruit S-35710 Library | Arduino library for S-35710. |
Adafruit SCD30 | Arduino library for the SCD30 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit Sensor Calibration | Calibration helper for various Arduino compatibles |
Adafruit Sensor Lab | Arduino library for scientific sensor readings/fusions/manipulations |
Adafruit SGP30 Sensor | This is an Arduino library for the Adafruit SGP30 Gas / Air Quality Sensor |
Adafruit SGP40 Sensor | This is an Arduino library for the Adafruit SGP40 Gas / Air Quality Sensor |
Adafruit SHT31 Library | Arduino library for SHT31 temperature & humidity sensor. |
Adafruit SHT4x Library | Arduino library for SHT4x temperature & humidity sensor. |
Adafruit SHTC3 Library | Arduino library for SHTC3 temperature & humidity sensor. |
Adafruit SI1145 Library | Arduino library for the SI1145 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit Si7021 Library | Arduino library for Si7021 sensors. |
Adafruit TCS34725 | Driver for Adafruit's TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor Breakout |
Adafruit TLA202x | Arduino library for the TLA202x sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit TMP006 | This is a library for the Adafruit TMP006 Infrared Thermopile Sensor |
Adafruit TMP007 Library | Arduino library for Adafruit TMP007 Thermopile sensor Breakout |
Adafruit TMP117 | Arduino library for the TMP117 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit TSC2007 | Arduino library for the TSC2007 resistive touch screen drivers in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit TSL2561 | Unified sensor driver for Adafruit's TSL2561 breakouts |
Adafruit TSL2591 Library | Library for the TSL2591 digital luminosity (light) sensors. |
Adafruit Unified Sensor | Required for all Adafruit Unified Sensor based libraries. |
Adafruit VCNL4040 | Arduino library for the VCNL4040 Breakouts in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit VCNL4200 Library | Arduino library for VCNL4200. |
Adafruit VEML6070 Library | Arduino library for VEML6070 |
Adafruit VEML6075 Library | Arduino library for VEML6075 |
Adafruit VEML7700 Library | Arduino library for the VEML7700 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit VL53L1X | Sensor driver for VL53L1X / VL53L1CX Time of Flight sensor |
Adafruit XCA9554 | Arduino library for TCA9554 or PCA9554 8-bit GPIO expanders |
adafruit_ina219_mock | MOCK Library for INA219 Current Sensor. |
Adafruit_VCNL4010 | Sensor driver for VCNL4010 IR proximity sensor |
Adafruit_VL53L0X | Sensor driver for VL53L0X Time of Flight sensor |
Adafruit_VL6180X | Sensor driver for VL6180X Time of Flight sensor |
ADCTouch | Create Touch Sensors with a single (Analog)Pin without external Hardware |
ADCTouchSensor | Create Touch Sensors with a single analog pin without external hardware |
ADC08XS | Arduino library for ADC08XS 8, 10, 12 bit ADC (SPI), 2 or 4 channel. |
ADC081S | Arduino library for ADC081S 8 bit ADC (SPI). |
ADE7880Energy | Energi monitor ADE7880_Energy |
ADE9000 | Library to interface with the ADE9000 by Analog Devices. |
ADG2128 | A library for the ADG2128 analog cross-point switch. |
ADG2128_RT | Arduino library for ADG2128 8x12 (cross-point) matrix switch with I2C. |
ADG2188 | Arduino library for ADG2188 8x8 (cross-point) matrix switch with I2C. |
ADNS3080 | Interface for the ADNS3080 mouse sensor. |
ADSWeather | Arduino library to interface with the Argent Data Systems weather station sensor assembly. |
ADS1X15 | Arduino library for ADS1015 - I2C 12 bit ADC and ADS1115 I2C 16 bit ADC |
ADS1115 | ADS1115 library for Arduino. Easy to use. |
ADS1148 | Library for the ADS1148 16-bit ADC. |
ADS122U04 ADC Arduino Library | Arduino library for the TI ADS122U04 |
ADS1232 | Simple Library to interface the Texas Instruments ADS1232 ADC. |
ADS1256 | An Arduino-compatible library for the 24-bit ADS1256 analog-to-digital converter. |
ADXL345 | A acceleration sensor library for Arduino |
ADXL345_WE | A library for the ADXL345 accelerometer |
ADXL362 | Library for ADXL362 - http://analog.com/adxl362 |
ADXL372 | Arduino library for the ADXL372 accelerometer |
AFE44XX library | Library for the AFE44XX based pulse oximeter |
AFE4950 | AFE4950 library for interfacing the AFE4950 biomedical sensor with Arduino compatible MCU. |
Afstandssensor - HCSR04 | Bibliotek til HC-SR04 ultralyd afstandssensor. |
AGS02MA | Arduino library for AGS02MA - TVOC sensor |
AGS2616 | Arduino library for AGS2616 - Hydrogen H2 sensor. |
AGS3870 | Arduino library for AGS3870 - Methane CH4 sensor. |
AGS3871 | Arduino library for AGS3871 - CarbonMonoxide CO sensor. |
AHT20 | library to drive AHT20 temperature and humidity IC. Forked from https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Qwiic_Humidity_AHT20_Arduino_Library |
Ai COCOCAM | Kocoafab library for Ai COCOCAM on various orangeboards(arduino compatible boards) |
AirGradient Air Quality Sensor | ESP32-C3 / ESP8266 library for air quality monitor measuring PM, CO2, Temperature, TVOC and Humidity with OLED display. |
AllSensors DLHR | Support for the AllSensors DLHR Series Low Voltage Digital Pressure Sensors. |
AllSensors DLV | Support for the AllSensors DLV Series Low Voltage Digital Pressure Sensors. |
AM1002-UART | Arduino library to control Cubic AM1002 |
AM1008W-K I2C | Arduino library to control Cubic AM1008W-K I2C |
AM2302-Sensor | This library read temperature and humidity from the AM2302 (aka DHT22) senor. |
AM2315 | Arduino library for I2C AM2315 temperature and humidity sensor. |
AM2315C | Arduino library for I2C AM2315C temperature and humidity sensor. |
AM232X | Arduino library for AM2320 AM2321 and AM2323 I2C temperature and humidity sensor. |
AM2320_asukiaaa | It controls AM2320 or CM2320 |
AM4096 | An Arduino library for interfacing with the AM4096 rotary magnetic encoder. |
AmbientCO2 | Arduino library for CozIR Ambient CO2 sensors. |
Ambimate | A library for the Ambimate sensor board from TE |
Amethyste_LSM6DS3 | Expose les fonctionnalités des capteurs LSM6DS3. |
AMT25 | Arduino library for SPI based AMT25 rotary encoder. |
Analog Buttons | Arduino multi button support library |
AnalogKey | Library for matrix analog keyboard |
AnalogUVSensor | AnalogUVSensor library for Arduino. |
Anitracks_ADS7142 | A library for the ADS7142 ADC |
AP3216_WE | An Arduino library for the AP3216 (CJMCU 3216) ambient light and proximity sensor. |
APDS9151 | A library for using the APDS-9151 sensor. |
APDS9900 | Arduino library for the I2C APDS9900 light sensor and proximity detector. |
ArduCAM | Using the ArduCAM camera module on the Arduino platform |
Arducam_mini | Using the ArduCAM camera module on the Arduino platform |
arduino-ess | Support for Sensirion's Environmental Sensor Shield |
ArduinoINA219 | INA219 hi-side i2c current/power sensor Library |
Arduino Learning Board | A combined library created to support the Arduino Learning Board project |
arduino-sht | Support for Sensirion's humidity and temperature sensors. |
Arduino Smart Watch | A library that makes coding a watch for Arduino Micro and so on |
Arduino_APDS9960 | A library for the APDS-9960 sensor |
Arduino_BHY2 | Library for BHI260AP and BME688 chip on the Nicla Sense ME |
Arduino_BMI270_BMM150 | Allows you to read the accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope values from the IMU on your Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2 |
Arduino_GigaDisplayTouch | Touch library for Arduino Giga Display Shield |
Arduino_GroveI2C_Ultrasonic | Get distance and travel time from M5stack Grove I2C ultrasonic sensor. |
Arduino_HS300x | Allows you to read the temperature and humidity sensors of your Nano 33 BLE Sense R2. |
Arduino_HTS221 | Allows you to read the temperature and humidity sensors of your Nano 33 BLE Sense. |
Arduino_LPS22HB | Allows you to read the pressure sensor of your Nano 33 BLE Sense. |
Arduino_LSM6DS3 | Allows you to read the accelerometer, gyroscope, and temperature values from the LSM6DS3 IMU on your Arduino Nano 33 IoT or Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 boards. |
Arduino_LSM6DSOX | Allows you to read the accelerometer and gyroscope values from the LSM6DSOX IMU on your Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect. |
Arduino_LSM9DS1 | Allows you to read the accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope values from the LSM9DS1 IMU on your Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. |
Arduino_MCHPTouch | A library for the Atmel touch sensors |
Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier | Controlling the IoT MKR Carrier |
Arduino_MKRENV | Allows you to read the temperature, humidity, pressure, light and UV sensors of your MKR ENV Shield. |
Arduino_MKRGPS | Allows you to read the location from the GPS on your MKR GPS shield. |
Arduino_MKRTHERM | Allows you to read the temperature sensors connected to your MKR THERM shield. |
Arduino_NineAxesMotion | Arduino 9 Axes Motion Shield Library |
Arduino_OV767X | Capture images from your OmniVision OV7670 camera in your Arduino sketches. |
Arduino_Sensorkit | Arduino Sensor Kit |
ArtronShop_BH1750 | Arduino library of BH1750 Ambient Light (Lux) Sensor |
ArtronShop_HDC302x | Arduino library of HDC302x Digital humidity and temperature sensor |
ArtronShop_PCF85363 | Arduino library of PCF85363A Real-Time Clock/calendar with 64 byte RAM |
ArtronShop_RX8130CE | Arduino library of RX8130CE Real-Time Clock/calendar with 4 byte RAM |
ArtronShop_SHT3x | Arduino library of SHT3x Digital humidity and temperature sensor |
ArtronShop_SHT45 | Arduino library of SHT45 Digital humidity and temperature sensor |
ArtronShop_SPL06-001 | Arduino library of SPL06-001 Digital pressure sensor |
AS3935 | Library to support Austrian Microsystems AS3935 lightning sensor. |
AS5X47 | A library that reads angles from AS5047 and AS5147 sensors. |
AS5040 | AMS AS5040 magnetic rotary encoder library |
AS5047P | An Arduino library for the AS5047P high-resolution rotary position sensor. |
AS5600 | Arduino library for AS5600 and AS5600L magnetic rotation meter. |
AS5600_PsW | AS5600 Library |
AS6212 Temperature Sensor | Arduino Library for interfacing with the AMS AS6212 Temperature Sensor |
ASTRON_CCS811 | Easy and fast library for CCS811 sensor |
AsyncBMP180Wrapper | Async wrapper for Sparkfun BMP180 lib |
ATC_MiThermometer | Arduino library for BLE ATC_MiThermometer thermometer/hygrometer sensors. |
ATM90E26 Arduino | ATM90E26 Energy Monitor Support for Arduino |
AVR-IoT MCP9808 | Low level Arduino driver for the MCP9808 Digital Temperatur Sensor, mainly focused for the AVR-IoT Cellular Mini |
AVR-IoT VEML3328 | Low-level Arduino driver for the VEML3328 RGBCIR Color Sensor [1], which is mainly focused on the AVR-IoT Cellular Mini development kit. |
BaroLibrary | Library for Measurement Specialties MS5637-02BA03 Altimeter/Pressure sensor (including Freetronics BARO module). |
BasicTinkering | A collection of wrapper classes for commonly used electronic components. |
bb_ltr390 | LTR-390 light sensor library. |
bb_scd41 | Sensiron SCD4x CO2 sensor library. |
BH1730 | An easy to use library for reading light values from the BH1730 light sensor |
BH1750 | Arduino library for the digital light sensor breakout boards containing the BH1750FVI IC |
BH1750FVI | Enables reading the digital light sensor |
BH1750FVI_RT | Arduino library for BH1750FVI (GY-30) lux sensor |
BH1750_WE | An Arduino library for the BH1750 light intensity sensor. |
BIDFestTools | Tools for the BIDFest hackathon |
Bifrost library for HC-SR04 | A library for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor. |
BioData | Interpret biological signals in real-time. |
bitHelpers | Arduino library with functions on bit level |
Bitcraze PMW3901 | PMW3901 Optical flow sensor driver. |
BlueDot BMA400 Library | BlueDot library for BMA400 sensors. |
BlueDot BME280 Library | BlueDot library for BME280 sensors. |
BlueDot BME280 TSL2591 | BlueDot library for BME280 and TSL2591 sensors. |
BlueDot SGP40 SHT40 | BlueDot library for SGP40 and SHT40 sensors. |
BlueRobotics Keller LD Library | A simple and easy library for the Keller LD series pressure/depth sensors |
BlueRobotics MS5837 Library | A simple and easy library for the MS5837 pressure/depth sensor |
BlueRobotics TSYS01 Library | A simple and easy library for the TSYS01 temperature sensor |
Blues Wireless Notecard Auxiliary Wi-Fi | A utility class to support external Wi-Fi operations. |
Blues Wireless Notecard Pseudo Sensor | Sensor class used for Notecard testing and examples. |
BM22S2021-1 | Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S2021-1/BMA26M202 that Smoke Detector Digital Sensor |
BM22S3021-1 | Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S3021-1/BMA36M302 that Semiconductor Gas Detector Module |
BM22S3031-1 | Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S3031-1/BMA36M303 that Catalytic Gas Detector Module |
BM22S3221-1 | Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S3221-1/BMA56M322 that CO Detection Module |
BM22S3421-1 | Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S3421-1/BMA34M421 that Alcohol Detector Module |
BM22S4221-1 | Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S4221-1/BMA46M422 that PIR Detector Module |
BM25S2021-1 | Arduino library for I2C and OneWire access to the BM25S2021-1/BME33M251 that Temperature and Humidity Mdoule |
BM25S3221-1 | Arduino library for UART access the BM25S3221-1/BME25K322 that Laser Dust Detection Module |
BM25S3321-1 | Arduino library for UART access the BM25S3321-1/BME58M332 that CO2 Detector Digital Module |
BM25S3421-1 | Arduino library for UART access to the BM25S3421-1/BME53M421 that VOC Detection Module |
BM32S2031-1 | Arduino library for UART access to the BM32S2031-1/BMS31M001 that Second Generation Proximity Sensing Module. |
BM32S3021-1 | Arduino library for UART access to the BM32S3021-1/BMS31M002 that 1D Infrared Gesture Control Digital Module. |
BM42S5321-1 | Arduino library for I2C/UART access to the BM42S5321-1/BML36K532 that Laser Ranging Module |
BM62S2201-1 | Arduino library for I2C or UART access to the BM62S2201-1/BME21M621 that Air Pressure Module |
BM92S2021-A | Arduino library for 9-bit UART access to the BM92S2021-A/BMA92K202 that Color Sensor Module |
BM92S2222-A | Arduino library for the BM92S2222-A/BMA92K222 that Fingerprint Module. |
BME280 | Provides a library for reading and interpreting Bosch BME280 environmental sensor data over I2C, SPI or Sw SPI. |
BME280_Arduino_I2C | A simple library to recive data from BME280 sensor over I2C interface |
BME280_Mini | A very lightweight library to read data from a Bosch BME280 sensor over an I2C interface |
BME34M101 | Arduino library for UART access to the BME34M101 that Soil Moisture Detection Module |
BME63M001 | Arduino library for UART access to the BME63M001 that TDS Water Quality Detector Module |
BME680 | Arduino library to access and control the Bosch BME680 sensor and get temperature, humidity, pressure and gas readings. |
BME68x Sensor library | Bosch Sensortec BME680 and BME688 sensor library |
BME82M131 | Arduino library for I2C access to the BME82M131 that Ambient Light Detection Module |
BMH06203 | Arduino library for I2C access to the BMH06203/BMH63K203 that IR Temperature Module. |
BMH08002-4 | Arduino library for UART access to the BMH08002-4/BMH83M002 that Oximeter and Heart Rate Module |
BMH12M105 | Arduino library for I2C or UART access to the BMH12M105 that Weighing Module |
BMK52T016 | Arduino library for I2C access to the BMK52T016 that 16-Key Capacitive Touch Shield |
BMK54T004 | Arduino library for I2C access to the BMK54T004 that Slide+4-Key Capacitive Touch Shield |
BMK56T004 | Arduino library for I2C access to the BMK56T004 that Wheel+4-Key Capacitive Touch Shield |
BML36M001 | Arduino library for I2C access to the BML36M001 Laser Ranging Module |
BMP280 | DFRobot Standard library modified by dvarrel |
BMS26M833 | Arduino library for I2C access to the BMS26M833 that Infrared Thermopile Array Mdoule |
BMS33M332 | Arduino library for I2C access to the BMS33M332 that Proximity&Light Mdoule |
BMS36T001 | Arduino library for UART access to the BMS36T001 that IR Proximity Sensing + Motor Driver Shield |
BMS56M605 | Arduino library for I2C access to the BMS56M605 that Gyroscope&Acceleration Mdoule |
BMS81M001 | Arduino library for IIC access to the BMS81M001 that Wake On Shake Module |
BMV23M001 | Arduino library for IIC access to the BMV23M001 that Sound Detector module |
BNO055 | Allows to use the IMU MKR Shield |
BohleBots_BNO055 | Library for the BNO055 as easy to use compass. |
Bolder Flight Systems Ainstein USD1 | Library for communicating with the Ainstein US-D1 RADAR altimeter. |
Bolder Flight Systems AMS5812 | Library for communicating with Analog Microelectronics AMS-5812 pressure transducers. |
Bolder Flight Systems AMS5915 | Library for communicating with Analog Microelectronics AMS-5915 pressure transducers. |
Bolder Flight Systems BME280 | Library for communicating with the BME280 environment sensor. |
Bolder Flight Systems BMI088 | Library for communicating with the Bosch BMI088 6 axis IMU. |
Bolder Flight Systems Honeywell HG4930 | Library for communicating with the Honeywell HG4930 IMU |
Bolder Flight Systems MPU9250 | Library for communicating with the MPU-9250 and MPU-9255 nine-axis Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). |
Bolder Flight Systems MS4525 | Library for communicating with MS4525DO pressure transducers. |
Bolder Flight Systems Terabee | Library for communicating with Terabee Evo Hub. |
Bolder Flight Systems UBLOX | Library for communicating with uBlox GPS receivers. |
Bolder Flight Systems VectorNav | Library for communicating with VectorNav IMU and INS sensors. |
Boodskap IoT Digital Twin library | Arduino library for sending & receving sensor data |
Bosch_BME280_Arduino | C++ Library for the Bosch BME280 Sensor based on the original Bosch Sensor API v3.5.1 |
BQ25887 | Library for the BQ25887 2S Lithium Battery Charger |
BresserWeatherSensorReceiver | Bresser 5-in-1/6-in-1/7-in-1 868 MHz Weather Sensor Radio Receiver for Arduino based on CC1101, SX1276/RFM95W, SX1262 or LR1121. |
BSEC Software Library | Bosch Sensortec Environmental Cluster (BSEC) Software library |
bsec2 | Bosch Sensortec Environmental Cluster (BSEC) Software library |
ButtonDebounce | A library that makes easy to use button with debounce. |
Buzz | AC/static electricity-based motion detection using only the ADC and a wire! |
byte-sized-encoder-decoder | communicate over I2C with an encoder reading module |
CHx01 | Allow to read ultrasound data from Invensense CH101, or CH201 devices, detects targets and computes range. |
CapacitiveSensor | Create capacitive sensors that can detect touch or proximity. |
Capacitor | Measure capacitance from 0.2pF to 100uF with no external hardware. |
CB-HCHO-V4 | Arduino library to control Cubic CB-HCHO-V4 |
CESmartCamp | Made it for CESmartCamp#12 |
CheckDS18B20 | Check manufacturer of DS18B20 temperature sensors |
CHT8305 | Arduino library for CHT8305 temperature and humidity sensor. |
CHT8310 | Arduino library for CHT8310 temperature and humidity sensor. |
CHT832X | Arduino library for CHT832X temperature and humidity sensor. |
CIE-PN532 | Arduino library for SPI access to the Italian Electronic Identity Card (CIE) with the PN532 NFC reader |
CircuitPlaygroundGestures | Gesture recognizer for the Adafruit Circuit Playground. |
CirquePinnacle | A driver library for interfacing with the Cirque Pinnacle (1CA027) touch controller used in Cirque Glidepoint Circle Trackpads. |
ClimaStick | Arduino ClimaStick v1 & v2 library for the Thinger.io Internet of Things Platform. |
ClimateGuard CG Anem | Library for communicating with the thermoanemometer CG-Anem. |
ClimateGuard RadSens | Library for communicating with the radiation detector module RadSens. |
ClosedCube SHT31D fork | Arduino library for Sensirion SHT30-D, SHT31-D and SHT35-D Digital I2C Temperature & Humidity Sensors |
CM1106 I2C | Arduino library to control Cubic CM1106 I2C |
CodeCell | CodeCell Arduino Library |
Comp6DOF_n0m1 | An Arduino Library for compass tilt compensation and hard iron offset |
ConductivityLib | Library for resistance-measuring sensors prone to electrolysis. |
Cozir | Arduino library for COZIR range of CO2 sensors. Polling mode only. |
CPUTemp | Retrieve the internal temperature of the processor! |
CPUVolt | Calculate the processors Vcc voltage using only the internal registers |
CQRobotTDS | Simplify the use of CQRobot TDS sensor. |
CROZONE-VEML6040 | It is a library for use with the CROZONE VEML6040 module of Crozone Technology Company Limited. |
CS5464 Arduino | CS5464 Energy Monitor Support for Arduino |
CSE_GNSS | Arduino library for reading and writing NMEA-supported GNSS/GPS modules. |
CSE_ZH06 | Arduino library for reading Winsen ZH06 laser dust sensor. |
CurrentSwitch | Use SCT-013-000 current sensor as a workproof |
CurrentTransformer | Arduino Library for measuring current in 50/60Hz circuits using current transformers. |
CX_Devices | Library for getting telemetry from arduino esp8266. |
Cytron_PS2_Shield | This library is for the Cytron PS2 Shield. |
DAC53001 | Arduino library for I2C DAC53001 10 bit DAC. |
DAC8550 | Arduino library for DAC8550 SPI DAC Digital Analog Convertor |
DAC8551 | Arduino library for DAC8501, DAC8531, DAC8550 and DAC8551 SPI 16-bit Digital Analog Convertor. |
DAC8552 | Arduino library for DAC8532 and DAC8552 SPI Digital Analog Convertor. |
DAC8554 | Arduino library for DAC8534 and DAC8554 SPI Digital Analog Convertor. |
DAC8560 | Arduino library for DAC8560 SPI 16-bit Digital Analog Convertor. |
DallasTemperature | Arduino library for Dallas/Maxim temperature ICs |
databot | Official databot library supporting databot, based on Arduino |
databot2 | Official databot library supporting databot, based on Arduino |
DebouncedButton | Library for debouncing a momentary button. |
DebouncedLDR | Library for debouncing a light-dependent resistor. |
Deneyap 6 Eksen Alaletsel Olcum Birimi | Arduino library for Deneyap 6 Dof IMU LSM6DSM |
Deneyap 9-Eksen Ataletsel Olcum Birimi | Arduino library for Deneyap 9 Dof IMU MMC5603NJ, LSM6DSM |
Deneyap Basinc Olcer | Arduino library for Deneyap Basınç Ölçer MS5637-02BA03 |
Deneyap Cift Kanalli Cizgi Algilayici | Arduino library for Deneyap Dual Channel Line Follower TCRT5000 |
Deneyap Derinlik Olcer | Arduino library for Deneyap ToF Range Finder Sensor VL53L0X |
Deneyap Gercek Zamanli Saat | Arduino library for Deneyap Real Time Clock MCP7940 |
Deneyap Hareket Algilama | Arduino library for Deneyap Gesture Sensor NCS36000 |
Deneyap Hareket Isik Renk Algilayici Mesafe Olcer | Arduino library for Deneyap Gesture, Color, Proximity Sensor APDS9960 |
Deneyap Hoparlor | Arduino library for Deneyap Speaker |
Deneyap Kizilotesi Alici Verici | Arduino library for Deneyap Infrarad Receiver Transmitter |
Deneyap Mesafe Olcer Isik Algilayici | Arduino library for Deneyap Proximity Light Sensor LTR553 |
Deneyap Mikrofon | Arduino library for Deneyap Microphone ICS-40619 |
Deneyap Sicaklik Nem Basinc Olcer | Arduino library for Deneyap Temperature&Humidity, Barometer Sensor SHT4X |
Deneyap Sicaklik Nem Olcer | Arduino library for Deneyap Temperature Humidity SHTC3 |
Deneyap Toprak Nemi Olcer | Arduino library for Deneyap Soil Moisture Sensor TL555Q |
Deneyap Ultraviyole Isik Algilayici | Arduino library for Deneyap UV Light Sensor LTR390 |
Deneyap Yagmur Algilayici | Arduino library for Deneyap Rain sensor |
desklab | Implement methods for the use of desklab (www.desk-lab.de) devices. |
DFRobotIRPosition | Driver for Positioning ir camera from DFRobot |
DFRobot SHT | DFRobot Standard library. |
DFRobot_ADS1115 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0553). |
DFRobot_ADXL345 | Six axis sensor library.(SKU:SEN0032) |
DFRobot_AHT20 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0527&SEN0528). |
DFRobot_AirQualitySensor | A air quality sensor library.(SKU:SEN0560) |
DFRobot_Alcohol | DFRobot Standard library. |
DFRobot_AS3935 | DFRobot Lightning Sensor library.(SKU:SEN0290) |
DFRobot_AS7341 | AS7341 is a 11 channel visible light sensor, which can measure 8 wavelengths of visible light, suitable for color detection, light color temperature detection and other scenes(SKU:SEN0365) |
DFRobot_ASR | The speech recognition module can identify the terms that have been pre-written into the sensor and return the corresponding numbers(SKU: DFR0715). |
DFRobot_B_LUX_V30B | DFRobot_B_LUX_V30B is the sensor library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_BC20_Gravity | DFRobot Standard library.(SKUTEL0130) |
DFRobot_BloodOxygen_S | DFRobot Standard library.(SKU:SEN0344) |
DFRobot_BME280 | This is a Library for BME280, the function is to read temperature and humidity and pressure(SKU: SEN0236). |
DFRobot_BMI160 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0250). |
DFRobot_BMM150 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0419). |
DFRobot_BMP280 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0372). |
DFRobot_BMP3XX | This is a Library for BMP3XX, the function is to read temperature and pressure(SKU: SEN0423/SEN0371/SEN0251). |
DFRobot_BMX160 | DFRobot_BMX160 is the Sensor library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_BT401 | This Bluetooth module features Bluetooth/U-disk/TF-card playback, and Bluetooth call function, supporting simple and clear serial port control function, BLE pass-through, and SPP pass-through functions(SKU:DFR0781) |
DFRobot_CCS811 | DFRobot_CCS811 is the Sensor library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_DHT11 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0067). |
DFRobot_DHT20 | Provide an Arduino library to get Humidity and Temperature by reading data from dht20. |
DFRobot_digitalPot | A digital potentiometer library(SKU:DFR0520). |
DFRobot_EOxygenSensor | This is the library of Eoxygen, the new electrochemical Oxygen sensor (SKU: SEN0496). |
DFRobot_EC10 | for measuring the liquid with high electrical conductivity(SKU: DFR0300-H). |
DFRobot_ENS160 | This is a Library for ENS160, ENS160 is a Digital Metal-Oxide Multi-Gas Sensor(SKU: SEN0514/SEN0515). |
DFRobot_EnvironmentalSensor | A environmental sensor.(SKU:SEN0500\SEN0501) |
DFRobot_FreeTenIMU | Ten axis sensor library(SKU:SEN0140). |
DFRobot_Gesture_Touch | A gesture detection and touch detection sensor(SKU:SEN0285). |
DFRobot_GM60 | GM60 is a highly integrated QR code scanner with excellent performance and a small size(SKU:SEN0486) |
DFRobot_GNSS | Provide longitude and latitude and other satellite information (SKU:TEL0157). |
DFRobot_Heartrate | This is a Library for SON1303(SKU: SEN0203). |
DFRobot_HX711 | By a simple mechanical structure with the sensor, that can be read to the mass of the body(SKU:SEN0160) |
DFRobot_HX711_I2C | By a simple mechanical structure with the sensor, that can be read to the mass of the body(SKU:KIT0176) |
DFRobot_I2C_Multiplexer | I2C expansion module support library(SKU:DFR0576). |
DFRobot_ICG20660L | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0443). |
DFRobot_ICP10111 | This is an atmospheric pressure sensor.(SKU:SEN0516) |
DFRobot_ID809_I2C | This is an library for capacitive fingerprint module(SKU:SEN0348). |
DFRobot_INA219 | measure the current and voltage (SKU: SEN0291). |
DFRobot_ITG3200 | A library of gyroscopic sensors(SKU:SEN0140). |
DFRobot_LIDAR07 | DFRobot_LIDAR07 is the sensor library of DFRobot(SKU:SEN0413) |
DFRobot_LSM303 | The LSM303DLH is a triple axis accelerometer combined with a triple axis magnetic sensor(SKU: SEN0079). |
DFRobot_LWLP | The differential pressure between two probes of the differential pressure sensor can be obtained by this drive(SKU: SEN0343). |
DFRobot_MAX17043 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0563). |
DFRobot_MAX31855 | A library of temperature sensors(SKU:DFR0558). |
DFRobot_MCP4725 | 12 bit digital-analog DA conversion module(SKU: DFR0552). |
DFRobot_MCP9808 | DFRobot Standard library. |
DFRobot_MGC3130 | DFRobot_MGC3130 is the Gesture library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_MLX90614 | This is a Library for MLX90614, the function is to read temperature(SKU: SEN0206/SEN0263). |
DFRobot_MPX5700 | A pressure sensor library.(SKU:SEN0456) |
DFRobot_OxygenSensor | Standard library for DFRobot oxygen sensor.(SKU:SEN0322) |
DFRobot_PAJ7620U2 | DFRobot_PAJ7620U2 is the Sensor library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_PH | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0161-V2). |
DFRobot_QMC5883 | Electronic compass drive library(SKU:SEN0140). |
DFRobot_RainfallSensor | A rain sensor.(SKU:SEN0575) |
DFRobot_SCD4X | This is a Library for SCD4X(SCD40/SCD41), SCD4X is a Digital Metal-Oxide Multi-Gas Sensor(SKU: SEN0536). |
DFRobot_SGP40 | DFRobot_SGP40 is the sensor library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_SHT20 | This is a Library for SHT20, SHT20, the new humidity and temperature sensor(SKU: SEN0227). |
DFRobot_STS3X | This is a Library for STS3X, the function is to read temperature(SKU: SEN0434). |
DFRobot_TCS3430 | DFRobot_TCS3430 is the sensor library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_TCS34725 | A color sensor library |
DFRobot_TMF8x01 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0430/SEN0429). |
DFRobot_URM07 | A range sensor(SKU:SEN0153) |
DFRobot_URM09 | DFRobot Standard library. |
DFRobot_URM13 | URM13 driver library(SKU: SEN0352). |
DFRobot_VEML6075 | DFRobot_VEML6075 is the Ultraviolet library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_VEML7700 | This is a Library for VEML7700, the function is to read High Accuracy Ambient Light data(SKU: SEN0228). |
DFRobot_VL53L0X | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0245). |
DFRobot_VL6180X | DFRobot_VL6180X is a sensor library. |
DFR_Radar | Configure and communicate with the DFRobot 24GHz millimeter-wave Human Presence Detection sensor (SEN0395). |
DHTlib | AVR Optimized Library for DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor on AVR only. |
dhtESP32-rmt | Minimal, non-blocking, DHT11/DHT22 sensor library for ESP32 using RMT pheripheral for Arduino 3.0.0 based on ESP-IDF v5.1.4 |
DHT kxn | BACKUP Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
DHT sensor library | Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
DHT sensor library for ESPx | Arduino ESP library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
DHT Sensors Non-Blocking | An Arduino library for the DHT sensor family (DHT11, DHT22,...). With Non-Blocking design to optimize CPU performance. |
DHTStable | Stable version of library for DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor |
DHT11 | An Arduino library for the DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor. |
DHT118266 | Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
dht11esp8266 | Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
dht11esp8266examples | Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
DHT12 | Arduino library for I2C DHT12 temperature and humidity sensor. |
DHT12 sensor library | DHT12 Temp & Humidity Sensors, library for Arduino, ESP8266 and ESP32 |
DHT20 | Arduino library for I2C DHT20 temperature and humidity sensor. |
DHT22 | humidity and temperature, 1-wire only |
DHT2pin | Experimental version of the DHT library, using 2 data pins instead of 1. |
DHTINT | Arduino library for DHT temperature and humidity sensor. Integer only to save footprint. |
DHTNEW | Arduino library for DHT temperature and humidity sensor, with automatic sensortype recognition. |
Digital Infrared Temperature Sensor MLX90615 | Arduino library to control Grove - Digital Infrared Temperature Sensor. |
DigitalPressureSensor | This library provides an Interface for Infineon's DPS310 Pressure Sensor (DEPRECATED). |
DistanceSensor | HC-SR04 distance sensor library. |
DSFamily | Read and calibrate of of the Maxim DS- Family of 1-wire thermometers |
DS1624 | A library to interface with Maxim DS1624 temperature sensor and memory. |
DS1624_Library | A library to interface with Maxim DS1624 temperature sensor and memory. |
DS18B20 | Arduino library for the Maxim Integrated DS18B20 1-Wire temperature sensor. |
DS18B20Events | Arduino temperature changed events for DS18B20 and other DallasTemperature compatible sensors |
DS18B20_int | Library for DS18B20 restricted to a single sensor per pin. |
DS18B20_RT | Arduino library for the DS18B20 temperature sensor. |
DS1821 | Arduino library for DS1821 temperature sensor |
DS2401 | Library for 1-Wire DS2401 UID restricted to a single device per pin. |
DS2438 | Library for DS2438 1-Wire battery monitor. One device per pin. |
DS28CM00 | Arduino library for I2C DS28CM00 unique identification chip. |
DS3232 | Arduino library for I2C DS3232 RTC (minimalistic). |
dustSensor_kocoa | Arduino Particulate Matter Sensors for PM-D4. |
EAA_MLX90614 | MLX90614 device driver |
EasyBNO055 ESP | Library for the Adafruit BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor made easier with ESP32 threads |
EasyGNSS | An easy-to-use library to parse the NMEA protocol output by the GNSS receiver (Ublox) through serial port. |
EasyUltrasonic | An Arduino library used to work with ultrasonic sensors in an easy way for measuring distance. |
EasyVR | A library for the EasyVR line of products. |
EdgeML-Arduino | Library to use the Nicla Sense ME and BLE Nano 33 with edge-ml. |
EduShield | Display library for Arduino101.cz EDUshield |
EE895 Arduino Library | Library for the EE895 CO2 Sensor |
ELT S300 Library | This is a library for the ELT CO2 sensor S300 via I2C. |
EMFButton | Easy MultiFunctional button |
EmonLib | Energy Monitoring Library |
EmotiBit BMI160 | A library written for EmotiBit that supports the BMI160 and BMM150 IMU |
EmotiBit FeatherWing | A library written for EmotiBit FeatherWing that supports all sensors included on the wing. |
EmotiBit MAX30101 | Library for the MAX30101 Pulse sensor on board the EmotiBit-Beta boards |
EmotiBit MLX90632 | Library for using MLX90632 FIR sensor |
EmotiBit NCP5623 | Library for the NCP5623 LED driver |
EmotiBit SI7013 | A library written for EmotiBit that supports the Si7013 temperature and humidity module |
EncButton | Light and powerful library for button and encoder operation for Arduino |
EncoderTool | Library to read out mechanical rotary encoders |
Energesis LM35 | Driver for LM35 series temperature sensor. |
Energesis_GenericSensor | Generic interface for standardized implementation of sensor drivers. |
Engineer Regulator | Arduino library for temperature controller. Stores settings in EEPROM. Hysteresis. (AVR and ESP) |
EnviroDIY_DS3231 | An Arduino library for the DS3231 RTC (Real Time Clock). |
Environment | Read enviroment sensors |
Epson_SU_SPI | Sensing Unit Library using SPI for Epson M-Gxxx & Accelerometer M-A352 |
Epson_SU_UART | Sensing Unit Library using UART for Epson IMU M-Gxxx & Accelerometer M-A352 |
ERCFS | Arduino library for SPI based ERCFS rotary encoder. |
Eridano-Septentrio | An Arduino library for Septentrio products |
esp32-ds18b20 | Minimal, non-blocking, DS18B20 sensor library for ESP32 using RMT pheripheral, supports multiple sensors, lightweight, no dependencies, will need Arduino esp32 3.x based on IDF 5.X |
ESP32-PTQS1005 | PTQS1005 Sensor Data Acquisition Library for ESP32 and Arduino |
esp32-rmt-ir | Minimal, non-blocking, IR library for ESP32 using RMT pheripheral, supports NEC, Sony, Samsung and RC5 transmit and receive, lightweight, no dependencies, will need Arduino esp32 3.x based on IDF 5.X |
esp826611 | Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
ESP_FC28 | Simple library for the FC-28 sensor. |
ESP_LM35 | A library for the ESP boards to make easier using the LM35 temperature sensor. |
esp_sds011 | ESP8266/ESP32 library for the SDS011 particulate matter sensor. |
Espressif ESP32 Azure IoT Kit Sensors | Unofficial Arduino library for interacting with sensors in the Espressif ESP32 Azure IoT Kit development board. |
FaBo 201 3Axis ADXL345 | A library for FaBo 3AXIS I2C Brick |
FaBo 202 9Axis MPU9250 | A library for FaBo 9Axis I2C Brick |
FaBo 203 Color S11059 | A library for FaBo Color I2C Brick |
FaBo 204 Baromter MPL115A2 | A library for FaBo Barometer I2C Brick |
FaBo 205 Proximity VCNL4010 | A library for FaBo Proximity I2C Brick |
FaBo 206 UV Si1132 | A library for FaBo UV I2C Brick |
FaBo 207 Temperature ADT7410 | A library for FaBo Temperature I2C Brick |
FaBo 208 Humidity HTS221 | A library for FaBo Humidity I2C Brick |
FaBo 209 KTemp MCP3421 | A library for FaBo KTemp I2C Brick |
FaBo 217 Ambient Light ISL29034 | A library for FaBo Ambient Light I2C Brick |
FaBo 222 Environment BME680 | A library for FaBo Environment I2C Brick |
FaBo 223 Gas CCS811 | A library for CCS811 that getting values of CO2 and TVOC. |
FaBo 230 Color BH1749NUC | A library for FaBo Color I2C Brick |
FastCapacitiveSensor | A library to use capacitive sensors quickly |
FastIMU | Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of IMU's. |
FastInterruptEncoder | An Arduino library for Quadrature Encoder for ESP32 and STM32Duino. |
FDC2214 | TI FDC2214 capacitative sensor library |
Fingerprint Scanner TTL | Arduino examples for ADH-Tech's Fingerprint Scanners. |
FlexLibrary | This Library is designed to make the integration of 'Flex Sensors' easier and simpler. |
Flicker | A library for making capacitive touch easy to use. |
Flinders_ENGR2781 | Examples for ENGR2781 - Mechanical Design Project (Warman) |
Flinduino_Sensorkit | Flinduino Sensor Kit |
FlixPeriph | Arduino drivers for the Flix drone peripherals. |
FlowSensor | Flow Sensor library for Arduino. |
Forced-BME280 | A library that makes using a BME280 easy and lightweight. |
forcedBMX280 | A library that makes using a BME280 or BMP280 easy and lightweight. |
FuGPS Library | Arduino library for parsing NMEA 0183 (GPS) messages. |
GGreg20_V3 | IoT-devices GGreg20_V3 ionizing radiation detector pulse output driver library. |
Gadget_Shield | Gadget Shield implemented for AVR (Uno, Nano, Leonardo, Mega). |
GDXLib | A library for educators to communicate with a Vernier Go Direct device via Bluetooth® Low Energy. |
GeoluxCamera | Arduino library for communication with Geolux serial camera. |
Gesture PAJ7620 | Arduino library to control Grove Gesture(PAJ7620U2). |
GM1602lib | Arduino library for GM1602-CO sensors. |
GP2Y0A21YK_lib | A simple library for GP2Y0A21YK sensor. |
GP20U7 GPS Library | A simple library for the GP20U7 GPS unit |
GroPointModbus | Arduino library for communication with GroPoint soil moisture sensors via Modbus. |
Grove - 2-Channel Inductive Sensor LDC1612 | Arduino library to control Seeed Inductive Sensor LDC1612. |
Grove 3Axis Compass V2.0 BMM150 | Arduino library to control Grove 3-Axis Digitial Compass v2.0. |
Grove-3-Axis-Digital-Accelerometer-2g-to-16g-LIS3DHTR | Library for Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer ±2g to 16g Power(LIS3DHTR). |
Grove 3-Axis Digital Compass HMC5883L | This is an Arduino library for Grove 3-Axis Digital Compass HMC5883L. |
Grove 3-Axis Digital Gyro | Arduino library to control Grove 3-Axis Digital Gyro base on ITG 3200. |
Grove 4-Digit Display | Arduino library to control Grove_4Digital_Display TM1637. |
Grove - 6Axis Accelerometer And Compass v2 | Arduino library to control LSM303DLH. |
Grove 6Axis_Digital_Accelerometer_Gyroscope4_ADIS16470 | Arduino library to control Grove 6-Axis Digital Accelerometer&Gyroscope(ADIS16470). |
Grove - Air quality sensor | Arduino library to control Grove Air Quality Sensor. |
Grove barometer HP20x | Arduino library to control Grove barometer HP20x. |
Grove Barometer Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove Barometer Sensor BMP085/BMP180. |
Grove - Barometer Sensor BME280 | Arduino library to control Grove - Temp&Humi&Barometer Sensor(BME280). |
Grove - Barometer Sensor BMP280 | Arduino library to control Grove - Barometer Sensor (BMP280). |
Grove - Capacitive Touch Slide Sensor CY8C40XX | Arduino library to control Grove_touch_sensor_CY8C40XX. |
Grove - Coulomb Counter for 3.3V to 5V LTC2941 | Library for Grove - Coulomb Counter for 3.3V to 5V(LTC2941) |
Grove - Digital Light Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove - Digital Light Sensor(TSL2561/ISL29035). |
Grove - Haptic Motor | Arduino library to control Grove - Haptic Motor. |
Grove - High Precision RTC | Arduino library to control Grove - High Precision RTC_PCF85063TP. |
Grove - High Temperature Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove - High Temperature Sensor. |
Grove - I2C Color Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove - I2C Color Sensor. |
Grove - I2C High Accuracy Temp_Humi Sensor SHT35 | Arduino library to control Grove Temperature sensor SHT35. |
Grove I2C Motor Driver v1.3 | Arduino library to control Grove I2C Motor Driver. |
Grove - I2C Thermocouple Amplifier MCP9600 | Arduino library to control Grove Temperature sensor MCP9600. |
Grove - I2C UV Sensor VEML6070 | Arduino library to control Grove UV sensor VEML6070. |
Grove IMU 9DOF | Arduino library for controlling Grove IMU 9DOF, using I2C communication. |
Grove - Laser PM2.5 Sensor HM3301 | Arduino library to control PM2.5 sensor(HM3300). |
Grove - Multichannel Gas Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove - Multichannel Gas Sensor . |
Grove - Q Touch Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove - Q Touch Sensor. |
Grove Ranging sensor - VL53L0X | Sensor driver for VL53L0X Ranging sensor |
Grove SHT31 Temp Humi Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove SHT31 Temp Humi Sensor. |
Grove - Sunlight Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove - Sunlight Sensor. |
Grove Temper Humidity TH02 | Arduino library to control Grove Temper Humidity TH02 |
Grove Temperature And Humidity Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove Temperature And Humidity Sensor, it contains chip DHT11 AM2302. |
Grove - Temperature And Humidity Sensor HDC1000 | Arduino library to control Grove - Temperature&Humidity Sensor HDC1000 |
Grove Ultrasonic Ranger | Arduino library for controlling Grove Ultrasonic Ranger, using gennal I/O communication. |
GSL1680 | Driver for GSL1680 |
GT5X | Arduino library for the GT5X fingerprint sensors |
GuL_NovaFitness | This is an Arduino-Framework library to work with nova fitness particulate matter sensors. |
GuL_Plantower | This is an Arduino-Framework library to work with plantower particulate matter sensors. |
GuL_TI_Humidity_HDC10XX | An Arduino-Framework library to work with humidity sensors series HDC10XX of Texas Instruments. |
GUVB-C31SM | A library that interfaces the UVB Sensor GUVB-C31SM. |
Gwiot 7941E | A simple library to interface with Gwiot 7941E 125kHz RFID reader |
GY26Compass | Library for interfacing with GY-26 Compass Module |
GY521 | Arduino library for GY521 angle measurement |
GyverBME280 | Light library for BME280 sensor |
GyverButton | Advanced button control library |
GyverDS18 | Light library for Dallas DS18b20 temperature sensor |
GyverDS3231 | Library for DS3231 with millis() sync and 1-second timer |
GyverEncoder | Advanced encoder operation library |
GyverHTU21D | Light Arduino library for HTU21D sensor |
GyverHX711 | Library for HX711 ADC/weight module |
GyverINA | Light library for INA219/INA226 sensor module |
GyverJoy | Library for analog joystic Arduino |
GyverMAX6675 | Fast and light MAX6675 thermocouple library |
GyverNTC | Simple library for NTC thermistors |
HaLakeKit | A library to control hakale kit. |
hackAIR | A library for using a variety of air quality sensors. |
Hall-Switch | This library provides an interface to interact with the Hall effect sensor switch family |
Hardware Buttons | Custom button actions handler |
Harvard_TinyMLx | Supports the TinyML edX Course and TinyML Shield. |
HC-SR04 | Library for HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor. |
HC4051 | Arduino library for a HC4051 1x8 channel multiplexer |
HC4052 | Arduino library for a HC4052 2 x 4 channel multiplexer |
HC4053 | Arduino library for a HC4053 3 x 2 channel multiplexer |
HC4067 | Arduino library for a HC4067 1 x 16 channel multiplexer |
HC_SR04 | Allows an Arduino board to use multiple HCSR04 module. |
HCSR04 | Library for HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor. |
HCSR04 ultrasonic distance sensor | Allows an Arduino board to use HCSR04 modules. |
HCSR04 ultrasonic MKL | Allows an Arduino board to use HCSR04 module. |
HCSR04 ultrasonic sensor | Allows an Arduino board to use HCSR04 module. |
HDC1000 | A temperature and humidity sensor library for HDC1000 |
HDC2010 | Arduino library for Texas instrument HDC2010 |
HDC302x | TI HDC3020, HDC3021 and HDC3022 Temperature / Humidity sensors |
Hello Drum | Arduino Library for piezo sensing |
High Performance IMU BMI085 | Library for communicating with the Bosch BMI085 6 axis IMU. |
HIH61xx | Library to access Honeywell HIH61xx humidity and temperature sensors. |
HLK-LD2450 | A library for the HLK-LD2450 LD2450 24Ghz Human body Motion Inductive Radar Sensor |
HLW8012 | HLW8012 for Arduino / ESP8216 |
Hlw8032 | The hlw8032 library is designed for power, current, and voltage monitoring across diverse hardware, supporting both software and hardware serial interfaces. |
HM330X by Tomoto | Arduino library for HM3301/HM3302 dust sensor. |
HMC6352 | Experimental Arduino library for HMC6352 digital compass sensor |
HoneyWellFMA_SPI | A library for easy use of Honeywell FMAMSDXX025WCSC3 sensor |
Honeywell TruStability SPI | Arduino library for communicating with Honeywell TruStability HSC or SSC pressure sensors over SPI. |
Honeywell Zephyr I2C | Arduino library for Honeywell Zephyr HAF flow rate sensors using I2C. |
HP03S | A library that makes it easy to use the HP03S-sensor. |
hp_BH1750 | Digital light sensor breakout boards containing the BH1750FVI IC |
HSCDTD008A | A library for the HSCDTD008A geomagnetic sensor. |
HTU21D Sensor Library | An Arduino library for the HTU21D sensor. |
HX710 | Arduino library for HX710. |
HX710AB | Arduino library for the HX710A and HX710B 24-Bit ADC. |
hx710b_arduino | Arduino library for Air Pressure Sensor HX710B. |
HX711 Arduino Library | Library to interface the Avia Semiconductor HX711 ADC. |
HX711_ADC | Library for the HX711 24-bit ADC for weight scales. |
HX711_asukiaaa | It read values from HX711 |
HX711_light | A lightweight interface to the HX711 load cell amplifier. |
I2C-IRSENSE Library | An Arduino library to control the Iowa Scaled Engineering I2C-IRSENSE ( https://www.iascaled.com/store/I2C-IRSENSE ) reflective infrared proximity sensor. |
I2C-Sensor-Lib iLib | Library for i2c-sensors and some other specific functions (fast eFn, HDLC, SpektrumSerial). |
I2CSoilMoistureSensor | Provide access to all functions of the I2C Soil Moisture Sensor from Catnip Electronics. |
I2C Temperature Sensors derived from the LM75 | Support for I²C digital temperature sensors derived from the LM75. |
I2C_ASDX | Arduino library for I2C ASDX pressure sensor (Honeywell). |
I2C_Scanner | Master I2C Bus Device Scanner. |
iarduino_ACS712 | Библиотека для работы с аналоговым датчиком тока ACS712 (Analog Current Sensor) |
iarduino_ADC_CS1237 | Библиотека для работы с одноканальным дифференциальным АЦП CS1237. |
iarduino_AM2320 | Библиотека для работы с датчиком температуры и влажности AM2320 |
iarduino_APDS9930 | Библиотека для работы датчиком освещённости APDS9930. |
iarduino_DHT | Библиотека для работы с датчиками температуры и влажности DHT11 и(или) DHT22. |
iarduino_DS18XXX | Библиотека для работы с датчиками температуры: «DS18S20», «DS18B20», «DS1822». |
iarduino_HC_SR04 | Библиотека для работы с ультразвуковым датчиком расстояния HC-SR04. |
iarduino_HC_SR04_int | Библиотека для работы с ультразвуковым датчиком расстояния HC-SR04. |
iarduino_HC_SR04_tmr | Библиотека для работы с ультразвуковым датчиком расстояния HC-SR04. |
iarduino_I2C_Bumper | Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем бампер. |
iarduino_I2C_DSL | Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash датчиком освещённости. |
iarduino_I2C_SHT | Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash датчиком температуры и влажности. |
iarduino_IR_Thermometer | Библиотека позволяет работать с ИК-термометром на базе чипа MLX90614ESF-AAA |
iarduino_Position_BMX055 | Библиотека для работы с Trema модулем IMU 9 DOF на базе чипа BMX055. |
iarduino_Pressure_BMP | Библиотека для работы с датчиками атмосферного давления и температуры BMP180 и(или) BMP280. |
iarduino_SensorPulse | Библиотека для работы с датчиком пульса. |
iarduino_VCC | Библиотека для получения напряжения питания Arduino. |
iarduino_Wattmeter | Библиотека для работы с датчиком тока и напряжения ... |
ICM20689 | Library for communicating with the ICM20689 six-axis Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). |
ICM20948_WE | A library for the 9-axis accelerometer, gyrometer and magnetometer ICM20948 |
ICM42605 | Library for communicating with the ICM42605 six-axis Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). |
ICM42670P | Allows to read accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature sensors from an ICM42670P Invensence IMU device. |
ICM42670S | Allows to read accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature sensors from an ICM42670S Invensence IMU device. |
ICM42688 | Library for communicating with the ICM42688 six-axis Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). |
ICM45605 | Allows to read accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature sensors from an ICM45605 Invensence IMU device. |
ICM45686 | Allows to read accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature sensors from an ICM45686 Invensence IMU device. |
ICP-101xx Pressure Sensor Library | Arduino library for the TDK Invensense ICP-101xx family of high-resolution pressure sensors. |
ICP101xx | Allows to read pressure and temperature data from an ICP101xx Invensense pressure sensor (ICP10100, ICP10125,...) and estimates altitude or depth. |
ICP201xx | Allows to read pressure and temperature data from an ICP201xx Invensense pressure sensor (ICP20100,...) and estimates altitude or depth. |
ICUX0201 | Allow to read ultrasound data from Invensense ICU10201, ICU20201 or ICU30201 devices, detects targets and computes range. |
IFX007T-Motor-Control | This library provides an Interface for Infineons IFX007T Motor Control Arduino Shield |
IISc_EdgeAI | This library is for the Edge AI course at the Indian Institute of Science. |
IMU_Fusion_SYC | The data of MPU6050 and QMC5883L can be read, and the data fusion of both can be realized. |
INA219B | INA219B TI i2c output current/voltage/power monitor Library |
INA219_WE | A library for the INA219 current sensor module |
INA226Lib | Enables reading from INA226 current sensors to measure current and power. |
INA226_asukiaaa | It manages INA226 |
INA226_WE | A library for the INA226 current and power sensor module |
INA2xx | Read current, voltage and power data from one or more INA2xx device(s) |
INA3221 | INA3221 Triple-Channel Sensor Driver. |
INA780x | Library for communicating with the INA780X family of power monitor ics over I2C. |
INFICON Spot Library | Library for the INFICON Spot sensor |
InternalTemperature | Teensy internal CPU temperatures |
Interstitial Quadrant | Arduino library and example code for the Quadrant hand-tracking interface board. |
IoTesla-client | Arduino IoTesla client Library |
IOXESP32_4-20mA_Receiver | Arduino library of IOXESP32 4-20mA Receiver shield |
IPS-7100-I2C-Arduino | An Arduino library and setup instructions for integrating the versatile IPS-7100 Particle Sensor with Arduino compatible boards (Arduino, ESP etc.) using I2C communication. |
IRProxSensor | IRProxSensor provides a class to control an Infrared Proximity sensor. |
Irms_calc | Irms calculation library for ESP8266/ESP32/Arduino. |
ISE I2C-MCP3427 Library | A library to control the Iowa Scaled Engineering I2C-MCP3427 ( https://www.iascaled.com/store/I2C-MCP3427 ) 16-bit analog to digital converter |
ISFET board library | Arduino library for ISFET board to read pH and Temperature |
Isolated EC Probe Interface | Measure Electrical Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, and Salinity |
Isolated ISE Probe Interface | An isolated Ion Specific Electrode Probe Interface |
JAREL | Just Another Rotary Encoder Library |
Joba Tsl2561 Library | IoT library for using the Tsl2561 luminosity sensor |
Joystick 5-Pin | A joystick library for Arduino. |
JWA BME280 | Arduino library for BME280 |
KAIST_IoTDataScience | This library was repackage for KAIST_IoTDataScience Class. |
Kalman Filter Library | Kalman Filter Library. |
KellerModbus | Arduino library for communication with Keller pressure and water level sensors via Modbus. |
Kelvin2RGB | Arduino library for converting Kelvin temperature to RGB values |
KepecsWheel | A library for monitoring mouse wheel rotations with data logging capabilities. |
KOCOAFAB | Kocoafab's arduino D.I.Y. kit library. |
Komotion | For use with Komotion, the motion sensing platform designed for ES20r. |
KrokoTS | Light and fast library for resistive touchscreens |
KX0231025IMU | Arduino library for Semtech KX023-1025 IMU |
KXTJ3-1057 | Motion detection without bells and whistles, simply works, low power. |
L3G | Arduino library for Pololu L3G4200D, L3GD20, and L3G4200D boards |
LapINA219 | This is a simple current and voltage sensing library for the INA219 high-side Current Sensor |
LC709204F | Arduino library for the LC709204F battery monitor. |
ld2410 | An Arduino library for the Hi-Link LD2410 24Ghz FMCW radar sensor. |
LDC1312-1314 I2C Library | This library allows for easy communication between Arduino and the LDC1314 or LDC1314. |
LDS | Laser distance scan sensors (LDS/LIDAR) wrapper/controller for kaia.ai robotics platform |
Libdevlpr | A library that makes using the FANTM DEVLPR shield easier. |
LidarArray | Library for managing multiple VL53L0X LIDAR sensors using PCF8574 I/O expanders. |
LIDAR-Lite | Arduino library for Garmin LIDAR-Lite. |
Lime Labs HDC2080 | An Arduino library to configure and communicate with the Texas Instruments HDC2080 temperature & humidity sensor |
LineTracker5 Library | The library for the LineTracker5 board |
LIS3DH motion detection | Motion detection without bells and whistles, simply works, low power. |
LIS3MDL | LIS3MDL magnetometer library |
LIS331 | LIS331 triple axis acceleromenter Arduino library |
LM35IC | A library to interface with the LM35 family of temperature sensors. |
LM35 Sensor | This library for Arduino allows you to use the LM35 temperature sensor. |
LM73 | LM73 Temperature Sensor Library |
LM75 | Library to get temperature from LM75 |
LM75A Arduino library | M2M Solutions LM75A Arduino library. |
LMP91000 | Arduino library for the LMP91000 Configurable Potentiostat for Low-Power Chemical Sensing Applications. |
LPS | Arduino library for Pololu LPS boards |
LPS35HW | LPS35HW pressure sensor library |
LSA08 | This library is for the Cytron Line Sensing Array: LSA08. |
LSA08_Simplified | An easy to use library to interface LSA08 line sensor with MCU. |
LSM303 | Arduino library for Pololu LSM303 boards |
LSM6 | LSM6 accelerometer and gyro library |
LTC2942 | Library for Analog Devices LTC2941 and LTC2942 battery gas gauges. |
LTR308 library | An Arduino library for the digital light sensor breakout boards containing the Lite-On LTR-308ALS-01 IC |
LTR390 | Arduino library for the LTR390 UV sensors. |
LTR390_DFR | Arduino library for the I2C LTR390 UV sensor (DF Robotics edition). |
LTR390_RT | Arduino library for the I2C LTR390 UV sensor. |
LTS01A_MAX31725 | Library for LTS01A MAX31725. |
M304 Library | Library useful when programming control nodes using the M304 board for UECS control nodes |
M5-STHS34PF80 | Library for M5Stack Unit TMOS. |
MagAlpha Angle Sensor Library | Arduino library for the MPS MagAlpha magnetic angle sensor. |
MagVector 3D Magnetic Sensor | Library for the MPS MagVector 3D magnetic sensors. |
Max11615Lib | A library for interfacing with the MAX11612-MAX11617 ADC. |
MAX1464 Arduino library | A complete interface for the the Maxim MAX1464 Multichannel Sensor Signal Processor for Arduino. |
MAX1704X | Arduino library for MAX17043/MAX17044 lithium ion battery fuel gauge. |
MAX17055 | Lithium based battery fuel gauge and measurement IC library. |
MAX30100 | This Library supports the MAX30100 Pulse Oximetry IC |
MAX30100_milan | Based on MAX30100lib, it's a library for Maxim-IC MAX30100 heart-rate sensor driver and pulse-oximetry components with slightly modifications. |
MAX30100lib | Maxim-IC MAX30100 heart-rate sensor driver and pulse-oximetry components |
MAX3010x Sensor Library | An Arduino library for the MAX3010x sensor family. |
MAX31850 | Arduino library for the MAX31850 thermocouple temperature sensor. |
MAX31850 DallasTemp | A version of the DallasTemp Arduino library with MAX31850 support (Requires OneWire with MAX31850 support!) |
MAX31850 OneWire | A version of the OneWire Arduino library with MAX31850 support |
MAX31855-Library | Library for the MAX31855K module |
MAX31855_RT | Arduino library for MAX31855 chip for K type thermocouple. |
Max44007 | Library for MAX44007 I2C LUX sensor Arduino. |
Max44009 | Library for MAX44009 I2C LUX sensor Arduino. |
MAX44009 library | Library for the MAX44009 Ambient Light Sensor. |
MAX471 | Arduino Library to support the MAX471 sensor module |
MAX6626 | Arduino Library for MAX6626. |
MAX6675 | Arduino library for MAX6675 chip for K type thermocouple. |
MAX6675 library | Arduino library for interfacing with MAX6675 thermocouple amplifier |
MAX6675 with hardware SPI | A library for MAX6675 thermocouple interface. |
MAX6675_Thermocouple | The Library implements a set of methods for working with a thermocouple based on the MAX6675 driver. |
Max86141 | Enables using Max86140 and Max86141 sensor on NRF52840 board. |
MaximWire | A library for DS18B20 temperature sensor and Arduino NANO 33 BLE controller |
MCCI-Catena-PMS7003 | Arduino library for Plantower PMS7003 particulate matter sensors. |
MCCI Catena SCD30 | Arduino library for Sensirion SCD30 carbon dioxide sensors. |
MCCI Catena SDP | Arduino library for Sensirion SDP (SDP31, SDP32, SDP800-series) Differential Pressure sensors. |
MCCI-Catena-SHT3x | Arduino library for Sensirion SHT3x (SHT31, SHT32, SHT35) Temperature/Humidity sensors. |
MCCI LTR-329ALS | Arduino library for Lite-On LTR-329ALS ambient light sensor. |
MCMVoltSense | Voltage Measurement Library |
MCM_BL0940 | UART Library Control for BL0940 Energy Meter IC |
MCP3201 | A lighweight library for MCP3201 ADC chip. |
Mcp3208 | Arduino library for the MCP320x 12 bit ADC family. |
MCP3421 | A library for MCP3421 analog digital converter chip |
MCP3424 | Arduino library for 18 bit ADC I2C MCP3424 et al. |
MCP342x | Library to support Microchip ADC342x analogue to digital converters. |
MCP4725 | Arduino library for 12 bit I2C DAC - MCP4725 |
MCP9800 | Arduino Library for Microchip MCP9800/1/2/3 2-Wire High-Accuracy Temperature Sensors. |
MCP9802 | MCP9802 Driver (12-BIT Temperature Sensor with I2C Interface) |
MCP9808 | Arduino Library for Microchip MCP9808 Maximum Accuracy Digital Temperature Sensor. |
MCP9808_RT | Arduino Library for I2C MCP9808 temperature sensor |
MCP_ADC | Arduino library for MCP_ADC, e.g. MCP3008 SPI 10 bit, 8 channel ADC |
MCP_DAC | Arduino library for Microchip SPI DAC, 8, 10, 12 bit; 1 or 2 channel. |
MCP_POT | Arduino library for MCP41xxx and MCP42xxx SPI based digital potentiometers. |
MD_LM335A | Library for using a LM335A temperature sensor. |
MD_REncoder | Library for Rotary Encoder |
MD_TCS230 | Library for TCS230 TCS3200 Colour Sensor |
Mechasolution R finder10D | Arduino library form the TIONE R finder10D |
Melopero AMG8833 | A driver library for the AMG8833 sensor. |
Melopero APDS9960 | A driver library for the APDS9960 sensor. |
Melopero BME280 | A driver library for the BME280 sensor. |
Melopero LSM9DS1 | A driver library for the LSM9DS1 9-DOF IMU. |
Melopero RV3028 | A driver library for the RV3028 rtc. |
Melopero SAM-M8Q | A driver library for the SAM-M8Q GNSS Antenna Module. |
Melopero VL53L1X | A driver library for the VL53L1X sensor. |
MH-Z CO2 Sensors | Ready-to-use implementation for CO2 sensors of the MHZ series (Intelligent Infrared CO2 Module), supporting MH-Z14A, MH-Z14B, MH-Z19A, MH-Z19B, and MH-Z19C. |
MH-Z14A Library | A Library for using the MH-Z14A CO2-Sensor with Arduino. |
MH-Z19 | New Commands & Examples for the MHZ19 with Arduino, supporting hardware & software serial. |
Mhz19 | Library for Winsen MH-Z19 – infrared carbon dioxide sensor. |
MHZCO2 | Arduino Library for MHZ series CO2 sensors. |
MiCS6814-I2C | MiCS-6814 Gas Sensor I2C Interface Library |
microDS18B20 | Light library for DS18b20 sensor |
MicroWakeupper Wemos D1 Mini Battery Shield | Library for the MicroWakeupper Wemos D1 Mini Battery Shield (with deepsleep) |
Microfire Mod-NTC | Add the ability to measure any 10k NTC temperature to your hardware application with a fully digital interface. |
Microfire_HABridge | Create a Home Assistant sensor from any hardware and send measurements with ESPNow or LoRa. |
Microfire_Mod-EC | Add the ability to measure EC to your hardware application with a fully digital interface. |
Microfire_Mod-ORP | Add the ability to measure ORP to your hardware application with a fully digital interface. |
Microfire_Mod-pH | Add the ability to measure pH to your hardware application with a fully digital interface. |
Microfire_SHT3x | Measure air temperature, humdity, VPD, and dew point. It also calculates heat index and wet bulb estimates. |
MIDIcontroller | A library for creating Teensy MIDI controllers. |
MightyOhmGeigerCounter | Arduino library for the Mighty Ohm Geiger Counter. |
MillaMilla DS7505 Library | Arduino library for the DS7505 temperature sensor. |
MKL_DHT sensor library | Library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
MKL_DS18B20 | Library for the DS18B20 temperature sensor. |
MKRIMU | Allows you to read the acceleration, gyroscope, magnetic field and euler angles from the IMU on your MKR IMU shield. |
ML8511 | ML8511 - UV sensor - library for Arduino |
MLX90377_SENT | MLX90377 magnetic encoder via SENT receiver |
MLX90393_raw | MLX90393 magnetometer library. |
MLX90614 | Library to support Melexis MLX90614 infrared thermometer |
MMA7455 sensor Library | Freescale MMA7455 accelerometer sensor library |
MMA8453_n0m1 | an Arduino Library for the Freescale MMA8453Q & MMA8452Q accelerometer. |
MMA8652 | Library for the Freescale MMA8652 3-axis accelerometer |
MMA8653 | Allows reading the MMA8653 accelerometer. |
MMC34160PJ | A library for the Memsic's MMC34160PJ magnetometer |
ModbusPowerMeter | ModbusPowerMeter is a user-friendly library that uses the ModbusMaster library to read data from power meters. |
MOTY-Mini Temperature Sensor | A library for interfacing with the MOTY-mini temperature sensor. |
MPU6050 | MPU6050 Arduino Library. |
mpu6050_FastAngles | Library for reading fast and accurate angles from the MPU6050 sensor with selectable filters. |
MPU6050_light | Arduino library for light and fast communication with the MPU6050. |
MPU6050_tockn | Arduino library for easy communicating with the MPU6050. |
MPU9250_asukiaaa | It manages MPU9250 |
MPU9250_WE | A library for the 9-axis accelerometer, gyrometer and magnetometer MPU9250 and the MPU6500 |
MPXA6115A | Arduino library for the Freescale MPXA6115A absolute pressure sensor. |
MPXHZ6116A | Arduino library for the Freescale MPXHZ6116A absolute pressure sensor. |
MQSensor | Arduino Library for any MQ sensor such as MQ135 or MQ8 |
MQSpaceData | The first and only Arduino library where Geiger Counter and MQ Sensors combine with Data Science |
MQUnifiedsensor | This library allows you to read the MQ sensors very easily. |
MQ131 gas sensor | Library for measuring ozone (O3) concentration with sensor MQ131 |
MQ135 | This library allows you to easily read the MQ135 air quality sensor. |
MQ2_LPG | Simple library to detect LPG leaks. |
MQ7Sensor | MQ7 carbon monoxide detector library. |
mr76_radar | Help you parse CAN data from MR76 radar from nanoradar aslo works for similar module like mr72. |
ms5540c | Arduino library for MS5540C-series sensors |
MS5611 | Arduino library for MS5611 temperature and pressure sensor |
MS5611_SPI | Arduino library (SPI) for MS5611 temperature and pressure sensor |
MS5837_30BA_Library | A simple and easy library for the MS5837 pressure/depth sensor |
MS5xxx | Library for digital pressure sensors MS5xxx by Measurement Specialties (MEAS). |
MSP300 | Arduino Library for MSP300 pressure transducer (I2C). |
MT-arduino-momentary-button | Momentary button to detect button state change (press/release), short/long presses and multiple presses. |
MT-arduino-rotary-encoder | Rotary encoder library for the Arduino platform, to detect encoder detent/rotation direction and angular position. |
MT6701 | Use the MT6701 magnet rotary encoder with ESP. |
MT6701-arduino | MT6701 driver |
MT8870 | Arduino library for MT8870 DTMF decoder |
MTP40C | Arduino library for MTP40, MTP40C and MTP40D CO2 sensor |
MTP40F | Arduino library for MTP40F CO2 sensor |
MultiMAX6675 | Read multiple MAX6675 sensor non-blocking(ly) |
MultitapKeypad | A library (driver) for matrix 4x3 or 4x4 keypad supports multi-tap and long-tap. |
mupplet-sensor | muwerk mupplet Sensor Library |
MyLD2410 | An Arduino library for the LD2410 presence sensor, including HLK-LD2410B and HLK-LD2410C. |
MyOwnBricks | A library for the emulation of LEGO PoweredUp sensors on microcontrollers |
MyoWare Arduino Library | Arduino library for the MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor and Ecosystem. |
Nano33BLESensor | An Arduino library for the Nano 33 BLE Sense that leverages Mbed OS to automatically place sensor measurements in a ring buffer that can be integrated into programs in a simple manner. |
Naviguider_Compass_I2C | Arduino library for Naviguider I2C Compass. |
NewEncoder | A library that makes coding an rotary encoder a breeze with useful functions |
NHB_AD7124 | Library for the Analog Devices AD7124-4 24 bit precision analog converter IC |
NHB_AD7794 | Library for using the Analog Devices AD7794 6ch 24 bit precision analog converter IC |
NHCSR04 | NHCSR04 for the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor. |
NintendoControllersSTM32 | Support Nunchuck, GameCube controller and Game Port joysticks on STM32F1 |
NMEA_Parser | Arduino library to parse NMEA sentences |
NonBlockingDallas | Arduino library for Maxim DS18B20 temperature sensor |
Nouryas Advanced Line Follower | Allows the car to run over a specific path (Line). |
Nova Fitness Sds dust sensors library | A high-level abstaction over Sds sensors family |
Nova_SDS011 Sensor Library | Nova SDS011 dust sensor library |
NST1001 | NST1001 temperature sensor driver. |
NTC_Thermistor | The Library implements a set of methods for working with a NTC thermistor. |
NXPMotionSense | Motion sensing with NXP FXOS8700 Accelerometer & Magnetometer and NXP FXAS21002 Gyroscope. |
OctoSonar | A library to support the OctoSonar v2 HC-SR04 concentrators |
Octopus Firmware | Firmware library for Octopus integration using Arduino BLE Nano 33 rev2 or Nicla Vision. |
Omron D6F-PH Arduino Library | Library for I2C Communication with Omron D6F-PH Differential Pressure Sensor |
OneTime-BH1750 | A library that makes using a BH1750 easy and lightweight. |
OneWireHub | OneWire slave device emulator with support for up to 32 simultaneous 1wire devices. |
openafe | Library for the OpenAFE Shield |
openafe_comm | Communication library for the OpenAFE library |
OPT3101 | OPT3101 distance sensor library |
OPT4048 | Arduino library for Texas Instruments OPT4048 Ambient Light Sensor (ALS) |
Oregon | Decode data from Oregon sensors. |
PMsensor | Arduino Particulate Matter Sensors for GP2Y1010AU0F. |
PCA9536D | Library for the PCA9536D I2C 4-bit I/O Expander. |
PCF85263 | Arduino library for the PCF85263 RTC (I2C). |
PCT2075 | Arduino library for I2C PCT2075 temperature sensor / thermal watchdog. |
PD-10LX-Library | A simple and easy library for the Keller PD-10LX (X-Line) pressure/temp sensors |
PeanutKing Soccer | Arduino library for controlling Soccer Robot by Peanut King. |
PH4502C-Sensor | Arduino library for PH4502C sensor. |
PicoEncoder | High resolution quadrature encoder using the PIO on the RP2040 |
PicoHM01B0 | Get high frame rate from a HM01B0 camera using the PIO on the RP2040 |
pimoroniTrackball | Connect the Pimoroni RGBW trackball breakout to a microcontroller. |
ping-arduino | A messaging and device api for the Blue Robotics Ping1D echosounder |
PIRSensor | PIRSensor provides a class to control a Passive Infrared sensor. |
Pixetto | An Arduino library for VIA Pixetto Vision Sensor. |
PixettoLite | An lightweight Arduino library for VIA Pixetto. |
PixhawkArduinoMAVLink | Arduino Library to receive Pixhawk sensor's data |
PL ADXL355 | Analog Devices ADXL355 accelerometer library |
PMSensor-HPMA115 | A library for interacting with the Honeywell HPMA115 particulate matter sensors. |
PM1006K | Driver library for PM1006K sensors. |
PM2008 I2C | Arduino library to control Cubic PM2008 I2C |
PMS Library | Arduino library for Plantower PMS sensors. |
PMW3360 Module | This library allows an Arduino/Genuino board to interface with PixArt PMW3360 motion sensor module. |
pocketBME280 | Compact library to interface BME280 sensors |
PololuHD44780 | C++ library for the Arduino IDE that allows you to control an LCD that uses the Hitachi HD44780 protocol. |
Potentiostat_Shield | Arduino library for potentiostat shield. |
Pozyx | Library for the pozyx indoor positioning shield |
PRDC_AD7193 | PR-DC Arduino Library for Analog Devices AD7193. |
PRDC_AD7194 | PR-DC Arduino Library for Analog Devices AD7194. |
PRDC_AD7797 | PR-DC Arduino Library for Analog Devices AD7797. |
PreciseLM35 | A simple LM35 wrapper with optional voltage calibration facility |
PressureNXPMXP | Pressure differential MXP serie |
ProtoCentral ADS1220 24-bit ADC Library | Library for the ProtoCentral ADS1220 breakout board |
ProtoCentral ADS1262 32-bit precision ADC Library | ADS1262 32-bit ADC library for Arduino |
ProtoCentral ADS1292R ECG and Respiration boards library | Library for the ProtoCentral ADS1292R Shield/Breakout board |
ProtoCentral ADS1293 ECG Library | Library to read from the ProtoCentral ADS1293 ECG breakout |
ProtoCentral AFE4490 PPG and SpO2 boards library | Library for the Protocentral AFE4490 Shield and Breakout board |
ProtoCentral FDC1004 Capacitive Sensor Library | Library for the ProtoCentral FDC1004 breakout board |
ProtoCentral HealthyPi v4 Library | Library for the ProtoCentral HealthyPi v4 |
ProtoCentral MAX30001 | Library for the Protocentral MAX30001 Single lead ECG breakout board. |
ProtoCentral MAX30003 ECG AFE Sensor Library | Library for the ProtoCentral MAX30003 Single lead ECG breakout board. |
ProtoCentral MAX30205 Body Temperature Sensor Library | Arduino library for the ProtoCentral MAX30205 Body Temperature Sensor breakout board |
ProtoCentral MAX86150 PPG and ECG IC library | Library for the MAX86150 PPG and ECG sensor module breakout board |
ProtoCentral MLX90632 Non-contact temperature Library | Library for the ProtoCentral MLX90632 breakout board |
ProtoCentral Pulse Express SpO2 Heartrate and BPT sensor | Library for the ProtoCentral Pulse Express board |
ProtoCentral TLA20xx | Library for the ProtoCentral TI TLA2021/TLA2022/TLA2024 breakout board. |
PS-33D I2C | Arduino library to control Blue Sky PS-33D I2C |
PulseFlowMeter | PulseFlowMeter is simple library for reading accurate flow rates with pulse-output type flow meters. |
PwFusion_Data_Transfer | PwFusion I2C communication simplification library |
PwFusion_I2C_Buttons_Arduino_Library | PwFusion I2C Buttons interface library |
PwFusion_I2C_Encoder_Arduino_Library | PwFusion I2C Encoder interface library |
PwFusion_I2C_Joystick_Arduino_Library | PwFusion I2C Joystick interface library |
PwFusion_I2C_Toggle_Arduino_Library | PwFusion I2C switch interface library |
PWFusion_MAX31856 | MAX31856 Thermocouple Interface Library |
PWFusion_Max31865 | MAX31865 RTD Sensor Measurement Library |
PWFusion_Mcp2515 | MCP2515 SPI CAN Controller Library |
PWFusion_Mcp960x | MCP9601 I2C Thermocouple Measurement Library |
PWFusion_TCA9548A | TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer Library |
pzem-edl | PZEM event-driven library |
PZEM004Tv30 | Library for the PZEM-004T v3.0 Power and Energy monitor |
QMC5883LCompass | Library for using QMC5583L series chip boards as a compass. |
Qmi8658c | Interface with Qmi8658c Inertial Measurement Unit |
QTRSensors | Arduino library for the Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensors |
QuadratureEncoder | A library for quadrature encoder utilizing enableInterrupt.h. |
Queuetue HX711 Library | Simple driver for the HX711 ADC. |
RAKwireless ADS7830 library | RAKWireless library for the RAK16001 Sensor Modules |
RAKwireless-Audio-library | RAKWireless library for the RAK audio module |
RAKwireless CAP1293 Touch Pad library | RAKWireless library for the RAK14002 module with the CAP1293 sense IC |
RAKwireless I3G4250D Gyroscope library | RAKWireless library for the RAK12025 module with I3G4250D Gyroscope |
RAKwireless MQx library | RAKWireless library for the MQx Gas Sensor Modules |
RAKwireless NCP5623 RGB LED library | RAKWireless library for the RAK14001 module with the NCP5623 RGB LED |
RAKwireless-RAK12021-TCS37725 | RAKWireless library for the RAK12021 RGB Light Sensor with the TCS37725 |
RAKwireless RAK12034 | RAKWireless library for the WisBlock 9DOF RAK12034 module, based on Bosch BMX160 |
RAKwireless RAK13600 RFID library | RAKWireless library for the RAK13600 RFID module with the PN532 |
RAKwireless TLE7259 LIN Bus library | RAKWireless library for the RAK13005 LIN bus module with the TLE7259 chip |
RAKwireless VEML Light Sensor | RAKWireless library for the RAK12010 ambient light sensor module with the VEML7700 chip |
RAKwireless_ADC_SGM58031_library | RAKWireless library for ADC |
RadSensBoard | An Arduino library for RadSens Geiger counter board. |
RadiationWatch | Arduino driver for Radiation Watch Pocket Geiger sensor |
RAIN | Arduino library for FC-37 analog rain sensor and compatibles. |
RAK-OneWireSerial | RAKWireless OneWireSerial |
RAK12019_LTR390_UV_Light | RAKWireless library for the RAK12019 module with the LTR390 UV light sensor |
RAK12022-MAX31865 | RAKWireless library for the RAK12022-MAX31865 |
RAK12029-LDC1614 | RAKWireless library for the RAK12029 Induction Sensor module |
RAK12035_SoilMoisture | Provide access to all functions of the RAKwireless RAK12023/RAK12035 Soil Moisture Sensor. |
RAK12039_PM_Sensor | RAKwireless library for the RAK12039 Particle Matter Sensor |
RAK12052-MLX90640 | RAKWireless library for the matrix |
RAK1500x-MB85RC | RAKWireless library for the FRAM |
RAK5814-ATECC608A | RAKWireless library for the encryption |
Rando HX711 Library | Simple driver for the HX711 ADC, with various options for output formatting/scaling. |
RazorIMU_9DOF | This library is for the Razor AHRS 9DOF IMU by Sparkfun. |
RBD_Capacitance | Measure change in capacitance. |
RBD_HumanSensor | Detect human presence, touch, and pickup events. |
RBD_Light | Control many lights. |
RBD_LightSensor | Read and calibrate photoresistors. |
RBD_WaterSensor | Measure and calibrate water level sensors. |
RCWL0516 | RCWL0516 provides a class to control an RCWL-0516 motion detection radar sensor. |
RDV GY-512 Library | An Arduino library to simplify reading values from the GY-512 gyroscope, accelerometer, and temperature sensor. |
ReWire MAX32664 Biosensor Hub Library | Library for interfacing with the MAX32664 biometric hub |
ReciclaBot | Biblioteca do projeto ReciclaBot do IFPA Paragominas. |
ReefwingLPS22HB | Arduino Library for the LPS22HB Pressure Sensor. |
ReefwingLSM9DS1 | Arduino Library for the LSM9DS1 9-axis IMU. |
ReefwingMPU6050 | Arduino library for MPU6050 IMU |
ReefwingMPU6x00 | Arduino library for MPU6000/6500 IMUs |
Reefwing_xIMU3 | Arduino Library for the xIMU3 GUI. |
RelayModule | The Library implements a set of methods for working with a digital relay module. |
ResistorReader_asukiaaa | It read value of a resistor. |
RevEng PAJ7620 | Arduino library to provide a driver and API for the PixArt PAJ7620 (PAJ7620U2 or PAJ7620F2) integrated gesture recognition sensor. |
RG15-Arduino | The RG15 Arduino Library (RG15-Arduino) provides robust communication with the RG15 Rain Gauge Sensor over a serial interface. |
Rivers Engineering | Arduino library for engineering classes at The Rivers School |
rmt_SENT | J2716 SENT receiver via rmt |
ROBLEX | library for the ROBLEX Development Kit |
RoboCore - BRIICK Encoder | Library for the BRIICK Encoder. |
RoboCore - BRIICK Keypad | Library for the BRIICK Keypad. |
RoboCore - BRIICK TRIAC | Library for the BRIICK TRIAC. |
RoboCore - MMA8452Q | Library for the MMA8452Q 3-axis accelerometer. |
Robopoly Linear Camera | This library allows you to get data from the Robopoly Linear Camera. |
Robopoly RomeEnco | This library allows you to read up to four encoders at the same time. |
roo_temperature | Type-safe and unit-independent representation of temperature and thermometers. |
RoomWeather | Arduino library that provides plug and play support for various air quality sensors. |
RTC_RX8025NB | A simple Arduino RTC library for the EPSON RX-8025NB module. |
RTD10K-temp-sensor | Read temperature with analog input and 10K RTD |
S11059 | A color sensor library for Arduino |
S5851A | A temperature sensor library for Arduino |
S8_UART | SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor library using UART communication |
S9706 | A color sensor library for Arduino |
SCButton | Button that reacts periodically on constant pressure. |
SCA100T | This library allows communication with Murata SCA100T inclinometer sensors using SPI. |
scd30_modbus | Arduino library for the SCD30 sensors |
ScioSense_APC1 | Arduino library for the Air Purification Combo ONE sensor with UART or I2C communication interface |
ScioSense_ENS16x | Arduino library for the ENS16x digital four channel MOX gas sensor family with I2C interface from ScioSense |
ScioSense_ENS21x | Arduino library for ENS21x digital temperature & humidity sensors with I2C interface from ScioSense |
ScioSense_ENS220 | Library for the ENS220 pressure and temperature sensor by ScioSense |
SCL3300 | A library for SPI communication with the Murata SCL3300 Inclinometer sensor. |
SCL3400 | A library for SPI communication with the Murata SCL3400 Inclinometer sensor. |
SD2405 | Arduino library for I2C SD2405 RTC and compatibles. |
SDHT | Class for DHT11, DHT12, DHT21 and DHT22 Sensors |
SDPSensor-ESP | arduino-esp library for Sensirion's Differential Pressure sensors |
SDS011 sensor Library | Nova Fitness SDS011 dust sensor library |
SDS011_vers | A library for NovaFitness SDS011 Particle Matter Sensor |
SDU AGS SensorBoard | Library that supports the AGS sensor board. |
SE_Button | Advanced button operation library |
Seeed Arduino 24GHz Radar Sensor | An extensible library for interfacing with 24GHz Radar Sensor devices |
Seeed Arduino 8Channel I2C Hub | An extensible library for interfacing with 8Channel I2C Hub |
Seeed Arduino IR | Seeed Arduino Infrared Library |
Seeed Arduino LSM6DS3 | Arduino library to control Grove 6 Axis Accelerometer&Gyroscope LSM6DS3, LSM6DS3-C. |
Seeed Arduino SGP30 | Arduino library to control Grove SGP30_Gas_Sensor. |
Seeed_Arduino_AHT20 | A AHT20 library for Arduino. |
SEN10724 | Provides functions to handle the SEN 10724 board. |
Sensirion Gas Index Algorithm | Library for gas index algorithm to use with Sensirion sensors |
Sensirion I2C SFx6xxx | Library for the SFX6XXX sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SCD30 | Library for the SCD30 sensor by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SCD4x | Library for the SCD4X sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SDP | Library for the SDP sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SEN44 | Library for the SEN44 sensor module family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SEN5X | Library for the SEN5X sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SEN66 | Library for the SEN66 sensor by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SF06-LF | Library for the SF06-LF sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SFA3x | Library for the SFA3X sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SFM-SF06 | Library for the SFM-SF06 sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SFM3000 | Library for the SFM3000 sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SFM3304 | Library for the SFM3304 sensor by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SGP40 | Library for the SGP40 sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SGP41 | Library for the SGP41 sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SHT3x | Library for the SHT3X sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SHT4x | Library for the SHT4X sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C STC3x | Library for the STC3X sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C STS3x | Library for the STS3X sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C STS4x | Library for the STS4x sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion I2C SVM4x | Library for the SVM4x evaluation kit board by Sensirion. |
sensirion-sps | Support for Sensirion's SPS30 particulate matter sensor |
Sensirion UART SFx6xxx | Library for the SFX6XXX sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion UART SEN44 | Library for the SEN44 sensor by Sensirion |
Sensirion UART SFA3x | Library for the SFA3X sensor family by Sensirion |
Sensirion UART Svm4x | Library for the SVM4Xsensor by Sensirion |
Sensirion UPT BLE Auto Detection | Automatically detects Sensirion Gadgets via Bluetooth and reads out measurement data. |
Sensirion UPT I2C Auto Detection | Automatically detects Sensirion Sensors on an I2C bus and reads out measurement data. |
SensorFusion | A library that makes using a IMU a breeze. |
SensorModbusMaster | Arduino library for communicating via modbus with the Arduino acting as master |
SensorNormalization | Library for line sensors. |
SerialRFID | Arduino library to read RFID tags from ID-innovations RFID readers (e.g. ID-12LA) using serial. |
servodht11 | Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
SetPoint | A library that makes detecting changes on an analog input simple. |
SFM-V1.7 | Interfacing to the SFM-V1.7 Fingerprint Sensor for ESP32 platform |
SGP30 | Arduino library for SGP30 environment sensor. |
SharpDistSensor | Sharp analog distance sensor library |
SharpIR | Allow to acquire distance data from analog Sharp IR sensors |
sharpIRSensor | Toolbox for IR meters by Sharp |
SHCSR04 | Arduino class for sensor HCSR04 |
SHT1x sensor library for ESPx | Arduino ESP library for SHT1x Temp & Humidity Sensors for ESP32 |
SHT2x | Arduino library for the I2C SHT20 SHT21 SHT25 series temperature and humidity sensor. |
SHT31 | Arduino library for the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor |
SHT31_SW | Arduino library for the I2C SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor |
SHT31_SWW | Arduino library for the I2C SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor |
sht3x-dis-arduino-lib | A library for SHT3X-DIS sensor from Sensirion |
SHT85 | Arduino library for the SHT85, SHT30, SHT31, SHT35 Sensirion temperature and humidity sensors and compatibles. |
SI1145_WE | An Arduino library for the SI1145 VIS, IR, PS and UV-Index sensor. |
SimpleDHT | Arduino Temp & Humidity Sensors for DHT11 and DHT22. |
SimpleIMU | A Beginner Friendly library to interface MPU6050 with Arduino. |
SimpleRotary | Library for using rotary encorders. |
SimpleUltrasonic | A library for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. |
Simple_HC-SR04_Control | Simple library to use HC-SR04. |
Simple_HCSR04 | A simple wrapper for the HC-SR04 Module. |
Sitron Labs OPT3001 Ambient Light Sensor Arduino Library | Arduino library for the Texas Instruments OPT3001 Ambient Light Sensor. |
SixAxisRing | A library for communicating with the Six Axis Shield. |
slight_FDC1004 | A library to interface to an TI FDC1004 Capacitiv sensor. |
SM_RTD | A easy to use Arduino Library for RTD Data Acquisition HAT |
SM_TC | A easy to use Arduino Library for Eight Thermocouples DAQ HAT |
SmartEverything HTS221 | Library code for HTS221 Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature |
SmartEverything LPS25H | Library code for LPS25H MEMS pressure sensor: 260-1260 hPa absolute digital output barometer |
SmartEverything LSM6DS3 | Library code for LSM6DS3 iNEMO inertial module:3D accelerometer, 3D gyroscope |
SmartEverything LSM9DS1 | Library code for LSM9DS1 iNEMO inertial module:3D accelerometer, 3D gyroscope, 3D magnetometer |
SmartEverything VL6180X | Library code for the Ambient Light & Proximity sensor from ST component. |
SmoothThermistor | Flexible thermistor reading library. |
SNP_Sensor | Arduino library for the SNP Sensor. |
Sodaq_BMP085 | An Arduino library for the BMP085/BMP180 Barometric Pressure + Temp sensor |
Sodaq_DS3231 | An Arduino library for the DS3231 RTC (Real Time Clock). |
Sodaq_HTS221 | An Arduino library for the HTS221 sensor. |
Sodaq_LPS22HB | An Arduino library for the LPS22HB sensor. |
Sodaq_SHT2x | An Arduino library for the SHT21 / SHT25 humidity and temperature sensors |
SoilSensor | Arduino library for HARDWARIO Soil Sensor. |
SolarCharger | Solar Charger Shield. |
SolarChargerSB041 | Library to read data from the SB041 solar charger designed for the senseBox. |
Soldered ADS1015 and ADS1115 EasyC Library | Popular ADC boards by Soldered. |
Soldered AS3935 Lightning sensor library | AS3935 Lightning sensor Arduino library |
Soldered BME280 and BME680 EasyC Library | BME280 and BME680 EasyC Library |
Soldered BMP280 Arduino Library | Soldered Arduino library for BMP280n Sensor Breakout. |
Soldered Fingerprint Sensor | Simple Fingerprint Sensor by Soldered |
Soldered Hall Effect Arduino Library | Hall Effect Sensor library (Analog and Digital, regular and EasyC) |
SOLDERED HX711 Arduino Library | Library for controling HX711 sensor. |
Soldered INA219 Board Arduino Library | INA219 Current Sensor Board Arduino Library by Soldered |
Soldered LSM9DS1TR Arduino Library | Library for the LSM9DS1TR breakout board by Soldered. |
Soldered LTR-507 Arduino Library | Library used to easily operate with the LTR-507 Light And Proximity Sensor |
Soldered MQ-X Gas Sensor Arduino Library | MQ-X Gas Sensor Library by Soldered |
Soldered Obstacle Sensor Arduino Library | Obstacle Sensor easyC library |
Soldered PMS7003 Arduino Library | PMS7003 Arduino Library by Soldered |
Soldered SI114X Light Sensor Arduino Library | Library used to easily operate with SI1142 and SI1147 Light Sensors |
Soldered Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Arduino library | Ultrasonic sensor is used to measure distance |
SonarI2C | A library to support cheap ultrasonic sensors on I2C bus |
SparkFun 6DoF ISM330DHCX | This library is for the SparkFun Qwiic and Qwiic Micro, 6DoF ISM330DHCX breakout board. |
SparkFun 6DoF LSM6DSV16X | This library is for the SparkFun Qwiic and Qwiic Micro, 6DoF LSM6DSV16X breakout board. |
SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout - ICM 20948 - Arduino Library | Use the low-power high-resolution ICM 20948 9 DoF IMU from Invensense with I2C or SPI. Version 1.2 of the library includes support for the InvenSense Digital Motion Processor (DMP™). |
SparkFun ACS37800 Power Monitor Arduino Library | Library for the Allegro MicroSystems ACS37800 power monitor IC |
SparkFun ADS122C04 ADC Arduino Library | Arduino library for the TI ADS122C04 |
SparkFun ADXL313 Arduino Library | Library for the SparkFun 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL313 (Qwiic) |
SparkFun ADXL345 Arduino Library | An Arduino library for interfacing with the SparkFun Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL345 |
SparkFun AK975X Human Presence Sensor Library | Library for the AK9753 PIR Human Presence Qwiic Board |
SparkFun AK9750 Human Presence Sensor Library | Library for the AK9750 PIR Human Presence Qwiic Board |
SparkFun Ambient Light Sensor Arduino Library | Library for the SparkFun Ambient Light Sensor-VEML6030 |
SparkFun Angular Displacement Sensor Arduino Library | Library for the Bend Labs ASD sensor |
SparkFun APDS9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor | Library for the Avago APDS-9960 sensor |
SparkFun AS3935 Lightning Detector Arduino Library | This is an Arduino Library for the AS3935 Lightning Detector by AMS |
SparkFun AS6212 Qwiic Arduino Library | Arduino Library for interfacing with the AMS AS6212 Temperature Sensor |
SparkFun AS726X | A library to drive the AMS AS726X NIR/VIS Spectrum Sensor |
SparkFun AS7331 Arduino Library | An Arduino library to make use of the Qwiic and Qwiic Mini AS7331 Spectral UV Sensor |
SparkFun BH1749NUC Arduino Library | Library for the BH1749NUC color sensor on the SparkFun Qwiic RGB Sensor |
SparkFun Bio Sensor Hub Library | Library for the MAX32664 Bio Metric Hub IC |
SparkFun BMA400 Arduino Library | A library to drive the Bosch BMA400 accelerometer. |
SparkFun BME280 | A library to drive the Bosch BME280 Altimeter and Pressure sensor |
SparkFun BMI270 Arduino Library | A library to drive the Bosch BMI270 6-DoF IMU. |
SparkFun BMP384 Arduino Library | A library to drive the Bosch BMP384 pressure sensor. |
SparkFun BMP581 Arduino Library | A library to drive the Bosch BMP581 pressure sensor. |
SparkFun BNO080 Cortex Based IMU | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic VR IMU - BNO080/BNO085 |
SparkFun BNO08x Cortex Based IMU | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic VR IMU - BNO080/BNO085/BNO086 |
SparkFun BQ27441 LiPo Fuel Gauge Arduino Library | An Arduino library for interfacing with the BQ27441-G1 LiPo Fuel Gauge |
SparkFun BQ40Z50 Battery Manager Arduino Library | Library for I2C Communication and Configuration of the BQ40Z50 |
SparkFun CAP1203 Arduino Library | SparkFun library for the CAP1203 capactive slider sensor |
SparkFun CCS811 Arduino Library | An Arduino library to drive the AMS CCS811 by I2C. |
SparkFun Color Sensor OPT4048 | This library is for the SparkFun Qwiic and Qwiic Mini, Color Sensor: OPT4048 |
SparkFun DE2120 2D Barcode Reader | Serial Library for the DE2120 2D Barcode Reader |
SparkFun DMX Shield Library | Library for the SparkFun ESP32 DMX to LED Shield |
SparkFun Extensible Message Parser | Library to parse structured serial streams |
SparkFun Flying Jalapeno 2 Arduino Library | An Arduino Library to control the Flying Jalapeno 2 test platform. |
SparkFun Flying Jalapeno Arduino Library | An Arduino Library to control the Flying Jalapeno test platform. |
SparkFun Garmin LIDAR-Lite v4 Arduino Library | Arduino library for Garmin LIDAR-Lite. |
SparkFun GridEYE AMG88 Library | Library for the Panasonic GridEYE Thermopile Array - AMG88 |
SparkFun High Precision Temperature Sensor TMP117 Qwiic | A library to drive the Texas Instruments TMP117 by I2C. |
SparkFun Himax HM01B0 Camera | Configure and use the Himax HM01B0 camera module |
SparkFun HTU21D Humidity and Temperature Sensor Breakout | HTU21D temperature and humidity densor breakout. |
SparkFun I2C GPS Reading and Control | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic I2C GPS Module |
SparkFun IM19 IMU Arduino Library | Library for interfacing to the IM19 tilt sensor |
SparkFun Indoor Air Quality Sensor - ENS160 | This library is for the SparkFun Indoor Air Quality Sensor - ENS160 (Qwiic) |
SparkFun ISL29125 Breakout | Arduino library showing basic functionality for the ISL29125 RGB Light Sensor Breakout Board. |
SparkFun KX13X Arduino Library | Communicates and configures the SparkFun KX132/KX134 Accelerometer. |
SparkFun LG290P Quadband RTK GNSS Arduino Library | Library for Serial Communication and Configuration of the LG290P |
SparkFun Line Follower Array | Library to operate the 8 position line sensor array for robots. |
SparkFun LIS2DH12 Arduino Library | Library for I2C Communication with ST LIS2DH12 low power accelerometer |
SparkFun LIS3DH Arduino Library | A library to drive the STmicro LIS3DH by SPI or I2C. |
SparkFun LPS25HB Pressure Sensor Library | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic Pressure Sensor - LPS25HB. |
SparkFun LPS28DFW Arduino Library | A library to drive the STMicroelectronics LPS28DFW barometer. |
SparkFun LSM303C 6 DOF IMU Breakout | Driver for ST's LSM303C 6-DOF IMU (3-axis accelerometer & 3-axis magnetometer) |
SparkFun LSM6DS3 Breakout | A library to drive the STmicro LSM6DS3 by SPI or I2C. |
SparkFun LSM9DS0 Breakout | Library for the 9 degree of freedom IC -ST Micro's LSM9DS0. |
SparkFun LSM9DS1 IMU | A driver library for the LSM9DS1 IMU. |
SparkFun MAX1704x Fuel Gauge Arduino Library | Arduino library for the MAX17043/44/48/49 fuel gauges |
SparkFun MAX3010x Pulse and Proximity Sensor Library | Library for the MAX30102 Pulse and MAX30105 Proximity Breakout |
SparkFun MAX31855K Thermocouple Digitizer | K type thermocouple digitizer board. |
SparkFun MCP9600 Thermocouple Library | Driver for Microchip's MCP9600 Thermocouple Amplifier. |
SparkFun MicroMod Button | Communicates with the buttons connected to the MicroMod Input and Display board. |
SparkFun MicroPressure Library | A library to read Honeywell's MPR series micropressure sensor. |
SparkFun MLX90632 Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensor | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic Noncontact Thermo Sensor - MLX90632 |
SparkFun MMA8452Q Accelerometer | Basic I2C functionality of the MMA8452Q Accelerometer Breakout |
SparkFun MMC5983MA Magnetometer Arduino Library | A I2C/SPI library for the MMC5983MA magnetic compass sensor. |
SparkFun MPL3115A2 Altitude and Pressure Sensor Breakout | SparkFun's breakout for the Freescale MPL3115A2 Precision Altimeter |
SparkFun MPU-9250 9 DOF IMU Breakout | Driver for InvenSense's MPU-9250 9-DOF IMU (3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer & 3-axis magnetometer) |
SparkFun MS5637 Barometric Pressure Library | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic Pressure Sensor - MS5637 |
SparkFun MS5803-14BA Pressure Sensor | Library for MS5803-14BA Pressure Sensor. |
SparkFun Particle Sensor Panasonic SN-GCJA5 | A library to communicate with the Panasonic SN-GCJA5 particle sensor. |
SparkFun PCA9536 Arduino Library | Library for the PCA9536 on the SparkFun Qwiic RGB Sensor |
SparkFun PHT MS8607 Arduino Library | Arduino library for the TE Connectivity MS8607 PHT sensor |
SparkFun Qwiic 6Dof - LSM6DS0 | A library to drive the STmicro LSM6DS0 by SPI or I2C. |
SparkFun Qwiic AS7341L 10-Channel Spectral Sensor | Configures and communicates with the SparkFun Qwiic AS7341L 10-Channel Spectral Sensor. |
SparkFun Qwiic Button and Qwiic Switch Library | Communicates and configures the SparkFun Qwiic Button and Switch. |
SparkFun Qwiic Haptic Driver DA7280 Library | Library for the DA7280 Haptic Driver |
SparkFun Qwiic Humidity AHT20 | A library to drive ASAIT's new AHT20 temperature and humidity IC. |
SparkFun Qwiic IR Thermometer MLX90614 Arduino Library | Library for the SparkFun IR Thermometer Evaluation Board, Qwiic IR Thermometer Board, and the MLX90614 IR thermometer. |
SparkFun Qwiic OTOS Arduino Library | A library to use the SparkFun Qwiic Optical Tracking Odometry Sensor |
SparkFun Qwiic PIR Library | Configures and communicates with the SparkFun Qwiic PIR. |
SparkFun Qwiic Power Switch Arduino Library | Arduino library for the Qwiic Power Switch |
SparkFun Qwiic Scale NAU7802 Arduino Library | Library to control the 24-bit load cell amplifier NAU7802. |
SparkFun Qwiic TMF-8801 Time-of-flight Library | Configures and communicates with the SparkFun Qwiic TMF-8801 Time-of-flight sensor. |
SparkFun Qwiic TMF882X Library | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic breakout boards for the AMS TMF882X sensor products. |
SparkFun Qwiic Ultrasonic Arduino Library | A library to use the SparkFun Qwiic Ultrasonic Distance Sensor |
SparkFun Qwiic Universal Auto-Detect | A scalable library for logging data from a wide range of Qwiic sensors |
SparkFun RFD77402 Distance Sensor - VCSEL Time of Flight | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic Distance Sensor - RFD77402 |
SparkFun SCD30 Arduino Library | Library for the Sensirion SCD30 CO2 Sensor |
SparkFun SCD4x Arduino Library | Library for the Sensirion SCD4x family of CO2 Sensors (SCD40 and SCD41) |
SparkFun SDP3x Arduino Library | Library for the Sensirion SDP3x Differential Pressure Sensors |
SparkFun Serial Fingerprint Scanners AS-108M and AD-013 | Configures and communicates with the SparkFun Serial Fingerprint Scanners AS-108M and AD-013. |
SparkFun SGP30 Arduino Library | Library for the Sensirion SGP30 air quality sensor |
SparkFun SGP40 Arduino Library | Library for the Sensirion SGP40 air quality sensor |
SparkFun SHTC3 Humidity and Temperature Sensor Library | Library for the SHTC3 humidity and temperature sensor by Sensirion |
SparkFun Si7021 Humidity and Temperature Sensor | Library for Si7021 Humidity and Temperature Sensor. |
SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader Library | Library for the RFID Modules from ThingMagic |
SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor | An Arduino library for the SparkFun Qwiic Soil Moisture Sensor. |
SparkFun Spectral Triad AS7265X | An Arduino library for the AS7265x Triple Spectroscopy Sensor Board |
SparkFun STC3x Arduino Library | Library for the Sensirion STC3x family of CO2 Sensors (STC31) |
SparkFun STHS34PF80 Arduino Library | A library to drive the STMicroelectronics infrared sensor STHS34PF80. |
SparkFun Temperature Sensor - STTS22H | This library is for the SparkFun Temperature Sensor - STTS22H |
SparkFun TMAG5273 Arduino Library | A library to drive the Texas Instruments hall-effect sensor TMAG5273. |
SparkFun TMP102 Breakout | A library to drive the Texas Instruments TMP102 using I2C. |
SparkFun TSL2561 | An Arduino Library for the TSL2561 Luminosity Sensor Breakout from SparkFun Electronics. |
SparkFun u-blox Arduino Library | DEPRECATED Library for I2C and Serial Communication with u-blox modules |
SparkFun u-blox GNSS Arduino Library | Library for I2C, Serial and SPI Communication with u-blox GNSS modules |
SparkFun u-blox GNSS v3 | Library for I2C, Serial and SPI Communication with u-blox GNSS modules |
SparkFun u-blox PointPerfect Library | The u-blox PointPerfect Library (SDK) in Arduino format |
SparkFun UM980 Triband RTK GNSS Arduino Library | Library for Serial Communication and Configuration of the UM980 |
SparkFun USB Hub Qwiic USB251x | Configure the PID/VID and power consumption settings on the USB2514X USB Hub. |
SparkFun VCNL4040 Proximity Sensor Library | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic Proximity Sensor 20cm - VCNL4040 |
SparkFun VEML6075 Arduino Library | Library for the VEML6075 on the SparkFun Qwiic UV Sensor |
SparkFun VEML7700 Arduino Library | Library for the VEML7700 Ambient Light Sensor |
SparkFun VL53L1X 4m Laser Distance Sensor | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic 4m Distance Sensor - VL53L1X |
SparkFun VL53L5CX Arduino Library | Distance sensing (VL53L5CX) with 64 pixels up to 4 meters at 15Hz. |
SparkFun VL6180 Sensor | The VL6180 combines an IR emitter, a range sensor, and an ambient light sensor together for you to easily use and communicate with via an I2C interface. |
SparkFun Weather Meter Kit Arduino Library | A library to use the SparkFun Weather Meter Kit |
SparkFun XM125 Arduino Library | An Arduino library to make use of the Qwiic XM125 A121 Pulsed Radar Module from Acconeer. |
SparkFun ZX Distance and Gesture Sensor | The ZX Sensor uses infrared light to determine the distance from an object and where the object is located on the X axis (between IR LEDs), available from SparkFun Electronics |
Sparkfun T5403 Barometric Sensor Library | Arduino Library for interfacing with the T5403 Barometric sensor. |
SPL06-001 | Arduino library for SPL06-001 sensor |
SPL06-007 | SPL06-007 library for Arduino processors |
spreGnssRtcLib | A simple library for using Spresense GNSS and RTC. |
SSVAnySensor | Simple class to incorporate logic of practically any sensor. |
ST_HW_HC_SR04 | Advanced arduino library for HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors. |
STM32duino ASM330LHH | Automotive inertial measurement unit. |
STM32duino HTS221 | Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature. |
STM32duino IIS2DLPC | High Performance Ultra Low Power 3D accelerometer. |
STM32duino IIS2MDC | Ultra Low Power 3D magnetometer. |
STM32duino ISM330DHCX | High-Performance 3D digital accelerometer and 3D digital gyroscope. |
STM32duino ISM330DLC | 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope. |
STM32duino LIS2DU12 | Ultra Low Power 3D accelerometer. |
STM32duino LIS2DUXS12 | Ultra Low Power 3D accelerometer. |
STM32duino LIS2DW12 | Ultra Low Power 3D accelerometer. |
STM32duino LIS2MDL | Ultra Low Power 3D magnetometer. |
STM32duino LIS3MDL | High-performance 3D magnetometer. |
STM32duino LPS22DF | Nano pressure sensor. |
STM32duino LPS22HB | 260-1260 hPa absolute digital output barometer. |
STM32duino LPS22HH | Nano pressure sensor. |
STM32duino LPS25HB | 260-1260 hPa absolute digital output barometer. |
STM32duino LSM303AGR | 3D accelerometer and 3D magnetometer. |
STM32duino LSM6DS0 | 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope. |
STM32duino LSM6DS3 | 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope. |
STM32duino LSM6DSL | 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope. |
STM32duino LSM6DSO | Ultra Low Power inertial measurement unit. |
STM32duino LSM6DSO16IS | Ultra Low Power inertial measurement unit. |
STM32duino LSM6DSOX | Ultra Low Power inertial measurement unit. |
STM32duino LSM6DSR | iNEMO inertial measurement unit. |
STM32duino LSM6DSV16X | Ultra Low Power inertial measurement unit. |
STM32duino MotionFX | Allows to run Sensor Fusion algorithms with ST MEMS sensors on STM32 boards |
STM32duino SHT40-AD1B | Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature. |
STM32duino STEVAL-MKBOXPRO-Audio | PCM recording using digital microphone MP23DB01HP on STEVAL-MKBOXPRO. |
STM32duino STEVAL-MKBOXPRO-Examples | Examples to use MEMS sensors and NFC tag on STEVAL board |
STM32duino STTS22H | digital temperature sensor. |
STM32duino STTS751 | digital temperature sensor. |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 | Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 expansion board |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 | Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 expansion board |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 | Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 expansion board |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 | Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 expansion board |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 Audio | Digital microphone IMP34DT05. |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKS4A1 | Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IKS4A1 expansion board |
STPM3X | Library to interface with the Power Monitor Chips STPM34 or STPM32 by ST Microelectronics. |
SX8634 | A library for Semtech's SX8634 capacitive touch sensor. |
TFminiS | A library to interface with the TFmini-S LiDAR sensor for Arduino Mega and ESP32. |
TLx4966-Direction-Speed-Sensor | This library provides an interface to interact with the TLx4966 Double Hall sensor family. |
TCA9534-GPIO | A library to drive the TCA9534 I2C->GPIO |
TCS230_ESP32 | Library for the TCS230 color sensor for the ESP32 |
tcs3200 | tcs3200 color sensor library |
TCS3200-Sensor | Arduino library for TCS3200 color sensor. |
TCS3210 | Arduino library for TCS3210 colour light to frequency convertor. |
TCS34725 async | An improved version of Adafruit TCS34725 wrapper given in their examples. |
TE SM9000-series | TE Connectivity SM9000 series pressure sensors. |
Telaire T6700 CO2 Sensor Module Library | I2C communication Library for Telaire T6700 CO2 Sensor Module |
Teleinfo | Teleinfo library for arduino |
TempReader | A library that allows users to use the internal temperature sensor of ATMega328P. |
TempSensors_NXP_Arduino | Class library for NXP temperature sensors |
TEMT6000 | Arduino library for analog TEMT6000 light / LUX sensor. |
TFMini | An Arduino driver for the Benewake TFMini time-of-flight distance sensor. |
TF03K | A library for the TF03K battery monitor |
TFA 433 Receiver | Arduino library for TFA remote Temp & Humidity Sensors |
TFA 433 Receiver for Dostmann 30.3208.02 | Arduino library for TFA Dostmann 30.3208.02 remote temperature & humidity sensors |
TFLI2C | Arduino library for Benewake TFLuna distance sensor in I2C mode |
TFMPlus | An Arduino driver for the Benewake TFMini-Plus Lidar distance sensor. |
Tgui | Tgui is a lightweight GUI for Arduino Uno type of MCU with small TFT screen, primarily for showing sensor data. |
THERMISTOR | NTC thermistor library |
ThermistorLibrary | This library allows you to read the thermistors very easily. |
TiltSensor | TiltSensor provides a class to control a passive tilt-switch sensor. |
TinyDHT sensor library | Arduino library for Using DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors with the ATtiny85 such as Adafruit Trinket and Arduino Gemma |
TinyGPS | A compact Arduino NMEA (GPS) parsing library |
TinyMPU6050 | Tiny implementation for MPU6050 focusing on performance and accuracy |
tinySHT2x | Arduino library for the SHT20, SHT21 and SHT25 temperature and humidity sensor. Optimized for AVR tiny. |
TLC5917 | Arduino library for TLC5917 8-Channel Constant-Current LED Sink Drivers. |
TLC5947 | Arduino library for TLC5947 24 channel 12 bit PWM. |
TLE493D | This library is deprecated and no longer maintained. |
TLE5012B | This library enables the Infineon TLE5012B magnetic angle sensor. |
TLI493D | This library is deprecated and no longer maintained. |
TLI4970 | This library provides an interface for Infineon's TLI4970-D050T4 Current Sensor with hall technology. |
TLI4971-Current-Sensor | This library provides an Interface for Infineons TLI4971 Current Sensor |
TLV493D-A1B6 | This library is deprecated and no longer maintained. |
TMD3725 | Arduino library to control the TMD3725 RGB color sensor |
TMP117-Arduino | Full-featured Arduino compatible TMP117 driver |
TMP36 | Makes using a TMP36 temperature sensor even easier! |
TMP6x | Library for the TI linear thermistors (TMP61, TMP63 and TMP64) using your own Analog Digital Converter (ADC). |
Touch Screen Driver | Arduino library for Touch Screen Driver. |
TouchWheel | Capacitive touch wheels and sliders using only 2-3 analog pins! |
TouchscreenResistive | Read resistive touchscreens directly using MCU ADC |
TriSonica_Mini | Library for communicating with the TriSonica Mini Wind Sensor. |
Trill | A library for using the Trill family of capacitive sensors. |
TroykaAccelerometer | Allows you to read data from the analog accelerometer ADXL335. |
TroykaDHT | Allows you to read the temperature and humidity from the DHT series sensors. |
Troyka-IMU | Arduino library for Amperka IMU-sensor. |
TroykaLight | Allows you to read the Illuminance from the light sensor (GL5528). |
TroykaThermometer | Allows you to read the temperature from the TMP36 sensor. |
TS4231 Library | Triad Semiconductor library for configuring the TS4231 Light to Digital Converter. |
TS8000 Library | Triad Semiconductor library for the TS8000 Ultrasonic to Digital Converter. |
TSD305lib | TSD305 IR thermopile library for Arduino |
TSIC | Library for TSIC digital temperature sensors (type 206/306/506 and similar). |
TsicSensor | Arduino library for reading TSIC temperature sensors. |
TSL235R | Library for the TSL235R light to frequency convertor. |
TSL260R | Arduino library for the TSL260R, TSL261R and TSL262R infrared to voltage convertor. |
TWI_GPS | GPS message API wrapper library for I2C Arduino connection |
u-blox GNSS | GNSS GPS library without bells and whistles, simply works, low power. |
uECG | Allows to get data from uECG device using nRF24 module. |
uFire SHT20 | Measure atmospheric temperature and humdity. |
uMyo_BLE | Allows to get data from uMyo devices using BLE-enabled Arduinos (nRF52x and ESP32). |
uMyo_RF24 | Allows to get data from uMyo devices using nRF24 module AND nRF52840 boards. |
U8xLaserDistance | U8 series laser distance sensor Arduino library |
UltiBlox-SensorAnalog | A library for reading and calibrating analog sensors. |
UltraDistSensor | Interface the HC-SR04 sensor and ping sensor to Arduino. |
UltraSonic_Lib | A library for UltraSonic distance sensor. |
Ultrasonic | Minimalist library for ultrasound module to Arduino |
UltrasonicHCSR04 | Driver class to control HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor. |
Ultrasonic_hc_sr04 | A library to use an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor |
UncleRus | Uncle Rus' device drivers |
UpbeatLabs MCP39F521 | Library for Dr. Wattson Energy Monitoring Board using Microchip MCP39F521 |
Vcc | Measure supply voltage (using optinally stored calibration value) |
VCNL3040 Proximity Sensor Library | Code for Vishay VCNL3040 Proximity sensor |
VCNL36687 | Arduino library for the VCNL36687 Proximity Sensor with VCSEL |
VCNL4010 | Arduino library to control the Vishay VCNL4010 proximity and ambient light sensor using I2C. |
VEML6040 | A library for Vishay's VEML6040 RGBW Color Sensor |
VEML6070 | A library for communication with VEML6070 UV sensor. |
VEML6075 | An Arduino Library Specifically for the ESP32. |
VernierLib | Library to read Vernier LabQuest sensors with a Vernier Arduino Interface Shield. |
Vibration | Arduino library for a vibration / tilt sensor. |
VirtualButton | Library for advanced button operation for Arduino |
VirtualTherm | Calculates RTD thermometers' resistance for given temperatures. |
Vishay_VCNL4200 | Vishay VCNL4200 Long Range Proximity and Ambilent Light Sensor. |
VL53L0X | VL53L0X distance sensor library |
VL53L0X_mod | VL53L0X distance sensor library - non blocking pololu fork - |
VL53L1X | VL53L1X distance sensor library |
VL53L1X_ULD | Library for interaction with the time of flight sensor VL53L1X |
vl53l0xTOFA | modification of Pololu VL53L0X distance sensor library with amplitude (signal and ambient) sensing |
VL6180X | VL6180X distance and ambient light sensor library |
VL6180X_WE | A library for the VL6180X range and ambient light sensor. |
VNCL4020C-Arduino | Library to use Vishay VNCL4020C PPG sensor |
WaterFlow | WaterFlow library for Arduino |
Waterproof_Ultrasonic | Waterproof_Ultrasonic library for AJ-SR-04M or JSN-SR04. |
WaveHC | WaveHC wave shield library |
WeatherStationDataRx | Library for reading data from radio weather stations |
Wind Functions | Allows an Arduino to operate the RS485 wind speed and direction sensors from DFRobot |
WindQX | Serial WindQX´s solid state anemometers library. |
WinkelICT ADXL362 | Library for ADXL362 accelerometer: ultralow power (0,270uA) with autonomous motion switch functionality. |
WireUtility Library | Library for Wire : I2c protocol |
WPI430-VMA430 GPS | Velleman WPI430-VMA430 GPS module library |
WZ Library | Arduino library for Dart WZ-S and Prosense WZ-H3 formaldehyde sensors. |
XENSIV 3D Magnetic Sensor TLx493D | C/C++ library for Infineons XENSIV™ 3D magnetic sensors family |
XENSIV Angle Sensor TLx5012B | This library enables the Infineon XENSIV(TM) TLx5012B magnetic angle sensor. |
XENSIV Digital Pressure Sensor | Arduino library for the Infineon XENSIV(TM) Digital Pressure Sensors (DPS3xx). |
XENSIV PAS CO2 | C/C++ library for Infineon XENSIV™ PAS CO2 sensor |
XGZP6897D | A library for XGZP6897D I2C differential pressure sensor and others from CFSensor. |
Xiao NRF52840 Battery | Arduino library to sense Xiao NRF52840 Battery on non-Mbed 1.0.0 firmware |
XPT2046_Bitbang | Bitbang library for the XPT2046 touch controller. |
XPT2046_Bitbang_Slim | Bitbang library for the XPT2046 touch controller. |
Xsens_MTi_I2C | This library demonstrates the basics of communicating with Xsens MTi 1-series devices through I2C. |
Xsens_MTi_SPI | This library demonstrates the basics of communicating with Xsens MTi 1-series devices through SPI. |
YetAnotherButtonLibrary | Have your sketches respond to simple and advanced button events with only a few lines of code. |
YF-S201 Water Flow | A library to interface with the YF-S201 water flow sensor for Arduino. |
YosemitechModbus | Arduino library for communication with Yosemitech sensors via Modbus. |
ZEncoder | Library for encoder of motor |
ZSharpIR Library | Library for Sharp telemeter |
ZACwire for TSic | Reading the ZACwire protocol of TSic sensors with ISRs. |
ZMPT101B | Library to interact with the ZMPT101B Voltage sensor. |
ZMPT101B-Sensor | Library to interact with the ZMPT101B Voltage sensor. |
ZPA4756-0311A-R | Arduino library for controlling Murata ZPA4756-0311A-R barometric pressure sensor. |
ZSSC3230 I2C Driver | Arduino library for the ZSSC3230 sensor |