
A list of the 291 libraries in the category Uncategorized.

74XX595 Arduino library for control 74XX595 IC
AMx8x5 RTC driver for Ambiq, Abracom and Microcrystal
AViShaWiFi AViShaWiFi adalah library untuk menyederhanakan penggunaan WiFi pada ESP8266 dan ESP32.
Adafruit Debounce Arduino library for basic GPIO/expander button handling
ADE7753 ADE7753 is an IC designed for energy measurement and power monitoring applications of single phase AC line.
AEBO A library useful for AEBO robot.
Air Commander Entire Control A library to directly interface with the Air Commander Entire
AmazonDRS AmazonDRS library for Arduino.
AnalogKeyboard LIB to assist in the use of analog keyboard in embedded systems.
Arduino_Alvik Library to code Arduino Alvik robot
Arduino_AlvikCarrier Library and firmware for Arduino Alvik Carrier board
Arduino_MAX17332 A library for driving MAX17332 BMS.
ArsaLearn Ability to code completely simple
artemis-cubesat The software available in this library is designed to break down the flight software from the Artemis CubeSat Kit into individual components, enabling users to effectively test and evaluate various systems and elements of their satellite.
AsproSolarShield AsproSolarShield Library
AsyncDNSServer_STM32 Asynchronous DNS Server Library for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 using LAN8720 or built-in LAN8742A Ethernet
AsyncHTTPRequest_Generic Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP libraries, such as AsyncTCP, ESPAsyncTCP, AsyncTCP_STM32, etc.. for ESP32 (including ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 and ESP32_C3), WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720), ESP32 with LwIP ENC28J60, W5500 or W6100, ESP8266 (WiFi, W5x00 or ENC28J60) and currently STM32 with LAN8720 or built-in LAN8742A Ethernet.
AsyncUdp_ESP32_ENC Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP ENC28J60 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_STM32 Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for STM32 using LAN8720 or built-in LAN8742A Ethernet.
AsyncUDP_WT32_ETH01 Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720).
AsyncWebServer_STM32 AsyncWebServer for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 using LAN8720 or builtin LAN8742A Ethernet
AT24C256 Library for the AT24C256 EEPROM
AT24C256 library Library for the AT24C256 I2C EEPROM.
Atmega328_IO Library for robot Cing with Atmega328.
Atmega32u4_IO Library for robot Cing with Atmega328.
Atmega8_IO Library for robot Cing with Atmega8.
Atmega8_IO_basic Library for robot Cing with Atmega8.
Attiny84_IO Library for robot Cing with Attiny84.
Attiny84_IO_basic Library for robot Cing with Attiny84.
Attiny85_IO Library for robot Cing with Attiny85.
Attiny85_IO_basic Library for robot Cing with Attiny85.
Balboa Spa communications Use Arduino to control your BalBoa Spa Pack.
Battery_18650_Stats Library to calculate 18650 charge level
BeShell A JavaScript framework for ESP32 Platform
Bleeping Library Simple BLE ESP Provisioning and Configuration
blite Dev kit for buildybee blite breakout board
BluetoothSerial Handles the Bluetooth Serial connection to BluetoothSerial Connect iOS app.
BMK22M131 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMK22M131 that Button-LED Module
ButtonFever Powerful button tools for managing various button events of standalone button or button array.
button_asukiaaa Supply classes for Button.
button_moarbue Button library with callbacks for press events
CBeeper Arduino Beeper Control
CLed Arduino LED Control
CanAirIO Air Quality Sensors Library Air quality particle meter and CO2 sensors manager for multiple models.
CCS811-Soldered CCS811 Environmental Sensor
cerebro A library that makes cerebro works easly.
Clock Arduino Software Clock
CodeCodeCodec Library Arduino library for CodeCodeCodec's projects.
ConsentiumNow A versatile library enabling ESP-NOW communication for IoT devices.
controlKeyboard A library for checking keyboard events like whether a key is pressed or released.
CreatorKidsIO Latihan membuat library Arduino
CS5530 An Arduino library for CS5530 based weight scales.
CSE_CircularBuffer Simple circular buffer for all Arduino boards.
CV7OEMFR Enables provisioning.
DarkSkySevenDay Current and Seven Day Weather Forecast Library for Arduino.
DBS-Lib DBS-Lib is a library board that we created for practice such as C++, algorithms, mathetical, embedded system and robotics.
Debugger A terminal debugger with break points and data watches.
DelayFunctions Simple delay functions.
Deneyap Arduino Examples Arduino examples for Deneyap Development Boards
Deneyap Arduino Projeleri Arduino examples for Deneyap Devkits with Deneyap Modules
Deneyap Dokunmatik Tus Takimi Arduino library for Deneyap Keypad
Deneyap Duman Dedektoru Arduino library for Deneyap Gas Sensor
Deneyap GPS ve GLONASS Konum Belirleyici Arduino library for Deneyap GPS and GLONASS Locator
Deneyap Kart IDE Ornekler Deneyap Kart Dahili Örnek Kodlarının Yer Aldığı Kütüphane
Deneyap Telegram Telegram Library for ESP32 / Deneyap Cards
Design Informatics Base Library for making use of the Design Informatics PCB for getting started with Arduino coding
DFRobot_AD9837 This is a Library for AD9837, AD9837 is a Programmable Waveform Generator(SKU: DFR0973).
DFRobot_BME680 DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0248).
DFRobot_IIS This library provides the codes for driving FireBeetle camera and the camera, microphones, etc. of audio expansion board.(SKU:DFR0498).
DFRobot_LcdDisplay It is a display screen that can be driven by both I2C and UART interfaces(SKU:DFR0997).
DFRobot_LIS a sensor library.(SKU:SEN0405/SKU:SEN0407/SKU:SEN0408/SKU:SEN0409/SKU:SEN0411/SKU:SEN0412/SKU:SEN0224)
DFRobot_MAX98357A This is a Library for MAX98357A(SKU: DFR0954).
DFRobot_MotorStepper Stepper motor and DC motor driver control board(SKU:DFR0508)
DFRobot_ST7687S This is a 2.2” TFT LCD Display Module with an input voltage(SKU: DFR0529).
Dictionary A dictionary data type with a fast b-tree based search
Differential Steering A library to use differential steering with a single dual axis joystick
DigitalIO Fast digital IO.
Digital Rain Animation Easily display Matrix effects in the Arduino environment.
DisCard Discorda Mesaj Göndermeyi Sağlayan Arduino Kütüphanesi
DMD32 An Arduino library for ESP32 to drive DMD LED matrix display
DMX Serial Transceiver Transmit and receive Serial DMX (max485) and switch without a struggle.
eForth1 eForth for Arduino UNO
EasyOledUI Arduino ESP32 - Simple UI generator with manus and messages
ElasticNetModel A library for ElasticNet regression modeling with coefficient updates based on feedback.
ESPHap Native support Apple HomeKit protocol with Arduino projects
ESP-NOW MIDI Arduino library for sending MIDI messages via the ESP-NOW protocol.
ESP OTA GitHub ESP library for auto updating code from GitHub releases.
ESP32-imgur-uploader imgur.com Image/Video uploader
ESP32-OTA Add an HTTP OTA interface to an existing project.
ESP32-OTA-Pull ESP32-OTA-Pull provides simple 'pull' based OTA updates for ESP32
ESP32Servo360 Initial development release
esp32_epd A library that makes coding a E-paper a breeze.
ESP8266SDUpdater SD Card Loader for ESP8266
evo_pmux_csr Evo PMUX CSR
evo_servo Evo Servo
fANSI Control the PC screen using ANSI graphics
FaBo GPIO40 PCA9698 A library for FaBo GPIO.
FaBo Motor DRV8830 A library for FaBo Motor.
FaBo PWM PCA9685 A library for FaBo PWM.
Fastcore Improvement of Arduino Core Functions.
FileConfig A library for reading and writing settings from a configuration file on a SD card.
Finite-State-Machine-Arduino With that we can create proper states for objects.
functional_button simple button library
FXLS89xx_Arduino An library for NXP FXLS89xx
FXPS7xxx_Arduino A library for NXP FXPS7xxx
GeneralShield GeneralShield Library
GFX Library for Arduino Arduino_GFX is a GFX library for various color displays with various data bus interfaces
GigaDAQ Make Data Acquisition System (DAQ) with Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi with Arduino GIGA Display Shield
Gravity Soil Moisture Sensor Arduino Library for DfRobot Gravity Analog Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor.
Grove - Motor Driver TB6612FNG Arduino library of Grove - Motor Driver(TB6612FNG)
gyroturn Gyro Turn Interface for Arduino
GyverMIDI MIDI player
Hercules Dual 15A 6-20V Motor Controller Arduino library to control Hercules Dual 15A 6-20V Motor Controller.
High-Side-Switch DEPRECATED. C++ library for the PROFET+2 12V
high-side-switch-ino C++ library for the Infineon PROFET high-side switch product family
HomeSpan A robust and extremely easy-to-use HomeKit implementation for the Espressif ESP32 running on the Arduino IDE.
IncRotaryEncoder Library for incremental rotary encoders
Internal eeprom Essa biblioteca permite ler ou gravar dados na eeprom
IO7F32 io7 IOT Framework for ESP32
IO7F8266 io7 IOT Framework for ESP8266
JOAAT Implementation of the Jenkin's HASH for Arduino.
JSON Encoder Encode/Decode json/URL format strings for web transmission.
kc868-arduino-library KC868 library for Arduino
kidLibrary A multifunctional library for Arduino, starting with signal processing tools.
LC_baseTools A set of tools to make coding Arduinos easier.
LC_cardIndex A indexed list you can pull items out of randomly. Think dealing cards.
LC_neoPixel Allows the LC colorObj to work with Adafruit NeoPixels. Also allows them to be grouped and run in the background.
LedRGB565 A Led RGB 565 library
LegoSensorAdapter Library for robot Cing with Atmega328.
LG_Matrix_Print A library to print text on one or more segments with 8x8 LED-Matrix using MAX
LibEdificio Allows to control the Building Lights educative system.
LibEstacionamiento Allows to control the Estacionamiento educative system.
LibLucesCiudad Allows to control the City Lights educative system.
LibMiniSys Allows to control the MiniSys educative system.
LibSemaforo Allows to control the Semaforo educative system.
LibSemaforosCiudad Allows to control the Traffic Lights educative system.
LinearRegressionModel A simple library for linear regression modeling with coefficient updates based on feedback.
LiquidCrystal NKC Control library for an advanced RS232\I2C\SPI LCD display by Longtech & NKC Electronics
LMT87 A simple library for utilizing analog temperature sensor
Looper Simple task, thread and event manager for Arduino
M5Atomic-EchoBase Library for M5Stack Atomic EchoBase
M5 Stack 4Relay Library M5Stack 4RELAY library for multiple different architectures.
M5Stack-SD-Updater SD Card Loader for M5 Stack
M5Stack_OnScreenKeyboard OnScreenKeyboard for M5Stack
M5Stack_SimpleBeep Simple Beep for M5Stack.
M5Stack_TreeView TreeView Menu UI for M5Stack
M5UnitASR Library for M5Stack M5Unit ASR
Magellan_BC95 AIS Magellan Library; easy way to integrate IoT Device to Magellan using Arduino Platform.
Magellan_BC95_lite AIS Magellan Library; easy way to integrate IoT Device to Magellan using Arduino Platform.
Magellan_SIM7020E AIS Magellan Library; easy way to integrate IoT Device to Magellan using Arduino Platform.
MaxEssentialToolkit Library for MAXIM RTC, temperature and current-sense amplifier sensors.
MAX78630 Enables reading polyphase energy-monitor parameters of LVX EnergyBoard.
MD_HX711 Library to read load cells using HX711 weight scale ADC
MD_OnePin One pin serial comms link
MD_PWM PWM on arbitrary pins
Melopero Cookie RP2040 Melopero Cookie RP2040 helper library
MemoryUsage Use this library to check your SRAM / Stack memory usage.
MenuX Simple menu library for TFT_eSPI-based projects.
MicroTuple A library tuple like variadic datastructure for arduino.
ModbusRTU_Slave_RS485 A library package for ARDUINO acting as ModBus slave communicating through UART-to-RS485 converter. Originally written by Geabong github user. Improved by Łukasz Ślusarczyk.
MoonStruck Lunar Information Library for ESP32.
Motor Shield V2.0 Arduino library to control Motor Shield V2.0.
motor system IC TLE956x This library provides an interface for Infineons motor system IC TLE956x
Motor_PID HG7881 module double H bridge L9110S and L298N drivers library (PID)
MPL3115A2_Arduino An library for NXP MPL3115A2
MQ137 A simple library for an sensor mq137 and ESP8266.
MS5x Library for digital pressure sensors MS5xxx by Measurement Specialties (MEAS)
MultiButtons Library for handling multiple buttons with single analog pin for ESP32.
multiLogger Ever wanted to log easily using one or multiple outputs (serial, spiffs, tcp, udp)?
Music Shield Arduino library to control Music Shield V2.0.
mwc_stepper two-pin stepper motor driver library.
MX8650 Mouse sensor library Library to facilitate communication with the MX8650 mouse sensor, read/write from/to its internal registers.
MyTimer Functions for non-blocking millis() timer.
NMH1000_Arduino An library for NXP NMH1000
nonblockingtimer The library offers a straightforward interface for creating and managing non-blocking timers.
Olympic Robotic Challenge A library to Olympic Robotic Challenge competition and supporting the official kit.
OpenWeatherOneCall Weather Forecast Library for ESP32.
oprintstream Work with Arduino Serial libraries in a stream-like manner.
Orbo A library useful for Orbo robot.
osap Multi-microcontroller plumbing, etc.
OTAWrapper ESP Library to simplify OTA setup.
OV5640 Auto Focus for ESP32 Camera A library that makes the OV5640AF usable on the ESP32.
Parameter Arduino library for handling parameters.
Parse Arduino SDK A library that provides access to Parse
PCA6408A PCA6408A 8-bit I/O expander library using I2C for communication.
PCM51xx DAC Arduino library for TI PCM51xx DAC ICs software configuration via I2C.
PeanutKing ArduinoShield Arduino library for controlling ArduinoShield by Peanut King.
PenYX XY Pen plotter
PicoSoftwareSerial Quick 'n' dirty PIO based implementation of SoftwareSerial for an RP2040 based board
PinScribe A library to manage and handle GPIO pin events such as button presses, long presses, and double presses.
PMIC_BQ25896 Arduino Library for Power Management and Battery Charging IC BQ25896 from Texas Instruments.
PrayerTimes A lightweight Arduino library for calculating Islamic prayer times based on multiple methods.
PrinterDuino The simplest library to print in paper using 3 axis
Proyectil digitalIO Biblioteca Para manejar entradas y salidas digitales, Proyectil Mx
Proyectil GD3300 A library for Serial MP3 Player board (GD3300 / GD3200AB chip).
Proyectil MedeaWiz A library for Sprite serial control
PxServ PxServ Library for ESP32 / ESP8266
radar-bgt60 C++ library for the BGT60LTR11AIP - XENSIV™ 60 Ghz Radar from Infineon
RAK12027-D7S Arduino library for the RAK12027 seismic sensor.
RAK13801_UWB Arduino library to use Decawave DW1000 IC.
RAK15007-CY15B108QN Arduino library for controlling FRAM.
RandomForestModel A library for Linear Regression modeling in Arduino projects.
Raspberry Pi Pico CPU Temperature Get the CPU temperature of your Raspberry Pi Pico
Regexp Regular expression parser for microcontrollers
RescenicIO Library untuk mempermudah penggunaan Input & Output
RGB-LED-Lighting-Shield C++ library for Infineons RGB-LED-Lighting-Shields
RhinoServo This library is for the Encoder DC Servo Motor: RMCS220x.
RLNode This is the common backbone for RealLogger Nodes.
RobbyIO Library Input Output
rp2040-encoder-library Quadrature Encoder library for RP2040/RP2350
rssRead Read rss (xml) and return an array of strings.
RUI3-Arduino-Library RUI3 Arduino AT command library.
RustyVoltmeter A library to measure voltage using a voltage divider with Arduino.
S.Port sensor library for FrSky an Arduino Library to create FrSky S.Port sensors
S7XG AcSIP S7XG LoRaWAN/GPS module library
SchedTask Task Scheduler Library for Arduino
SchooMyUtilities A utility library for schoomy.
SDConfig A library for reading and writing settings from a configuration file on a SD card.
SDConfigCommand SDConfigCommand streamlines reading settings from a config file on SD card.
Seeed Arduino SFUD Library for Seeed Arduino SFUD
Seeed-GroveOfflineVoiceRecognition A library to Integrate Seeed Studio's Grove Offline Voice Recognition Sensor
Seeed-PCA9685 Arduino library of 16-Channel Servo Driver
SensorPlot WebInterface WebInterface to display Sensor-Data.
SerialConfigCommand SerialConfigCommand for Arduino allows user to set commands via the Serial Monitor easily.
SerialMP3 A library for Serial MP3 Player board GD3300D/TD5580A chip.
SerialMP3Player A library for Serial MP3 Player board (YX5300 chip).
SerialServo A versatile library for controlling TTL serial servos via hardware serial.
SerialTerminalIO Toolbox for creating terminal control
SHTC3 Soldered Library Library for controling SHTC3 sensor with EasyC comunication
Single LED Library Makes intergrating non interrupting lighting behaviours easy!
SmallProjects Small Projects to demonstrate the usage of Khoi Hoang's libraries, such as ISR-based timers for ESP8266, ESP32 and Arduino Mega, Nano, etc.
SmartEverything SE868-AS Library code for the Telit SE868-AS GPS System
Smelpro Macaron Library Library for development board Smelpro Macaron
snakelights SnakeLights library for snake wired NeoPixels
Snowduino A library with faster commands for SAMC21
SoftSPIB Software SPI class for Arduino with support of not 8-bit aligned transfers.
Soldered BQ27441-G1 Arduino Library Soldered BQ27441-G1 Arduino Library
SparkFun Qwiic Buzzer Library Communicates with and configures the SparkFun Qwiic Buzzer
SparkFun Qwiic GPIO TCA9534 Arduino Library A library to drive the TCA9534 I2C->GPIO
SparkFun Qwiic RTC RV8803 Arduino Library A library to drive the RV-8803 extremely precise, extremely low power, real-time clock
SparkFun RHT03 Arduino Library An Arduino library for interfacing with the SparkFun RHT03 (DHT22)
SparkFun SGP4 Arduino Library SGP4 model for calculating satellite positions and predicting overpasses.
SparkFun_FS3000_Arduino_Library A library to control the SparkFun Air Velocity Sensor Breakout - FS3000 (Qwiic).
Speeduino A library with faster commands for SAMD21
SpinWearables A small, colorful, programmable, wearable kit to facilitate student exploration of physics, engineering, and computer science.
spreMP3Lib A simple library for MP3 playback on Spresense
staticFunctional Drop in replacement for std::function for use in embedded systems
StopLoop Stop a void loop() by inputting any character to the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE
string_asukiaaa Functions about string for Arduino.
sunset Allows calculation of sunrise, sunset, and moonphase
TeensyID A library for getting Teensy IDs
TFMPI2C Arduino library for Benewake TFMini-Plus distance sensor in I2C mode
TimeInterval Library developed by ESDeveloperBR with the objective of facilitating the control of intervals, avoiding the use of the DELAY command.
Timezone_Generic Library to facilitate time zone conversions and automatic daylight saving (summer) time adjustments.
TinyCmdTable Very small command line manager
tinyECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Arduino Micro-controllers.
TinyPICO Helper Library A TinyPICO Helper Library
TinySuite A collection of tools for ATTiny85
TinyTemplateEngine Hello ${0}! A line-by-line template engine for large input data with a very small memory footprint
tinyUDP tiny UDP send & recv.
TLC5615 Driver for Texas Instruments TLC5615 10-bit DAC
Tuyav Communicate with the Tuya IoT module
uCOS-II MicroC/OS-II 2.92.10 for ARM Cortex M3.
UCR ESP8266 Enables an ESP8266 to be used as a WiFi output device for UCR.
Ultimate_ESP_MQTT_Ubidots WifiManager, ESP HTTP Update, Ubidots MQTT packaged in 1 library
utils_asukiaaa Utility functions for Arduino.
Virtual Joystick for LVGL Joystick library supporting ESP-IDF and Arduino.
VitconCommon A library package commonly used by the other libraries being published by vitcon
vovagorodok_ArduinoPin Objective arduino pin
vovagorodok_ArduinoStreamLogger Simple ostream logger
vovagorodok_ArrayUtils Helps to create complex arrays and maps as arrays of pairs
vovagorodok_PicChess PicChess engine
vovagorodok_Servo Simple servo library
Watch A library that makes working with watch-like formats easy.
WiFiTri WiFi Triangulation Library for ESP32.
Wio LTE Arduino Library Arduino library to control Wio LTE Arduino Library.
XLR8BuildTemplate Template for building custom designs for XLR8
XLR8Core OpenXLR8 Core components
XLR8DMem Access library for XLR8 DMem XB
XLR8HardwareSerial Library to access UART XBs.
XLR8Info Arduino library for identifying features of XLR8 product
XLR8LFSR Simple LFSR example on the XLR8 FPGA.
XLR8Pong Pong game using the FPGA logic. For Alorium Technology's XLR8 board.
XLR8PWM OpenXLR8 implementation of PWM
XLR8RC Captures outputs from an RC receiver (the signals that go to servos) and outputs a 16 bit integer representing the pulse width (in microseconds)
XLR8USB USB FullSpeed (Mouse) host interface
YDLidar An Arduino library for The YDLiDar GS2
yfrobot_tts Arduino library for yfrobot TTS modules.