A list of the 844 libraries that are licensed with the GPL 3.0 license.
3BC Language Virtual Machine | 3BC Language Virtual Machine |
ALog | Low-power general-purpose data logger library, written for the Arduino-based ALog but expandable to other devices. |
ATtinySerialOut | Minimal bit-bang send serial 115200 or 38400 baud for 1 MHz or 230400 baud for 8/16 MHz ATtiny clock. Perfect for debugging purposes. Code size is only 76 bytes@38400 baud or 196 bytes@115200 baud (including first call) |
AViShaESPCam | AViShaESPCam adalah library untuk mempermudah penggunaan ESP32-CAM. |
AViShaMQTT | Library ini memungkinkan perangkat ESP untuk berkomunikasi menggunakan protokol MQTT. |
AViShaWiFi | AViShaWiFi adalah library untuk menyederhanakan penggunaan WiFi pada ESP8266 dan ESP32. |
AbsoluteMouse | Arduino library to control cursor over USB, using absolute positioning. |
ACAN2040 | ACAN2040 |
AD7190forESP32 | Basic library for analog Devices AD7190 running on ESP32 |
AD7390 DAC library | Arduino library for the AD7390 digital to analog converter (DAC) |
Adafruit DotStar | Adafruit DotStar LED Library |
Adafruit DotStarMatrix | Adafruit_GFX-compatible library for DotStar grids |
Adafruit NeoMatrix ZeroDMA library | Arduino library for DMA control of NeoMatrix on samd21 microcontroller |
Adafruit_4_01_ColourEPaper | Adafruit connector library for the WaveShare 4.01 Colour Epaper display |
ADS1115 | ADS1115 library for Arduino. Easy to use. |
ADS1115-Driver | Lightweight arduino library for the ADS1115 ADC converter IC |
ADS1119 library | Arduino library for Texas Instruments ADS1119 (4ch mux 16-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter) |
ADXL372 | Arduino library for the ADXL372 accelerometer |
ALA | Arduino Light Animation (ALA) library |
AlertMe | Allows for sending email and SMS from nothing but the ESP8266! |
AlfredoConnect-Receive | Library for communicating over a serial connection to AlfredoConnect-Desktop. |
AlfredoCRSF | CSRF serial protocol Arduino library |
AlternativeLSS | Asynchronous control of Lynxmotion LSS smart servos. |
AM1002-UART | Arduino library to control Cubic AM1002 |
AnalogFilter | Analog filter library, used to slow down the sampling rate of analog reads. |
AnalogIO-Arduino | This library allows to read a value from an analog input like an potentiometer, or from a digital input like an encoder. Moreover, allows to write it on digital output, exactly on PWM pin. |
ApSDM120 | Library for interfacing meter SDM120 with Arduino, tested whith Mega 2560 |
AP33772S | Library for AP33772S USB C PD 3.1 Sink Controller. |
AP_DCC_Library | Library for (NMRA/RCN) Digital Command Control (DCC) |
ArduProf | A thin layer framework for developer to code inter-task communication by an event driven method, running on different RTOS. |
ArduRoomba | A library that allows simple serial interfacing with iRobot Create 2 (and similar) robots. |
ArduinoFacil | Librería (más bien conjunto de macros) para facilitar el uso de Arduino en castellano para principiantes. |
arduinoFFT | A library for implementing floating point Fast Fourier Transform calculations on the Arduino framework. |
ArduinoHttpServer | Server side minimalistic HTTP protocol implementation. |
ArduinoIHC | A Library for connecting to the IHC Controller data in/out. |
ArduinoSTL | A port of uClibc++ Arduino library. |
ArduinoWebsockets | A library for writing modern Websockets applications with Arduino. |
Arduino_AVRSTL | A port of ArduinoSTL Arduino library. |
Arduino_ConnectionHandler | Arduino Library for network connection management (WiFi, GSM, NB, [Ethernet], Notecard) |
ArxRobot Library | Enables easy access to the controls of Arxterra robots. |
AS5040 | AMS AS5040 magnetic rotary encoder library |
AS5047P | An Arduino library for the AS5047P high-resolution rotary position sensor. |
AstroCalcs | Astronomy calculations library. |
AstroMech | Protocol for exchanging small amounts of data over audio. |
ASTRON_CCS811 | Easy and fast library for CCS811 sensor |
AsyncDNSServer_ESP32_ENC | Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP ENC28J60 Ethernet. |
AsyncDNSServer_ESP32_Ethernet | Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for ESP32/S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W5500, W6100 or ENC28J60 Ethernet. |
AsyncDNSServer_ESP32_W5500 | Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W5500 Ethernet. |
AsyncDNSServer_ESP32_W6100 | Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W6100 Ethernet. |
AsyncDNSServer_RP2040W | Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W using CYW43439 WiFi with arduino-pico core. |
AsyncDNSServer_Teensy41 | Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for Teensy 4.1 using QNEthernet. |
AsyncHTTPRequest_ESP32_Ethernet | Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP library for ESP32/S2/S3/C3, WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720), ESP32 using LwIP ENC28J60, W5500, W6100 or LAN8720. |
AsyncHTTPRequest_Generic | Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP libraries, such as AsyncTCP, ESPAsyncTCP, AsyncTCP_STM32, etc.. for ESP32 (including ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 and ESP32_C3), WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720), ESP32 with LwIP ENC28J60, W5500 or W6100, ESP8266 (WiFi, W5x00 or ENC28J60) and currently STM32 with LAN8720 or built-in LAN8742A Ethernet. |
AsyncHTTPRequest_RP2040W | Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP_RP2040W library for RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W with CYW43439 WiFi. |
AsyncHTTPRequest_Teensy41 | Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of Teensy41_AsyncTCP for Teensy 4.1 using QNEthernet |
AsyncHTTPSRequest_ESP32_Ethernet | Simple Async HTTPS Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP_SSL library for ESP32/S2/S3/C3, WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720), ESP32 using LwIP ENC28J60, W5500, W6100 or LAN8720. |
AsyncHTTPSRequest_Generic | Simple Async HTTPS Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP_SSL library for ESP32 (including ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 and ESP32_C3), WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720) and ESP32 with LwIP ENC28J60, W5500 or W6100. |
AsyncUdp_ESP32_ENC | Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP ENC28J60 Ethernet |
AsyncUDP_ESP32_Ethernet | Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W5500, W6100 or ENC28J60 Ethernet |
AsyncUDP_ESP32_SC_ENC | Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32_S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP ENC28J60 Ethernet |
AsyncUDP_ESP32_SC_Ethernet | Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W5500, W6100 or ENC28J60 Ethernet |
AsyncUDP_ESP32_SC_W5500 | Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W5500 Ethernet |
AsyncUDP_ESP32_SC_W6100 | Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W6100 Ethernet |
AsyncUDP_ESP32_W5500 | Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W5500 Ethernet |
AsyncUDP_ESP32_W6100 | Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W6100 Ethernet |
AsyncUDP_Ethernet | Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP8266 using W5x00 or ENC28J60 Ethernet. The library is easy to use and includes support for Unicast, Broadcast and Multicast environments. |
AsyncUDP_Teensy41 | Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for Teensy 4.1 using QNEthernet. The library is easy to use and includes support for Unicast, Broadcast and Multicast environments. |
AsyncUDP_WT32_ETH01 | Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720). |
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_ENC | AsyncWebServer for (ESP32 + ENC28J60) |
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_SC_ENC | AsyncWebServer for (ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP ENC28J60) |
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_SC_W5500 | AsyncWebServer for (ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500) |
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_SC_W6100 | AsyncWebServer for (ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W6100) |
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_W5500 | AsyncWebServer for (ESP32 + LwIP W5500) |
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_W6100 | AsyncWebServer for (ESP32 + LwIP W6100) |
AsyncWebServer_Ethernet | Asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket Server Library for ESP8266 using W5x00 or ENC28J60 Ethernet |
AsyncWebServer_Teensy41 | Asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket Server Library for Teensy 4.1 using QNEthernet |
AsyncWebServer_WT32_ETH01 | AsyncWebServer for WT32_ETH01 using LAN8720 |
Asynchrony | A way to schedule functions to be executed in the future, similar to asynchrony in other languages. |
AT24C256 library | Library for the AT24C256 I2C EEPROM. |
Atmel TSS463C VAN bus Datalink Controller library | A library for the Atmel TSS463/TSS461 VAN Datalink Controller |
AtrivaTECH PicUNO | Arduino library for programming PicUNO with device specific functions. |
AvrTracing | The last hope for the desperate AVR programmer. A small (344 bytes) Arduino library to have real program traces and to find the place where your program hangs. |
Ballvalve | A library to control 5 wire electric ball valves like the US Solid MSV-00015. |
BareBoneSim800 | A BareBone Arduino Library For SIM800 Modules |
BaroLibrary | Library for Measurement Specialties MS5637-02BA03 Altimeter/Pressure sensor (including Freetronics BARO module). |
Basecamp | A basic IoT library for the ESP32 |
BasicColorLedControl | This is a tiny and clearly arranged Arduino library for the basic RGB LED functionalities. |
Batflow | Battery lookup |
BaudotCode | Easily encode and decode ITA-2 5 bit Baudot code for for RTTY on Arduino |
bb_uc1701 | Optimized 128x64 monochrome LCD display library for ST7565/UC1701 conrollers. |
BBE IoT Class Library | This is the C++ class library for students' use in IoT class to control smart systems. |
BBQ10Keyboard | Library for using the BBQ10Keyboard PMOD |
Better Joystick | A library that handles and processes inputs from dual-axis Arduino joysticks. |
Bind | A UI toolkit for arduino. |
BioData | Interpret biological signals in real-time. |
BitBang_I2C | Bit-bang the I2C protocol on any 2 GPIO pins on any system. |
BitFlash_Client | OTA firmware update library for ESP32 |
BitkitRobit | Arduino library for Bitkit Robit. |
BlenderServoAnimation | Library to control servos based on an exported Blender animation. |
BlueDisplay | This library enables an Android smartphone or tablet to act as a graphical display for your Arduino. |
BME280 | Provides a library for reading and interpreting Bosch BME280 environmental sensor data over I2C, SPI or Sw SPI. |
BME280_Zanshin | Access the Bosch BME280 temperature, humidity and pressure sensor |
BME680 | Arduino library to access and control the Bosch BME680 sensor and get temperature, humidity, pressure and gas readings. |
BnrOneAPlus | Interfacing Bot´n Roll ONE A+ robot from botnroll.com |
Board Identify | An Arduino library which allows identification of over 100 different boards/controllers. |
Bofu | A library to send and receive bofu blinds controller messages. |
Bonezegei ILI9341 | Simple Library for ILI9341 LCD Module |
Bonezegei LCD1602 I2C | HD44780 with PCF8574 I2C |
Bonezegei_Compute | Bonezegei Compute (BZC) |
Bonezegei_DHT11 | DHT11 |
Bonezegei_DHT22 | DHT22 |
Bonezegei_DS1307 | DS1307 Driver |
Bonezegei_DS3231 | DS3231 Driver |
Bonezegei_GL | Bonezegei Graphics Library (Beta) |
Bonezegei_GPS | GPS Library |
Bonezegei_GSM | GSM Library via Serial Port |
Bonezegei_HCSR04 | Ultrasonic Sensor |
Bonezegei_HD44780 | 16 x 2 LCD Library |
Bonezegei_I2CScan | Scans I2C device from 0 to 255 and show the address of active devices |
Bonezegei_ILI9341v2 | ILI9341 Driver |
Bonezegei_LCD2004_I2C | HD44780 with PCF8574 I2C |
Bonezegei_List | Simple List Class |
Bonezegei_PCF8574 | PCF8574 driver |
Bonezegei_Protocol | Bonezegei Protocol (BZP) |
Bonezegei_RS485 | RS485 to UART |
Bonezegei_SoftSerial | Software Serial Beta |
Bonezegei_Utility | Simple Utility for Bonezegei Libraries |
Bonezegei_WS2812 | WS2812 |
Bonezegei_XPT2046 | Simple Library XPT2046 Resistive Touch Controller |
Bonezegei_XPT2046v2 | XPT2046 Driver |
BooleanButton | library for monitoring the state, transitions, and timing of a boolean variable, creating a virtual button that emulates a switch. |
BotleticsSIM7000 | Arduino library for the Botletics SIM7000 Shield and other SIMCom modules |
BQ25887 | Library for the BQ25887 2S Lithium Battery Charger |
BraccioV2 | A library that enables more functionality for use with the Tinkerkit Braccio Arm. |
BRAINZY | A library that makes coding user-friendly for programming robots. |
Brasilino | Biblioteca de tradução e facilitação de funções para Arduino em PT-BR |
Brino | A biblioteca possibilita o uso de termos em portugues (Brino) para a programacao do arduino. |
Brzo I2C | Brzo I2C is a fast I2C Implementation written in Assembly for the esp8266 |
BTLE | Arduino library for basic Bluetooth LE communication. |
btnapi | Library for conecting buttons |
BUCO-PI | A library to simplify creating, operating, and using your DIY Internet of Things devices using BUCO PI devices. |
Button-Arduino | This library allows to manage a button. |
ButtonControl | Short clicks, long clicks and double clicks. Click count and button press time. |
ButtonDebounce | A library that makes easy to use button with debounce. |
ButtonToSwitch | Implement simple to complex switches out of simple buttons -or any other momentary digital input signal- this library with an easy consistent API will take care of debouncing, deglitching, toggle on-off, keep activation times in a completely unnatended manner. |
ButtonToSwitch_ESP32 | Implement simple to complex switches out of simple buttons, this library with an easy consistent API will take care of debouncing, deglitching, toggle on-off, keep activation times in a completely unnatended manner. |
Buzz | AC/static electricity-based motion detection using only the ADC and a wire! |
Buzzer | Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to simplify the use of the Buzzer. |
BuzzerManager | A library to manage multiple buzzers with flexible beep control. |
cSerialWatcher | Monitor and modify arduino variables via serial usb |
Capacitor | Measure capacitance from 0.2pF to 100uF with no external hardware. |
CB-HCHO-V4 | Arduino library to control Cubic CB-HCHO-V4 |
CBUSACAN2040 | Library for MERG CBUS using CAN2040 driver |
CC-Lantern | Arduino library for controlling single-wire-based LED pixels and strip. |
CCIR476 | Encode and Decode CCIR476 symbols for SITOR / AMTOR based messages on Arduino |
CEClient | A library which allows communication with HDMI CEC capable devices. |
CERP - DF-Robot Wireless GamePad V2.0 for Arduino library | Is a lightweight library for DF-Robot Wireless GamePad V2.0 for Arduino |
Charset | Charset library for Arduino |
CheapStepper | A library for the cheap but useful 28BYJ-48 5v stepper motor with ULN2003 driver board |
Chrono | Chronometer/stopwatch library that counts the time passed since started. |
CipherCode | Library with functions to encode texts |
Circios Roboter-Steuerung | Arduino-Bibliothek zum Ansteuern des "Circios" Schulroboters |
CircuitPlaygroundGestures | Gesture recognizer for the Adafruit Circuit Playground. |
CLAIRE | API to interface with CLAIRE water management demonstrator at DEIS-AAU. |
ClimateGuard CG Anem | Library for communicating with the thermoanemometer CG-Anem. |
ClimateGuard RadSens | Library for communicating with the radiation detector module RadSens. |
CM1106 I2C | Arduino library to control Cubic CM1106 I2C |
Codec2 | The Codec2 library is a proof-of-concept for running the Codec2 audio codec on an Arduino-compatible Adafruit Feather nRF52 Bluefruit LE board. |
ColourKit | Simple Arduino library for storing, manipulating, and using colour data. |
CoreX | Library for CoreX IoT Platform. |
CppLinq | ArduinoLinq Library |
Cpp_Standard_Library | 将C++标准库移植到 Arduino。支持C++11~17。Porting the C++ standard library to Arduino. Support C++11~17. |
CQRobotTDS | Simplify the use of CQRobot TDS sensor. |
CreativeRobotix | Creative Robotix library for Codee. |
CreatorKidsIO | Latihan membuat library Arduino |
CRMX_TimoTwo | Provides a library for reading and interpreting CRMX TimoTwo MKR Shield data over SPI. |
CSWBattery | The library for the diy smartwatch projects, which operates with their batteries. |
CSWButtons | The library for the diy smartwatch projects, which operates with their buttons. |
Cubigel | Read information from the Cubigel compressor system |
CurrentTransformer | Arduino Library for measuring current in 50/60Hz circuits using current transformers. |
CV7OEMFR | Enables provisioning. |
DTime | Date plus Time workaround service |
DAC121C08x | Arduino library for the following Texas Instruments 12 bit DAC ICs: DAC121C081 and DAC121C085. |
DarkSkySevenDay | Current and Seven Day Weather Forecast Library for Arduino. |
Dashboard IoT | Library for Dashboard IoT Platform by Nusabot. |
databot | Official databot library supporting databot, based on Arduino |
databot2 | Official databot library supporting databot, based on Arduino |
DCMotor | Arduino DCMotor library with the L293D motor driver. |
DCF77Decode | Focusing on clean code, this library implements almost the entire public DCF77 standard in C. |
dcf77_xtal | DCF77 decoder with excellent noise tolerance. |
DCS-BIOS | Connect input and output devices to the DCS: World flight simulator using DCS-BIOS. |
DebouncedButton | Library for debouncing a momentary button. |
DebouncedLDR | Library for debouncing a light-dependent resistor. |
Deneyap Gercek Zamanli Saat | Arduino library for Deneyap Real Time Clock MCP7940 |
Deneyap Hoparlor | Arduino library for Deneyap Speaker |
detaBaseArduinoESP32 | Makes working with Deta.sh Base easy |
detaBaseESP8266 | Makes working with deta.space Base easy on esp8266 |
DEVTAGLibIA | Artificial Intelligence Library for Arduino IDE. |
DFW | Tele-op and autonomous change over for WPI RBE platform. |
DHT sensor library for ESPx | Arduino ESP library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
Diablo16-Serial-Arduino-Library | Provides library access to communicate with the 4D Systems Diablo16 processor, when configured in Serial/SPE mode |
Didactic Robot | Simple Didactic Robot library |
Differential Steering | A library to use differential steering with a single dual axis joystick |
DigiCombo | Make for yourself a virtual digital pen and keyboard with Digispark Attiny85. |
digitalPinFast | More speed for digitalPin operations. |
Dimmer class for ATmega32U4 | Easy use of 10/12 bit PWM outputs on ATmega32U4 for dimmer applications. |
Dimmer class for SAMD21 | Easy use of PWM outputs on SAMD21 for dimmer applications. |
DimmerControl | Dimmer control functions, like soft on/off, dimming up/down etc. |
DisplayMenu | This library helps with creating menu pages when using graphical displays supported by the TFT_eSPI library. |
DJIMotorAlgoESP | A library for controlling DJI M3508, M2006, and GM6020: A Summary of the Algorithm Using ESP32.. |
DJIMotorCtrlESP | A library for controlling DJI M3508, M2006, and GM6020 motors using ESP32. |
DL_PAC_NK76 | Arduino library for remote control DeLonghi PAC NK76 |
DMOscillator | A library that makes easy on/off control on a pin at fixed or dynamic rate. |
DMStepper | A library to drive stepper motors. |
DMTimer | A library that simplifies non blocking recurrent calls. |
DMD2 | Updated (beta) library for Freetronics DMD dot matrix displays. |
DMD2TUR | Use with DMD2 library and enjoy Turkish letters! |
DMD32 | An Arduino library for ESP32 to drive DMD LED matrix display |
DMD_STM32 | STM32 library for led matrix panels |
DMX Serial Transceiver | Transmit and receive Serial DMX (max485) and switch without a struggle. |
DRV8870 | DRV8870 Motor Driver Library for Arduino, ESP and STMboards |
DSFamily | Read and calibrate of of the Maxim DS- Family of 1-wire thermometers |
DS1307 | DS1307 Driver for Arduino boards including RP2040 |
DS1631 | Use the Maxim Integrated DS1631 I2C Thermometer |
DS3231M | Arduino library to use the Maxim Integrated DS3231 and DS3231M RTC (Real-Time-Clock) |
DS3232RTC | Arduino Library for Maxim Integrated DS3232 and DS3231 Real-Time Clocks. |
DS4 | Dualshock 4 wired controller emulator. |
DSC Keybus Interface | Directly interface Arduino, esp8266, and esp32 to DSC PowerSeries and Classic security systems for integration with home automation, remote control apps, notifications on alarm events, and emulating DSC panels to connect DSC keypads. |
DueAdcFast | Arduino Due ADC analogRead Fast 1Mhz with measures collect and also differential. |
dwiBus | A library for UART communication between multiple devices using the dwiBus protocol. |
eBoard shackle the Arduino | All in one library to run qfixSoccerBoard code on the Arduino |
ELi_MdM_4_00 | A library for using motor driver modules of E-LAGORi. |
ESensors | Manage recordings from multiple environmental sensors. |
EAA_MLX90614 | MLX90614 device driver |
EasyButtonAtInt01 | Small and easy to use Arduino library for using push buttons at any PinChangeInterrupt pin. Automatic debouncing, no delay required. Functions for long and double press detection are included. |
EasyColor | Color converter to many formats |
EasyOpenTherm | OpenTherm Library to control Central Heating (CH), HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) or Solar systems by creating a thermostat using Arduino IDE and ESP32 / ESP8266 hardware. |
EasyPin | An easy and simple way for manage Arduino pins. |
EduIntro | Library used for super-fast introduction workshops |
EEPROMsimple | Communications with 25LC1024 EEPROM chip |
EEPROMAdapter | This adapter can read and write AT28C64 and AT28C256 EEPROM chips using Arudino Mega. Creating converter PCB for this task recommended |
EEPROMHandler | Simplifies using AT24C256 EEPROM with Arduino |
electuno | Electuno library, simulates vintage organ sound type Electone or Hammond. |
EloquentEsp32cam | Use your Esp32-cam like an expert |
EloquentSurveillance | Esp32-cam surveillance system, batteries included |
EMUcan | ECUMaster EMU CAN Stream Reader Arduino Library |
EmotiBit ArduinoFilters | Filter library for Arduino. |
EMUSerial | ECUMaster EMU Serial Library |
Emulation | A comprehensive mocking framework for seamless unit testing in PlatformIO. |
Endo-Continuum-Robot | The Endo Continuum Robot Library |
ER_OLEDM1_CH1115 | Library to support the ER-OLEDM1.09-1 OLED Display Module driven by the CH1115 controller |
Eridano-Septentrio | An Arduino library for Septentrio products |
ERM19264_UC1609 | Library to Support the ERM19264 LCD driven by the UC1609C controller |
ESPboy | ESPboy Handheld Driver. |
ESPiLight | pilight 433.92 MHz protocols library for Arduino |
Escon | A library for IoT Device |
escornabot | Arduino library for control of the Escornabot robot |
Escornabot-lib | Escornabot library for Arduino. |
Escornabot-Library | Librería para Escornabot |
ESPConnect | Simple & Easy WiFi Manager with Captive Portal for ESP8266 / ESP32 |
ESP-DASH | A blazing fast library to create realtime dashboards for ESP8266's and ESP32's. |
ESPFlash | Lightweight library that makes SPIFFs usage simple and easy to understand on the ESP8266 and ESP32. |
EspHtmlTemplateProcessor | A library that provide simple HTML template processing for ESP using SPIFFS |
ESPMail | EMail library. |
ESPManager | ESP manager |
EspMQTTClient | A library that provides a wifi and MQTT connection to an ESP8266/ESP32 |
EspMQTTClientFork | A library that provides a wifi and MQTT connection to an ESP8266/ESP32 |
ESPNexUpload | Upload UI file to Nextion displays using ESP's |
EspSimpleRemoteUpdate | Simple remote update handling for ESP8266/ESP32 |
EspSimpleWifiHandler | Simple and automatic WiFi handling for ESP8266/ESP32 |
ESPStringTemplate | Lightweight string templating library for building static web pages on the ESP8266 |
ESP-Wifi-Config | A ready-made Web Admin panel for configuring WiFi settings for ESP8266 and ESP32 |
EspWii | A library to send Wii extension controllers data over wifi. |
ESP32-audioI2S-master | With this library You can easily build a WebRadio with a ESP32 board and a I2S-module. |
ESP32 BLE ANCS Notifications | Arduino library for ESP32, for reading and interacting with Smartphone notifications from iOS. |
ESP32Dispatcher | Simple time-slice based task dispatcher |
ESP32 Rest Client | Arduino WIFI Rest Client for ESP32 |
Esp32SimplePacketComs | This Arduino library supports Simple Packet Coms for Esp32. |
Esp32WifiManager | This Arduino library supports Wifi Management for Esp32. |
esp32_codec2 | Codec2 Arduino library for ESP32. |
esp32_gamepad | connect ESP32 to SteelSeries:Free bluetooth gamepad. |
esp32_opus | OPUS Arduino library for ESP32. |
ESP8266Audio | Audio file and I2S sound playing routines for ESP8266, ESP32, and Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 |
esp8266-framework | esp8266 framework stack for easy configurable applications |
ESP8266 MQTT Mesh | Self-assembling Mesh network built around the MQTT protocol supporting OTA |
ESP8266RTTTLPlus | An RTTTL parsing and playing library. |
ESP8266SAM_ES | Speech synthesis in spanish on the ESP8266, ESP32, and RP2040 |
Etherkit JTEncode | Generate JT65, JT9, JT4, FT8, WSPR, and FSQ symbols on your Arduino. |
Etherkit Morse | Generate Morse Code for transmission on an digital I/O pin. |
Etherkit Si5351 | A full-featured library for the Si5351 series of clock generator ICs from Silicon Labs |
EthernetWebServer_SSL | Simple TLS/SSL Ethernet WebServer, HTTP Client and WebSocket Client library for for AVR, Portenta_H7, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52 and RASPBERRY_PI_PICO boards using Ethernet shields W5100, W5200, W5500, ENC28J60 or Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet/QNEthernet. It now supports Ethernet TLS/SSL Client. |
EthernetWebServer_SSL_STM32 | Simple TLS/SSL Ethernet WebServer, HTTP Client and WebSocket Client library for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards running WebServer using built-in Ethernet LAN8742A, Ethernet LAN8720, W5x00 or ENC28J60 shields. It now supports Ethernet TLS/SSL Client. |
Every | Non-blocking replacements for delay(). |
EVN | Software libraries for EVN Alpha. |
EZButton | Transform raw button/touch inputs into events easily. |
fDigitsSegtPin | Power the basic 4 digit 7 segment display |
FadeLed | Makes fading LEDs easy |
FastLED NeoMatrix | Adafruit_GFX and FastLED compatible library for NeoPixel grids |
FastLED_RPIRGBPanel_GFX | Adafruit_GFX and FastLED compatible library for ArduinoOnPC Raspberry Pi RGBPanel Driver. |
FastLED_SPITFT_GFX | Adafruit_GFX and FastLED compatible library for SPI TFT screens like SSD1331, ST7735, and ILI9341 |
FastLED_TFTWrapper_GFX | Adafruit_GFX and FastLED compatible library for ArduinoOnPC X11 TFT Emulator |
Fast4ier | An FFT and IFFT library. |
FeatherFault | FeatherFault tells you why your Arduino program is crashing |
FED3 | This is a library for operating FED3 |
Fetch | Gives you high level Javascript's fetch like API to make you any request with any server. |
FifteenStep | A general purpose Arduino MIDI sequencer library. |
FlashStorage_SAMD | The FlashStorage library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user's data using the non-volatile flash memory of SAMD21/SAMD51. It's using the buffered read and write to minimize the access to Flash. It now supports writing and reading the whole object, not just byte-and-byte. |
FlashStorage_STM32F1 | The FlashStorage_STM32F1 library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user's data using the non-volatile flash memory of STM32F1/F3. It's using the buffered read and write to minimize the access to Flash. It now supports writing and reading the whole object, not just byte-and-byte. New STM32 core v2.0.0+ is supported now. |
flex_DST | A library for observing DST according to user predefined parameters. |
Force | This is a library for operating FORCE |
FORCE2 | This is a library for operating FORCE2 |
fork-webbino-ahmsec | Experimental fork of Webbino library. |
FourBitLedDigitalTube | 7 segment, 1 to 8 digits LED display easy to use and powerful library for modules based on two 74HC595 (or similar) shift registers chips. |
FourteenSegDisplay | Drives a fourteen 14 segment alphanumeric starburst LED display, Also supports 7, 9 & 16 segment displays. |
Framebuffer GFX | Adafruit_GFX and FastLED compatible Framebuffer library |
Free-ESPAtHome | Implements the Busch-Jeager / ABB Free@Home API for ESP8266 and ESP32. |
FrequencyDetector | Measure the main frequency of analog captured signal connected to an Arduino and check for noise and mute. |
FS_Nano33BLE | Wrapper of FS (FATFS or LittleFS) for Arduino MBED nRF52840-based boards, such as Nano_33_BLE boards |
FTOLED | Library to drive Freetronics OLED128 128x128 display. |
ftp32 | FTP client for esp32 |
FTP_Server_Teensy41 | FTP Server for Teensy 4.1 using SD, FS, etc. |
functional_button | simple button library |
GalvoController | A library for controlling laser scanners that use the XY2-100 protocol with G-code sent over serial. |
GaussianFilter1D | Arduino library for using a gaussian blur / smoothing filter |
GBALib Potentiometer | Potentiometer Management Library. |
GBALib_ShiftRegister | Shift Register 74HC595N Management Library. |
GBALib_UltrasonicSensor | HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor library. |
GBALib_Wave | Wawes Management Library. |
GC9A01A AVR | Very fast SPI library for the GC9A01A IPS display |
genieArduino | 4D Systems ViSi-Genie library for Arduino |
genieArduinoDEV | 4D Systems ViSi-Genie library for Arduino, DEV *STABLE* |
GFX4dESP32 | Graphics Library for the gen4-ESP32 displays by 4D Systems |
GFX_Extensions | Sub classes extracts of Adafruit GFX graphics core library |
GFX_Root | Root class extract of Adafruit GFX graphics core library |
GKScroll | Arduino library for scrolling long lines of text on an LCD screen. |
GLEE2023 | This library is for the Great Lunar Expedition for Everyone mission, which will provide accessible opportunities for students to directly participate in Lunar exploration. |
glpi_esp8266 | It performs the integration between the GLPi system and the ESP8266 |
GoProControl | A library that makes using GoPro Cameras a breeze. |
GoWired-lib | Common libraries used by GoWired software. |
GobbitLineCommand | Basic to advanced line following, intersection detection, basic motor control, battery monitoring, gripper control, and basic collision detection with the Gobbit robot. |
Goertzel | Tone decoding library based on the Goertzel algorithm |
GovoroxSSLClient | Provides secure network connection over a generic Client transport object. |
GPS | GPS code class for Arduino |
GPT_Stepper | Direct timer drive for A4988 stepper driver |
GSM_Generic | Enables GSM/GRPS network connection using the Generic GSM shields/modules. Supporting ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-C3), ESP8266, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RP2040-based boards, etc. |
GuL_NovaFitness | This is an Arduino-Framework library to work with nova fitness particulate matter sensors. |
GuL_Plantower | This is an Arduino-Framework library to work with plantower particulate matter sensors. |
GuL_TI_Humidity_HDC10XX | An Arduino-Framework library to work with humidity sensors series HDC10XX of Texas Instruments. |
GuaraTeca_Hardware | Bibliotecas de controle de diversas plataformas roboticas em baixo nivel. |
GuaraTeca_OBR | Biblioteca de controle de diversas plataformas roboticas. |
GuiN-E Bot | Arduino Library for building GuiN-E Bot Projects using ROS |
Gwiot 7941E | A simple library to interface with Gwiot 7941E 125kHz RFID reader |
GxEPD | Display Library for SPI e-paper panels from Dalian Good Display and boards from Waveshare. |
GxEPD2 | Arduino Display Library for SPI E-Paper displays from Dalian Good Display and Waveshare. |
HAMqttDevice | A library that provides tools to simplify MQTT discovery implementation for Home Assistant |
HAMqttDiscoveryHandler | A library that generates MQTT topics and configuration message for Home Assistant MQTT Discovery. |
hd44780 | Extensible hd44780 LCD library. |
HD44780_LCD_PCF8574 | Library to Support the HD44780 LCD I2C driven by the PCF8574 controller |
HLW8012 | HLW8012 for Arduino / ESP8216 |
Hlw8032 | The hlw8032 library is designed for power, current, and voltage monitoring across diverse hardware, supporting both software and hardware serial interfaces. |
Homeyduino | Homeyduino allows you to connect your Arduino projects with Homey. |
HPDL1414 | HPDL1414 Display Driver |
HUB75Enano | This Library makes the Arduino Nano drive a HUB75E Panel with 128x64 pixels |
HUB75nano | This Library allows the Arduino Nano/Uno/Uno R4 Minima/Nano Every/Mega/Pro Mini to drive a HUB75 panel from 8x16 up to 32x64 |
HuemonelabKit | Library for educational arduino kit made by HuemoneLab |
Huma Buttons | Push Buttons for ESP32, ESP88266 |
IBusBM | Arduino library for the Flysky/Turnigy RC iBUS protocol - servo (receive) and sensors/telemetry (send) using hardware UART (AVR, ESP32 and STM32 architectures) |
iMakerPS2 | A library that allows interfacing with PlayStation 1/2 controllers |
I2C | A ligthweight communication library over the Arduino framework |
I2C-IRSENSE Library | An Arduino library to control the Iowa Scaled Engineering I2C-IRSENSE ( https://www.iascaled.com/store/I2C-IRSENSE ) reflective infrared proximity sensor. |
I2C_Slave | Arduino Library to create a basic I2C slave device |
ICOM 746 CAT Control | Simulate an ICOM 746 radio from the CAT point of view. |
IHCSoapClient | A Library for connecting to the IHC Controller using soap |
ILI9486_SPI | Display Library for ILI9486 SPI TFT display. |
INA226Lib | Enables reading from INA226 current sensors to measure current and power. |
INA2xx | Read current, voltage and power data from one or more INA2xx device(s) |
Inkplate Motion Library | Arduino Library for Inkplate Motion e-paper based board family. |
InterruptStepper | A stepper library for the Arduino Due board that can run stepper motors using timer interrupts. |
Interstitial Quadrant | Arduino library and example code for the Quadrant hand-tracking interface board. |
IoTWay | Arduino library for connecting to IoTWay servers through Proxy |
IOXESP32Audio | With this library You can easily build a WebRadio with a ESP32 board with IOXESP32 Audio shield. |
IPGeolocation | Library to get current timezone using your IP - uses IPGeolocation.io |
IP5306_I2C | Library for IP5306 I2C based battery-management SOC for Arduino platform supported boards |
IRM Mini | Adafruit_GFX-compatible library for IRM-Mini |
IRMP | Receive and send infrared signals. |
ISE I2C-MCP3427 Library | A library to control the Iowa Scaled Engineering I2C-MCP3427 ( https://www.iascaled.com/store/I2C-MCP3427 ) 16-bit analog to digital converter |
J1850 Arduino Transceiver Library | Arduino library for J1850-Arduino-Transceiver |
JAREL | Just Another Rotary Encoder Library |
JC_Button | Arduino library to debounce button switches, detect presses, releases, and long presses. |
JC_EEPROM | Arduino library to support external I2C EEPROMs. |
JC_Sunrise | Arduino library to calculate sunrise and sunset times. |
JeVe_EasyOTA | Easy include OTA Updates |
Joystick | Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to simplify the use of the Joystick. |
Justina interpreter | Justina interpreter for Arduino 32 bit boards. |
JVC-Stereo | An arduino library for controlling a JVC Stereo |
kMeans | k-Means Arduino library - Unsupervised machine learning clustering method of vector quantization. |
Kasia | IoT Library and Framework that will take care of all your communication needs. |
KCN_Utility | a simplified motor and sensor driver.\n |
Keypad | Keypad is a library for using matrix style keypads with the Arduino. |
KIMlib | Library for TAPKO KIMaip EIB/KNX Interface Module |
KMESerial | KME Iot Cloud https://kmetechnology.com. |
KolabseCarsCan | Storing data about the state of the car and decoding this data from CAN bus messages |
KWP2000 | A library that makes interfacing with motorbikes a breeze. |
KX0231025IMU | Arduino library for Semtech KX023-1025 IMU |
L298 Motor Driver | L298 Motor Driver is a library for Arduino to handle motor control using an H-bridge. |
laboratorioFW-DIY | Biblioteca para uso com a placa Laboratório DIY - Franzininho Wifi. |
Layad Circuits Saleng GSM Shield | Library for SIM800L based GSM shield from Layad Circuits. |
LcdBarGraph | This library is to display analog values in an LCD display. |
LcdBarGraphX | Visualizing alanalog values on an LCD with the LiquidCrystal_I2C library. |
LCDBigNumbers | Arduino library to write big numbers on a 1602 or 2004 LCD. |
LcdProgressBar | A library to draw some customized progress bar on any LCD display. |
LcdProgressBarDouble | A library to draw some customized progress bar on any LCD display. |
LCD_I2C | A library to control a 16x2 LCD via an I2C adapter based on PCF8574. |
LCDIC2 | Class interface for Liquid Crystal (LCD) |
LED | Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to simplify the use of the LED. |
LedUtil | Controls leds to on/off/blink |
LG_Matrix_Print | A library to print text on one or more segments with 8x8 LED-Matrix using MAX |
light_CD74HC4067 | A lightweight library for interfacing with CD74HC4067 Mux. |
LightningStepper | Control a stepper motor with position tracking, interrupts, and calibration. |
LilyGo-EPD47 | LilyGo 4.7 inch ink screen driver library |
LineMessgingAPI | Line Messaging API Library for ESP32 ESP8266 |
LIS331 | LIS331 triple axis acceleromenter Arduino library |
LittleFS_Mbed_RP2040 | Wrapper of LittleFS for Arduino MBED RP2040 boards |
LittleFS_Portenta_H7 | Wrapper of LittleFS for Arduino MBED Portenta_H7 boards |
Lixie | Allows for easy writing to Lixie Digit displays! |
Lixie II | Library for controlling Lixie II displays! |
LM35 Sensor | This library for Arduino allows you to use the LM35 temperature sensor. |
LMI | Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) solver for Arduino. |
LoRaFi | An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRaFi board and LoRa module. |
LoveButton | Touch Sensitive Love Button |
Low level quick digital IO | 高性能引脚读写。More efficient digital IO than builtin functions |
LTC1392 library | Arduino library for the LTC1392 Micropower Temperature, Power Supply and Differential Voltage Monitor |
LTR-329ALS-01 | LTR-329ALS-01 is a low voltage, I2C digital light sensor. |
lwIOLink | Lightweight IOLink Device library. |
lwIP | LWIP Library port for Arduino |
MBusinoLib | an Arduino M-Bus decoder Library |
M5_EzData | An IoT cloud data storage service |
Mapf | extended arduino map() function |
Masaylo | Arduino library for control of the Masaylo robot |
MAX1704X | Arduino library for MAX17043/MAX17044 lithium ion battery fuel gauge. |
MAX30100_milan | Based on MAX30100lib, it's a library for Maxim-IC MAX30100 heart-rate sensor driver and pulse-oximetry components with slightly modifications. |
MAX30100lib | Maxim-IC MAX30100 heart-rate sensor driver and pulse-oximetry components |
MAX3100 Serial | Serial communication using MAX3100 USART chip. |
MAX31855 | Arduino Library to read temperatures from a thermocouple using the MAX31855 chip |
MAX44009 library | Library for the MAX44009 Ambient Light Sensor. |
MAX471 | Arduino Library to support the MAX471 sensor module |
MAX77650-Arduino-Library | An Arduino library for the Maxim Power Management Controller MAX77650 |
MB85_FRAM | Read and Write to the Fujitsu FRAM devices in the MB85 Family of memories |
MCMVoltSense | Voltage Measurement Library |
MCM_BL0940 | UART Library Control for BL0940 Energy Meter IC |
MCP23008_I2C | Library for MCP23008 I2C based GPIO expanders for Arduino platform supported boards |
MCP23017_MR | A sleek, efficient Arduino library for seamless control of the MCP23017 I/O expander. Simplify your GPIO! |
MCP4251 | MCP4251 Digital Pot Control |
MCP7940 | Arduino library to use the Microchip MCP7940 RTC (Real-Time-Clock) |
MCP79412RTC | Arduino library for the Microchip MCP79411/12 Real-Time Clock/Calendar. |
MDNS_Generic | mDNS Library for ESP32, ESP8266, nRF52, SAMD21, SAMD51, SAM DUE, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, Portenta_H7, AVR Mega, RP2040-based boards, etc. using Ethernet W5x00, ESP WiFi, WiFiNINA or ESP8266-AT shields |
MentorBit-Encoder | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Encoder con LEDs |
MentorBit-Expander | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Expansor de Entradas y Salidas |
MentorBit-Library | Librería para MentorBit |
MentorBitMatrizPulsadores | Librería para uso de MentorBit matriz de pulsadores I2C |
MentorBit-PoteLineal | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Potenciómetro lineal |
Meshtastic | Driver for interfacing with Meshtastic nodes over WiFi and Serial connections |
MicroConfig | Configuration menus for microcontrollers. |
MicroFlow | Export and run tensorflow models on arduino microcontrollers! |
MicroPOP32 | Fast, efficient and minimal POP32 library for Line Follower robot |
MicroTuple | A library tuple like variadic datastructure for arduino. |
MicrochipSRAM | Access all Microchip SRAM chips |
Midea AC infrared remote controller with ESP32 RMT Peripheral | ESP32 RMT Peripheral IR remote control library for Midea Air conditioner. |
MIDI Device Controller | Musical control of devices via the MIDI interface |
MillisTimerLib | Library to use the Millis function as a task scheduler. |
MissionList | An arduino queue library for storing commands to be executed |
MKRWiFiLed | Control the RGB led on the MKR WiFi board. |
MLX90393_raw | MLX90393 magnetometer library. |
MMA7455 sensor Library | Freescale MMA7455 accelerometer sensor library |
ModbusRTU_Slave_RS485 | A library package for ARDUINO acting as ModBus slave communicating through UART-to-RS485 converter. Originally written by Geabong github user. Improved by Łukasz Ślusarczyk. |
Modelisme | Arduino for R/C models |
MODI | A driver for control MODI on Arduino |
Modulo | A library that provides support for Modulo hardware. |
MoonStruck | Lunar Information Library for ESP32. |
Morse | Morse code class for Arduino |
MorseDuino | Arduino library for generation morse code and displaying it on LEDs |
Motor_PID | HG7881 module double H bridge L9110S and L298N drivers library (PID) |
Motor_RS | Library for L293D. |
movingAvg | A simple Arduino library for calculating moving averages. |
MPXA6115A | Arduino library for the Freescale MPXA6115A absolute pressure sensor. |
MPXHZ6116A | Arduino library for the Freescale MPXHZ6116A absolute pressure sensor. |
MQ135 | This library allows you to easily read the MQ135 air quality sensor. |
MQ7Sensor | MQ7 carbon monoxide detector library. |
mqtt5nano | Mqtt5 based library implements remote command line and utilities. Supports the app at knotfree.net. |
MQTT_Looped | MQTT library that runs WiFi and MQTT in a loop, enabling async-like behavior. |
ms5540c | Arduino library for MS5540C-series sensors |
MS5x | Library for digital pressure sensors MS5xxx by Measurement Specialties (MEAS) |
MS5xxx | Library for digital pressure sensors MS5xxx by Measurement Specialties (MEAS). |
MT-arduino-momentary-button | Momentary button to detect button state change (press/release), short/long presses and multiple presses. |
MT-arduino-pin-debouncer | Pin debouncer to filter out noise on input pins. |
MT-arduino-rotary-encoder | Rotary encoder library for the Arduino platform, to detect encoder detent/rotation direction and angular position. |
MT-arduino-stepper-driver | Stepper motor driver library for the Arduino platform, to control stepper motors via stepper motor drivers that have a "step-direction-enable" interface. |
MT6701 | Use the MT6701 magnet rotary encoder with ESP. |
MultiLcd | Drive multiple LCDs like a single LiquidCrystal object. |
Multi_BitBang | Bit-bang the I2C protocol on multiple GPIO pins on any system. |
Multi_OLED | Control multiple I2C OLED displays. |
MusiciansMate | An Arduino library that helps you develop your musical IoT devices. |
Mutila | Mouse's Utilities for Arduino |
MyOwnBricks | A library for the emulation of LEGO PoweredUp sensors on microcontrollers |
my92xx | MY9291 and MY9231 LED driver library for Arduino AVR and ESP8266 |
nRF905 Radio Library | nRF905 Radio Library for Arduino |
n2cmu | Feedforward Neural Network Coprocessing Microcontroller Unit (CPC via UART) for STM32F103C8T6 Bluepill Development Board written purely in TinyGo. |
N64Pad | Interface with Nintendo 64/GameCube controllers |
NanoPlayBoard | Enables easy access to the sensors and actuators of the Arduino NanoPlayBoard. |
Nano33BLESensor | An Arduino library for the Nano 33 BLE Sense that leverages Mbed OS to automatically place sensor measurements in a ring buffer that can be integrated into programs in a simple manner. |
Nano_Every_WS2812B | ATmega4809 core-independent driver for WS2812B addressable RGB LEDs. |
NB_Generic | Enables NB-IoT/LTE-M/CAT M1 network connection using the Generic NB-IoT modules (u-blox SARA R4, etc.) and boards |
NeoBufferedPrint | Intermediate printing class for reducing the number of writes. |
NeoGPS | NMEA and ublox GPS parser, configurable to use as few as 10 bytes of RAM |
NeoPatterns | Patterns for NeoPixel strips and matrixes including the patterns of the NeoPattern example by Adafruit. |
NetworkMonitor | A library to provide remote console functions to a MCU through UDP |
NeuroMaster | A library that allows Arduino Uno to interface with NeuroMaster BrainAI Device. |
NewServo | An easy-to-use servo motor library for Arduino. |
Nextion | Class interface for Nextion |
NoBlockEEPROM | Non Blocking EEPROM Library for Arduino |
Nokia 1.8 Inch Display SPFD54124B | Allow user to communicate with Nokia 1.8 inch display. |
NOKIA5110_TEXT | NOKIA5110_TEXT is a light-weight library to display ASCII text on Nokia 5110 LCD PCD8544 controller. |
Non-Blocking Melody | An Arduino library for non-blocking melody playback. |
nrf_to_nrf | OSI Layer 2 - NRF52x to NRF24L01+ ESB communication |
NtpClientLib | Ntp Client Library |
NXTBluetooth | A library that makes communicating with the LEGO Mindstorms NXT via bluetooth easy. |
Octofet | Amperka Octofet board (eight-channel power switch) interface library. |
OLED Display VGY12864L-03 | ARDUINO Library for OLED Display VGY12864L-03. |
Olimex16x2 | A library for interfacing with the Olimex SHIELD-LCD16x2 |
OneWireHub | OneWire slave device emulator with support for up to 32 simultaneous 1wire devices. |
Onion Arduino Library | Onion library for use with the Arduino IDE and the Arduino Dock. |
OpenBehavior | OpenBehavior Course on Microcontrollers |
OpenBuildsBlox | Board Support library for OpenBuilds Blox |
OpenMenuOS | Library to easily build menu on ST7735 0.96" display for ESP32 and ESP8266 |
OpenWeatherOneCall | Weather Forecast Library for ESP32. |
Oscup | Oscup is a customized UART protocol for ESP32! |
OSFS | An Overly Simplified FileSystem for storing things, e.g. in the Arduino's EEPROM |
OTAUpdateManager | Library for configuring ESP8266/ESP32 modules OTA update and monitoring using website https://ota.serveo.net/. |
OttoArduinoLib | Arduino library for Otto and Otto Lee robot. |
OttoDIYLib | Otto DIY official Arduino Libraries. |
OZGPS_NMEA | GPS NMEA Parser library |
PadComLib | A library adds functionality for the PadCom program |
Panel.h for NeoPixel Matrix | Control any NeoPixel Matrix using processing like methods |
PaunaStepper | Allows Arduino boards to control hobby stepper motor such as model 28BYJ-48 5v with ULN2003. |
PCA9554 | PCA9554 8 bit I2C port expander arduino/esp library |
PCA9634 Arduino Library | A library for use with the NXP PCA9634 8-bit Fm+ I2C-bus LED driver. |
PCA9634 library | A library for the PCA9634 8-bit Fm+ I2C-bus LED driver. |
PCA9685 16-Channel PWM Driver Module Library | Library to control a PCA9685 16-channel PWM driver module from an Arduino board. |
PCF8575-lib | Easy to use Arduino library for PCF8575 I2C expander. |
PestoLink-Receive | Library for communicating over BLE to PestoLink-Online. |
PICxel | A library for using Neopixels/WS2812 on chipKIT board (PIC32) |
Picaso-Serial-Arduino-Library | Provides library access to communicate with the 4D Systems Picaso processor, when configured in Serial/SPE mode |
PicoStep | Library for controlling stepper motors with RP2040 through an H-bridge |
PID_DG | An improved PID library |
PID_Timed | PID controller with non-uniform time sampling |
Pikabot | An Arduino library for controlling PikaBot. |
PinExtender Library | Library for Pin Extention |
PixelMaestro | Library for creating and rendering 2D animations and patterns. |
Pixie | Library for controlling Pixie Displays! |
Pixxi-Serial-Arduino-Library | Provides library access to communicate with the 4D Systems Pixxi processors, when configured in Serial/SPE mode |
Plaquette | An object-oriented library for creative physical computing. |
PlayRtttl | Plays RTTTL / RTX melodies/ringtones from FLASH or RAM. |
plotutils | 2-D vector graphics composition library |
PN5180 | Library for reading ISO15693 RFID cards using the PN5180 RFID reader. |
PneumaticStepper | A library to manage pneumatic (stepper) motors and servo valves |
portenta-pro-community-solutions | PortentaH7, LoRa and Ethernet Vision Shields and Breakout Board Organized: Robotics, Machine Learning and General Examples |
Portenta_H7_AsyncHTTPRequest | Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of Portenta_H7_AsyncTCP library for Portenta_7, using Vision-shield thernet or Murata WiFi. |
PPM | RC (radio control) PPM signal |
PPM-reader | PPM Reader is an interrupt based pulse-position modulation (PPM) signal reading library for Arduino. |
PreciseLM35 | A simple LM35 wrapper with optional voltage calibration facility |
PrintEx | A printing & formatting enhancement for Stream & Print based libraries. |
Pro Trinket USB Keyboard Library | An arduino library to turn a Pro Trinket 5V/16MHz into a USB Keyboard! |
Pro Trinket USB Mouse | Library for Pro trinket to turn it into a mouse! |
Proyectil GD3300 | A library for Serial MP3 Player board (GD3300 / GD3200AB chip). |
PS-33D I2C | Arduino library to control Blue Sky PS-33D I2C |
ps2shebei | 将arduino开发板作为ps/2设备端与主机通讯。 |
ps2zhuji | 用于arduino开发板与ps/2协议的设备通讯。 |
PS4Controller | Control your ESP32 projects with a PS4 controller! |
PsxNewLib | A library that allows interfacing with PlayStation 1/2 controllers |
PT6312 | PT6312 is an Arduino/AVR library for the PT6312 family of Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) controllers including AD16312, HT16512, ET16312 etc. |
PU2REO Si5351ArduinoLite | A full-featured lite library for the Si5351A (10 MSOP - 3 Clocks Only) series of clock generator ICs from SkyWorks (ex Silicon Labs). |
PU2REO_AD9851 | A full-featured library for the AD9851. |
PU2REO_Si570 | A full-featured library for the Si570 from SkyWorks (ex Silicon Labs). |
Puertas-Logicas-Plugin | Librería para MentorBit y Puertas Lógicas |
pulseAny | Arduino library to pulse any digital port in any frequency |
PulseCom | Universal communication library for protocols using pulse length to define bytes. |
PWMMotorControl | Control brushed DC motors by PWM and uses optional attached encoders to drive fixed distances. For L298 or TB6612, or Adafruit Motor Shield |
pzem-edl | PZEM event-driven library |
QMC5883LCompass | Library for using QMC5583L series chip boards as a compass. |
QPESP32 | QP/C++ Real-Time Embedded Framework for Arduino. |
QUAD7SHIFT | Library for driving 4 digits seven segments displays (7 segments displays) for modules that use 74HC595 shift registers. |
QuickStats | Descriptive Statistics for Arduino |
RLab | Управление РОББО Лабораторией. |
RPlatform | Управление РОББО Платформой. |
RPulse | Отладка робота в реальном времени. |
RSbus | Library for the (Lenz) RS-bus protocol |
R4HttpClient | A lightweight HTTP client wrapper library for Arduino Uno R4 WiFi. |
r4SwRTC | A simple software RTC library for Arduino UNO R4. |
R4_Touch | Touch Sensing for UNO R4 |
RadioengeLoraWAN | Implementation of RadioengeLoraWAN AT-COMMANDS.. |
Ramp | A library that manage interpolation beetween values. |
RcSwitchReceiver | Receive data from 433/315Mhz remote controls. |
RC_ESC | A library to use ESC with the Arduino platform. |
Rcn600 | Enable RCN-600 SUSI Communication |
RedEye | A library implementing the "RedEye" infrared protocol |
redkea | Build custom user interfaces to control your devices using your smartphone. |
Reefwing_xIMU3 | Arduino Library for the xIMU3 GUI. |
RemoteSensor | RemoteSensor library for Arduino. |
RemoteSerial | A web-based serial monitor for ESP8266 & ESP32 devices. |
RescenicIO | Library untuk mempermudah penggunaan Input & Output |
RFM69_LowPowerLab | Simple Arduino library for RFM69/SX1231h based radio module transceivers |
RGB | This library for Arduino allows you to control RGB led. |
RGB_LED | A library that manage 4 legs rgb leds colour and light duration. |
RGBLEDBlender | A basic RGB LED blending library. |
RobbyIO | Library Input Output |
Rotary | ESP8266/Arduino Library for reading rotary encoder values. |
RotaryEncoder_Zanduino | Access the 3-Color LED Rotary Encoder - read and set colors |
RS485HwSerial | Enhanced Arduino serial library with RS485 transmit enable control. |
RTCDS1307 | Library for rtc 1307 |
rupertobot | Biblioteca de Arduino para el control del robot Rupertobot |
RX8010SJ | This is a library to handle Seikos RX8010SJ RTC module with an arduino. |
SAMD21 Audio Player | Simple audio player for SAMD21-based Arduinos |
SAMD21 turbo PWM | Fast-PWM library for SAMD21G-based Arduinos |
SBUS2 | Arduino Library for receiving SBUS and SBUS2 Frames and transmit Telemetry Data |
SCServo | SC-series Servo library for Arduino and ESP32 |
SD | Enables reading and writing on SD cards. |
SdCardServer | Arduino library to serve the contents of an SD card using the AsyncWebServer. |
SDHT | Class for DHT11, DHT12, DHT21 and DHT22 Sensors |
SDS011 sensor Library | Nova Fitness SDS011 dust sensor library |
SecureMQTT | Library for AES128 encrypted MQTT communication |
Seeed Arduino IR | Seeed Arduino Infrared Library |
SeeedNrf52480Battery | Arduino library for battery management on the Seeed Studio NRF52480 BLE (Sense) |
SEN10724 | Provides functions to handle the SEN 10724 board. |
SensorFusion | A library that makes using a IMU a breeze. |
SercomSPISlave | Sercom SPI slave library for ATSAMD21 boards such as Arduino Zero, Arduino MKR Zero and Adafruit Feather M0. |
SerialCmd | Just another library to tokenize and parse commands. |
SerialCommand Advanced | A Wiring/Arduino library to tokenize and parse commands received over any serial port. |
SerialMP3Player | A library for Serial MP3 Player board (YX5300 chip). |
ServoEasing | Enables smooth servo movement. Linear as well as other (Cubic, Circular, Bounce, Sine, Back, Precision, etc.) ease movements for servos are provided. The Arduino Servo library or PCA9685 servo expanders are supported. |
Settings | Simple UI webface builder for esp8266/esp32 |
Settings Manager | Settings manager |
SettingsManagerESP32 | Abstraction over ESP32 Arduino Preferences library to make your life easier. |
SevenSegDisplays | 7 segment 4 digits (and extended to generic 1 to 8 digits) LED display easy to use and powerful library for modules based on two 74HC595 (or similar) shift registers chips |
SevenSeg4D | Library for driving a 4 digit 7segment LED display screen with 2 HC595 shift registers |
SHCSR04 | Arduino class for sensor HCSR04 |
ShiftDisplay | Arduino library for driving 7-segment displays using 74HC595 shift registers |
ShiftDisplay2 | Arduino library for driving 7-segment displays using shift registers |
SiC45x | Arduino library for the SiC450, SiC451, SiC453 DC/DC buck regulator from Vishay |
Sim800L Library | Arduino library for Sim800L |
Sim800L Library Revised | Arduino library for Sim800L |
SimpleComponents | A library for Arduino that makes it easy to use various electronic components in your projects |
SimpleFilter | A denoising library which can be used in raw anolog data process like touch screen input. |
simple ht16k33 library | Arduino library code for the htk1633 chip to do things like turn on LEDs or scan keys. |
SimpleJ1939 | Simple J1939 CAN library. |
SimpleRotary | Library for using rotary encorders. |
SimpleShiftRegisterController | Allows you to control easyly a shift register like the 74hc595 |
SimpleSyslog | Add remote syslog capabilities to your project |
SimpleTaskManager | SimpleTaskManager - simple task dispatcher for Arduino based devices with limited memory. |
Simple_HC-SR04_Control | Simple library to use HC-SR04. |
Simpletimer | this is simple class you can use to manage time and tasks |
Sindormir SevenSegments | Simple Seven Segments library for Arduino. |
SingleSevenSegment | Display digits or light individual segments of a singular 7 segment display. |
six-digit-seven-segment | A library that allows you to easily controll a 6-digit 7-Segment Multiplex Matrix |
SkyMap | SkyMap is a powerful header only library for calculating the positions of stars and planets in the sky. |
slowAES | slowAES bypass the test cookie with nodeMcu |
SlowPWM | Slow PWM library which makes driving high thermal inertia loads easy. |
SMA SunnyBoy Reader | Library for reading data from an SMA SunnyBoy Inverter |
SmartMatrix GFX | Adafruit_GFX and FastLED compatible library for SmartMatrix panels |
Smart_Duty_Cycling | Automatic duty cycle generation for your Arduino program. |
Smelpro Macaron Library | Library for development board Smelpro Macaron |
SmoothProgress | Smooth progress bar for character LCD displays |
SmoothTouch | Custom XPT2046 touch input library with built-in denoising. |
Smoothed | A simple library to store and calculate smoothed values from sensors. |
SN76489 | sn76489 arduino library. |
SoftI2CMaster | I2C lib that supports bit banging and hardware support |
SoftwareWire | Creates a software I2C/TWI bus on every pins. |
SoilHygrometer | Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to simplify the use of the soil hygrometer. |
SolarChargerSB041 | Library to read data from the SB041 solar charger designed for the senseBox. |
Soldered BME280 and BME680 EasyC Library | BME280 and BME680 EasyC Library |
Soldered BMP280 Arduino Library | Soldered Arduino library for BMP280n Sensor Breakout. |
Soldered Hall Effect Arduino Library | Hall Effect Sensor library (Analog and Digital, regular and EasyC) |
SOLDERED HX711 Arduino Library | Library for controling HX711 sensor. |
Soldered INA219 Board Arduino Library | INA219 Current Sensor Board Arduino Library by Soldered |
Soldered LCD | Library for 16x2 and 20x4 EasyC LCD displays |
Soldered LSM9DS1TR Arduino Library | Library for the LSM9DS1TR breakout board by Soldered. |
Soldered LTR-507 Arduino Library | Library used to easily operate with the LTR-507 Light And Proximity Sensor |
Soldered MCP4018 Arduino Library | Arduino library for MCP4018 Digital potentiometer breakout board |
Soldered MCP47A1 DAC library | Arduino library for Soldered MCP47A1 1 Channel 6 Bit DAC Breakout board |
Soldered Obstacle Sensor Arduino Library | Obstacle Sensor easyC library |
Soldered PCF85063A RTC Arduino Library | PCF85063A Board Arduino Library |
Soldered SIM800L Arduino Library | SIM800L Arduino Library by Soldered |
Soldered Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Arduino library | Ultrasonic sensor is used to measure distance |
souliss | SmartHome Networking Framework |
SpaceTrek ExoNaut | ExoNaut Robotics by SpaceTrek |
SpaceTrek_ClassBot2 | ClassBot 2.0 by SpaceTrek |
SparkFun MicroView | The MicroView is a chip-sized Arduino with a built-in OLED, available from SparkFun Electronics |
SparkFun TLC5940 | Library for the TLC5940 IC. |
SPI-FlashMem | SPI Memory library for Arduino |
SPIFlash_LowPowerLab | Simple Arduino library for SPI flash memory chips |
SPIMemory | SPI Memory library for Arduino. (Formerly SPIFlash) |
SPIFFSIniFile | Library to read and parse .ini files on ESP8266 and ESP32 platforms |
SpinWearables | A small, colorful, programmable, wearable kit to facilitate student exploration of physics, engineering, and computer science. |
sprinkler-system | Automated irrigation system with webui, valve controls, metering and other sensors. |
SRAMsimple | Communications with 23LC1024 SRAM chip |
ss_oled | Small and simple OLED display library. |
SSD1306TUR | SSD1306 oled library with Turkish alphabet! |
SSLClient | Arduino library to add TLS functionality to any Client class |
SSLClientESP32 | Provides secure network connection over a generic Client transport object. |
ST7565 LCD | ST7565 LCD driver library for monochrome 128x64 display |
ST7789 AVR | Very fast SPI library for the ST7789 IPS display |
SteerBot_TB6612 | A library for controlling differential steering robots using the TB6612 motor driver. |
Stepper595 | Quick and easy control of stepper motors through SPI and a shift register. |
STLED316S | Arduino library for STLED316S 6-digit LED controller with keyscan |
STM32_CAN | CAN bus Library for Arduino STM32 |
STM32ad9833 | Arduino STM32 library for Analog Devices ad9833 DDS module |
STM32encoder | Arduino library for the management of rotary encoders with STM32 |
STM32mcp4151 | Arduino STM32 library for microchip mcp 4151 digital potentiometer |
Streaming | Streaming C++-style Output with Operator < |
StringSplitter | Arduino String Splitter Library |
SunFounderPowerControl | SunFounder Power Control, a library for PiPower 3, PiPower 5, etc. |
SuperButton | Multifunctional Arduino button. |
super_easing | A comprehensive servo easing library for Arduino |
Switch_lib | A library for switching digital pins with timers, temporization and periods |
t6iot | Library to connect Arduino Sensors to t6iot framework SaaS or On-Premise. |
Talk2 | Library for the Talk2 Boards. |
Talkie | Speech library for Arduino. Generates speech from a fixed vocabulary encoded with LPC. |
TalkiePCM | Speech library for Arduino: Generates PCM speech from a fixed vocabulary encoded with LPC. |
Talking_Display | A library to output date, time and sensor values as speech. |
Taskrunner | Allows arduino to run scheduler which can run functions at specific frequency |
TCM2lib | Arduino library for the MPico TCM2 E-Ink timings module |
TeeGrid | Record electric fish with electrode arrays based on Teensy_Amp amplifiers and Teensy microcontrollers. |
TeeRec | Teensy recorder libraries. |
TeensySimplePacketComs | A library to use SimplePacketCOms with the USB HID on the Teensy class device |
TerminalCommander | An interactive serial terminal for Arduino. |
TetrisAnimation | Library for drawing text out with tetris blocks |
Text2Matrix | 8x8 LED Matrix controller for displaying text |
TFL-Status | A small library for an ESP8266 to pull tube status from the TFL API (work in progress) |
TFT_22_ILI9225 | ILI9225 2.2" 176x220 TFT LCD shield |
TheengsDecoder | A simple, efficient, portable and lightweight library for Internet of Things messages decoding. |
Thread | Simplest kernel for multythreading. |
ThreadedTimer | A threaded timing library for mbed Arduinos |
TimersOneForAll | Make full use of all your hardware timers on your Arduino board. 充分利用你开发板上所有的硬件计时器 |
Timezone | Arduino library to facilitate time zone conversions and automatic daylight saving (summer) time adjustments. |
Timezone_Generic | Library to facilitate time zone conversions and automatic daylight saving (summer) time adjustments. |
TinyConsole | A tiny command line and term handler |
tinyECC | Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Arduino Micro-controllers. |
TinyGPS | A compact Arduino NMEA (GPS) parsing library |
TinyGPSPlus-ESP32 | A GPS library |
TinyGuixhe | An eloquent interface to guixhe-main Lite for Microcontrollers |
TinyMqtt | A tiny broker and client library for MQTT messaging. |
tinyServo84 | A small library to control servos on ATtiny84 (Timer1 interrupt, CTC mode) |
tinyServo85 | A small library to control servos on ATtiny85 (Timer1 interrupt, CTC mode) |
TinySnore | Library for putting ATtiny25/45/85 to timed sleep in one line of code! |
tinySPI | tinySPI is an Arduino SPI master library for ATtiny24/44/84, 25/45/85, 261/461/861, 2313/4313 MCUs. |
TinyUSBSimplePacketComs | A library to use SimplePacketComs with the USB HID on the TinyUSB class device |
tinyproto | Allows to communicate other boards/PC via physical connection. |
TM1637 Driver | Feature-full and simple TM1637 library with nonblocking animation support |
TM1638plus | TM1638plus is an Arduino library to control TM1638 seven segment modules. |
TMC2208Stepper | Arduino library for Trinamic TMC2208 stepper drivers |
TMP117-Arduino | Full-featured Arduino compatible TMP117 driver |
ToneESP32 | Tone library for ESP32 |
ToneLibrary | This is an Arduino Library to produce a tone on any Arduino pin. |
Tools | General purpose API for the Arduino UNO. |
TouchEvent | An Event-Manager for Touchscreen with XPT2046 requires XPT2046-Touchscreen library. |
Transform | A library for implementing all integer signal transofrms. |
Trioe | A comprehensive library to simplify the creation, operation, and utilization of your DIY Internet of Things devices using Trioe hardware. |
Troyka-IMU | Arduino library for Amperka IMU-sensor. |
TSIC | Library for TSIC digital temperature sensors (type 206/306/506 and similar). |
Tweakly | A bizarre library, with the familiarity of Wiring and the power of real-time processes, advanced pin functions, and bouncing free. |
uMT | Micro Multi Tasker specifically designed for ARDUINO UNO, MEGA and DUE boards. |
UPnP_Generic | Automatically add port mappings to router using UPnP SSDP. |
uTLGBotLib | Universal Telegram Bot library for Arduino, ESP-IDF and Native (Windows and Linux) devices, that let you create Telegram Bots. |
Ufox | Ufox devkit Sigfox RC4. |
UltrasonicSensor | Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to simplify the use of the Ultrasonic Sensor. |
ULWOS2 | ULWOS2 - An Ultra LightWeight Operating System |
UM RGB Touch Mini | Arduino Library for RGB Touch Mini |
UMIRobot | UMIRobot library for Arduino. |
UnoCar | A library for controlling the car with Arduino Uno |
unoHID | Use Uno R3 as USB Mouse + Keyboard. |
UNOR4WMatrixGFX | UNO R4 WIFI board Matrix CharliePlex library using Adafruit GFX |
Uptime Library | Uptime library for Arduino boards and compatible systems |
Utilities | A library that makes using Arduino a breeze. |
VCNL4010 | Arduino library to control the Vishay VCNL4010 proximity and ambient light sensor using I2C. |
vdp-gl | Fork of FabGL 1.0.8 customized for agon-vdp. |
Versatile_RotaryEncoder | A rotary encoder library that allows the callback of up to 10 different functions representing the same number of different encoder events. These different functions can be associated with events like press rotate and long press among many others. |
VescMotorController | Arduino library for the Vesc Motor Controller to control two motors via the Arduino. |
VitconCommon | A library package commonly used by the other libraries being published by vitcon |
VitconIOT | A library for interfacing arduino device with VITCON IoT service. |
VitconLink | A library package for interfacing the microcontroller with VITCON Link modules. |
VitconMQTT | A library for interfacing arduino-based device with MQTT using VITCON WIFI-LINK. |
VNH3SP30 | Library for the VNH3SP30 and VNH5019A-E motor controllers (H-bridge motor driver) |
Volume | Gives tone functionality with 8 bit volume control with no extra parts |
Volume 3 | Gives tone functionality with 10-bit volume control with no extra parts! |
Volume2 | Gives tone() functionality with multiple waveforms and 8-bit volume control - with no extra parts! |
Watermeter | Control Library for reed switch pulse actuated water meters such as the DAE Water Meter Model V-100P |
wdt_samd21 | A very simple library for the management of the WDT on ATSAMD21. |
WebConsole | Console for Arduino to handle a simple Web Console for output and input. |
WebSerialLite | A Web based Serial Monitor for ESP8266 & ESP32 to debug your code remotely. |
WebServer_ESP32_ENC | Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for ESP32 boards using ENC28J60 with LwIP Ethernet library. |
WebServer_ESP32_SC_ENC | Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP ENC28J60 Ethernet library. |
WebServer_ESP32_SC_W5500 | Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W5500 Ethernet library. |
WebServer_ESP32_SC_W6100 | Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W6100 Ethernet library. |
WebServer_ESP32_W5500 | Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for ESP32 boards using W5500 with LwIP Ethernet library. |
WebServer_ESP32_W6100 | Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for ESP32 boards using W6100 with LwIP Ethernet library. |
WebServer_WT32_ETH01 | Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for WT32_ETH01 boards using LAN8720 Ethernet. |
WebSockets2_Generic | A WebSocket Server and Client library for Arduino, based on RFC6455, for writing modern Websockets applications. |
WebSockets_Generic | RFC6455-based WebSockets Server and Client for Arduino boards, such as nRF52, Portenta_H7, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, Teensy, SAM DUE, RP2040-based boards, besides ESP8266/ESP32 (ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 and ESP32_C3) and WT32_ETH01. Ethernet shields W5100, W5200, W5500, ENC28J60, Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet/QNEthernet or Portenta_H7 WiFi/Ethernet. Supporting websocket only mode for Socket.IO. Ethernet_Generic library is used as default for W5x00. Now supporting RP2040W |
Webbino | Advanced webserver for Arduino |
WiFiConnect | A WiFi Manager for ESP8266 or ESP32 with OLED support |
WiFiEsp | Arduino WiFi library for ESP8266 |
WiFiMan | WiFiMan and ESP8266OTA |
WiFiMQTTManager Library | ESP32/ESP8266 library for managing your IoT devices |
WiFiMulti_Generic | Simple MultiWiFi library to adapt ESP32/ESP8266 MultiWiFi of WiFi libraries to all other WiFi modules and libraries. |
WiFiNINA_Generic | Enables network connection (local and Internet) and WiFiStorage for SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, Teensy, AVR (328P, 32u4, 16u4, etc.), Mega, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, NINA_B302_ublox, NINA_B112_ublox, RP2040-based boards, etc. in addition to Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, Arduino MKR VIDOR 4000, Arduino UNO WiFi Rev.2, Nano 33 IoT, Nano RP2040 Connect. Now with fix of severe limitation to permit sending much larger data than total 4K and using new WiFi101_Generic library |
WiFiTri | WiFi Triangulation Library for ESP32. |
WiFi101_Generic | Network driver for ATMEL WINC1500 module (used on Arduino/Genuino Wifi Shield 101 and MKR1000 boards). Modified from Arduino WiFi101 library. |
WinkelICT ADXL362 | Library for ADXL362 accelerometer: ultralow power (0,270uA) with autonomous motion switch functionality. |
WinkelICT Tiny AT Command Parser | 0 RAM Hayes AT Command Parser by reference, fast, thoroughly tested, for both Bluetooth and GSM commands. |
WireSusi | RCN-600 SUSI Messages Over I2c Wire bus. |
WireUtility Library | Library for Wire : I2c protocol |
WizFi310 | Helps using your Arduino board to Wi-Fi easily and fast |
WizFi360 | OrangeBoard WiFi+ library for WizFi360. |
WSN_RFM69 | This is a library for developing Wireless Sensor Network using RFM69 LowPowerLab Library. |
xbee_serial_array | sends and receive string data in mode api with variable length. |
XGZP6897D | A library for XGZP6897D I2C differential pressure sensor and others from CFSensor. |
XP_Button | Library to debounce button switches, detect presses, releases, and long presses. |
XPT2046 Driver | An Arduino library for driving an XPT2046 touch controller. |
XPT2046_Bitbang | Bitbang library for the XPT2046 touch controller. |
XPT2046_Bitbang_Slim | Bitbang library for the XPT2046 touch controller. |
XY2-100 | A library for controlling laser scanners that use the XY2-100 protocol. |
Yaesu FT857D CAT | Simulate a Yaesu FT-857D radio from the CAT point of view. |
YASM | Easy finite state machine creation and management library |
YL-800N | A library for YL-800N LoRa mesh network module. |
YouTube Sight | Retrieves YouTube channel statistics through YouTube Sight |
ZEeprom | Library for eeprom AT24Cx |
ZEncoder | Library for encoder of motor |
ZMotor2 Library | Library for a board called Motor2 |
ZMotor3Library | Library for a board called Motor3 |
ZSharpIR Library | Library for Sharp telemeter |
Zanduino SmoothLED Library 10-bit | Arduino library to control any number of LEDs on any available pins using 10-bit PWM with linear adjustment using CIE 1931 curves. |
Zanduino SmoothLED Library 8-bit | Arduino library to control any number of LEDs on any pins using 8-bit PWM with CIE 1931 curves for linear adjustment. |
ZcmdMotor Library | Library for a motor control with PID |
ZPCA9685 Library | Library for PCA9685 PWM I/O extender |