GPL 3.0 or later

A list of the 19 libraries that are licensed with the GPL 3.0 or later license.

avdweb_VirtualDelay Allows using (multiple) delays without blocking code execution. Arduino Uno and Zero.
bosejis_AMV The AMV Protocol Implementation
bosejis_Bin Bosejis Bin Library
bosejis_PString Print to String Library
bosejis_TWI TWI operations Library
CodeDebugScope CodeDebugScope Library
EspNowNetworkHost Node code for the EspNowNetwork
EspNowNetworkHostDriver Host driver code for the EspNowNetwork
EspNowNetworkNode Node code for the EspNowNetwork
EspNowNetworkShared Shared code for the EspNowNetwork
GPStar Audio Serial Library Control your GPStar Audio boards with serial communication commands.
Hmi4DinBox I2C Human to Machine Interface for Din Box
MycilaESPConnect Simple & Easy Network Manager for ESP32 with WiFi, Ethernet and Captive Portal support
MycilaWebSerial A Web based Serial Monitor for ESP8266 & ESP32 to debug your code remotely.
RustyKeypad A flexible keypad library supporting T9 input, long presses, and various event types.
RustyVoltmeter A library to measure voltage using a voltage divider with Arduino.
Switch Arduino library for deglitching and debouncing switches and buttons.
Switch2_lib A clone of Switch_lib (O.Goma) library for switching digital pins with timers, adding milliseconds
TimeOut An Arduino library that creates timer callbacks.