A list of the 355 libraries that are licensed with the Apache 2.0 license.
ACDU | Support library for ACDU hardware unit. |
Adafruit MLX90640 | Arduino library for the MLX90640 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit Sensor Calibration | Calibration helper for various Arduino compatibles |
Adafruit TensorFlow Lite | This is a library to abstract away TensorFlow Lite for Adafruit/Arcada boards |
Adafruit Unified Sensor | Required for all Adafruit Unified Sensor based libraries. |
Adeon | Adeon is a software solution for controlling GSM devices (GSM gates, relays, modules etc.) via SMS commands. |
AgileStateMachine | Arduino/C++ library to simply and efficiently model and run a finite state machine |
alarm | Alarms implementation for Arduino. |
AllThingsTalk LoRaWAN SDK | LoRaWAN SDK for AllThingsTalk Maker |
AllThingsTalk WiFi SDK | Connect and control your device with AllThingsTalk |
AmazonDRS | AmazonDRS library for Arduino. |
AndreyRybalko WT2003M02 MP3 Decoder | Library for the WT2003M02 MP3 decoder board v3.0. |
AnimatedGIF | Universal GIF player for MCUs with at least 32K of RAM. |
Arancino | Enables communication between microcontroller and Arancino Module running mainly in Arancino boards. |
ArdBitmap | A library to compress and draw bitmaps on the Arduboy game system. |
ArdVoice | A library to play audio (voices) on the Arduboy game system. |
ArduTFLite | TensorFlow Lite Micro library in Arduino style. |
Arduino_USBHostMbed5 | ARM Mbed5 USBHOST library port for Arduino. |
Ardwloop | A library to ease controlling an Arduino program from a Java or Kotlin application. |
ArrayList | A templated class for creating dynamic or fixed size arrays. Based off of Java's ArrayList class. |
ArticulatedLib | Articulated Library |
AsyncEspFsWebserver | ESPAsyncWebserver with steroids |
AsyncSerial | Library that allow to recieve a serial port stream in a non blocking process |
AsyncServoLib | Library for non blocking controlling a servo |
AsyncSonar | Library for non blocking controlling a ultrasonic sensor like HC-SR04 |
AsyncStepperLib | AsyncStepper is a library for non blocking stepper motor control |
AsyncTaskLib | Library that implements a non blockin task |
AsyncTimerLib | Simple non blocking timer with callback function |
AT24C | A library for using the AT24C series i2c serial eeproms. |
AT24CM01 | AT24CM01 EEPROM Library for Arduino Devices. |
attiny85FasterPin | "Library which lets you to control pins in more efficient way" |
avrtos | RTOS for AVR Arduino microcontrollers (Uno & Mega) |
AwesomeClickButton | Arduino awesome click button. |
AWS-SDK-ESP8266 | SDK for AWS using ESP8266 |
BasicEncoder | BasicEncoder counts pulses from one or more simple rotary encoder control knobs. |
BasicLinkedList | A templated class for creating dynamic Linked Lists. A Linked List is a Linked List where each node points to the next node in the list. |
BasicTag | Functional C Library for abstracting variables as tags. |
bb_captouch | Capacitive touch sensor library for FT6x36, MXT144, CST820, CST226 and GT911 I2C devices. |
bb_ltr390 | LTR-390 light sensor library. |
bb_rtc | realtime clock library for DS3231, RV3032, and PCF8563. |
bb_scd41 | Sensiron SCD4x CO2 sensor library. |
bb_spi_lcd | Color SPI LCD+OLED library with many unique features. |
BlueFairy | Task Scheduler, Keyboard Control, Machine State |
BlynkNcpDriver | A shared interface to the services provided by Blynk.NCP |
bosejis_Types | Generic Type to Value Conversion Library. |
BraccioRobot | Braccio Robot controller API. |
BTS7960 | Library for BTS7960 Dual H-Bridge 43A DC Motor controller |
BTS7960_Motordriver | A library that helps control a brushed DC motor using BTS7960 motor driver easy. |
BytebeamArduino | A small Arduino Library for Bytebeam Cloud that just works. |
CafeIOT | CafeIOT library for Eep8266. |
CafeIot_Arduino | CafeIot library for Arduino. |
Cardinal | An Arduino library that takes input in degrees and output a string or integer for the 4, 8, 16, or 32 compass headings (like North, South, East, and West). |
CarreraDigitalControlUnit | Carrera® DIGITAL 124/132 interface library for Arduino and mbed OS |
CheckDS18B20 | Check manufacturer of DS18B20 temperature sensors |
Chirale_TensorFLowLite | Allows you to run machine learning models locally on all Arduino boards with mbed or ESP32 architecture. |
CircularBufferLib | CircularBuffer Library |
ClusterDuck Protocol | Mesh communication protocol. |
CodeCell | CodeCell Arduino Library |
ColorConverter | Color Converter Library |
Corsair Lighting Protocol | Control LED strips via USB from a PC. |
CountdownLib | Countdown Library |
CowPi | A library for the Cow Pi educational hardware kit. |
CowPi_stdio | A library to interface with the serial monitor and with display modules using familiar stdio functions. |
CRMui3 | CRMui3 WebFramework build a web app (Web UI) for ESP8266 and ESP32 in your project in minutes! / CRMui3 WebFramework для esp8266 и esp32. Позволяет быстро и просто создать веб интерфейс для настройки и управления устройством. |
Cumulocity IoT Downstream | A client library to extract realtime measurement, alarm, event and operation from Cumulocity IoT Platform. |
Cumulocity IoT Upstreaming | A client library to connect your Arduino to Cumulocity IoT cloud over https. |
CurrentTransformerWithCallbacks | Coil, Current Transformer (CT) based AC current measurements using fast ADC sampling of waveform |
DSpotterSDK_Maker_33BLE | DSpotterSDK_Maker_33BLE provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense, which can recognize trigger words and command words. |
DSpotterSDK_Maker_NiclaVision | DSpotterSDK_Maker_NiclaVision provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Portenta H7, which can recognize trigger words and command words. |
DSpotterSDK_Maker_PortentaH7 | DSpotterSDK_Maker_PortentaH7 provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Portenta H7, which can recognize trigger words and command words. |
DSpotterSDK_Maker_RP2040 | DSpotterSDK_Maker_RP2040 provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect, which can recognize trigger words and command words. |
DebounceFilterLib | DebounceFilter Library |
deepC | Allows you to run machine learning models locally on arduino boards. |
DeepSleepScheduler | Lightweight, cooperative task scheduler with configurable sleep and task supervision. |
DelayFunctions | Simple delay functions. |
Deneyap Renk Donusturme | Arduino library to change colors between different systems |
DFL168A_Async | Arduino board accesses OBD2/J1939/J1708 Data by DFL168A Integrated Circuit Chip. Most methods are unblocked. |
DFL168A_Sync | Arduino board accesses OBD2/J1939/J1708 Data by DFL168A Integrated Circuit Chip. All methods are blocked. |
DHT Sensors Non-Blocking | An Arduino library for the DHT sensor family (DHT11, DHT22,...). With Non-Blocking design to optimize CPU performance. |
DigitalSignalsArduino | Digital Signal library for Arduino platform |
DMXUSB | DMXUSB emulates an ENTTEC-compatible DMXKing USB to DMX serial device with one or two universes |
DoubleEMAFilterLib | DoubleEMAFilter Library |
DoubleLinkedList | A templated class for creating dynamic Double Linked Lists. A Double Linked List is a Linked List where each node points to the next node and the previous node. |
DSPFilters | A realtime digital signal processing (DSP) library for Arduino. |
DW1000 | A library that offers functionality to use Decawave's DW1000 chips/modules. |
DynamixelShield | DynamixelShield Library for Arduino |
Dynamixel2Arduino | DYNAMIXEL protocol Library for Arduino |
EasyCommaLib | EasyComma is a light library that implements funtions for easily parse comma separed arrays |
EasyLogger | A library to do serial logging the easy and lightweight way |
EasyingLib | Arduino library that implements easing functions for smooth property value change transitions |
EEPROMWearLevel | EEPROMWearLevel reduces EEPROM wear by writting a new value to an other EEPROM location. |
EEPROM_WL | Library for implementing EEPROM wear leveling on AVR Arduino boards |
Elektor_AudioDSP | Driver for the Elektor Audio DSP FX Processor board with ESP32-PICO-KIT and ADAU1701. |
Elog | The ultimate logger for ESP32 |
EmbeddedSparkplugNode | Sparkplug B / Sparkplug 3 Edge Node Library. |
Energesis LM35 | Driver for LM35 series temperature sensor. |
Energesis_GenericSensor | Generic interface for standardized implementation of sensor drivers. |
ENS22 | Library for controlling the ENS22 NB-IoT modem, supporting MQTT communication. |
ERPC | ESP32 RPC library. |
ESPectro32 | ESPectro32 development board library for Arduino IDE |
ESPping | Let the ESP32/ESP8266 ping a remote machine. |
EscapeAutomate | EscapeAutomate Library |
esp-brookesia | ESP-Brookesia is a human-machine interaction development framework designed for AIoT devices. |
ESPDateTime | Date Time Functions and Classes for ESP8266 and ESP32 |
esp-lib-utils | esp-lib-utils is a library designed for ESP SoCs to provide utility functions, including logging, checking, and memory. |
ESPSerialFlasher | [EXPERIMENTAL] Flash the WiFiNiNa module on your arduino nano 33 iot |
ESP32_Button | ESP32_Button is a specialized library created to facilitate the implementation of ADC/GPIO button functionality on ESP SoCs. |
ESP32_Display_Panel | ESP32_Display_Panel is a library designed for ESP SoCs to drive display panels and facilitate rapid GUI development. |
ESP32_IO_Expander | ESP32_IO_Expander is a library designed for driving IO expander chips using ESP SoCs |
ESP32_Knob | ESP32_Knob is a library designed for driving encoders using ESP SoCs |
ESP32_USB_STREAM | ESP32_USB_STREAM is a specialized library created to facilitate the implementation of USB stream functionality on ESP SoCs. |
ESP8266MQTTClient | MQTT Client for ESP8266 |
ESP_LM35 | A library for the ESP boards to make easier using the LM35 temperature sensor. |
ExodeCore | Communication between Arduino microcontroller boards and a connected computers. |
FaBo 201 3Axis ADXL345 | A library for FaBo 3AXIS I2C Brick |
FaBo 202 9Axis MPU9250 | A library for FaBo 9Axis I2C Brick |
FaBo 203 Color S11059 | A library for FaBo Color I2C Brick |
FaBo 204 Baromter MPL115A2 | A library for FaBo Barometer I2C Brick |
FaBo 205 Proximity VCNL4010 | A library for FaBo Proximity I2C Brick |
FaBo 207 Temperature ADT7410 | A library for FaBo Temperature I2C Brick |
FaBo 208 Humidity HTS221 | A library for FaBo Humidity I2C Brick |
FaBo 209 KTemp MCP3421 | A library for FaBo KTemp I2C Brick |
FaBo 210 GPIO PCAL6408A | A library for FaBo GPIO I2C Brick |
FaBo 211 7Segment LED TLC59208F | A library for FaBo 7Segment LED I2C Brick |
FaBo 212 LCD PCF8574 | A library for FaBo LCD I2C Brick |
FaBo 213 LCD mini AQM0802A | A library for FaBo LCD mini I2C Brick |
FaBo 214 OLED EROLED096 | A library for FaBo OLED I2C Brick |
FaBo 215 RTC PCF2129 | A library for FaBo RTC I2C Brick |
FaBo 217 Ambient Light ISL29034 | A library for FaBo Ambient Light I2C Brick |
FaBo 230 Color BH1749NUC | A library for FaBo Color I2C Brick |
FaBo 301 BLE SiliconLabs | A library for SiliconLabs BLE113. |
FaBo 307 BLE Nordic | A library for nRF5x. |
FancyTerminal | FancyTerminal - A serial console beautifier |
FastEPD | A frustration-free e-paper library for parallel eink panels. |
FixedPoints | A template library for defining fixed point types of varying sizes. |
Forced-BME280 | A library that makes using a BME280 easy and lightweight. |
forcedBMX280 | A library that makes using a BME280 or BMP280 easy and lightweight. |
FT6236G | capacitive touch sensor. |
GGreg20_V3 | IoT-devices GGreg20_V3 ionizing radiation detector pulse output driver library. |
G4Enc | Optimized CCITT G4 (ITU T.6) encoder. |
GammaCorrectionLib | GammaCorrection Library |
GigaAudio | An Arduino library to play WAV files on an Arduino Giga R1. |
Google Cloud IoT Core JWT | Demonstrates JWT generation for connecting Arduino clients to Google Cloud IoT Core. |
GrafanaLoki | Send logs/events to Grafana Loki |
Grafici-GFX | Data visualization library for Arduino driven displays |
GRC_AI | A library supporting communication with GRC AI module |
GSL1680 | Driver for GSL1680 |
HaMqttEntities | Easy Home Assistant MQTT Integration Library |
Hashtable | This library provides an easy and efficient way to create dynamic Hash Tables in Arduino projects. It supports various operations such as insert, remove, among others. |
HITIComm | Control and monitoring |
HITICommSupport | Support for HITIComm library |
HomeAssistantMQTT | Arduino Library to create IoT devices connected to Home Assistant via MQTT. |
HS_CAN_485_ESP32 | A library for HS_CAN_485_ESP32 |
HS_JOY_ESP32 | A library for HS_JOY_ESP32 |
HTL_onboard | Library to control HTL Uno onboard components. |
hueDino | Philips Hue library for Arduino. |
hx1838decoder | A simple IR Decoder for HX1388 type receivers. |
I2CScanner | I2C Scanner |
I2cDiscreteIoExpander | Arduino library for the Texas Instruments PCF8575C 16-bit I2C I/O expander. |
i2c_adc_ads7828 | Arduino library for the Texas Instruments ADS7828 12-bit, 8-channel I2C A/D converter. |
InputDebounce | Simple polling input debounce Arduino library. |
InterpolationLib | Arduino library that provides interpolation methods step, linear, smooth, catmull spline and constrained spline. |
IoAbstraction | Treat PCF8574, MCP23017 and Shift registers like pins, matrix keypad, touch screen handler, button press and rotary encoder management (switches) on any supported IO (including DfRobot & Joysticks) with event handling, interchangable AVR/I2C(AT24) EEPROMs. |
IoTeX-blockchain-client | A simple API client implementation in C++ for the IoTeX blockchain. |
IoTivity-Lite | OCF(Open Connectivity Founcation) core framework |
IoTivity-Lite_Arduino-porting | OCF(Open Connectivity Founcation) core framework porting to Arduino |
Iobeam | Client library for using the iobeam cloud. |
IS31FL3729_LED_Matrix | A library for IS31FL3729 LED Matrix chip. |
JPEGDEC | Optimized JPEG decoder for MCUs with 32K+ RAM. |
JPEGENC | Universal JPEG encoder for MCUs with at least 4K of free RAM. |
jsonlib | A simple JSON parsing library. |
LcdEffects | A library that lets you apply special effects to LCD text. |
LDS | Laser distance scan sensors (LDS/LIDAR) wrapper/controller for kaia.ai robotics platform |
LEADS | Lightweight Embedded Assisted Driving System Arduino Library |
libasm | Cross assembler and disassembler for retro CPUs |
libcli | Command Line Interface library |
LIDAR-Lite | Arduino library for Garmin LIDAR-Lite. |
LinkedListLib | LinkedList Library |
ListLib | List Library |
LittleVector | std::vector like container. |
LongFi | Enables LongFi Communication with Semtech Compatible Radios. |
MCreator Link | Adds support for the MCreator Link system. |
Marisa ESP32 Wrapper | Fast lookups in large static dictionaries |
MaxEssentialToolkit | Library for MAXIM RTC, temperature and current-sense amplifier sensors. |
Max31328RTC | Library for Max31328 Real Time Clock. |
MbedNanoTLS | Standalone Mbed TLS for Arduino Mbed OS Nano Boards |
mbino | Port of mbed OS 2 APIs to the Arduino platform |
MCP23017_Attiny85 | "Library which lets you to control mcp23017 I/O expander simply" |
MCP2515-nb | Arduino library for MCP2515 with non-blocking support. |
MCP45HVX1 | Library for MCP45HVX1 digital potentiomters, |
mdif | Minimal Data Image Format (MDIF) is a lightweight image format with minimal data structure and integration with Diwa in mind that balances both simplicity and functionality. |
MeanFilterLib | Mean Filter Library |
MedianFilterLib | Median Filter Library |
MedianFilterLib2 | Median Filter Library 2 |
mergCBUS | Allow building Merg modules communicating with CBUS. |
MicroTFLite | Allows you to run machine learning models locally on your microcontroller devices. |
micro_ros_arduino | micro-ROS Arduino library |
micro_ros_kaia | micro-ROS Arduino library with additional Kaia.ai message types |
Microcontroller-id | Retrieve manufacturer serial number stored inside the microcontroller |
MidiDmxBridge | Enables Arduino boards to convert MIDI continuous controller commands into DMX signals. |
MINDS-i-Common | Common code to assist with running MINDS-i platforms |
MINDS-i-Drone | Code to assist with running MINDS-i Drones |
MINDS-i-Farming | Code for MINDS-i Farming applications |
MINDS-i-Foundations | Code to assist with running MINDSi robots |
ModbusMaster | Enlighten your Arduino to be a Modbus master. |
ModbusPowerMeter | ModbusPowerMeter is a user-friendly library that uses the ModbusMaster library to read data from power meters. |
Moteus | Driver for mjbots moteus brushless servo controller |
MteCore | MteCore - Library For MTE Controller |
MultiTaskLib | Storyboard are a series of non blockings tasks that runs in parallel |
MVP3000esp | The MVP3000 framework is built to streamline the implementation of sensor and actuator hardware. |
MySQL Query Client | Connects your project to MySQL DB server using Ethernet, WiFi or GSM client. |
NimBLE-Arduino | Bluetooth low energy (BLE) library for Arduino based on NimBLE. |
oatmeal-protocol | A protocol to control and communicate with Arduino devices from Python. |
ObjectButton | An Arduino library for detecting button actions. |
OneBitDisplay | OLED, LCD and e-paper library for 1-bit per pixel displays. |
OneIoT Connectivity | This library can be used for serial communication with the OneIoT Connectivity Module. |
OneTime-BH1750 | A library that makes using a BH1750 easy and lightweight. |
Optional | A simple optional type for C++. |
OptoDebounce | 100Hz opto debouncer. |
OROCA-EduBot | A library for OROCA-EduBot |
Parser | Arduino Library that helps to parse a char array |
PetriNetLib | PetriNet Library |
Picovoice_AR | Picovoice for Arabic language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_DE | Picovoice for German language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_EN | Picovoice for English language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_ES | Picovoice for Spanish language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_FA | Picovoice for Farsi language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_FR | Picovoice for French language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_HI | Picovoice for Hindi language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_IT | Picovoice for Italian language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_JA | Picovoice for Japanese language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_KO | Picovoice for Korean language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_NL | Picovoice for Dutch language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_PL | Picovoice for Polish language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_PT | Picovoice for Portuguese language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_RU | Picovoice for Russian language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_SV | Picovoice for Swedish language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_VN | Picovoice for Vietnamese language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
Picovoice_ZH | Picovoice for Mandarin language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. |
PM1006K | Driver library for PM1006K sensors. |
PNGdec | Universal PNG decoder for MCUs with at least 48K of RAM. |
PNGenc | Universal PNG encoder for MCUs with at least 45K of free RAM. |
Porcupine_AR | Porcupine for Arabic language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_DE | Porcupine for German language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_EN | Porcupine for English language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_ES | Porcupine for Spanish language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_FA | Porcupine for Farsi language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_FR | Porcupine for French language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_HI | Porcupine for Hindi language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_IT | Porcupine for Italian language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_JA | Porcupine for Japanese language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_KO | Porcupine for Korean language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_NL | Porcupine for Dutch language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_PL | Porcupine for Polish language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_PT | Porcupine for Portuguese language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_RU | Porcupine for Russian language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_SV | Porcupine for Swedish language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_VN | Porcupine for Vietnamese language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
Porcupine_ZH | Porcupine for Mandarin language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. |
PromLokiTransport | Abstracts a bunch of hardware and connectivity away from the GrafanaLoki and PrometheusArduino libraries |
PrometheusArduino | Send data to Prometheus via the remote write protocol. |
PropertyChangeLib | Property Change Library |
PSACrypto | An implementation of the Platform Security Architecture Crypto API for Arduino. |
PulseFlowMeter | PulseFlowMeter is simple library for reading accurate flow rates with pulse-output type flow meters. |
PyDuinoBridge | A transparent library for communication between Python and Arduino. |
QuickMedianLib | QuickMedian Library |
QuickSortLib | QuickSort Library |
RAK12027-D7S | Arduino library for the RAK12027 seismic sensor. |
RAK12052-MLX90640 | RAKWireless library for the matrix |
ReactiveArduino | ReactiveArduino implements observable-observer pattern on a processor like Arduino |
readguy | A free E-paper display driver library supports 16-level greyscale. |
RESTuino | A library to handle arduino GPIO via REST API. |
RoboWunduino | Arduino Library for Robo Wunderkind Products |
RobotDuLAB Arduino Library | Bibliothèque de pilotage simplifié de RobotDuLAB. |
RootCertificates | Library used to associate certificates to top level domains |
ros2arduino | ROS2 Library for Arduino |
RX8025 | Control RX8025 chip or the solar calendar to the lunar calendar. |
Sanke | This library allows to run snake on 7-segments display (we use it in idle). |
SDList | A Simple ArrayList Implementation that saves memory by dumping contents into an SD Card. |
Seeed Arduino Mic | An extensible library for interfacing with Microphone devices |
Segment | The most powerful and popular available library for using 7/14/16 segment display, supporting daisy chaining so you can control mass amounts from your Arduino! |
SensorNormalization | Library for line sensors. |
ServoCtrl | An Arduino-based servo control library. |
sevenSegment | Control infinite seven segment displays with your arduino! |
Shox96 Progmem Compression | Compress short strings and messages using Shox96 technique and save space on Flash (PROGMEM) |
SimpleCollections | An associative container used either as a list or btree without needing std lib, and a concurrent circular buffer. Works from AVR/Uno upwards to ESP32, mbed etc |
SimpleIOT | Connecting Arduino ESP32 to AWS IOT via SimpleIOT framework |
SimpleMotionV2-Arduino | An Arduino library for controlling SimpleMotion IONI/ARGON drives from Granite Devices. |
SimpleProperties | This library provides an easy and efficient way to create and save "Properties". This Library is built on the Hashtable Library, and Mimicks the Java Properties Class. |
SimpleRelay | A library for controlling a relay. |
SimpleStepper | Simple library for controlling unipolar and bipolar steppers |
SimpleTicker | A library for creating Tickers, which will notify user that a given period has elapsed. Replaces delay() and allows users to write non-blocking code. |
SimpleVector | A Templated Library for creating dynamic arrays in Arduino projects. It's purpose is meant to be used for Number types, but can be used for any type though it is not recommended as it has not been tested on other types. |
simple-web-dashboard | Displays variable values on a simple web page |
SingleEMAFilterLib | SingleEMAFilter Library |
SLIC | Simple lossless image codec. |
smart-input-filter | A stable, unit-tested filter library |
Snake | This library allows to run snake on 7-segments display (we use it in idle). |
SnappyProto | A library which includes a snappy compressor and nanopb for creating snappy compressed protobufs. |
solarfunctions | A library to precisely compute the position of the sun, sunrise/sunset and other solar metrics. |
Soldered TCA9548A Multiplexer Arduino Library | TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer Board |
Somfy_Remote_Lib | Control Somfy RTS devices |
SPIFFS_FilePrint | Lightweight library for rolling file print. It logs to SPIFFS. |
Sqlite Micro Logger | Log data into Sqlite database from any MCU having >2kb RAM |
Sqlite3Esp32 | Sqlite3 database library for ESP32 core |
Sqlite3 for ESP8266 | Sqlite3 library for ESP8266 Arduino core (includes Shox96 compression) |
StateMachineLib | StateMachine Library |
StopwatchLib | Stopwatch Library |
StoryBoardLib | Storyboard are a series of non blockings tasks that runs sequencially |
SuperTimers | A Simple Timer Implementation that allows you to set a time and then check if the time has passed. You can set time in millis or minutes. |
SyncWaveformsLib | Arduino SyncWaveforms implements timed functions that runs synchronously |
TFminiS | A library to interface with the TFmini-S LiDAR sensor for Arduino Mega and ESP32. |
TLog | Arduino TLog library; to also send (Serial) logs via telnet, mqtt, syslog, a web browser, etc. |
TAMC_GT911 | Arduino library for GT911 |
TaskManagerIO | Task manager for Arduino and mbed with marshalled interrupts, first class support for events and timed execution. Thread safe for RTOS use. |
tcMenu | Menu library for Arduino with IoT capabilities that supports many input and display devices with a designer UI, code generator, CLI, and strong remote control capability. |
TcMenuLog | Logging framework and helper text utils for the TcMenu framework. |
tcUnicodeHelper | Adds tcUnicode UTF-8 support to Adafruit_GFX, U8G2, tcMenu, and TFT_eSPI graphics libraries with a graphical font creation utility available. Works with existing libraries |
TCA9548A | Arduino library for the TCA9548A |
TensorFlowLite_ESP32 | Allows you to run machine learning models locally on your ESP32 device. |
Tgui | Tgui is a lightweight GUI for Arduino Uno type of MCU with small TFT screen, primarily for showing sensor data. |
Thermal Printer Library | Bluetooth Low Energy Thermal Printer Library |
Thingplus | Helps connecting your Arduino board to Thing+ cloud easly and fast |
ThresholdLib | Threshold Library |
TIFF_G4 | Optimized TIFF G4 decoder for MCUs with 16K+ RAM. |
TimeSeries | Arduino library for time series forecasting. |
TimeoutTaskLib | TimeoutTask Library |
TinyDecisionTreeClassifier | TinyDecisionTreeClassifier is a simple but elegant standalone library for training decision trees directly on the edge. |
Tinyfox | This library provides a simple way to make use of Wisol radios (sigfox and point to point). |
TM1638lite | Interface library from Arduino to TM1638 display chip/card |
TMP36 | Makes using a TMP36 temperature sensor even easier! |
TriacDimmer | A library for controlling a triac dimmer. |
TriangleSolverLib | Library that implements functions to solve triangles. Usefull for articulated machines |
UCloudIoTSDK | An Arduino library for connecting ucloud iot platform made by UCloud IoT team. |
uCOS-III_Due | MicroC/OS-III 3.08.01 for ARM Cortex M3. |
Unishox Progmem Decompressor | Decompress short Unicode strings and messages compressed using Unishox technique and save space on Flash (PROGMEM) |
Universal Inputs | Arduino library for reading multiple input devices of different types. |
UniversalTimer | Easy to use, multifunctional and non-blocking timer. |
UnorderedMap | A Wrapper Library that is built on the Hashtable Library. The Eventual plan is to add more functionality to the library. |
unzipLIB | A library to extract files from ZIP archives |
URLCode | Decode and Encode URL. |
UserManager | a demo for user manager |
Variant | A template-based Variant class that supports single values and dynamic lists using ArrayList or SimpleVector. |
VEML6075 | An Arduino Library Specifically for the ESP32. |
ViraLink-MQTT-Client | ViraLink IoT Cloud Platform MQTT Client for ESP82266/ESP32. |
W3bstreamClient | A W3bstream client for Arduino |
Waveshare_ST7262_LVGL | Waveshare_ST7262_LVGL is an Arduino library designed for Waveshare ESP32-S3 SOC with 7 inch ST7262 LCD and GT911 touchscreen to facilitate rapid GUI development using LVGL. |
WearLeveling | EEPROMWearLevel reduces EEPROM wear by writting a new value to an other EEPROM location. |
Wind Functions | Allows an Arduino to operate the RS485 wind speed and direction sensors from DFRobot |
WizFi250 | Helps using your Arduino board to Wi-Fi easily and fast |
WMS7202 | A library for the WMS7202 digital potentiometer. |
WolkConnect | Arduino library which provides easy connectivity to WolkAbout IoT Platform. |
xsens_mti | Portable, unit-tested, from-scratch implementation for serial comms with xsens MTi AHRS modules. |
zlib_turbo | A library to inflate deflated data and unpack gzip files |