A list of the 35 libraries that are licensed with the CC0 1.0 license.
AVision_ESP8266 | Libraries for easy and quick programming on the A-Vision ESP8266 learning board |
ADE9000 | Library to interface with the ADE9000 by Analog Devices. |
AHT20 | library to drive AHT20 temperature and humidity IC. Forked from https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Qwiic_Humidity_AHT20_Arduino_Library |
AltController | Alternative keyboard controller for Project 1, Physical Computing |
BistableRelay | A simple library to control a bistable relay with set and reset pins. |
BMP280 | DFRobot Standard library modified by dvarrel |
CRSF | Бібліотека для радіо керованих моделей протоколом CRSF |
DHT22 | humidity and temperature, 1-wire only |
DoublyLinkedList | An advanced library for managing lists. |
E220Lib | A Library used to interface the EBYTE E220 module with an Arduino |
EasyBNO055 ESP | Library for the Adafruit BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor made easier with ESP32 threads |
EspEasyUtils | ESP32 Easy Utils |
ESP32 Lite Pack Library | ESP32LitePack, M5Lite, A lightweight compatibility library. Support Devices:M5StickC, M5StickC Plus, M5Stack BASIC, M5Stack GRAY, M5Stack FIRE, M5Stack Core2, M5Stack ATOM Lite, M5Stack ATOM Matrix, M5Stack ATOM ECHO |
ESP32PsramLock | Library to control ESP32 PSRAM |
ESP32 ULP Debugger | Arduino ESP32 ULP Debugger libraries. |
Geekble_Orgel | Library for play music |
I2C AXP192 Power management | This is a library of AXP192, the Power Management for I2C connectivity. |
I2C BM8563 RTC | Library to control I2C RTC |
I2C MPU6886 IMU | Library to control I2C MPU6886 |
I2C SLG | Library to control I2C GreenPAK SLG46826 |
LapX9C10X | A library to drive the X9C102/103/104/503 Digitally Controlled Potentiometers |
MBEDSpeech | Arduino library for running speech recognition machine learning models |
MemoryLib | Library to manage the storage of INT and LONG variables in EEPROM |
MovingAverager | A basic moving average filter. |
MultiFunctionShield | LED Display driver for Multi Function Shield |
multiLogger | Ever wanted to log easily using one or multiple outputs (serial, spiffs, tcp, udp)? |
PWMOutESP32 | Library for controlling ESP32 PWM outputs similar to use on Arduino |
SerialToWifi | Drop-in replacement for the Serial Arduino library that manages i/o to a remote console over wifi on ESP32. |
SevenSegInt | A library to drive 7 segment displays using interrupts. |
ShiftOutMega | Library to control additional digital ports using CI 74HC595 |
STPM3X | Library to interface with the Power Monitor Chips STPM34 or STPM32 by ST Microelectronics. |
TinyFilmFestival | Extended controls for drawing the LED Matrix for Project 2 |
TM1638 | library for driving TM1638 led display-leds-buttons like https://fr.aliexpress.com/wholesale?SearchText=TM1638 |
ZzzButton | Arduino / C++ library to manage buttons |
ZzzMovingAvg | Simple Arduino / C++ library to compute moving average |