A list of the 3273 libraries that are licensed with the MIT license.
1NCE Arduino Blueprint | Sample integration of 1NCE SDK with Arduino, providing demos for various features of 1NCE OS. |
107-Arduino-24LCxx | Arduino library providing a modern C++ wrapper around littlefs. |
107-Arduino-APDS-9950 | Arduino library for the Avago / Broadcom APDS-9950 Digital Proximity, RGB and Ambient Light Sensor |
107-Arduino-AS504x | Arduino library for interfacing with various Austria Micro Systems angle position sensors. |
107-Arduino-BMP388 | Arduino library for interfacing with the BMP388 barometric pressure sensor which can be used for inferring altitude information. |
107-Arduino-BoostUnits | Arduino library for providing boost::units for the Arduino platform. |
107-Arduino-CriticalSection | Arduino library for providing a consistent critical section interface over various Arduino platforms. |
107-Arduino-Cyphal | Arduino library for providing a convenient C++ interface for accessing OpenCyphal. |
107-Arduino-Cyphal-Support | Arduino library for providing a various support functions for building a full Cyphal compliant application. |
107-Arduino-Debug | Arduino library for providing convenient macros for printf-style debugging. |
107-Arduino-littlefs | Arduino library providing a modern C++ wrapper around littlefs. |
107-Arduino-MCP2515 | Arduino library for controlling the MCP2515 in order to receive/transmit CAN frames. |
107-Arduino-NMEA-Parser | Arduino library for interfacing with any GPS, GLONASS, Galileo or GNSS module and interpreting its NMEA messages. |
107-Arduino-Sensor | A unified sensor abstraction layer used by all 107-system sensor libraries. |
107-Arduino-Servo-RP2040 | Hardware-PWM based servo signal generation for RP2040. |
107-Arduino-TCS3472 | Arduino library for TCS3472 color sensor |
107-Arduino-TMF8801 | Arduino library for interfacing with the TMF8801 time-of-flight distance sensor. |
107-Arduino-TSL2550 | Arduino library for TSL2550 ambient light sensor |
107-Arduino-UniqueId | Arduino library for providing a unique 64-bit ID over various Arduino platforms. |
7Segment | 7Segment |
74HC138 | Arduino library for the 74HC138 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer. |
74HC154 | Arduino library for the 74HC154 4 to 16 line decoder/demultiplexer. |
74XX595 | Arduino library for control 74XX595 IC |
ADebouncer | Advanced Debouncer Library for Arduino. |
aE2 | E+E E2-sensor library for Arduino. |
AStar32U4 | A-Star 32U4 Arduino library |
ATmega32U4 Grove Air quality sensor | ATmega32U4 Arduino library to read values from Grove Air Quality Sensor. |
ATmega_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on AVR ATmega164, ATmega324, ATmega644, ATmega1284 with MCUdude MightyCore, to create and output PWM any GPIO pin |
ATmega_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an AVR ATmega164, ATmega324, ATmega644, ATmega1284 with MCUdude MightyCore |
ATtiny_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on Arduino AVR ATtiny-based boards (ATtiny3217, etc.), using megaTinyCore, to create and output PWM to pins. |
ATtiny_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on Arduino AVR ATtiny-based boards (ATtiny3217, etc.), using megaTinyCore, to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
ATtiny_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on Arduino AVR ATtiny-based boards (ATtiny3217, etc.) using megaTinyCore |
AUnit | A unit testing framework for Arduino platforms inspired by ArduinoUnit and Google Test. |
aWOT | Arduino web server library. |
A1301 | Arduino library for A1301 et al magnetometer. |
A4990MotorShield | Arduino library for the Pololu A4990 Dual Motor Driver Shield |
A89306_asukiaaa | It controls A89306 |
AA_MCP2515 | MCP2515 CAN Controller Library |
AbleButtons | The Arduino Button Library Extension (ABLE) is a simple, lightweight button library to capture input from buttons connected to the Arduino. |
AcaiaArduinoBLE | A library that connects BLE devices to Acaia Scales. |
ACAN | A Teensy 3.1 / 3.2, 3.5, 3.6 CAN driver. |
ACAN2515 | Driver for MCP2515 CAN Controller |
ACAN2515Tiny | Driver for MCP2515 CAN Controller |
ACAN2517 | Driver for the MCP2517FD, the MCP2518FD and the MCP251863 CAN Controllers (CAN 2.0B mode) |
ACAN2517FD | Driver for MCP2517FD and MCP2518FD CAN Controller (CAN FD mode) |
ACAN_ESP32 | An ESP32 CAN Driver. |
ACAN_STM32 | A STM32 CAN driver. |
ACAN_T4 | A Teensy 4.0 / 4.1 CAN / CANFD driver. |
ACANFD_FeatherM4CAN | An Adafruit Feather M4 CAN board CANFD driver. |
ACANFD_GIGA_R1 | An Arduino GIGA R1 FDCAN driver. |
ACANFD_STM32 | A STM32 FDCAN driver. |
AccelMotor | Library for smooth control motor with encoder |
AccelStepperWithDistances | This library allows you work with the popular AccelStepper not with steps, but milimeter distances! |
Accelerometer ADXL335 | Arduino library to control Grove - 3-Axis Analog Accelerometer ADXL335. |
Accelerometer ADXL345 | Arduino library to control Grove 3Axis Digital Accelerometer ADXL345. |
Accelerometer_H3LIS331DL | Arduino library to control Grove 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer(±400g). |
Accelerometer_MMA7660 | Arduino library to control Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer(±1.5g). |
ACD10 | Arduino library for the ACD10 CO2 sensor. |
ACD3100 | Arduino library for the ACD3100 CO2 sensor. |
AceButton | An adjustable, compact, event-driven button library that handles debouncing and dispatches events to a user-defined event handler. |
AceCommon | Small low-level classes and functions for Arduino: incrementMod(), decToBcd(). strcmp_PP(), PrintStr, PrintStrN, printPad{N}To(), printIntAsFloat(), TimingStats, formUrlEncode(), FCString, KString, hashDjb2(), binarySearch(), linearSearch(), isSorted(), reverse(), and so on. |
AceCRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) algorithms: crc8, crc16ccitt, crc16modbus, crc32. |
AceMenu | A library that makes coding a user Menu a breeze. |
AceRoutine | A low-memory, fast-switching, cooperative multitasking library using stackless coroutines on Arduino platforms. |
AceSegment | Library for rendering seven segment LED modules using the TM1637, TM1638, MAX7219, HT16K33, or 74HC595 controller chips. |
AceSegmentWriter | Write decimal numbers, hex numbers, temperature, clock digits, characters, and strings to the seven segment LED modules supported by the AceSegment library. |
AceSorting | Various sorting algorithms for Arduino, including Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort (3 versions), Comb Sort (4 versions), Quick Sort (3 versions). |
AceSPI | Unified interface for selecting hardware or software SPI implementations on Arduino platforms. |
AceTime | Date, time, timezone classes for Arduino supporting the full IANA TZ Database to convert epoch seconds to date and time components in different time zones. |
AceTimeClock | Clock classes for Arduino that provide an auto-incrementing count of seconds since a known epoch which can be synchronized from external sources such as an NTP server, a DS3231 RTC chip, or an STM32 RTC chip. |
AceTMI | Interfaces for communicating with the TM1637 and TM1638 LED controllers on Arduino platforms. |
AceUtils | Useful Arduino utilities which are too small as separate libraries, but complex enough to be shared among multiple projects, and often have external dependencies to other libraries. |
AceWire | Fast and compact software I2C implementations (SimpleWireInterface, SimpleWireFastInterface) on Arduino platforms. Also provides adapter classes to allow the use of third party I2C libraries using the same API. |
ACE128 | Access the Bourns ACE-128 Absolute Contacting Encoder over I2C or digital pins |
ACROBOTIC SSD1306 | Library for SSD1306-powered OLED 128x64 displays! |
ACS-M1128 | ACS-M1128 SAM Element IoT WiFi Connectivity |
ACS712 | ACS712 library for Arduino. |
AD5144A | Arduino Library for AD5144A 4 Channel digital potentiometer. |
AD520X | Arduino library for SPI AD5204 and AD5206 digital potentiometers |
AD523X | Arduino library for SPI AD5231 and AD5235 10 bit digital potentiometers.. |
AD5231 Arduino Library | Arduino Library for controlling the Analog Devices AD5231 SPI Digital Potentiometer (DigiPot) |
AD524X | Arduino Library for AD524X |
ad5243 | Arduino library to control the AD5243 family of digital potentiometers / rheostats |
AD5245 | Arduino Library for AD5245 digital potentiometer. |
AD5246 | Arduino Library for AD5246, I2C 128 step rheostat. |
AD5248 | Library for I2C digital potentiometer AD5243 and rheostat AD5248 |
AD5263 | Library to control digital potentiometer AD5263 and compatibles. |
AD5593R | Arduino library for AD5593R, I2C, 8 channel ADC / DAC / GPIO device. |
AD56X8 | Arduino library for AD56X8, SPI 8 channel Digital Analog Convertor. |
AD5620 | Arduino library for AD5620 Digital Analog Convertor (12 bit). |
AD5660 | Arduino library for AD5660 Digital Analog Convertor (16 bit). |
AD568X | Arduino library for AD568X series Digital Analog Convertor. |
AD5680 | Arduino library for AD5680 Digital Analog Convertor (18 bit). |
AD7367 | Arduino library for the AD7367, 2 channel simultaneous sampling 14 bit ADC. |
AD7367_SPI | Arduino library for the AD7367, 2 channel consecutive sampling 14 bit ADC. |
AD74xx | AD74xx Driver for Arduino framework |
AD8495 | Arduino library for the AD8494, AD8495, AD8496 and AD8497 thermocouple.. |
AD9833 | Arduino library for AD9833 function generator. Supports hardware SPI and software SPI. |
AD985X | Arduino library for AD9850 and AD9851 function generators. Supports both hardware SPI as software SPI. |
AD_Sensors | The Library implements a set of methods for working with a digital and analog sensors. |
Adafruit AD569x Library | Arduino library for the AD569x 16-/14-/12-bit DAC |
Adafruit ADG72x | Arduino library for the ADG728 or ADG729 I2C analog switch matrix |
Adafruit BNO055 | Library for the Adafruit BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor. |
Adafruit BusIO | This is a library for abstracting away UART, I2C and SPI interfacing |
Adafruit CAN | Arduino library for native CAN. |
Adafruit CCS811 Library | This is a library for the Adafruit CCS811 I2C gas sensor breakout. |
Adafruit CH9328 | Library for the Adafruit CH9328 UART to USB HID Breakout |
Adafruit CPFS | Arduino library for accessing a board's CircuitPython flash filesystem and presenting it over USB. |
Adafruit DAC7578 Library | Arduino library for the DAC7578 - 8 x Channel 12-bit I2C DAC |
Adafruit Debounce | Arduino library for basic GPIO/expander button handling |
Adafruit DMA neopixel library | Arduino library for NeoPixel DMA on SAMD21 and SAMD51 microcontrollers |
Adafruit DRV2605 Library | Arduino library for Adafruit DRV2605L Haptic Controller Breakout |
Adafruit DS248x | Library for the Adafruit DS2484 I2C to 1-Wire adapter |
Adafruit Faux86 | Adafruit Faux86 |
Adafruit Feather OLED | Helper class to work with 128x32 and 128x64 OLED displays on Adafruit Feathers |
Adafruit FXAS21002C | Unified sensor driver for the FXAS210002C Gyroscope |
Adafruit FXOS8700 | Unified sensor driver for the FXOS8700 Accelerometer/Magnetometer |
Adafruit HDC302x | Library for the Adafruit HDC3022 Precision Temperature & Humidity Breakout |
Adafruit HUSB238 Library | Arduino library for the HUSB I2C USB PD sink driver |
Adafruit HX711 | Library for the Adafruit HX711 ADC Breakout |
Adafruit INA3221 Library | Arduino library for INA3221. |
Adafruit IntelliKeys | IntelliKeys library for Arduino |
Adafruit InternalFlash | Internal Flash filesystem support for FAT |
Adafruit IS31FL3731 Library | Arduino library for the Adafruit IS31FL3731 Charlieplex LED driver and CharliePlex FeatherWing. |
Adafruit IS31FL3741 Library | Arduino library for the Adafruit IS31FL3741 LED Matrix driver |
Adafruit LED Backpack Library | Adafruit LED Backpack Library for our 8x8 matrix and 7-segment LED backpacks |
Adafruit LiquidCrystal | Fork of LiquidCrystal HD44780-compatible LCD driver library, now with support for ATtiny85. |
Adafruit MCP3008 | MCP3008 8-Channel 10-Bit ADC |
Adafruit MCP9600 Library | Arduino library for the MCP9600 sensors in the Adafruit shop |
Adafruit MFRC630 RFID | Arduino library for I2C and SPI access to the MFRC630 RFID/Near Field Communication chip |
Adafruit MLX90393 | Driver for the MLX90393 magenetic field sensor |
Adafruit MLX90395 | Driver for the MLX90395 magenetic field sensor |
Adafruit MQTT Library | MQTT library that supports the FONA, ESP8266, ESP32, Yun, and generic Arduino Client hardware. |
Adafruit MS8607 | Arduino library for MS8607 sensors. |
Adafruit nRFCrypto | Arduino Cryptography library using hardware-accelerated ARM CryptoCell CC310 on nRF52-based Adafruit Bluefruit LE modules |
Adafruit OV7670 | A library for the OV7670 camera. |
Adafruit PyCamera Library | Arduino library for the MEMENTO ESP32-S3 camera |
Adafruit S-35710 Library | Arduino library for S-35710. |
Adafruit SleepyDog Library | Arduino library to use the watchdog timer for system reset and low power sleep. |
Adafruit SPIFlash | SPI Flash filesystem support for FAT and CircuitPython FS support from within Arduino |
Adafruit STMPE610 | Arduino library for STMPE610/811 resistive touch screen controllers |
Adafruit TinyUSB Library | TinyUSB library for Arduino |
Adafruit TPA2016 Library | Arduino library for the Adafruit TPA2016(D2) I2C controlled AGC audio amplifier |
Adafruit TSC2046 | A library for the TI TSC2046 touchscreen. |
Adafruit VCNL4020 Library | Arduino library for the VCNL4020 light and proximity sensor |
Adafruit VCNL4200 Library | Arduino library for VCNL4200. |
Adafruit WipperSnapper | Arduino application for Adafruit.io WipperSnapper |
Adafruit Zero DMA Library | DMA helper/wrapped for ATSAMD21 such as Arduino Zero & Feather M0 |
Adafruit Zero I2S Library | I2S audio playback library for the Arduino Zero / Adafruit M0 (SAMD21 processor) and M4 (SAMD51) boards |
Adafruit Zero PDM Library | PDM Microphone Input library for Arduino Zero / Adafruit Feather M0 (SAMD21 processor). |
Adafruit ZeroTimer Library | Arduino library for SAMD21/SAMD51 timer control |
adafruit_fram_i2c_mock | MOCK Library for I2C-FRAM Chip. |
adafruit_ina219_mock | MOCK Library for INA219 Current Sensor. |
AdagioPro | Controls Adagio RGB Poollights over RS-485 |
AdaptiveMapping | A library that makes it easier to map inputs to a range. |
ADCTouch | Create Touch Sensors with a single (Analog)Pin without external Hardware |
ADCTouchSensor | Create Touch Sensors with a single analog pin without external hardware |
ADC08XS | Arduino library for ADC08XS 8, 10, 12 bit ADC (SPI), 2 or 4 channel. |
ADC081S | Arduino library for ADC081S 8 bit ADC (SPI). |
ADCDRP | Arduino library for ADC data analysis. |
ADE7753 | ADE7753 is an IC designed for energy measurement and power monitoring applications of single phase AC line. |
ADE7880Energy | Energi monitor ADE7880_Energy |
ADF7023 | An Arduino library for RF communication with Analog Devices RF Transceiver ADF7023. |
ADG725 | Arduino library for ADG725 - 16 to 1 channel (2x) multiplexer. |
ADG726 | Arduino library for ADG726 - 16 to 1 channel (2x) multiplexer. |
ADG728 | Arduino Library for I2C ADG728 matrix switch. 1x8 Multiplexer. |
ADG729 | Arduino Library for I2C ADG729 matrix switch. 2x4 Multiplexer. |
ADG731 | Arduino library for ADG731 - 32 to 1 channel multiplexer. |
ADG732 | Arduino library for ADG732 - 32 to 1 channel multiplexer. |
Adler | Arduino Library for calculating Adler-32 and Adler-16 checksum. |
ADNS3080 | Interface for the ADNS3080 mouse sensor. |
ADS1X15 | Arduino library for ADS1015 - I2C 12 bit ADC and ADS1115 I2C 16 bit ADC |
ADS1115_WE | A library for the ADS1115 and the ADS1015 ADC |
ADS1118 library | Arduino library for TI ADS1118 (16-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter with Internal Reference and Temperature Sensor). |
ADS1148 | Library for the ADS1148 16-bit ADC. |
ADS122U04 ADC Arduino Library | Arduino library for the TI ADS122U04 |
ADS1220 | Arduino library for ADS1220 24-bit, 2-kSPS, four-channel, low-power, delta-sigma ADC with PGA, VREF, SPI and two IDACs |
ADS1220_WE | A library for the ADS1220 ADC |
ADS1232 | Simple Library to interface the Texas Instruments ADS1232 ADC. |
ADS1256 | An Arduino-compatible library for the 24-bit ADS1256 analog-to-digital converter. |
ADS1x1x | Arduino library for ADS101x / ADS111x Ultra-Small, Low-Power, I2C-Compatible, ADCs |
ADT7470 | ADT7470 Library |
AdvKeyPad | Arduino library for a KeyPad connected to a PCF8574. |
Advance Seven Segment | Summary |
AdvancedLogger | Library for simple logging to memory with comprehensive format. |
ADXL345 | A acceleration sensor library for Arduino |
ADXL345_WE | A library for the ADXL345 accelerometer |
AFArray | Simple Array ADT for Arduino Framework with template. |
AFE44XX library | Library for the AFE44XX based pulse oximeter |
AFE4950 | AFE4950 library for interfacing the AFE4950 biomedical sensor with Arduino compatible MCU. |
AFE_NXP_Arduino | Class library for NXP Analog Front End |
AfricasTalking | A library to enable easy intergration of Africas Talking communication APIs with esp8266. |
AgIsoStack | A free ISOBUS (ISO11783) and J1939 CAN Stack for Teensy. |
AGS02MA | Arduino library for AGS02MA - TVOC sensor |
AGS2616 | Arduino library for AGS2616 - Hydrogen H2 sensor. |
AGS3870 | Arduino library for AGS3870 - Methane CH4 sensor. |
AGS3871 | Arduino library for AGS3871 - CarbonMonoxide CO sensor. |
AIChatBot | AI Chat Library for Arduino |
Air Commander Entire Control | A library to directly interface with the Air Commander Entire |
AirNgin ESP32 MQTT Client | A library for ESP32 to connect to AirNgin IoT platform. |
AJSP | Another JSON Streaming Parser |
Algoduino | A simple API client implementation in C++ for the Algorand Blockchain. |
AlignedJoy | Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to read a variety of analog joystick by aligning axis values (XY). |
Alpenglow FUnicorn | Controls the LED message on the FUnicorn. |
Altino | The library for the Altino car. |
AM2302-Sensor | This library read temperature and humidity from the AM2302 (aka DHT22) senor. |
AM2315 | Arduino library for I2C AM2315 temperature and humidity sensor. |
AM2315C | Arduino library for I2C AM2315C temperature and humidity sensor. |
AM232X | Arduino library for AM2320 AM2321 and AM2323 I2C temperature and humidity sensor. |
AM4096 | An Arduino library for interfacing with the AM4096 rotary magnetic encoder. |
AM50288H | A 14 segment LCD display library for Arduino |
AmbientCO2 | Arduino library for CozIR Ambient CO2 sensors. |
Ambimate | A library for the Ambimate sensor board from TE |
AmigaMouseJoyEmu | Library to emulate Amiga Mouse or joystick |
AMIS30543 | AMIS-30543 SPI stepper motor driver library |
AMT25 | Arduino library for SPI based AMT25 rotary encoder. |
AMY Synthesizer | AMY, the Music Synthesizer Library |
AMYTOL_Robot | A powerful however, easy to use library to control NexGen Robot motors. |
AnalogKey | Library for matrix analog keyboard |
AnalogKeyboard | LIB to assist in the use of analog keyboard in embedded systems. |
AnalogKeypad | Arduino Library for (Robotdyn) 4x4 and 4x3 AnalogKeypad |
AnalogMultiButton | An Arduino library to capture button presses on multiple buttons through a single analog pin. |
AnalogPin | Arduino Library for AnalogPin |
AnalogSelector | Read a potentiometer or other analog input as a multi-selector switch. |
AnalogTouch | AnalogTouch library for Arduino |
AnalogUVSensor | AnalogUVSensor library for Arduino. |
AnalogWrite_ESP32 | Function analogWrite and Servo support for ESP32 |
Angle | Library to convert between floating point angle to minutes hours representation. |
AngleConvertor | Library to convert between different less known angle formats. |
Animately | Precise animation of props or robots without the need for thread-blocking (delay()) or complex state machines. |
Anitracks_ADS7142 | A library for the ADS7142 ADC |
Anitracks_PCA95x5 | Arduino library for PCA9535 and PCA9555 (Remote 16-bit I2C and SMBus I/O Expander with Interrupt Output and Configuration Registers) |
Anomalia | Arduino library for data processing anomalies. |
ANSI | Arduino library to send ANSI escape sequences. |
AntaresLoraID | Lora.id Arduino Library for Dragino/RFM and standalone LoRaWAN modules. |
ANTIRTOS | No any RTOS needed, you will see - seamlessly manage all your tasks without unnecessary waiting, keep your interrupts blazing fast. |
anto-esp8266-arduino | Enables ESP8266 to connect to Anto.io IoT platform. |
AnyRtttl | A feature rich arduino library for playing rtttl melodies. |
Anyleaf | Driver for the AnyLeaf pH, EC, and RTD sensors. |
AP3216_WE | An Arduino library for the AP3216 (CJMCU 3216) ambient light and proximity sensor. |
APA102 | APA102/SK9822 LED strip library |
APDS9900 | Arduino library for the I2C APDS9900 light sensor and proximity detector. |
App Fernando K | Library that helps working with the Fernando K app |
Approximate | The Approximate Library is a WiFi Arduino library for building proximate interactions between your Internet of Things and the ESP8266 or ESP32. |
Approxy | Library approximating arrays of data |
APRS-Decoder-Lib | Library to decode APRS messages. |
APRS-IS-Lib | APRS-IS library for ESP32 |
AqualaboSensor | Aqualabo Sensors. |
Aranet4 | Aranet4 communication library for ESP32 |
ArdRTOS | ArdRTOS provides a real-time operating system for embedded systems. |
arduFPGA-app-common-arduino | The common libraries and drivers for arduFPGA development boards. |
ArduMekaWiFi | Library Sederhana Untuk Menghubungkan ESP ke WiFi. |
ArduPID | PID library for Arduinos with greater accuracy than the legacy Arduino PID library |
ArduZ80 | The first Z80 emulation library for Arduino. |
Arduboy-BistercianNumbers | Tiny 4x4 Bistercian Numerical Display for the Arduboy game system. |
ArduboyI2C | An I2C library for Arduboy multiplayer games. |
ArduboyRaycast | A library for making raycasting games on Arduboy |
ArduboyTones | A library for playing a sequence of tones, intended for use with the Arduboy game system. |
ardubson | Arduino Library for BSON (Binary JSON) |
arducam_dvp | Library to capture pixels from supported cameras on Arduino boards. |
Arducam_Mega | Examples of spi cameras used on different hardware. |
ArduinoArcherPanelClient | Client library for websocket based communication with Archer Cloud panels. |
arduino-async-duplex | Easily and asynchronously with a serial device requiring call-and-response style commands. |
ArduinoBearSSL | Port of BearSSL to Arduino. |
ArduinoCloudStorage | CloudStorage lets you store and retrive values from a remote server. |
ArduinoComponents | A library for writing modern OO Arduino. |
ArduinoFritzApi | An arduino Library for Automation of Fritz!Box, Fritz!DECT and FRITZ!Powerline devices |
arduino-fsm | A library for implementing a finite state machine |
Arduino-I2C-KM1 | KeiganMotor KM-1 control library using I2C communication |
ArduinoJson | A simple and efficient JSON library for embedded C++. |
ArduinoLang | Translate Wiring and CPP language to your native language. |
ArduinoLearningKitStarter | Library for the ArduinoLearningKitStarter (ALKS) board by RoboticsBrno with definition of pins and initialization of peripheries. |
arduino-managed-serial-device | Easily and asynchronously with a serial device requiring call-and-response style commands. |
arduino-menusystem | A library for implementing a menu system |
ArduinoMqtt | MQTT Client library for Arduino based on the Eclipse Paho project. |
Arduino OPL2 | Use this library to control the OPL2 Audio Board or OPL3 Duo! |
ArduinoOSC | OSC subscriber / publisher for Arduino |
ArduinoQueue | Queue Library |
ArduinoSensors | A Library of Libraries of Sensors |
ArduinoTEA5767 | A simple to use library for the TEA5767 I2C FM receiver IC. |
ArduinoThread | A simple way to run Threads on Arduino |
ArduinoTrace | A dead-simple tracing library to debug your programs |
ArduinoUniqueID | Arduino Library to gets the Manufacture Serial Number from the Atmel AVR, SAM, SAMD, STM32, and ESP Microcontroller. |
ArduinoUnit | Flexible test framework for arduino projects. |
ardukit | Foundation library toolkit for easier arduino programming |
ArgParse | A library for splitting a string with arguments into an array. |
Ark-Cpp-Client | A simple API client implementation in C++ for the ARK Blockchain. |
Ark-Cpp-Crypto | A simple Cryptography Implementation in C++ for the ARK Blockchain. |
ArrayExt | Expand the array and set the average value for front, back, left and right. |
array-helpers | Array helper classes and functions. |
ArrayUtils | Array utility functions for arduino. |
ArtNet | Art-Net Sender/Receiver for Arduino (Ethernet, WiFi) |
artemis-cubesat | The software available in this library is designed to break down the flight software from the Artemis CubeSat Kit into individual components, enabling users to effectively test and evaluate various systems and elements of their satellite. |
ArtronShop_LineNotify | LINE Notify library for ESP32, ESP8266 and Arduino Uno R4 WiFi |
ArxContainer | C++ container-like classes (vector, map, etc.) for Arduino which cannot use STL |
ArxSmartPtr | C++ smart pointer-like classes for Arduino which cannot use standard smart pointers |
ArxStringUtils | Arduino String utilities |
ArxTypeTraits | C++ type_traits for Arduino which cannot use it as default |
AS1115 | AS1115 display library. |
AS5X47 | A library that reads angles from AS5047 and AS5147 sensors. |
AS5600 | Arduino library for AS5600 and AS5600L magnetic rotation meter. |
AS5600_PsW | AS5600 Library |
AsciiMassage | AsciiMassage is a microcontroller message packer and parser for the ASCII format in different protocols. |
AsyncAnalog | Arduino Library for async reading of an analog pin |
AsyncBMP180Wrapper | Async wrapper for Sparkfun BMP180 lib |
AsyncDNSServer_STM32 | Asynchronous DNS Server Library for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 using LAN8720 or built-in LAN8742A Ethernet |
AsyncDNSServer_WT32_ETH01 | Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for WT32_ETH01 or ESP32-based boards using LwIP LAN8720 Ethernet. |
AsyncESP32_ENC_Manager | ESP32 + LwIP ENC28J60, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
AsyncESP32_Ethernet_Manager | ESP32 + LwIP W5500 / ENC28J60, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
AsyncESP32_SC_ENC_Manager | ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP + LwIP ENC28J60 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
AsyncESP32_SC_Ethernet_Manager | ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500 / ENC28J60 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
AsyncESP32_SC_W5500_Manager | ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
AsyncESP32_SC_W6100_Manager | ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W6100 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
AsyncESP32_W5500_Manager | ESP32 + LwIP W5500, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
AsyncESP32_W6100_Manager | ESP32 + LwIP W6100 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
AsyncESP8266_ENC_Manager | (ESP8266 + LwIP ENC28J60) Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
AsyncESP8266_Ethernet_Manager | (ESP8266 + LwIP W5500 / W5100(S) / ENC28J60) Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
AsyncESP8266_W5100_Manager | (ESP8266 + LwIP W5100 / W5100S) Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
AsyncESP8266_W5500_Manager | (ESP8266 + LwIP W5500) Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
AsyncMQTT_ESP32 | Arduino Library for ESP32/S2/S3/C3 asynchronous MQTT client implementation |
AsyncMQTT_Generic | Arduino Library for ESP8266, ESP32, Portenta_H7, STM32 and RP2040W asynchronous MQTT client implementation |
AsyncOTA | Asynchronous over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates for ESP32. |
AsyncSMS | Simple asynchronous SMS library for SIM800L |
AsyncStream | Async read from Stream objects (Serial, etc) |
AsyncTask | Asynchronous & Non-Blocking Function Executor for All Arduino Like Platforms |
AsyncTelegram2 | Powerful, flexible and secure Arduino Telegram BOT library. Hardware independent, it can be used with any MCU capable of handling an SSL connection. |
AsyncTimer | JavaScript-like async timing functions (setTimeout, setInterval). |
AsyncUDP_STM32 | Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for STM32 using LAN8720 or built-in LAN8742A Ethernet. |
AsyncWebSerial | Browser-based logging and debugging for ESP32 using the Web Serial API. |
AsyncWT32_ETH01_Manager | ESP32 + LwIP LAN8720, including WT32-S1, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
asyncino | asynchronous library for the Arduino family |
AT24MAC402 | EEPROM I2C library for AT24MAC402/602 |
ATC_MiThermometer | Arduino library for BLE ATC_MiThermometer thermometer/hygrometer sensors. |
ATD3.5-S3 | Library for ATD3.5-S3 |
ATM90E26 Arduino | ATM90E26 Energy Monitor Support for Arduino |
ATMAC_EEPROM | A library that interfaces the AT24MAC402/602 EEPROM chip. |
ATOM_DTU_CAT1 | Library for ATOM DTU CAT1 development kit |
ATOM_DTU_LoRaWAN | Library for ATOM DTU LoRaWAN development kit |
ATOM_DTU_NB | Library for ATOM DTU NB development kit |
AtomicWeight | Arduino library for atomic weights, calculate massPercentage of elements in a formula. |
AttachInterruptEx | AttachInterruptEx extends the standard AttachInterrupt function to allow for a variety of callable objects as timer callbacks. |
AutoConnect | ESP8266/ESP32 WLAN configuration at runtime with web interface. |
AutoOTA | Library for checking OTA updates |
AutoPID | Automatic PID controller |
Automaton | A multi tasking table driven finite state machine framework |
Automaton-Esp8266 | Esp8266 State Machines for the Automaton Framework |
autorequest | Autorequests implementation for Arduino. |
autowp-mcp2515 | Arduino MCP2515 CAN interface library |
avdweb_AnalogReadFast | Fast analogRead 10/12 bit ADC for the Arduino Zero and Uno |
avdweb_SAMDtimer | Timer library for the SAMD21 and Arduino Zero |
AverageAngle | Arduino library to calculate correctly the average of multiple angles. |
avrCalibrate | This library determines OSCCAL calibration values for MCU clock frequency and internal reference voltage and loads them at setup. |
AVR-context | This library provides a low-level facility for context switching between multiple threads of execution and contains an implementation of asymmetric stackful coroutines on an AVR micro-controller. |
AvrHeap | Library to runtime analyse the structure of the heap (AVR 328). |
AVR_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on AVR-based boards, such as Nano, UNO, Mega, Leonardo, 32u4, etc., to create and output PWM. |
AVR_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on AVR-based boards, such as Mega-2560, UNO,Nano, Leonardo, etc., to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
AwsIotWiFiClient | A library to connect Wi-Fi microcontrollers to AWS IoT Core. |
AX-Mini | Library for AX-Mini |
AxisJoystick | The Library implements a set of methods for working with an axis joystick controller. |
AXP202X_Library | Arduino library for X-Power AXP202 chip |
AY3891x | Library for General Instrument AY-3-8910, AY-3-8912 Programmable Sound Generator chip. |
Azure SDK for C | Azure SDK for C library for Arduino. |
Babelduino | A library that allows writing and highlighting code in local language. |
BackSeatDriver | Simple move and turn semantics for self-driving vehicles. |
Balboa Spa communications | Use Arduino to control your BalBoa Spa Pack. |
Balboa32U4 | Balboa 32U4 Arduino library |
Bang | Use the command line interface of your host machine as a 'Service' for your Arduino! |
BanglaDuino | This library gives power to your Arduino to write in Bangla. |
BanglaText | Bangla text renderer in esp supported displays for ESP boards, by mamunul |
BarcodeGFX | Draw barcodes on displays compatible with Adafruit GFX. |
Bas.Button | A simple button class that calls a callback function when pressed. |
Bas.CallbackCaller | A class that encapsulates the registering and calling of a callback function. |
Bas.SinglePinDevice | A class for simple devices that can be turned on or off by writing to a single pin. |
base64 | Base64 encoder/decoder for arduino repo |
base64_encode | Convert between binary and base64 encoded string. |
basicCalculus | Perform real-time 1D integration and differentiation |
BasicLinearAlgebra | A library for representing matrices and doing matrix math on arduino |
basicMPU6050 | lightweight library for the MPU6050. |
BasicTimer | Basic Timer Interface |
BasicTinkering | A collection of wrapper classes for commonly used electronic components. |
BatteryMeter | A library for reading a voltage from a battery and displaying the results. |
Battery_18650_Stats | Library to calculate 18650 charge level |
bb_truetype | A fast+small TrueType font renderer. |
bcl | A fork of Nayukis Bitcoin Cryptography Library. |
BDSP | The library implements a binary data separation protocol. |
BeeDataLogger | Example libraries for the Bee Data Logger |
BeeMotionS3 | Example libraries for the Bee Motion S3 |
BeeS3 | Helper library for Bee S3 Board |
Beelan LoRaWAN | LoRaWAN Arduino Library for standalone LoRaWAN modules class A and C with a simple API. |
Benchmark | Measure code execution time |
BH1730 | An easy to use library for reading light values from the BH1730 light sensor |
BH1750 | Arduino library for the digital light sensor breakout boards containing the BH1750FVI IC |
BH1750FVI | Enables reading the digital light sensor |
BH1750FVI_RT | Arduino library for BH1750FVI (GY-30) lux sensor |
BH1750_WE | An Arduino library for the BH1750 light intensity sensor. |
Bifrost library for HC-SR04 | A library for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor. |
BigNums2x2 | Creates a set of 2x2 character Big Numbers for a 2x16 character LCD. |
BIP66 | A simple Bitcoin BIP66 Implementation in C++ for the ARK Ecosystem. |
BirdhouseSDK | An Arduino library to easy control lots of relays effects, buttons with debouncer, analog indicators and more |
BitArray | Arduino library for compact array of objects with a size expressed in bits. |
bitHelpers | Arduino library with functions on bit level |
BitPack | Library for packing bit flags into byte array |
BitReader | The BitReader library is an arduino library that allows one to read or write data which is not aligned on 8, 16 or 32 bits variables. |
Bitcraze PMW3901 | PMW3901 Optical flow sensor driver. |
bits_asukiaaa | A library to handle bits or bytes. |
BlaeckSerial | A simple library to send binary (sensor) data via Serial port to your PC. |
BlaeckTCP | A simple library to send binary (sensor) data via Ethernet/Wifi to your PC. |
BLE-MIDI | BLE-MIDI I/Os for Arduino |
BLEPeripheral | An Arduino library for creating custom BLE peripherals. |
BLE SDK for Arduino | Nordic BLE SDK for Arduino for nRF8001 products such as the BLE Shield, Blend and Blend Micro. |
Bleeper | A library to store generic configurations. |
blesdlib | Emulate a keystrok via bluetooth wirelessly |
BlinkCode Library | Asynchronous BlinkCode library for indicating flash fault codes. |
BlinkControl | This is an Arduino/ESP32 module for easily manage multiple LED on/off, blinking or Buzzer beats with different pattern. |
BlinkSuite | A library for blinking pins on and off or in a sequence. |
Blinkenlight | Supercharge your status LEDs / beepers |
Blinker | Build a easy way for your IoT project. |
Blinker_PMSX003ST | Arduino library for Plantower PMSX003ST family sensors. |
BlockNot | BlockNot gives you non-blocking timers with simplicity. |
BlueRobotics Arduino_I2C_ESC Library | A library for I2C based control of BlueRobotics ESCs |
BlueRobotics Keller LD Library | A simple and easy library for the Keller LD series pressure/depth sensors |
BlueRobotics MS5837 Library | A simple and easy library for the MS5837 pressure/depth sensor |
BlueRobotics TSYS01 Library | A simple and easy library for the TSYS01 temperature sensor |
Blues-Minimal-I2C | Blues-Minimal-I2C |
Blues Notecard Environment Variable Manager | A utility class to support usage and management of Notecard-based environment variables. |
Blues Wireless Notecard | An easy to use Notecard Library for Arduino. |
Blues Wireless Notecard Auxiliary Wi-Fi | A utility class to support external Wi-Fi operations. |
Blues Wireless Notecard Pseudo Sensor | Sensor class used for Notecard testing and examples. |
BluetoothTerminal | A library to implement serial-like communication over BLE. |
BLVD20KM_asukiaaa | It controls BLVD20KM or BLVD40NM |
Blynk | Build a smartphone app for your project in minutes! |
BlynkESP32_BT_WF | Enable inclusion of both ESP32 Blynk BT/BLE and WiFi libraries. Then select one at reboot or run both. Eliminate hardcoding your Wifi and Blynk credentials and configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM. |
BlynkEthernet_Manager | Simple Ethernet Manager for MultiBlynk for Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, nRF52, ESP32, ESP8266, RP2040-based (Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO) boards, etc. with or without SSL, configuration data saved in ESP8266/ESP32 LittleFS, SPIFFS, nRF52/RP2040 LittleFS/InternalFS, EEPROM, DueFlashStorage or SAMD FlashStorage. |
BlynkEthernet_STM32_WM | Simple Blynk Credentials Manager for STM32 boards using built-in LAN8742A Ethernet, LAN8720, ENC28J60 or W5x00 Ethernet shields, with or without SSL, configuration data saved in EEPROM. |
BlynkGate | Connect your IOT Projects to Blynk. |
BlynkGSM_Manager | Simple GSM shield Credentials Manager for Blynk and ESP32 / ESP8266 boards, with or without SSL, configuration data saved in LittleFS / SPIFFS / EEPROM. |
Blynk_Async_ESP32_BT_WF | Simple WiFiManager for Blynk and ESP32 with or without SSL, configuration data saved in either SPIFFS or EEPROM. Enable inclusion of both ESP32 Blynk BT/BLE and WiFi libraries. Then select one at reboot or run both. Eliminate hardcoding your Wifi and Blynk credentials and configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM. Using AsyncWebServer instead of WebServer, with WiFi networks scanning for selection in Configuration Portal. |
Blynk_Async_GSM_Manager | Simple GSM shield Credentials Manager for Blynk and ESP32 / ESP8266 boards, with or without SSL, configuration data saved in LittleFS / SPIFFS / EEPROM. |
Blynk_Async_WM | Simple Async WiFiManager for Blynk and ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-C3), ESP8266 with or without SSL, configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM. Now working with new ESP8266 core v3.0.1 and ESP32 core v1.0.6 |
Blynk_Esp8266AT_WM | Simple WiFiManager for Blynk with MultiWiFi Credentials, for Mega, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, nRF52, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, Teensy, RP2040-based RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, etc. boards running ESP8266/ESP32-AT shields. Configuration data saved in EEPROM, EEPROM-emulated FlashStorage_STM32 or FlashStorage_SAMD, SAM-DUE DueFlashStorage or nRF52/TP2040 LittleFS. |
Blynk_Teensy | Enable Blynk support of Teensy boards, especially latest Teensy 4.0/4.1, using WiFi, Ethernet, BT/BLE and GMSM/GPRS shields |
Blynk_WiFiManager | Simple WiFiManager for Blynk and ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-C3), ESP8266 with or without SSL, configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM. Now working with new ESP8266 core v3.0.0 and ESP32 core v1.0.6 |
Blynk_WiFiNINA_WM | Simple WiFiManager for Blynk and Mega, UNO WiFi Rev2, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32, nRF52, RP2040-based boards, etc. using WiFiNINA shields, configuration data saved in EEPROM, FlashStorage_SAMD, FlashStorage_STM32, DueFlashStorage, nRF52/RP2040 LittleFS |
BM64 Library | BM64/BM62 Library for Arduino |
BME280_Arduino_I2C | A simple library to recive data from BME280 sensor over I2C interface |
BMI270_Sensor | Library for BMI270 sensor |
BobaBlox | A library that makes it easy to code simple hardware interactions with the Arduino. |
BOF-Bling_On_ofF | Arduino library for playing with relay, LED, and other On/OFF. |
Boho | Encryption, authentication, Secure communication. |
Bolder Flight Systems Ainstein USD1 | Library for communicating with the Ainstein US-D1 RADAR altimeter. |
Bolder Flight Systems Airdata Calculations | Airdata library. |
Bolder Flight Systems AMS5812 | Library for communicating with Analog Microelectronics AMS-5812 pressure transducers. |
Bolder Flight Systems AMS5915 | Library for communicating with Analog Microelectronics AMS-5915 pressure transducers. |
Bolder Flight Systems BMI088 | Library for communicating with the Bosch BMI088 6 axis IMU. |
Bolder Flight Systems Checksum | Checksum library. |
Bolder Flight Systems Controls | Controls library. |
Bolder Flight Systems Excitation | Library of excitation waveforms. |
Bolder Flight Systems Filter | Filter library. |
Bolder Flight Systems Honeywell HG4930 | Library for communicating with the Honeywell HG4930 IMU |
Bolder Flight Systems Imap | Float to integer mapping. |
Bolder Flight Systems LEB128 | LEB128 library. |
Bolder Flight Systems Message Framing | Message framing library. |
Bolder Flight Systems MPU9250 | Library for communicating with the MPU-9250 and MPU-9255 nine-axis Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). |
Bolder Flight Systems MS4525 | Library for communicating with MS4525DO pressure transducers. |
Bolder Flight Systems Polytools | Polynomial fitting and evaluation. |
Bolder Flight Systems PWM | Library for sending commands to PWM servos. |
Bolder Flight Systems SBUS | Library for communicating with SBUS receivers and servos. |
Bolder Flight Systems Statistics | Stats library. |
Bolder Flight Systems Terabee | Library for communicating with Terabee Evo Hub. |
Bolder Flight Systems UBLOX | Library for communicating with uBlox GPS receivers. |
Bolder Flight Systems ULEB128 | ULEB128 library. |
Bolder Flight Systems Unit Conversions | Unit conversion library. |
Bolder Flight Systems VectorNav | Library for communicating with VectorNav IMU and INS sensors. |
Bonezegei_A4988 | Stepper Motor Driver (A4988) |
Bonezegei_DRV8825 | Stepper Motor Driver (DRV8825) |
Bonezegei_PCA9685 | I2C PWM Expander |
Bonezegei_Printf | Simple Printf |
Bonezegei_SSD1306 | OLED Library |
Bonezegei_ULN2003_Stepper | Stepper Motor Driver Library |
Boodskap IoT Digital Twin library | Arduino library for sending & receving sensor data |
BoodskapTransceiver | Boodskap IoT Platform Arduino Library |
BoolArray | Arduino library for compact array of booleans of max size 2000 (UNO). |
Bootstrapper | A client library for MQTT messaging. |
Bosch_BME280_Arduino | C++ Library for the Bosch BME280 Sensor based on the original Bosch Sensor API v3.5.1 |
Bounce2 | Debouncing library for Arduino and Wiring. |
BQ25896 | Arduino library for BQ25896 single-Cell Battery Charger |
BQ76952 | TI-BQ76952 BMS IC library for Arduino |
BresserWeatherSensorReceiver | Bresser 5-in-1/6-in-1/7-in-1 868 MHz Weather Sensor Radio Receiver for Arduino based on CC1101, SX1276/RFM95W, SX1262 or LR1121. |
Brief | A scriptable firmware and protocol for interfacing hardware. |
BSON | Binary JSON packet builder for Arduino |
BufferUtils | An Arduino library for working with Buffers. |
Buffered Oreon SSD1351 | Library for the OLEDs based on SSD1351 |
Bugtton | Fast button debounce library for ATmega328P. Uses registers instead of digitalRead. |
buildTime | Library will help you to get compile time |
BusInOut_Arduino | BusInOut (mbed style multiple GPIO pins control) |
BusRepeater_NXP_Arduino | Demo code for PCA9617ADP-ARD |
ButtinoRAK | Library for the Lualtek Button handler for RAK devices |
Button | Button is a tiny library to make reading buttons very simple. |
ButtonClickCheck | This is a library for checking the state of a button connected to an Arduino. [Korean]아두이노에 연결된 버튼의 상태를 확인하기 위한 라이브러리입니다. |
ButtonFever | Powerful button tools for managing various button events of standalone button or button array. |
ButtonSuite | A library for using a simple mechanical push (momentary) button as a momentary button, a latching button, a counter, an enumerator, and more. |
Button2 | Arduino/ESP library to simplify working with buttons. |
button_asukiaaa | Supply classes for Button. |
button_moarbue | Button library with callbacks for press events |
Button_SL | Button query |
BY8X01-16P Audio Module Library | Library to control a BY8001-16P or BY83001-16P audio module from an Arduino board. |
ByteConvert | Library for converting variables to bytes and reverse |
byte-sized-encoder-decoder | communicate over I2C with an encoder reading module |
Byteduino | A light implementation of Obyte cryptocurrency platform (formerly Byteball) for ESP8266 and ESP32 |
CBeeper | Arduino Beeper Control |
cI2C | Arduino Hardware I2C for AVR (in plain c) |
CLed | Arduino LED Control |
Cabluino | A Library establishing a connection between Arduino and Cables using the WebSerial API. |
Callables | General Callables API |
Callback | A simple implementation of Signals and Slots for writing more flexible callbacks |
CallbackButton | Listen to pushbutton click events on an asynchronous and non-blocking way using callback functions. |
CallbackHelper | Tool to generate std::function like callback APIs without the huge memory footprint of std::function |
Callmebot ESP32 | Callmebot library for ESP32 |
Callmebot ESP8266 | Callmebot library for ESP8266 |
Camino | A library for controlling an Arduino from Python over Serial. |
CAN | An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using CAN bus. |
CAN Adafruit Fork | An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using CAN bus. |
CanBusData_asukiaaa | It defines data frame of CAN bus. |
CanBusMCP2515_asukiaaa | It communicate with MCP2515 or MCP25625 on SPI to use CAN Bus. |
CanSatNeXT | A library for using the hardware resources of CanSat NeXT board |
CanSatNeXT_GNSS | Extension to the CanSatNeXT to add support for the GNSS module |
CAN_BUS_Shield | Seeed Arduino library to control CAN BUS and CAN BUS FD. |
Canon BLE remote | [BETA] Canon bluetooth remote control library for Arduino. |
car robot vip | This Arduino library provides the car robot code. |
CayenneLPPdec | CayenneLPP data decoder |
CayenneLPP | CayenneLPP Arduino Library. |
CC1101 | Arduino library for CC1101 transceiver. |
CD74HC4067 | A library for interfacing with the CD74HC4067 Mux. |
Cdrv8833 | ESP32 class for the TI DRV8833 motor driver. Designed for unipolar (DC) motors only (not stepper). |
CFPushButton | A library for Arduino that helps interface for Push Buttons. |
CF Rotary Encoder | A library for Arduino that helps interface for Rotary Encoders. |
CFSM | A State Design Pattern for State Machines in C-Language. |
Ch376msc | A library for CH376 file manager control chip. |
CH55xSwitchControl | A library to automate Nintendo Switch games using CH55x microcontrollers. |
CharDisplay | Library for unicode progress pars, bitmap drawing graphics and plots (charts) |
Chassis | Chassis is a C++ library for undercarriage control in robotics. |
ChatGPT_Client | Library for communication with ChatGPT |
CheerLights | Fetch and use the latest CheerLights color. |
ChronosESP32 | Setup your ESP32 as a smartwatch and connect to Chronos app over BLE. |
CHT8305 | Arduino library for CHT8305 temperature and humidity sensor. |
CHT8310 | Arduino library for CHT8310 temperature and humidity sensor. |
CHT832X | Arduino library for CHT832X temperature and humidity sensor. |
Ciao | Enables communication between microcontroller and MIPS cpu. Natively support network communications, terminal (linux) and file access. |
CircularQueue | Implementation of Queue Data Structure for Arduino Boards. |
CirquePinnacle | A driver library for interfacing with the Cirque Pinnacle (1CA027) touch controller used in Cirque Glidepoint Circle Trackpads. |
CJKit | Supporting Library for the CanSat Júnior Kit. |
Clap | Library for clap recognition and counting |
CleanRTOS | Makes use of FreeRTOS on ESP32 much easier and safer. |
CliTerminal | Simple Serial Terminal |
Clip | Command Line Interface Parser |
Clock | Arduino Software Clock |
ClockForSeg_Lib | A library for Clock made of TM1637 |
ClosedCube SHT31D fork | Arduino library for Sensirion SHT30-D, SHT31-D and SHT35-D Digital I2C Temperature & Humidity Sensors |
cloud4rpi-esp-arduino | Connect a board to the Cloud4RPi control panel using MQTT - https://cloud4rpi.io. |
Cloudchip IoT | Cloudchip.io communication library for Arduino, ESP8266 & EPS32 |
cmd | A serial command line interface with buffer editing. |
CMMC MQTT Connector | MQTT Connector library |
CMMC_LED | An easy led controller |
CNCShield | Lightweight library for the Arduino CNC Shield. |
CodeSizeProfiler | An Arduino library for profiling function execution time as a proxy for code size. |
Cohere_Client | Arduino Library to connect with Cohere models |
CoilCell | CoilCell Arduino Library |
Coloria | Coloria is an Arduino library for printing colored and formatted text to the serial monitor. |
Commander | Command line library for Arduino. |
Commander-API | This library can be used to create a simple command parser. |
CompileTime | Automatically set the hours, minutes seconds, year, month, and day in your project when uploading! |
Complex | Arduino library for Complex math. |
ConfigAssist | A lightweight library allowing managing configuration settings on ESP32 and ESP8266 devices devices using a web portal. |
ConfigManager | WiFi connection manager for ESP8266 and ESP32 |
ConfigPortal32 | Configuration Web Portal for ESP32 |
ConfigPortal8266 | Configuration Web Portal for ESP8266 |
ConfigStorage | Library to store configuration parameters in the file system using LittleFS or SPIFFS for ESP8266 and ESP32. |
ConfigTool | Save config variable and edit them online. |
Connect Arduino-Supabase | Arduino Library to communicate with Supabase.io |
ConnectionHelper | Library for setting up WiFi and OTA (Over The Air) |
ConsentiumNow | A versatile library enabling ESP-NOW communication for IoT devices. |
ConsentiumThings | Consentium Things IoT board. |
Console | Arduino based VT100 comparable serial console library. |
ContinuousStepper | An Arduino library to spin stepper motors in continuous motions. |
ContinuousStepper_Generic | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on Generic boards to use PWM to control continuous Stepper Motor |
ControlAssist | Generate webserver pages on esp devices and control their html elements at runtime using web sockets. |
ControlLoop | An all in one, device controller with on/off, PID, and Cascade PID. |
ControlSystemsOS | A robotics library for interfacing with a dynamic set of plug-and-play low-level I2C modules through a high-level control systems API. |
controlVoltage | A simple library for generating CV signals to control modular synthesizers. |
ControleForno | Uma biblioteca para controle e automacao de forno tipo esteira. |
Controlino | A library for using direct or multiplexed input controls easily. |
ControlledServo | A library to have more control over the movement of a servo. |
ControllerAsI2c_asukiaaa | It handles ESP32 as I2C device of receiver of wireless controller. |
Controller Utilities | Contains a number of useful tools for building custom game controllers. |
Correlation | Arduino Library to determine correlation between X and Y dataset |
CosmosNV2 | Biblioteca desenvolvida para Cosmos NV2 Shield |
CountDown | Arduino library to implement a CountDown clock in SW. |
Cozir | Arduino library for COZIR range of CO2 sensors. Polling mode only. |
CppComponentsLibrary | Components Library |
CPPTasks | A simple hardware agnostic library written in C++11 implementing coroutines/state machines |
CPUTemp | Retrieve the internal temperature of the processor! |
CPUVolt | Calculate the processors Vcc voltage using only the internal registers |
CRCx | CRC calculation for Arduino and other C++ programs |
CrazyHC595 | Library for HC595 |
Crazy-IoTik | library for IoTik |
CRC | Library for CRC for Arduino |
CRC32 | An Arduino library for calculating a CRC32 checksum. |
crc_asukiaaa | A library of functions about crc. |
cronos | A std::chrono wrapper for target system's native tick count. |
CrossMgrLapCounter | Library for communicating with CrossMgr's lap counter interface |
CRT | Bunch of CRT functions for LEDs |
Crypto | Rhys Weatherley's arduinolibs Crypto library. |
CryptoAES_CBC | A AES CBC lib from Rhys Weatherley's arduinolibs Crypto and CryptoLegacy libs. For Arduino and ESP8266. |
CS5464 Arduino | CS5464 Energy Monitor Support for Arduino |
CS5490 | A library control an integrated circuit Cirrus Logic - CS5490 |
CS5530 | An Arduino library for CS5530 based weight scales. |
CSE_CircularBuffer | Simple circular buffer for all Arduino boards. |
CSE_GNSS | Arduino library for reading and writing NMEA-supported GNSS/GPS modules. |
CSE_MillisTimer | Arduino library for simplifying the use of millis() based timers. |
CSE_ModbusRTU | Arduino library for implementing Modbus RTU communication protocol on Arduino-supported boards. |
CSE_ZH06 | Arduino library for reading Winsen ZH06 laser dust sensor. |
CST816S | Capacitive touch screen library |
CSV Parser | CSV Parser for Arduino. |
CTBot | Simple Arduino Telegram BOT library for ESP8266/ESP32 |
CTRL | Buttons, rotary encoders, potentiometers, leds & multiplexers. |
currency | Arduino library to help formatting integers as currency e.g. $ 1.000.000,00. |
CursedDoubleLinkedListInterface | Cursed Double Linked List Interface with previous/next pointers for C++ and Arduino. |
CurveFitting | Fits polynomial curves to given datapoints |
Custom PID | Library PID Control System. |
CWLibrary | Library to send CW message (Morse) with your custom function and device. |
CWW Morse Transmit | Send Morse Code on a digital I/O pin with optional audio sidetone. |
CX_Devices | Library for getting telemetry from arduino esp8266. |
CX_MQTT | Library for sending telemetry and receiving commands from arduino esp8266 via mqtt. |
Cytron ESPWiFi Shield | Library for Cytron ESPWiFi Shield |
Cytron Maker Sumo Library | Library for Cytron Maker Mini Sumo controller. |
Cytron Motor Drivers Library | Library for Cytron Motor Drivers. |
Cytron_PikaBot | Library for Cytron PikaBot. |
DLxx416_Arduino | Display library for four-character OSRAM/Siemens intelligent displays: DLR2416, DLO2416, DLG2416, DLR3416, DLO3416, DLG3416. |
dWin | Dwin HMI LCD Screen Library. |
DacESP32 | Arduino library for using the ESP32 DAC output channels fast and easy. |
DAC53001 | Arduino library for I2C DAC53001 10 bit DAC. |
DAC8550 | Arduino library for DAC8550 SPI DAC Digital Analog Convertor |
DAC8551 | Arduino library for DAC8501, DAC8531, DAC8550 and DAC8551 SPI 16-bit Digital Analog Convertor. |
DAC8552 | Arduino library for DAC8532 and DAC8552 SPI Digital Analog Convertor. |
DAC8554 | Arduino library for DAC8534 and DAC8554 SPI Digital Analog Convertor. |
DAC8560 | Arduino library for DAC8560 SPI 16-bit Digital Analog Convertor. |
DAC8571 | Arduino library for DAC8571 16 bit DAC. |
DAC8574 | Arduino library for DAC8574, I2C, 4 channel, 16 bit DAC. |
DaisyDuino | Arduino library for the Daisy audio platform. |
DallasTemperature | Arduino library for Dallas/Maxim temperature ICs |
DashioBluefruit | BlueFruit SPI library for communicating with the free Dash IoT dashboard app. |
DashioBluno | Bluno library for communicating with the free Dash IoT dashboard app. |
DashioESP | ESP32 & ESP8266 library for communicating with the free Dash IoT dashboard app. |
DashioMKR1500 | MKR NB 1500 library for communicating with the free Dash IoT app. |
DashioNano33BLE | Arduino NANO 33 BLE library for communicating with the free Dash IoT dashboard app. |
DashioSAMD_NINA | Arduino SAMD NINA library for communicating with the free Dash IoT dashboard app. |
DataLogger | Arduino library for fast logging of complex sensor data in CSV or binary format to an SD card or serial stream |
DataSeriesPod | A simple Arduino data logging library |
DataServeriOS | Serves data to Arduino Control (iOS) for control over network. |
DataTome | Data analysis and filtering using time series for embedded devices (IoT). All in a single C++ library, Data Tome. |
DataVisualizer | This library is intended to simplify the use from Microchip Data Visualizer via the Atmel Data Protocol. |
DateTimeFunctions | Collection of date & time functions. Check, Convert, Get, Clock & Date. |
dateTimeHelpers | Arduino library with date and time helper functions. |
dbg-trace | Debug Trace component for Embedded Applications - Debug and Trace Log message system based on trace ports with adjustable levels. |
DCD SDK for Arduino | A library that allows to connect to dcd hub and update value of thing property provided by property_id. |
DDBot | Provides simple functions to control a differential drive robot. |
DDNS_Generic | DDNS Update Client Library for SAM DUE, nRF52, SAMD21/SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, AVR Mega, megaAVR, Teensy, RP2040-based RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, WT32_ETH01, Portenta_H7, etc. besides ESP8266/ESP32, using ESP8266-AT/ESP32-AT WiFi, WiFiNINA, Ethernet W5x00, ENC28J60, LAN8742A or Teensy NativeEthernet |
DDSM115 | An Arduino library for control DDSM115 Wheels through RS485. |
DebounceMe | Debounce button library. |
Debouncer | Debounce library for Arduino |
debug-cli | Debug CLI for Embedded Applications - Command Line Interface for debugging and testing based on an object oriented tree structure. |
DebugLog | Logging library for Arduino that can output to both Serial and File with one line |
debuggery | A helper library for getting information (including an assert and print macros) from Arduino including the Esp32 via the usual serial port. |
Deneyap 5x7 LED Matris | Arduino library for Deneyap 5x7 LED Matrix |
Deneyap 6 Eksen Alaletsel Olcum Birimi | Arduino library for Deneyap 6 Dof IMU LSM6DSM |
Deneyap 9-Eksen Ataletsel Olcum Birimi | Arduino library for Deneyap 9 Dof IMU MMC5603NJ, LSM6DSM |
Deneyap Arduino Examples | Arduino examples for Deneyap Development Boards |
Deneyap Arduino Projeleri | Arduino examples for Deneyap Devkits with Deneyap Modules |
Deneyap Basinc Olcer | Arduino library for Deneyap Basınç Ölçer MS5637-02BA03 |
Deneyap Cift Kanalli Cizgi Algilayici | Arduino library for Deneyap Dual Channel Line Follower TCRT5000 |
Deneyap Cift Kanalli Motor Surucu | Deneyap Dual Channel Motor Driver TC78H660FTG |
Deneyap Derinlik Olcer | Arduino library for Deneyap ToF Range Finder Sensor VL53L0X |
Deneyap Dokunmatik Tus Takimi | Arduino library for Deneyap Keypad |
Deneyap Duman Dedektoru | Arduino library for Deneyap Gas Sensor |
Deneyap Hareket Algilama | Arduino library for Deneyap Gesture Sensor NCS36000 |
Deneyap Kart IDE Ornekler | Deneyap Kart Dahili Örnek Kodlarının Yer Aldığı Kütüphane |
Deneyap Kart QRCodeReader | A library to read QR Codes using an Deneyap Kart with a camera module. |
Deneyap Kizilotesi Alici Verici | Arduino library for Deneyap Infrarad Receiver Transmitter |
Deneyap Kumanda Kolu | Arduino library for Deneyap Joystick |
Deneyap Mesafe Olcer Isik Algilayici | Arduino library for Deneyap Proximity Light Sensor LTR553 |
Deneyap Mikrofon | Arduino library for Deneyap Microphone ICS-40619 |
Deneyap Role | Arduino library for Deneyap Relay |
Deneyap Servo | Arduino library to drive servo motors |
Deneyap Sicaklik Nem Basinc Olcer | Arduino library for Deneyap Temperature&Humidity, Barometer Sensor SHT4X |
Deneyap Sicaklik Nem Olcer | Arduino library for Deneyap Temperature Humidity SHTC3 |
Deneyap Telegram | Telegram Library for ESP32 / Deneyap Cards |
Deneyap Toprak Nemi Olcer | Arduino library for Deneyap Soil Moisture Sensor TL555Q |
Deneyap Yagmur Algilayici | Arduino library for Deneyap Rain sensor |
deploii | Library for enabling communication between a MCU and Deploii |
Derivs_Limiter | This library can be used to limit the first and second derivative of a variable as it approaches a target value. |
desklab | Implement methods for the use of desklab (www.desk-lab.de) devices. |
DEVFULL | Arduino library for a /dev/full stream |
DeviceController | Control Board Pins states using Device Controller Web interface |
DEVNULL | Arduino library for a /dev/null stream |
DEVRANDOM | Arduino library to wrap a random generator in a stream |
DFPlayerMini | A reliable, responsive and compact driver for DFPlayer Mini sound module for Arduino. |
DF-Print | Use C# style syntax for formatting strings. |
DFRobot SHT | DFRobot Standard library. |
DFRobot_AD9837 | This is a Library for AD9837, AD9837 is a Programmable Waveform Generator(SKU: DFR0973). |
DFRobot_ADS1115 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0553). |
DFRobot_ADXL345 | Six axis sensor library.(SKU:SEN0032) |
DFRobot_AHT20 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0527&SEN0528). |
DFRobot_AirQualitySensor | A air quality sensor library.(SKU:SEN0560) |
DFRobot_Alcohol | DFRobot Standard library. |
DFRobot_AS3935 | DFRobot Lightning Sensor library.(SKU:SEN0290) |
DFRobot_AS7341 | AS7341 is a 11 channel visible light sensor, which can measure 8 wavelengths of visible light, suitable for color detection, light color temperature detection and other scenes(SKU:SEN0365) |
DFRobot_ASR | The speech recognition module can identify the terms that have been pre-written into the sensor and return the corresponding numbers(SKU: DFR0715). |
DFRobot_B_LUX_V30B | DFRobot_B_LUX_V30B is the sensor library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_BC20_Gravity | DFRobot Standard library.(SKUTEL0130) |
DFRobot_BloodOxygen_S | DFRobot Standard library.(SKU:SEN0344) |
DFRobot_BME680 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0248). |
DFRobot_BMI160 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0250). |
DFRobot_BMM150 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0419). |
DFRobot_BMP3XX | This is a Library for BMP3XX, the function is to read temperature and pressure(SKU: SEN0423/SEN0371/SEN0251). |
DFRobot_BMX160 | DFRobot_BMX160 is the Sensor library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_BT401 | This Bluetooth module features Bluetooth/U-disk/TF-card playback, and Bluetooth call function, supporting simple and clear serial port control function, BLE pass-through, and SPP pass-through functions(SKU:DFR0781) |
DFRobot_CCS811 | DFRobot_CCS811 is the Sensor library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_CH423 | CH423 IO Expansion Module(SKU:DFR0979&DFR0980). |
DFRobot_DF1101S | record audio and play audio(SKU:DFR0745). |
DFRobot_DF1201S | This module is a conversion board, which can drive DF1201S DFPlayer PRO MP3 through I2C. |
DFRobot_DF2301Q | This is the library to drive the offline voice recognition module(SKU: SEN0539). |
DFRobot_DHT11 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0067). |
DFRobot_DHT20 | Provide an Arduino library to get Humidity and Temperature by reading data from dht20. |
DFRobot_digitalPot | A digital potentiometer library(SKU:DFR0520). |
DFRobot_DS1307 | Define infrastructure of DFRobot_DS1307 class(SKU: DFR0151). |
DFRobot_DS323X | DS323X driver library. |
DFRobot_EOxygenSensor | This is the library of Eoxygen, the new electrochemical Oxygen sensor (SKU: SEN0496). |
DFRobot_EC10 | for measuring the liquid with high electrical conductivity(SKU: DFR0300-H). |
DFRobot_ENS160 | This is a Library for ENS160, ENS160 is a Digital Metal-Oxide Multi-Gas Sensor(SKU: SEN0514/SEN0515). |
DFRobot_EnvironmentalSensor | A environmental sensor.(SKU:SEN0500\SEN0501) |
DFRobot_FreeTenIMU | Ten axis sensor library(SKU:SEN0140). |
DFRobot_GDL | A display library based on SPI. |
DFRobot_Gesture_Touch | A gesture detection and touch detection sensor(SKU:SEN0285). |
DFRobot_GM60 | GM60 is a highly integrated QR code scanner with excellent performance and a small size(SKU:SEN0486) |
DFRobot_GNSS | Provide longitude and latitude and other satellite information (SKU:TEL0157). |
DFRobot_GP8XXX | GP8XXX series driver library. |
DFRobot_GP8302 | I2C to 0-25mA DAC module(SKU:DFR0972). |
DFRobot_GP8403 | 0-10V DAC module(SKU:DFR0971). |
DFRobot_Heartrate | This is a Library for SON1303(SKU: SEN0203). |
DFRobot_HX711 | By a simple mechanical structure with the sensor, that can be read to the mass of the body(SKU:SEN0160) |
DFRobot_HX711_I2C | By a simple mechanical structure with the sensor, that can be read to the mass of the body(SKU:KIT0176) |
DFRobot_I2C_Multiplexer | I2C expansion module support library(SKU:DFR0576). |
DFRobot_ICG20660L | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0443). |
DFRobot_ICP10111 | This is an atmospheric pressure sensor.(SKU:SEN0516) |
DFRobot_ID809_I2C | This is an library for capacitive fingerprint module(SKU:SEN0348). |
DFRobot_IICSerial | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0627). |
DFRobot_IIS | This library provides the codes for driving FireBeetle camera and the camera, microphones, etc. of audio expansion board.(SKU:DFR0498). |
DFRobot_INA219 | measure the current and voltage (SKU: SEN0291). |
DFRobot_ITG3200 | A library of gyroscopic sensors(SKU:SEN0140). |
DFRobot_LcdDisplay | It is a display screen that can be driven by both I2C and UART interfaces(SKU:DFR0997). |
DFRobot_LedDisplayModule | This is a 4bits / 8bits digital tube(SKU: DFR0646\DFR0645). |
DFRobot_LIDAR07 | DFRobot_LIDAR07 is the sensor library of DFRobot(SKU:SEN0413) |
DFRobot_LIS | a sensor library.(SKU:SEN0405/SKU:SEN0407/SKU:SEN0408/SKU:SEN0409/SKU:SEN0411/SKU:SEN0412/SKU:SEN0224) |
DFRobot_LoRa | DFRobot_LoRa is the Communication library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_LPUPS | A library designed for LPUPS.(SKU: DFR0682). |
DFRobot_LSM303 | The LSM303DLH is a triple axis accelerometer combined with a triple axis magnetic sensor(SKU: SEN0079). |
DFRobot_LWLP | The differential pressure between two probes of the differential pressure sensor can be obtained by this drive(SKU: SEN0343). |
DFRobot_MaqueenPlus | educational robot library. |
DFRobot_MAX17043 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0563). |
DFRobot_MAX31855 | A library of temperature sensors(SKU:DFR0558). |
DFRobot_MAX98357A | This is a Library for MAX98357A(SKU: DFR0954). |
DFRobot_MCP23017 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0626). |
DFRobot_MCP2515 | This is a Library for MCP2515(SKU: DFR0370). |
DFRobot_MCP4725 | 12 bit digital-analog DA conversion module(SKU: DFR0552). |
DFRobot_MCP9808 | DFRobot Standard library. |
DFRobot_MGC3130 | DFRobot_MGC3130 is the Gesture library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_MLX90614 | This is a Library for MLX90614, the function is to read temperature(SKU: SEN0206/SEN0263). |
DFRobot_MotorStepper | Stepper motor and DC motor driver control board(SKU:DFR0508) |
DFRobot_MPX5700 | A pressure sensor library.(SKU:SEN0456) |
DFRobot_OLED12864 | OLED12864 multifunctional module(SKU: DFR0507). |
DFRobot_OSD | This is a Library for OSD,the function is the superposition of characters(SKU: DFR0515). |
DFRobot_OxygenSensor | Standard library for DFRobot oxygen sensor.(SKU:SEN0322) |
DFRobot_PAJ7620U2 | DFRobot_PAJ7620U2 is the Sensor library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_PH | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0161-V2). |
DFRobot_PN532 | this is a module that reads data from NFC tags. |
DFRobot_QMC5883 | Electronic compass drive library(SKU:SEN0140). |
DFRobot_RainfallSensor | A rain sensor.(SKU:SEN0575) |
DFRobot_RGBButton | This is a Library for RGBButton(SKU: DFR0991). |
DFRobot_RGBMatrix | RGB light board control(SKU: DFR0499). |
DFRobot_RGBLCD1602 | DFRobot_RGBLCD1602 is the display library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_RP2040_SCI | This is a library for a SCI Acquisition Module based on the Arduino platform(SKU:DFR0999). |
DFRobot_RTU | Modbus RTU library for Arduino. |
DFRobot_SCD4X | This is a Library for SCD4X(SCD40/SCD41), SCD4X is a Digital Metal-Oxide Multi-Gas Sensor(SKU: SEN0536). |
DFRobot_SerialScreen771 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0626). |
DFRobot_SGP40 | DFRobot_SGP40 is the sensor library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_SHT20 | This is a Library for SHT20, SHT20, the new humidity and temperature sensor(SKU: SEN0227). |
DFRobot_SIM | base class library. |
DFRobot_SIM7000 | communication device library.(SKU:DFR0572/DFR0505-CN) |
DFRobot_SIM808 | This is a Library for SIM808 GPS/GPRS/GSM Arduino Shield V1.0(SKU: TEL0097). |
DFRobot_SpeechSynthesis | Synthesize the sound you need, support Chinese, English. |
DFRobot_ST7687S | This is a 2.2” TFT LCD Display Module with an input voltage(SKU: DFR0529). |
DFRobot_STS3X | This is a Library for STS3X, the function is to read temperature(SKU: SEN0434). |
DFRobot_SU03T | Speech input and output(SKU: DFR0987) |
DFRobot_TCS3430 | DFRobot_TCS3430 is the sensor library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_TCS34725 | A color sensor library |
DFRobot_TMF8x01 | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0430/SEN0429). |
DFRobot_URM07 | A range sensor(SKU:SEN0153) |
DFRobot_URM09 | DFRobot Standard library. |
DFRobot_URM13 | URM13 driver library(SKU: SEN0352). |
DFRobot_VEML6075 | DFRobot_VEML6075 is the Ultraviolet library of DFRobot |
DFRobot_VEML7700 | This is a Library for VEML7700, the function is to read High Accuracy Ambient Light data(SKU: SEN0228). |
DFRobot_VisualRotaryEncoder | Visual rotary encoder driver library(SKU: SEN0502). |
DFRobot_VL53L0X | DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0245). |
DFRobot_VL6180X | DFRobot_VL6180X is a sensor library. |
DFRobot_VoiceRecorder | DFRobot Standard library. |
DFR_Radar | Configure and communicate with the DFRobot 24GHz millimeter-wave Human Presence Detection sensor (SEN0395). |
DHTlib | AVR Optimized Library for DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor on AVR only. |
dhtESP32-rmt | Minimal, non-blocking, DHT11/DHT22 sensor library for ESP32 using RMT pheripheral for Arduino 3.0.0 based on ESP-IDF v5.1.4 |
DHT kxn | BACKUP Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
DHT sensor library | Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
DHTStable | Stable version of library for DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor |
DHT11 | An Arduino library for the DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor. |
DHT118266 | Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
dht11esp8266 | Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
dht11esp8266examples | Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
DHT12 | Arduino library for I2C DHT12 temperature and humidity sensor. |
DHT20 | Arduino library for I2C DHT20 temperature and humidity sensor. |
DHT2pin | Experimental version of the DHT library, using 2 data pins instead of 1. |
DHTINT | Arduino library for DHT temperature and humidity sensor. Integer only to save footprint. |
DHTNEW | Arduino library for DHT temperature and humidity sensor, with automatic sensortype recognition. |
DIGI-DOT-BOOSTER Library | An easy to use library to control the DD-Booster. |
DigiPotX9Cxxx | A library for X9Cxxx family digital potentiometers (X9Cxxx, xxx=102,103,104,503) |
DigiSpark_PWM | Hardware-based Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) for AVR ATtiny85-based boards using ATTinyCore up to 500 kHz. |
DigitLed72xx | A library for the MAX7219 and the MAX7221 Led display drivers. |
DigitSeparator | Arduino library to separate digit value with marks and returns it as C string. |
Digital Infrared Temperature Sensor MLX90615 | Arduino library to control Grove - Digital Infrared Temperature Sensor. |
DigitalPressureSensor | This library provides an Interface for Infineon's DPS310 Pressure Sensor (DEPRECATED). |
Digital Rain Animation | Easily display Matrix effects in the Arduino environment. |
DINO PLC | This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support DINO PLC |
DINO-PLC-V2 | This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support DINO PLC V2 |
directADC | Library for advanced ADC control (AVR) |
directTimers | Library for advanced hardware timers control |
DisCard | Discorda Mesaj Göndermeyi Sağlayan Arduino Kütüphanesi |
Discord_WebHook | Send message on discord using webhook |
DistanceTable | Library for a memory efficient DistanceTable for Arduino. |
DLLN3X ZigBee Mesh Module Library | This library allows you to use DLLN3X ZigBee mesh module very easily. |
DMM | DMM (digital multimeter) library for Arduino. |
DmtrPots | Potentiometer library for Arduino / Teensy. |
DoEEP | A simple EEPROM library for reading, writing, and managing key-value pairs. |
DOC_CAT | Expanding the Arduino environment |
DonoLed | Library to easily control LED Strips. |
DotMatrixDisplay | Dot-Matrix Display library for use with PD243X I2C Adapter Board |
DoubleResetDetect | Arduino library to check for double reset on ESP8266 |
DoubleResetDetector | Library to detect a double reset, using ESP8266 RTC Memory. |
DoubleResetDetector_Generic | Library to detect a double reset, using EEPROM, DueFlashStorage, FlashStorage_SAMD, FlashStorage_RTL8720, FlashStorage_STM32 or LittleFS/InternalFS. For AVR, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, RTL8720DN, MBED nRF52840-based Nano_33_BLE, Portenta_H7, etc. boards. Now using efficient FlashStorage_STM32 library and supporting new RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, Portenta_H7, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO and STM32 core v2.0.0 |
DovesLapTimer | A simple lap-timing library centered around GPS data |
Drive | Arduino library to use L298N motor bridge. (Works for all esp8266 boards also) |
DriveCell | DriveCell Arduino Library |
DRV2667 | Arduino library for DRV2667 Piezo Haptic Driver with Boost, Digital Front End, and Internal Waveform Memory |
DRV8251-Driver | A library that provides support for using brushed DC motors via the TI DRV8251 motor driver |
DRV8434S | DRV8434S stepper motor driver library for Arduino |
DRV8825 | Arduino library for DRV8825 stepper motor driver. |
DRV8835MotorShield | Arduino library for the Pololu DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Shield |
DS1624 | A library to interface with Maxim DS1624 temperature sensor and memory. |
DS1624_Library | A library to interface with Maxim DS1624 temperature sensor and memory. |
DS18B20 | Arduino library for the Maxim Integrated DS18B20 1-Wire temperature sensor. |
DS18B20Events | Arduino temperature changed events for DS18B20 and other DallasTemperature compatible sensors |
DS18B20_int | Library for DS18B20 restricted to a single sensor per pin. |
DS18B20_RT | Arduino library for the DS18B20 temperature sensor. |
DS1804 | Arduino library for DS1804 Nonvolatile Trimmer Potentiometer. |
DS1804Ctrl | Arduino library for the DS1804 digital potentiometer, including helper functions for setting resistance, and using the EEPROM, and retrieving state. |
DS1821 | Arduino library for DS1821 temperature sensor |
DS1881_2 | Controller for Maxim DS1881 and DS1882 Digital Pots |
DS2 | DS2 and KWP library to handle messages in those automotive protocols. |
DS2401 | Library for 1-Wire DS2401 UID restricted to a single device per pin. |
DS2431 | Arduino library for Maxim DS2431 1-Wire EEPROM |
DS2438 | Library for DS2438 1-Wire battery monitor. One device per pin. |
DS28CM00 | Arduino library for I2C DS28CM00 unique identification chip. |
DS3231-RTC | C++ Library for the DS3231 real-time clock (RTC) module, ready to use on Arduino IDE and PlatformIO. |
DS3232 | Arduino library for I2C DS3232 RTC (minimalistic). |
DS323x | Arduino library for DS3231/DS3232 Extremely Accurate I2C-Integrated RTC/TCXO/Crystal |
DS323x_Generic | Library for DS3231/DS3232 Extremely Accurate I2C-Integrated RTC/TCXO/Crystal |
DST RTC | Arduino library for automatically adjusting RTC time for Daylight Saving Time (DST) |
DTF_ESP32Update | Update ESP32 devices using Deploy the Fleet service. |
DTF_ESP8266Update | Update ESP8266 devices using Deploy the Fleet service. |
DualG2HighPowerMotorShield | Arduino library for the Pololu Dual G2 High Power Motor Driver Shields |
DualMAX14870MotorShield | Arduino library for the Pololu Dual MAX14870 Motor Driver Shield |
DualMC33926MotorShield | Arduino library for the Pololu Dual MC33926 Motor Driver Shield |
DualSenseController | Library to use DualSense Controller based on USB Host Shield Library 2.0. |
DualTB9051FTGMotorShield | Arduino library for the Pololu Dual TB9051FTG Motor Driver Shield |
DualVNH5019MotorShield | Arduino library for the Pololu Dual VNH5019 Motor Driver Shield |
DueFlashStorage | DueFlashStorage saves non-volatile data for Arduino Due. |
DueTimer | Timer Library fully implemented for Arduino DUE |
DumbDisplay | A library for connecting to Android DumbDisplay app (>= this version), for various virtual gadget realizations. |
DunogeonENG | Arduino library for a mini D&D Game (it's a part of a bigger project). |
DunogeonFR | Cette librairie est un simulateur de donjon (une partie isolée d un projet plus grand). |
DvG_StreamCommand | A lightweight Arduino library to listen for commands over a stream |
DWIN T5L API wrapper | A basic library to easily communicate with DWIN HMI displays. |
Dx_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on Arduino AVRDx-based boards (AVR128Dx, AVR64Dx, AVR32Dx, etc.), using DxCore, to create and output PWM. |
Dx_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on Arduino AVRDx-based boards (AVR128Dx, AVR64Dx, AVR32Dx, etc.), using DxCore, to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
Dx_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on Arduino AVRDx-based boards (AVR128Dx, AVR64Dx, AVR32Dx, etc.) using DxCore |
dynaHTML | dynamic HTML library for ESP8266/ESP32 |
dynaconfig | Arduino WiFi dynamic configuration library for ESP32 using captive portal authentication. |
Dynamixel | Arduino library for Dynamixel |
EButton | A compact, simple-to-use, reliable and powerful event-driven button library, with proper debouncing and fine grained event structure. |
EEvar | Allows to save variables to the EEPROM memory. Works with any POD (bool, int, float, custom structs) and String. Lightweight. Simple to use. |
eFLL | eFLL (Embedded Fuzzy Logic Library). |
eForth1 | eForth for Arduino UNO |
EMailSender | Send EMail via SMTP, library for Raspberry Pi Pico W, Arduino, SAMD (WiFiNINA), STM32, esp8266 and esp32. |
eOS | ETC EOS library for OSC |
ERa | E-Ra by EoH. An IoT Market Enabler! |
E220-900T22S-JP | Arduino E220-900T22S(JP) libraries. |
E220-900T22S LoRa library | A library for Spresense LoRa. |
E24 | E24xxx EEPROM library. |
EasIno | A protocol that allows to easily communicate with Arduino boards, using different communication options. |
Easing | Easing function library for Arduino |
EasyAndee | Annikken EasyAndee Library for Annikken Andee U, Android and iOS boards. |
EasyAndee101 | Annikken EasyAndee Library for Arduino 101 |
EasyButton | Arduino library for debouncing momentary contact switches, detect press, release, long press and sequences with event definitions and callbacks. |
EasyBuzzer | EasyBuzzer Library |
EasyDDNS | ESP8266 & ESP32 DDNS Update Client Library. |
EasyEspNow | An easy-to-use ESP-NOW wrapper library for ESP platform that simplifies peer communication and data handling. |
EasyGNSS | An easy-to-use library to parse the NMEA protocol output by the GNSS receiver (Ublox) through serial port. |
EasyHTTP | An ESP32 library to facilitate the execution of HTTP requests. |
EasyLed | Arduino library for controlling standard LEDs in an easy way. EasyLed provides simple logical methods like led.on(), led.toggle(), led.flash(), led.isOff() and more. |
easyLiDAR | Using vl53l5cx(tof64) LiDAR driver easy. |
EasyMorse | A simplified Morse code library to be used as a method of Communication. |
Easy Nextion Library | Arduino library for Nextion displays |
EasyNTPClient | Library to read time from Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers. |
Easy SevenSeg | Easily connect and play with a seven-segment display (single-digit type). |
EasyUltrasonic | An Arduino library used to work with ultrasonic sensors in an easy way for measuring distance. |
Easyiot-Esp8266 | An Arduino library for sending and receiving data to an online platform using Esp8266 ESP-12E Boards. |
Easyuino | It offers a set of APIs to easily make beginners use several different sensors and devices using only the Easyuino |
Edge-fel | Feature extraction library for Arduino. |
EdgeNeuron | TensorFlow Lite Micro library in Arduino style for TinyML applications. |
EduShield | Display library for Arduino101.cz EDUshield |
EEBoom | Simple and powerful EEPROM emulation for ESP8266 and ESP32 |
EEManager | Simple library for reducing EEPROM wear |
EEWrap | A convenient library allowing one to use the EEPROM just like RAM. |
EE895 Arduino Library | Library for the EE895 CO2 Sensor |
EEPROMReader | EEPROM reading / writing library with cpp type templating. |
EEPROMTyped | The EEPROM Typed Library is a lightweight static library for reading and writing standard Arduino data types to the EEPROM. |
eeprom_25AA02EXX | Library to read and write Microchip SPI EEPROM 25AA02E48 or 25AA02E64 |
EEPROM_SPI_WE | Library for external SPI based EEPROMs |
EEPROM_STM_Arduino | Class library for NXP I2C multiplexer and switch |
Effortless-SPIFFS | A class designed to make reading and storing data on the ESP8266 and ESP32 effortless. |
EgoSmartHeaterRS485 | Controlling the EGO Smart Heater via RS485 using Modbus |
EiMOS | Versatile Mahjong Scorer |
EiMOS_U8X8 | Versatile Mahjong Scorer with U8G2 Displays |
ELMo | Low-level synchronous Arduino library to interface with ELM327 OBDII devices. |
EL_dev_arduino | Library and Sample of ECHONET Lite for Arduino |
elapsedMillis | Makes coding responsive sketches easier. |
ElasticNetModel | A library for ElasticNet regression modeling with coefficient updates based on feedback. |
electricui-embedded | Connect your microcontroller to a high performance user interface, run entirely locally and under your control. |
Electronic Cats PN7150 | Arduino library for SPI and I2C access to the PN7150 RFID/Near Field Communication chip. |
ellipse | Arduino library for ellipse class |
ELMDuino | Arduino library to easily interface with the common OBDII scanner: ELM327 |
EloquentRTLS | RTLS (Real Time Location System) for Arduino and ESP32 |
Eloquent_EdgeImpulse | Easy Edge Impulse integration |
ELT S300 Library | This is a library for the ELT CO2 sensor S300 via I2C. |
em4095 | A library for reading and writing rfid chips with em4095 and esp32 |
EmbUI | Embedded Web UI framework for esp8266/esp32/esp32-c3/esp32-s2/esp32-s3 IoT prototyping |
EmbedUI | EmbedUI is an open source Project, for enthusiasts to speed-up & visualize UI development using Embedded Hardware. |
EmbeddedMqttBroker | Mqtt Broker for embedded systems, tested on an Esp32 and esp8266. |
Embedded Template Library ETL | ETL. A C++ template library tailored for embedded systems. |
EmbeddedUtils | collections of utility headers for embedded c++ |
EmbeddronicsBleOTA | Bluetooth low energy (BLE) library for updating firmware over ble. |
EmberGL | Low-Level 2D/3D Graphics Library |
EMFButton | Easy MultiFunctional button |
EmotiBit EmojiLib | Library to draw Emoji when using EmotiBit with appropriate Feather Wings |
EmotiBit FeatherWing | A library written for EmotiBit FeatherWing that supports all sensors included on the wing. |
EmotiBit KTD2026 | Library for controlling KTD2026 led driver and its variants |
EmotiBit NCP5623 | Library for the NCP5623 LED driver |
EmotiBit SI7013 | A library written for EmotiBit that supports the Si7013 temperature and humidity module |
EmotiBit XPlat Utils | A Utilities Library required for the successfull operation of EmotiBit FeatherWing and EmotiBit Oscilloscope Library |
EmuRTC | Emulated Real Time |
EncButton | Light and powerful library for button and encoder operation for Arduino |
EncoderTool | Library to read out mechanical rotary encoders |
Energize Lab Servo | Library for controlling Energize Lab Servo. |
EnergyBoard | Enables reading polyphase energy-monitor parameters of LVX EnergyBoard |
EnergyMeter | Arduino library to get data from energy meters in order to monitor them. |
Engineer EasyEEPROM | Arduino library for easy work with EEPROM. (AVR and ESP) |
Engineer Regulator | Arduino library for temperature controller. Stores settings in EEPROM. Hysteresis. (AVR and ESP) |
ENGR100-950 | UMich ENGR 100-950 Library |
ENGR100-980 | UMich ENGR 100-980 Library |
ENS160 - Adafruit Fork | Arduino library for the ENS160 digital four channel MOX gas sensor with I2C interface from ScioSense |
ENS210 | Arduino library for the ENS210 relative humidity and temperature sensor with I2C interface from ams |
enum_asukiaaa | A library to share enum on arduino. |
Environment | Read enviroment sensors |
EPD | It controls waveshare 1.54 inch e-paper(e-ink) display. |
Epson_PNL_CE02 | Library to repurposing the control panel (PNL CE02) of EPSON XP 520/530/540 printers from an Arduino. |
ERCFS | Arduino library for SPI based ERCFS rotary encoder. |
ESPert | ESPert library for Arduino IDE |
ES32Lab | Library provided by ESDeveloperBR to facilitate the development of programs that utilize the ES32Lab board. |
ES920 | Arduino library for ES920/ES920LR FSK/LoRa wireless module |
ESC Thermal Printer BLE | Library for ESC/POS Printer BLE |
escposprinter | Library for ESC/POS Printer |
ESPAsync_WiFiManager | ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3), ESP8266 WiFi Connection Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
ESPAsync_WiFiManager_Lite | Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Async WiFiManager for ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3) and ESP8266 boards. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters. |
EspATMQTT | Support library for the the MQTT functionality in the ESP-AT interpreter. |
ESPAutoWifi | Auto Connect WiFi for ESP32 Board. |
ESP Battery | Arduino Library to calculate the ESP8266 (Feather Huzzah) battery level. |
ESPDisplay | Use the DAC function of ESP32 to output C_ESP_8_BIT_composite with LovyanGFX. |
esp-echonet-lite | Echonet Lite library for ESP |
ESP-FlexyStepper | This library is used to control one or more stepper motors from an ESP32 device |
esp-fs-webserver | From FSBrowser.ino example to library |
ESP-Google-Forms-Client | Arduino Google Forms REST client library for ESP8266, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040). |
ESP-Google-Sheet-Client | Arduino Google Sheet REST client library for Arduino devices. |
ESPHap | Native support Apple HomeKit protocol with Arduino projects |
esp-iot-core | A framework to implement IoT devices/gateways based on the ESP8266/ESP32 hardware. |
ESP Line Notify | Line Notify Library for ESP8266 and ESP32. |
ESP Mail Client | Arduino E-Mail Client Library to send, read and get incoming email notification for ESP32, ESP8266 and SAMD21 devices. |
ESPPubSubClientWrapper | A wrapper class for the MQTT PubSubClient library by Nick O'Leary for ESP8266/ESP32. |
ESP Rotary | ESP8266/Arduino Library for reading rotary encoder values. |
EspSleep | Library for esp8266 unlimited deep sleep period |
ESP-StepperMotor-Server | A stepper motor control server for ESP32 with Web UI, REST API and CLI |
ESPSupabase | A Arduino Platform Library for interfacing ESP32/ESP8266 to Supabase, including user authentication. |
ESP Telnet | ESP8266/ESP32 library that allows you to setup a telnet server. |
ESPWiFiMqttWrapper | ESP8266 and ESP32 WiFi - MQTT Wrapper |
ESP2SOTA | Async OTA (AP & Client WiFi modes) for ESP32/ESP8266. |
ESP32 AnalogWrite | ESP32 Polyfill for analogWrite functions |
esp32-BG95 | BGxx modem - GPRS and LTE communications |
ESP32-BLE-MIDI | A library to use MIDI over Bluetooth Low Energy on ESP32 boards. |
esp32-BLE112 | BLE112 - BLE modem |
ESP32Console | Extensible UART console for ESP32 with useful included commands. |
ESP32 Control | This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 Control module.This library support all version of ESP32 Control module,ERS ,E1.0 |
ESP32 Control lite | This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 Control module.This library support all version of ESP32 Control module,ERS ,E1.0 |
ESP32 Digital RGB LED Drivers | A library for driving self-timed digital RGB/RGBW LEDs (WS2812, SK6812, NeoPixel, WS2813, etc.) using the Espressif ESP32 microcontroller's RMT output peripheral. |
ESP32DMASPI | SPI library for ESP32 which use DMA buffer to send/receive transactions |
esp32-ds18b20 | Minimal, non-blocking, DS18B20 sensor library for ESP32 using RMT pheripheral, supports multiple sensors, lightweight, no dependencies, will need Arduino esp32 3.x based on IDF 5.X |
ESP32-ENC28J60 | Enables network connection (local and Internet) with ENC28J60 using the ESP32 Ethernet. |
ESP32 ESP32S2 AnalogWrite | ESP32 PWM, Servo, Easing and Tone. |
ESP32 FX1N PLC | This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support all version of ESP32 module 2.0RXO,MiniPLC-32u |
ESP32 HUB75 LED MATRIX PANEL DMA Display | HUB75 LED Matrix Library for ESP32, ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3 |
ESP32-imgur-uploader | imgur.com Image/Video uploader |
ESP32 Mail Client | Mail Client Arduino Library for ESP32 |
ESP32 Microsoft Graph | This library provides an easy login process to AzureAD. I have also included a sample that displays Teams presence. |
ESP32MQTTClient | A thread-safe MQTT library based on the of ESP-IDF instead of PubSubClient. |
ESP32MX1508 | An ESP32 library that makes using mx1508 dual DC motor driver easier. |
ESP32-OTA | Add an HTTP OTA interface to an existing project. |
ESP32-OTA-Pull | ESP32-OTA-Pull provides simple 'pull' based OTA updates for ESP32 |
ESP32-PSRamFS | "ESP32 RamDisk for PSRAM and fs::FS" |
ESP32-PTQS1005 | PTQS1005 Sensor Data Acquisition Library for ESP32 and Arduino |
esp32-rmt-ir | Minimal, non-blocking, IR library for ESP32 using RMT pheripheral, supports NEC, Sony, Samsung and RC5 transmit and receive, lightweight, no dependencies, will need Arduino esp32 3.x based on IDF 5.X |
ESP32 RMT Peripheral VAN bus reader library | ESP32 RMT Peripheral VAN bus reader library |
ESP32RotaryEncoder | Use a rotary encoder with your ESP32 easily! |
ESP32-RTSPServer | An RTSP server library for streaming video, audio, and subtitles. |
ESP32SPISlave | SPI Slave library for ESP32 |
ESP32Time | Set and retrieve internal RTC time on ESP32 boards. |
ESP32TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on ESP32-based (including ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 and ESP32_C3) boards |
ESP32TinyUSB | USB functions for ESP32-S2 |
ESP32-TWAI-CAN | ESP32 driver for TWAI / CAN for Adruino using ESP-IDF drivers. |
ESP32WebRemoteControl | Web Remote COntrol |
ESP32_BleSerial | A BLE Serial library for Arduino ESP32 |
ESP32_C3_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32_C3 board to control multiple servo motors. |
ESP32_C3_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32-C3-based board |
ESP32_easy_wifi_data | Simple library for sending and recieving booleans, bytes, integers, and float variables over UDP. The ESP32 or ESP8266 can be connected to a wifi network or create its own hotspot. |
ESP32_ENC_Manager | ESP32 + LwIP ENC28J60, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
ESP32_Ethernet_Manager | (ESP32 + LwIP W5500 / ENC28J60), including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
ESP32_FastPWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 or ESP32_C3-based boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
esp32_ftpclient | An FTP-Client for the ESP32. |
ESP32_HTTPS_Server | Alternative ESP32 Webserver implementation for the ESP32, supporting HTTPS and HTTP. |
ESP32_IDF5_HTTPS_Server | Alternative ESP32 Webserver implementation for the ESP32, supporting HTTPS and HTTP. Compatible with ESP-IDF 5.0 or later. |
ESP32_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32 board to control multiple servo motors. |
ESP32_MQTTClient | MQTT library based on the of ESP-IDF. |
ESP32_MySQL | Directly connects to MySQL using ESP32. |
ESP32_New_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3, ESP32_C3 boards to control multiple servo motors. |
ESP32_New_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 or ESP32_C3-based board |
ESP32_Pinoo | An Arduino library to use Pinoo ESP32 modules. |
ESP32_PWM | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 or ESP32_C3-based board to create and output PWM to pins. |
ESP32_S2_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32_S2 board to control multiple servo motors. |
ESP32_S2_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32-S2-based board |
ESP32_SC_ENC_Manager | ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP ENC28J60 Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
ESP32_SC_Ethernet_Manager | (ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500 / ENC28J60) Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
ESP32_SC_W5500_Manager | ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
ESP32_SC_W6100_Manager | ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W6100 Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
ESP32_SoftWire | ESP32 software I2C library |
ESP32_VS1053_Stream | This is a Arduino IDE library for playing mp3, aac and flac/ogg local files and online streams with a vs1053 decoder. |
ESP32_W5500_Manager | ESP32 + LwIP W5500, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
ESP32_W6100_Manager | ESP32 + LwIP W6100 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
ESP32softPWM | Easily implement software PWM |
ESP8266 and ESP32 OLED driver for SSD1306 displays | I2C display driver for SSD1306 OLED displays connected to ESP8266, ESP32, Mbed-OS |
ESP8266AutoWifi | Auto Connect WiFi for ESP8266 Board. |
esp8266-google-home-notifier | Send notifications to Google Home from esp8266/32. |
esp8266-google-tts | generate the link to speech mp3 on esp8266/32. |
ESP8266 Influxdb | InfluxDB Client for Arduino. |
ESP8266IoTHelper | Helper for ESP8266 that orchestrates WiFi connection and OTA updates |
ESP8266-ping | A library to enable esp8266 platform to send and receive ping messages. |
ESP8266RestClient | ESP8266 RESTful HTTP Request Library. |
ESP8266Scheduler | ESP8266 Co-operative Multitasking |
ESP8266SDUpdater | SD Card Loader for ESP8266 |
ESP8266 SMTPClient | The SMTPClient library allows you to send emails using an ESP8266 microcontroller. It supports sending plain text emails as well as emails with attachments. |
ESP8266TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP8266-based board. |
ESP8266 Weather Station | ESP8266 based internet connected Weather Station |
esp826611 | Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
ESP8266_AT_WebServer | Simple WebServer library for AVR, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, SIPEED_MAIX_DUINO and RP2040-based (RASPBERRY_PI_PICO) boards using ESP8266/ESP32 AT-command shields with functions similar to those of ESP8266/ESP32 WebServer libraries |
ESP8266_ENC_Manager | (ESP8266 + LwIP ENC28J60) Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
ESP8266_Ethernet_Manager | (ESP8266 + LwIP W5500 / W5100(S) / ENC28J60) Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
ESP8266_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP8266 to control servo motors. |
esp8266_mdns | mDNS queries and responses on esp8266. |
ESP8266_multipart | A small multipart file sending library for the ESP8266. |
ESP8266_PWM | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP8266-based board to create and output PWM to pins. |
ESP8266_W5100_Manager | (ESP8266 + LwIP W5100 / W5100S) Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
ESP8266_W5500_Manager | (ESP8266 + LwIP W5500) Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal. |
esp8266channel3lib | Analogue TV Out with an ESP8266! |
ESP_8_BIT Color Composite Video Library | Generate color composite TV video out signals with an ESP32. |
ESP_AT_Lib | WizFi360/ESP8266/ESP32-AT library for Arduino providing an easy-to-use way to control WizFi360/ESP8266-AT/ESP32-AT WiFi shields using AT-commands. For AVR, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32, nRF52, SIPEED_MAIX_DUINO and RP2040-based (Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, etc.) boards using WizFi360/ESP8266/ESP32 AT-command shields. |
ESP_AT_WiFiManager | WiFi/Credentials Manager for nRF52, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, etc. boards using WizFi360/ESP8266/ESP32-AT-command shields with fallback web configuration portal. Credentials are saved in EEPROM, SAMD FlashStorage, DueFlashStorage or nRF52/RP2040 LittleFS. |
ESP_AT_WM_Lite | Light-Weight WiFi/Credentials Manager for AVR Mega, SAM DUE, SAMD, nRF52, STM32, RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO boards, etc. using WizFi360/ESP8266/ESP32-AT-command shields. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters. |
esp_dmx | Transmit and receive DMX and RDM using an ESP32. |
ESP_DoubleResetDetector | Library to detect a double reset within a predetermined time, using RTC Memory, EEPROM, LittleFS or SPIFFS for ESP8266 and ESP32 |
ESP_FC28 | Simple library for the FC-28 sensor. |
ESP_MultiResetDetector | Library to detect a multi reset within a predetermined time, using RTC Memory, EEPROM, LittleFS or SPIFFS for ESP8266 and ESP32, ESP32_C3, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 |
ESP_MultiWiFi | Library for asynchronously managing multiple WiFi connections on ESP8266. |
ESP_NOW_Network | ESP-NOW network library for ESP32 for Arduino-esp32 >= 3.02 |
esp_sds011 | ESP8266/ESP32 library for the SDS011 particulate matter sensor. |
ESP_SSLClient | The upgradable SSL Client for Arduino devices. |
ESP_WiFiManager | Library to configure MultiWiFi/Credentials at runtime for ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3) and ESP8266 boards. With enhanced GUI and fallback web ConfigPortal. |
ESP_WiFiManager_Lite | Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Manager for ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3) and ESP8266 boards. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters. |
Espalexa | Library to control an ESP module with the Alexa voice assistant |
Espressif ESP32 Azure IoT Kit Sensors | Unofficial Arduino library for interacting with sensors in the Espressif ESP32 Azure IoT Kit development board. |
EthernetWebServer | Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP Client and WebSocket Client library for AVR, AVR Dx, Portenta_H7, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52 and RASPBERRY_PI_PICO boards using Ethernet shields W5100, W5200, W5500, W6100, ENC28J60 or Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet/QNEthernet |
EthernetWebServer_STM32 | EthernetWebServer_STM32 is a simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP Client and WebSocket Client library for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards using built-in Ethernet LAN8742A, LAN8720, Ethernet W5x00 or ENC28J60 shields |
Ethernet_Manager | Simple Ethernet Manager for Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD, nRF52, ESP32 (including ESP32-S2/C3), ESP8266, RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, etc. boards. Config data saved in ESP LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM, nRF52 LittleFS, EEPROM, DueFlashStorage or SAMD FlashStorage. |
Ethernet_Manager_Portenta_H7 | Simple Ethernet Manager for Portenta_H7 board using Ethernet from Portenta Vision shield. Config data saved in LittleFS. |
Ethernet_Manager_STM32 | Simple Ethernet Manager for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards with Ethernet LAN8720, W5x00, ENC28J60 or built-in LAN8742A shields, with or without SSL, configuration data saved in EEPROM. With DoubleResetDetect feature. |
EventBasedFramework | Event Based Framework for Arduino |
EventEmitter | Lightweight Node.js-style EventEmitter for Arduino. |
EventOS | Library for event-driven embedded devices programming (hardware interruputs for all pins). |
EventSystem | Event based system that monitor variables and fire event when the variable change. |
Eventually | Event-based programming library for Arduino |
EventuallyCommand | Trigger Eventually event from a serial command |
EventuallyStateMachine | Extends Eventually with a state machine |
Eventually2 | Event-based programming library for Arduino |
EveryTimer | A library providing the possibility to call a function at specific time intervals. |
evo_bsp | Evo BSP components |
evo_build_template | Evo Build Template |
evo_pmux_csr | Evo PMUX CSR |
evo_servo | Evo Servo |
EWMA | Exponentially Weighted Moving Average filter used for smoothing data series readings. |
ExampleLibrary | An example of how to create a public Arduino Library, that is automatically uploaded into the Arduino Library Manager for public consumption. |
Excelsior | Functions as a beginners guide to programm the Excelsior-Brick. |
Excelsior_Ambassador | Functions as an extensions for the Excelsior Brick. |
Excelsior_Light | Used for easy use of the Excelsior Lightsensor |
Executive | Execute routines to specified schedule |
ExponentMap | Generates an exponentially growing array based on provided number of steps and maximum value. |
extendFor | Add and subtract from 0 to 10 in 2 steps each. |
EzArduino | A library that makes coding wtih Arduino easier by providing simple OOP based components |
ezTime | ezTime - pronounced "Easy Time" - is a very easy to use Arduino time and date library that provides NTP network time lookups, extensive timezone support, formatted time and date strings, user events, millisecond precision and more. |
EZ_USB_MIDI_HOST | Arduino MIDI Library wrapper for usb_midi_host library |
EZPROM | A library to help organize EEPROM access. |
fANSI | Control the PC screen using ANSI graphics |
FSerial | A Delay Less Communication Protocol. |
Fabrik2D | A library for fast solving of inverse kinematics using the FABRIK algorithm. |
FanController | Arduino Library for controlling PC fans |
FastAccelStepper | A high speed stepper library for Atmega 168/168p/328/328p (nano), 32u4 (leonardo), 2560, ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3, ESP32C3, ESP32C6 and Atmel SAM Due |
FastBLE | BLE that leaves cycles for other tasks on Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 |
FastBot | Fast ESP8266/ESP32 library for Telegram bot (messages, menus, time sync, OTA update + SPIFFS, files upload and download) |
FastBot2 | Fast and universal Arduino/ESP8266/ESP32 library for Telegram bot |
FastCapacitiveSensor | A library to use capacitive sensors quickly |
FastCRC | Fast CRC routines |
FastDisplayPrototyping | Fast Display Prototyping for Adafruit GFX and TFT eSPI |
FastGPIO | Faster general-purpose I/O |
FastIMU | Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of IMU's. |
FastInterruptEncoder | An Arduino library for Quadrature Encoder for ESP32 and STM32Duino. |
FastLED | Multi-platform library for controlling dozens of different types of LEDs along with optimized math, effect, and noise functions. |
FastLEDManager | FastLED Manager that can generate multiple sequences with layered (mixed) output |
FastLED NeoPixel | A library that allows you to reuse Adafruit NeoPixel animations with the FastLED library without having to rewrite them. |
FastMap | Library with fast map function for Arduino. |
FastShiftIn | Arduino library for (AVR) optimized shiftIn - e.g. for 74HC165 |
FastShiftInOut | Arduino library for (AVR) optimized shiftInOut (simultaneously) |
FastShiftOut | Arduino library for (AVR) optimized shiftOut - e.g. 74HC595 |
FastTimer | Arduino Library for managing time section, can be extended for requesting Unix/RFC3339 timestamp by NTP |
FastTrig | Arduino library with interpolated lookup for sin(), cos(), tan(), atan2() and more. |
fast_math | Arduino library for fast math algorithms |
FauxmoESP | Amazon Alexa support for ESP8266, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi Pico W |
FC0001614614 | Quad, High-Voltage EL Lamp Driver with I²C Interface. |
FC0003390327 | Library for the Quectel EG25-G LTE |
FC0005748911 | Firechip - Micro Crystal RV-8263 Arduino Library a Real-Time Clock Module with I2C-Bus |
Feature-Variables | Persistent event driven variables aimed at making complex designs much simpler |
FFT_C | FFT library in C |
FHEM | This library allows communication with a FHEM Server. |
FIFObuf | A library for buffering items into a FIFO/LIFO buffer |
FileData | Simple library for storing any data in file |
FileFetcher | A library for fetching files or images from the web (supports ESP8266/ESP32 & probably others) |
Filters | Filter utilities for Arduino |
Finite-State | Finite-State Machine (FSM) for Arduino. |
FiniteStateMachine | A synchronous time-sliced state management library to build responsive "embedded apps" via callbacks and conditional signal chaining. |
FIR-Filter | Finite Impulse Response Filter for filtering signals/sensor data. |
FireEsp | A library for connecting to Firebase using ESP boards |
Firebase | Enables Firebase Realtime Database connectivity on the ESP8266, ESP32, Arduino UNO R4 WiFi. |
Firebase Arduino based on WiFiNINA | Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, Arduino MKR VIDOR 4000 and Arduino UNO WiFi Rev.2. |
Firebase Arduino based on WiFi101 | Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Arduino WiFi Shield 101 and Arduino MKR1000 WIFI. |
Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266 and ESP32 | Google Firebase Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP8266 and ESP32 |
FirebaseClient | Async Firebase Client library for Arduino |
Firebase ESP32 Client | Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP32 |
Firebase ESP8266 Client | Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP8266 |
FirebaseJson | The easiest Arduino library JSON parser, builder and editor for ESP8266, ESP32, Teensy 3.x, Teensy 4.x and others MCUs. |
FirebaseRealtime | A simple library to make Firebase Realtime Databse CRUD operations. |
FirstBuild - Relay | Control a relay by specifying a period and duty cycle. |
fishyDIYdevices | A library to simplify creating, operating, and using your DIY Internet of Things devices using NodeMCU (ESP8266) devices. |
fixed | Implementation of fixed poind calculations |
FlashLightLED | An Arduino library that can programmatically manipulate the LED color changing light strips controlled by a 44 Key IR Remote. |
FlashStorage_RTL8720 | The FlashStorage_RTL8720 library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user data using the non-volatile flash memory of Realtek RTL8720DN, RTL8722DM, RTM8722CSM, etc. |
FlashStorage_STM32 | The FlashStorage_STM32 library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user data using the non-volatile flash memory of STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1. It is using the buffered read and write to minimize the access to Flash. It now supports writing and reading the whole object, not just byte-and-byte. New STM32 core v2.0.0+ is also supported now. |
FlashStringTable | Easy definition and use of Arduino flash-based (PROGMEM) global string. |
FLE | Arduino library for FLE = FLoat with Error datatype |
Fletcher | "Arduino Library for calculating Fletcher's checksum. |
FlexLibrary | This Library is designed to make the integration of 'Flex Sensors' easier and simpler. |
FlexyStepper | Stepper motor control library for Arduino supporting in-motion changes. |
FlightSimOutputs | Library for easy handling of digital outputs on Midwest737Simulations.com Multi Output card. |
FlipDisc | Arduino library for flip-disc displays |
FloatArrayManager | A library to simplify averaging a moving window of values. |
float16 | Arduino library to implement float16 data type. |
float16ext | Arduino library to implement float16ext data type. |
FlowSensor | Flow Sensor library for Arduino. |
fmt | Port of the {fmt} library to Arduino |
fog | Programming water mist. |
FOR_MACRO | For macro library |
Forecaster | Weather forecasting with Zambretti algorithm |
FourRegs | Prints the low-level configuration registers for Arduino-compatible boards which use an ARM SAMD51 processor. |
Fraction | Arduino library to implement a Fraction datatype. |
FRAM_Cache | FRAM Cache |
FRAM_I2C | Arduino library for I2C FRAM for persistent storage. |
Franzininho_LiquidCrystal | Allows communication with alphanumerical liquid crystal displays (LCDs). |
FreeRTOS | FreeRTOS Real Time Operating System implemented for Arduino Uno R3, Nano, Leonardo, Mega, and related Microchip ATmega devices. |
FreqPeriodCounter | Smart library with comprehensive functions for counting (multiple) frequencies. For Arduino Uno and Zero. |
frt | Lightweight, easy-to-use wrapper around the Arduino_FreeRTOS_Library. |
FS_MX1508 | Library that makes using mx1508 dual DC motor driver easier. It can be used also with a lot of simple H-Bridge DC Motor Drivers using two input pins (such as DRV8871, RZ7886, TC118SS, etc...) |
FTDebouncer | An efficient, low footprint, fast pin debouncing library for Arduino |
FTPduino | An easy to use FTP client library for the Arduino ecosystem. |
FTServo | FEETECH BUS Servo library for Arduino and ESP32 |
FTTech Aqualabo Sensors | Aqualabo Sensor Library for Arduino, using ArduinoModbus through RS485 |
FTTech LoRaWAN | Arduino IDE Library to make our SAMD51 interface with RAK811 20 pin click easier to use. |
FTTech SAMD51 Clicks | Arduino IDE Library to make our SAMD51 easier to use. |
FTTech SAMD51 XBee | Arduino library to make easier to use an XBee. |
FTTech Swarm | Arduino IDE Library to make our SmartNode Swarm easier to use. |
FT81x Arduino Driver | Graphics library for the open source FT81x display driver board. |
FTPClient_Generic | FTP Client for Generic boards such as AVR Mega, megaAVR, Portenta_H7, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RP2040-based (Nano-RP2040-Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, RP2040W, etc.), ESP32/ESP8266 using Ethernet |
FuGPS Library | Arduino library for parsing NMEA 0183 (GPS) messages. |
FunctionFsm | A library that simplifies the creation of finite state machines and streamlines the process of turning state diagrams into code.. |
FunctionGenerator | Arduino library to generate wave forms (nummeric) for a DAC |
Functional-Vlpp | Provides function templates to better support C++ functional programming across platforms. |
FUSB302 PD UFP sink | Arduino library for the FUSB302 USB power delivery controller IC. |
FutabaVfdM202MD10C | Library for Arduino framework for convenient working with vacuum fluorescent displays (VFD) based on Futaba M202MD10C board. |
FXLS89xx_Arduino | An library for NXP FXLS89xx |
gButton | Provides an easy way to work with buttons and other momentary contact switches. |
GCodeParser | The GCodeParser library is a lightweight G-Code parser for the Arduino using only a single character buffer to first collect a line of code (also called a 'block') from a serial or file input and then parse that line into a code block and comments. |
GParser | Fast library for parsing cstring into substrings, urlencode, unicode encode for Arduino |
GSheet32 | Library for sending data from ESP32 to Google Sheets. |
GTimer | Light and multifunctional uptime timer |
GameBoyShield | AbenoGameBoyShield, GameBoy Shield |
GAMMA | Arduino Library for the GAMMA function |
Gauge_asukiaaa | It calculates value from sample values. |
Gauss | Library for the Gauss probability math. |
Gaussian | Gaussian math, Kalman Filters and Moving Averages made easy |
GBALib_DCMotor | DC Motor Management Library using the L293D Motor Driver IC. |
Gemelon Pushbutton | Arduino library to debounce a pushbutton. |
Generic-Queue | Generic Queue Library for Arduino. |
GeoIP | Library to get local timezone and geographic location based on your network's IP address. |
GeoMagnetism | A conversion of the NOAA WMM wmm_point.c and GeoMagnetismLibrary.c source code |
geomath | Arduino library with geographic math functions. |
Geometry | A library for representing where things are in relation to other things in 3D space |
Gesture PAJ7620 | Arduino library to control Grove Gesture(PAJ7620U2). |
GetInTouch | Arduino library for GetInTouch Twitch Extension. |
GG | GG for Arduino is a serial console library. |
ggwave | Tiny data-over-sound library |
GhostLab42Reboot | Arduino library for GhostLab42's Reboot Triple-Display Board Set |
GifDecoder | Play Animated GIFs |
GigaDAQ | Make Data Acquisition System (DAQ) with Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi with Arduino GIGA Display Shield |
Gizmo | Support library for interacting with the Gizmo Platform from Arduino/Wiring. |
GLEE Beelan LoRaWAN | LoRaWAN Arduino Library for standalone LoRaWAN modules class A and C with a simple API. Modified for the GLEE Project. |
GM1602lib | Arduino library for GM1602-CO sensors. |
gob_unifiedButton | Add touch buttons for CoreS3 / Tough and commonality with conventional buttons (M5.BtnX) |
goblin3d | Graphics engine for rendering 3D wireframe on monochromatic displays and TFT LCDs without any dependency required for Arduino platform. |
Goldfish4Tech | Arduino demo code for project |
GoogleCalendarClient | Google Calendar API for Arduino |
GoogleFormPost | A simple way to add data to Google Sheets, without API or authentication. |
GoogleSchedular | Arduino Library for reading events title from a Google Calendar |
GP2Y0A21YK_lib | A simple library for GP2Y0A21YK sensor. |
GPIOViewer | Web Application to view GPIO pins live! |
GPIO_NXP_Arduino | Class library for NXP GPIO drivers |
gpiobj | Manage and access GPIOs as objects. |
GPS-uBlox | Platform agnostic C++ uBlox GPS driver |
GPSP | A simple, and easy to use Arduino protocol |
GrafikLogger | A library for logging and plotting data using Arduino. |
Grandeur | Let your arduinos and ESPs communicate with Grandeur in realtime. |
Gravity Soil Moisture Sensor | Arduino Library for DfRobot Gravity Analog Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor. |
GrayCode | Arduino library for decoding Gray Code encoders. |
Green Beacon | BLE beacon library compatible with LINE Simple Beacon |
GRGB | Library for smooth RGB LED control |
Grove - 125KHz RFID Reader | Arduino library to control Grove - 125KHz RFID Reader. |
Grove - 2-Channel Inductive Sensor LDC1612 | Arduino library to control Seeed Inductive Sensor LDC1612. |
Grove 3Axis Compass V2.0 BMM150 | Arduino library to control Grove 3-Axis Digitial Compass v2.0. |
Grove-3-Axis-Digital-Accelerometer-2g-to-16g-LIS3DHTR | Library for Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer ±2g to 16g Power(LIS3DHTR). |
Grove - 6Axis Accelerometer And Compass v2 | Arduino library to control LSM303DLH. |
Grove 6Axis_Digital_Accelerometer_Gyroscope4_ADIS16470 | Arduino library to control Grove 6-Axis Digital Accelerometer&Gyroscope(ADIS16470). |
Grove - Air quality sensor | Arduino library to control Grove Air Quality Sensor. |
Grove barometer HP20x | Arduino library to control Grove barometer HP20x. |
Grove Barometer Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove Barometer Sensor BMP085/BMP180. |
Grove - Barometer Sensor BME280 | Arduino library to control Grove - Temp&Humi&Barometer Sensor(BME280). |
Grove - Barometer Sensor BMP280 | Arduino library to control Grove - Barometer Sensor (BMP280). |
Grove - Capacitive Touch Slide Sensor CY8C40XX | Arduino library to control Grove_touch_sensor_CY8C40XX. |
Grove - Coulomb Counter for 3.3V to 5V LTC2941 | Library for Grove - Coulomb Counter for 3.3V to 5V(LTC2941) |
Grove - Digital Light Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove - Digital Light Sensor(TSL2561/ISL29035). |
Grove - Haptic Motor | Arduino library to control Grove - Haptic Motor. |
Grove - High Precision RTC | Arduino library to control Grove - High Precision RTC_PCF85063TP. |
Grove - High Temperature Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove - High Temperature Sensor. |
Grove - I2C High Accuracy Temp_Humi Sensor SHT35 | Arduino library to control Grove Temperature sensor SHT35. |
Grove I2C Motor Driver v1.3 | Arduino library to control Grove I2C Motor Driver. |
Grove - I2C Thermocouple Amplifier MCP9600 | Arduino library to control Grove Temperature sensor MCP9600. |
Grove - I2C UV Sensor VEML6070 | Arduino library to control Grove UV sensor VEML6070. |
Grove - Laser PM2.5 Sensor HM3301 | Arduino library to control PM2.5 sensor(HM3300). |
Grove - LCD RGB Backlight | Arduino library to control Grove - LCD RGB Backlight. |
Grove LED Bar | Arduino library to control Grove LED Bar. |
Grove - LED Matrix Driver | Arduino library to control Grove - LED Matrix Driver. |
Grove - LoRa Radio 433MHz 868MHz | Arduino library to control Grove - LoRa Radio 868MHz and Grove - LoRa Radio 433MHz. |
Grove Mini Track Ball | Arduino library to control Grove Mini Track Ball. |
Grove - Motor Driver TB6612FNG | Arduino library of Grove - Motor Driver(TB6612FNG) |
Grove - Q Touch Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove - Q Touch Sensor. |
Grove Ranging sensor - VL53L0X | Sensor driver for VL53L0X Ranging sensor |
Grove - RTC DS1307 | Arduino library to control Grove - RTC DS1307. |
Grove SHT31 Temp Humi Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove SHT31 Temp Humi Sensor. |
Grove - Sunlight Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove - Sunlight Sensor. |
Grove Temper Humidity TH02 | Arduino library to control Grove Temper Humidity TH02 |
Grove Temperature And Humidity Sensor | Arduino library to control Grove Temperature And Humidity Sensor, it contains chip DHT11 AM2302. |
Grove - Temperature And Humidity Sensor HDC1000 | Arduino library to control Grove - Temperature&Humidity Sensor HDC1000 |
Grove Ultrasonic Ranger | Arduino library for controlling Grove Ultrasonic Ranger, using gennal I/O communication. |
GSMSim | GSM Library For SimCom Modules |
GSON | Light JSON parsing and assembling library for Arduino |
GST | Arduino library for Golden Standard Test, confusion matrix. |
GT811 Library | Arduino library for GT811-based Capacitive touch screen |
GTL | Library with template tools (buffers, pointers) |
GTT | Enables use of matrix orbitals GTT line of products |
GUIslice | GUIslice embedded touchscreen GUI library in C for Arduino & Raspberry Pi |
GU140X32F-7703A | Provides a graphic library for the Noritake Itron GU140X32F-7703A VFD display |
Guppy | Simplifies the control of the Guppy robot. |
GY26Compass | Library for interfacing with GY-26 Compass Module |
GY521 | Arduino library for GY521 angle measurement |
GyverBeeper | Async tone generator with amount and time settings |
GyverBlinker | Async LED blinker and task count timer |
GyverBME280 | Light library for BME280 sensor |
GyverBus | Communicating by GBUS interface |
GyverButton | Advanced button control library |
GyverDB | Fast Arduino database for any type of data |
GyverDimmer | Phase and Bresenham algorithm for AC triac dimmer |
GyverDS18 | Light library for Dallas DS18b20 temperature sensor |
GyverDS3231 | Library for DS3231 with millis() sync and 1-second timer |
GyverEncoder | Advanced encoder operation library |
GyverFIFO | Simple ring (circular, FIFO) buffer for Arduino |
GyverFilters | Library with few filters for data processing |
GyverGFX | Fast GFX library for displays and matrixes |
GyverHC595 | Fast SPI/BitBang library for 74HC595 shift register |
GyverHTTP | Simple Arduino Client based HTTP server and client with stream tools |
GyverHTU21D | Light Arduino library for HTU21D sensor |
GyverHX711 | Library for HX711 ADC/weight module |
GyverINA | Light library for INA219/INA226 sensor module |
GyverIO | Fast GPIO operation functions for AVR, ESP8266, ESP32 |
GyverJoy | Library for analog joystic Arduino |
GyverLBUF | Simple linear buffer for Arduino |
GyverMAX6675 | Fast and light MAX6675 thermocouple library |
GyverMAX7219 | Fast and light MAX7219 matrix library |
GyverMIDI | MIDI player |
GyverMotor | Library for motor driver control |
GyverNTC | Simple library for NTC thermistors |
GyverNTP | Library for async receiving precise time from NTP server |
GyverOLED | Fast and light library for SSD1306/SSH1106 OLED display |
GyverOLEDMenu | Creating a menu in your project for SSD1306/SSH1106 OLED display |
GyverOS | Simple task manager for Arduino |
GyverPID | Fast library for PID regulating algorithm |
GyverPortal | Simple web interface builder for esp8266 and ESP32 |
GyverPower | Library for power management of AVR |
GyverPWM | Library for advanced PWM settings of AVR |
GyverRelay | Library for relay regulation algorithm |
GyverSegment | Powerful library for controlling 7-segment indicators |
GyverShift | Library for input and output shift registers (HC595 and HC165) |
GyverStepper | Fast library for stepmotor control and multi-axis planning |
GyverTimer | Simple timer with period/timeout modes on millis |
GyverTimers | Library for control hardware timers on ATmega328p and ATmega2560 |
GyverTM1637 | Library for advanced control of TM1637 7-segment display |
GyverTransfer | Library for 1-wire communication by GT interface |
GyverUART | Light and fast Serial library |
GyverWDT | Advanced WDT control library for ATmega328p/32U4/2560 & ATtiny85/84/167 |
Gyver433 | Simple library for 433 MHz radio |
Hall-Switch | This library provides an interface to interact with the Hall effect sensor switch family |
Hamming | Library for pack and unpack data by Hamming algorithm |
Hanuman | Library for Hanuman |
HardwareSerial_RS485 | Concurrent multi-drop (i.e. multi-master, multi-slave) RS485 communication library |
HC-SR04 | Library for HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor. |
HC4051 | Arduino library for a HC4051 1x8 channel multiplexer |
HC4052 | Arduino library for a HC4052 2 x 4 channel multiplexer |
HC4053 | Arduino library for a HC4053 3 x 2 channel multiplexer |
HC4067 | Arduino library for a HC4067 1 x 16 channel multiplexer |
HC_SR04 | Allows an Arduino board to use multiple HCSR04 module. |
HCSR04 | Library for HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor. |
HCSR04 ultrasonic MKL | Allows an Arduino board to use HCSR04 module. |
HCSR04 ultrasonic sensor | Allows an Arduino board to use HCSR04 module. |
HDC1000 | A temperature and humidity sensor library for HDC1000 |
HeartBeat | Arduino library for HeartBeat with frequency and duty cycle. |
HeidelbergInterface | Arduino Library to communicate with Heidelberg Wallbox Energy Control via Modbus RTU. |
Hello Drum | Arduino Library for piezo sensing |
hellothing_BG96_NBIoT | NB-IoT library for hellothing BG96 Arduino shield |
hellschreiberlib | Modulate Hellscriber OOK signal |
Heltec_ESP32_LoRa_v3 | Proper working library for "Heltec ESP32 LoRa v3" and "Heltec Wireless Stick v3" boards. |
Heltec_LoRa_OLED_Examples | Examples for Heltec boards using main ESP32 libraries |
Hercules Dual 15A 6-20V Motor Controller | Arduino library to control Hercules Dual 15A 6-20V Motor Controller. |
HerkulexServo | A library for communicating with Herkulex smart servos. |
HexFabQuadroMotorShield | Control up to four DC Motors and read their currents with this shield. |
HID Buttons | Easily handle state changes for HID button inputs. |
HID-Project | Extended HID Functions for Arduino |
High Performance IMU BMI085 | Library for communicating with the Bosch BMI085 6 axis IMU. |
HighPowerStepperDriver | High-Power Stepper Motor Driver library for Arduino |
High-Side-Switch | DEPRECATED. C++ library for the PROFET+2 12V |
high-side-switch-ino | C++ library for the Infineon PROFET high-side switch product family |
Histogram | Arduino library for creating histograms math. |
HLK-LD2450 | A library for the HLK-LD2450 LD2450 24Ghz Human body Motion Inductive Radar Sensor |
HM330X by Tomoto | Arduino library for HM3301/HM3302 dust sensor. |
HMC6352 | Experimental Arduino library for HMC6352 digital compass sensor |
HoldButton | Reads the buttons connected to Arduino pins. |
HomeAssistantEntities | Library for providing sensors and actuators to Home Assistant using MQTT. |
HomeKit-ESP8266 | Native Apple HomeKit accessory implementation for the ESP8266 Arduino core. |
HomeSpan | A robust and extremely easy-to-use HomeKit implementation for the Espressif ESP32 running on the Arduino IDE. |
homecontrol-mqtt | A client library for MQTT messaging. |
Honeywell TruStability SPI | Arduino library for communicating with Honeywell TruStability HSC or SSC pressure sensors over SPI. |
Honeywell Zephyr I2C | Arduino library for Honeywell Zephyr HAF flow rate sensors using I2C. |
HotButton | Button library for Arduino. The usual, plus "if (button.event(LONG, SHORT, LONG))" and more. |
HoverboardAPI | Hoverboard API controller |
hp_BH1750 | Digital light sensor breakout boards containing the BH1750FVI IC |
HPDL1414-74HC595 | An Arduino library for driving HPDL-1414 displays using shift registers |
HSCDTD008A | A library for the HSCDTD008A geomagnetic sensor. |
hsmcpp | C++ library for Hierarchical State Machines (HSM, FSM) |
HT16K33 | Arduino Library for HT16K33 I2C 4x7segment display |
htcw_bits | Provides advanced bit manipulation |
htcw_button | Provides button functionality |
htcw_data | Provides STL free containers |
htcw_io | Provides STL free streams |
htcw_json | Provides JSON parsing |
htcw_lcd_miser | Provides a timeout for your LCD backlight |
htcw_ml | Provides HTML and XML parsing |
htcw_uix | Provides cross user interface functionality |
HTTPS_Server_Generic | This is HTTPS/HTTP Server Library for ESP32, WT32_ETH01, ESP32 + LwIP W5500, ESP32 + LwIP W6100, ESP32 + LwIP ENC28J60 |
HTU21D Sensor Library | An Arduino library for the HTU21D sensor. |
Hublink-Node | A library for handling BLE and SD card communication for ESP32 nodes. |
HX710 | Arduino library for HX710. |
HX710AB | Arduino library for the HX710A and HX710B 24-Bit ADC. |
hx710b_arduino | Arduino library for Air Pressure Sensor HX710B. |
HX711 | Arduino library for HX711 load cell amplifier. |
HX711 Arduino Library | Library to interface the Avia Semiconductor HX711 ADC. |
HX711_ADC | Library for the HX711 24-bit ADC for weight scales. |
HX711_asukiaaa | It read values from HX711 |
HX711_MP | Arduino library for HX711 load cell amplifier. |
HyperDeck | BlackMagic Design HyperDeck controller for Arduino via TCP |
Hysteresis | Hysteresis library |
HzMeter_asukiaaa | It measures Hz from pulse input. |
iParol | Library for controlling a matrix of LEDs using LedControl. |
IRsmallDecoder | Allows the reception and decoding of infrared signals from remote controls. |
I2CDisplayController | Arduino library for Seven Segment Display with I2C Communication Interface. |
I2CExtension | I2C extension/wrapper for Arduino |
I2CKeyPad | Arduino library for 4x4 (or smaller) keypad connected to an I2C PCF8574. |
I2CKeyPad8x8 | Arduino library for a 8x8 (or smaller) keypad connected to an I2C PCF8575. |
I2CSoilMoistureSensor | Provide access to all functions of the I2C Soil Moisture Sensor from Catnip Electronics. |
I2C_24LC1025 | Library for 24FC1025 I2C EEPROM |
I2C_ASDX | Arduino library for I2C ASDX pressure sensor (Honeywell). |
I2C_device_Arduino | I2C_device class library |
I2C_EEPROM | Library for I2C EEPROMS |
I2C_Functions | This is a helper library to abstract away I2C transactions and registers also this tool scans the master I2C bus and reports connected devices. |
I2C_LCD | Arduino library for I2C_LCD. |
I2C_LCD12864 | Arduino library for LCD12864 I2C module. |
I2C_Scanner | Master I2C Bus Device Scanner. |
I2C_SOFTRESET | Arduino library for the I2C_SOFTRESET, to reset stuck devices. |
I2CIP | A library of protocols for interfacing with I2C devices on a modular switched network. |
i2c-for-esp32 | I2C library for ESP32 (unofficial) |
i2cdetect | Arduino library for scanning I2C bus for devices |
IbusTrx | Arduino library for sending and receiving messages over the BMW infotainment bus (IBUS). |
ICM20689 | Library for communicating with the ICM20689 six-axis Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). |
ICM20948_WE | A library for the 9-axis accelerometer, gyrometer and magnetometer ICM20948 |
ICM42605 | Library for communicating with the ICM42605 six-axis Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). |
ICM42688 | Library for communicating with the ICM42688 six-axis Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). |
ICM7218 | Intersil-Renesas and Maxim ICM7218 and Intersil-Renesas ICM7228 LED driver library. |
ICM7218C | Maxim ICM7218C LED driver library. |
IDToolsPico | UUID/MAC generator |
IEEE754tools | Fast helper functions for IEEE754 floats. |
IFTTTWebhook | Library for triggering IFTTT web hooks |
IFX007T-Motor-Control | This library provides an Interface for Infineons IFX007T Motor Control Arduino Shield |
IFX9201_XMC1300_StepperMotor | This library provides an interface to control a stepper motor through Infineon’s Stepper Motor Control Shield "KIT_XMC1300_IFX9201" with h-bridge IFX9201 and XMC1300 microcontroller. |
IgcLogger | Simple library to log igc track records |
ILI9341_t3n | Optimized ILI9341 (320x240 Color TFT) Display Support different SPI buses |
Improv WiFi Library | The library implements the Improv WiFi protocol allowing users to use this feature in their projects without effort. |
imuFilter | Sensor fusion for an IMU to obtain heading and velocity. |
IMU_Fusion_SYC | The data of MPU6050 and QMC5883L can be read, and the data fusion of both can be realized. |
INA219 | Arduino library for INA219 voltage, current and power sensor. |
INA219B | INA219B TI i2c output current/voltage/power monitor Library |
INA219_WE | A library for the INA219 current sensor module |
INA226 | Arduino library for INA226 power sensor |
INA226_WE | A library for the INA226 current and power sensor module |
INA228 | Arduino library for the INA228, I2C, 20 bit, voltage, current and power sensor. |
INA229 | Arduino library for the INA229, SPI, 20 bit, voltage, current and power sensor. |
INA236 | Arduino library for the INA236, I2C, 16 bit, voltage, current and power sensor. |
INA239 | Arduino library for the INA239, SPI, 16 bit, voltage, current and power sensor. |
INA3221 | INA3221 Triple-Channel Sensor Driver. |
INA3221_RT | Arduino library for the I2C INA3221 3 channel voltage and current sensor. |
INA780x | Library for communicating with the INA780X family of power monitor ics over I2C. |
IncRotaryEncoder | Library for incremental rotary encoders |
incbin | Include binary and text files in your Arduino project with ease. |
infiniteAverage | Experimental Arduino Library to calculate a high precision average of many samples |
Ingenia Serial Servo Drive Library | Arduino library for control Ingenia Servo Drives using serial communication. |
InkyBoard | Bibliotheek om gebruik te maken van het InkyBoard van InkyCode |
Int64String | Convert 64bit integers to strings |
integer24 | integer24 types uint24_t and int24_t for Arduino. |
Interval | Arduino library for Interval data type. |
IntervalTimerEx | IntervalTimerEx subclasses the Teensy IntervalTimer to allow for a variety of callable objects as timer callbacks. |
IOSignal | IOSignal Arduino Client. |
IoT Pipe | A library to use with the IoT Pipe web service. |
IO22_IO_Board | Drive the Eletechsup IO22 family of I/O boards: IO22D08 and IO22C04 |
IO7F32 | io7 IOT Framework for ESP32 |
IO7F8266 | io7 IOT Framework for ESP8266 |
IoliteCoding SerialCommands | IoliteCoding library for receiving serial commands. |
IOTClient | IOT Client Library. |
IotKernel | A library for basic functions of IoT devices |
iotNetESP32 | A library for ESP32 providing WiFi, MQTT, and HTTP client functionality for IoT applications. |
IotWebConf | ESP8266/ESP32 non-blocking WiFi/AP web configuration. |
iotec_MAX7319 | A library for using the MAX7319 from MAXIM Integrated. |
Iotkaran | Iotkaran library for Arduino. |
iotsa | An Internet Of Things Server Architecture for ESP8266. |
ipMIDI | ipMIDI for Arduino |
IP236x | A library for controlling and monitoring the IP2366/IP2368 charging IC via I2C. |
irBoard Library for ESP32 | This library is to become a host of irBoard app by the ESP32 device. |
IR-infrared Remote Control Decoder-Simulator | Driver for BC7215, an 8-pin universal IR remote control signal decoder/generator chip. |
IRRemoteControl | A lightweight library for send/receive infra-red signal. |
IRRemoteESP32 | Library for receiving and decoding IR signals. |
Irms_calc | Irms calculation library for ESP8266/ESP32/Arduino. |
ISL1208-RTC-Library | Arduino library for Intersil ISl1208 RTC chip. |
Isolated EC Probe Interface | Measure Electrical Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, and Salinity |
Isolated ISE Probe Interface | An isolated Ion Specific Electrode Probe Interface |
JLed | An Arduino library to control LEDs |
JLedPCA9685-HAL | A HAL to drive PCA9685 LEDs with JLed |
JMotor | This library uses polymorphism and defines common interfaces for reading encoders and controlling motors allowing for easy open or closed loop motor control. |
JavaScript | JavaScript interpreter for Arduino |
JBLogger | A simple to use logger library for Arduino. |
JBWopr | Support library for the Unexpected Maker W.O.P.R. boards |
JDI_MIP_Display | Arduino library to drive the JDI and Sharp Memory In Pixel LCD Displays |
JJYReceiver | JJY standard radio signal wave receiver library. |
JMAFoundation | A library that provide event response for Arduino. |
JMA_SPComm | A library that makes simple communication protocol for Arduino. |
Joystick 5-Pin | A joystick library for Arduino. |
JoystickController | This is a library to simplify joystick control. |
joystick_module | Provide function to using joystick module |
JrkG2 | Jrk G2 library for Arduino |
JsmnStream | Reformatting of the Serge Zaitsev jsmn library to parse a JSON string one char at a time. |
JsonLogger | An easy-to-use, small, fast and portable JSON builder and logger for IoT logging, data acquisition and analytics. |
Json Streaming Parser | A very memory efficient library to parse (large) JSON objects on small devices |
json2asw | Reads json sf2 data from a file and converts it to a Teensy Audio Library AudioSynthWavetable::instrument_data object. |
jsons | Read and write JSON documents as a stream. |
JTAG_Interface | Library for establishing a live JTAG communication between the MCU and FPGA of the Arduino Mkr Vidor 4000. |
JWT_RS256 | A library to check if a JWT RS256 token is valid |
K1200 | Library for the Velleman K1200 watch. |
Kalman | Include Kalman filter to your Arduino projects |
kc868-arduino-library | KC868 library for Arduino |
Kelvin2RGB | Arduino library for converting Kelvin temperature to RGB values |
KermiteCore_Arduino | Kermite firmware library for Arduino and PlatformIO. |
KeyMatrix | KeyMatrix is poll event library for matrix keypads. |
KeySequence | A library for sending complex keyboard sequences. |
keyboard_peripheral_modules | A set of general modules for keyboard firmware. |
keybrd | A library for creating custom-keyboard firmware. |
KIM | Library with examples for KIM1 shield v2 (no longer distributed) on Arduino platforms |
KIM Arduino Library | Handles the interface between KIM shield and Arduino. |
Kinematics | Kinematics library for robotics |
Kinematrix | [BETA] Simplify Your Arduino Projects. |
KMP_MCP23S08 | Unified driver for the the MCP23S08 SPI expander |
KMP_RS485 | Library allows you send and receieve data using RS485 protocol |
Knock Detector | A non-blocking knock detection library to use with piezo elements |
KOCOAFAB | Kocoafab's arduino D.I.Y. kit library. |
KomootBLEConnect | A library to receive Komoot BLE Connect Packages |
Komotion | For use with Komotion, the motion sensing platform designed for ES20r. |
KT0803 | Arduino library for the KT0803 and KT0803K FM transmitter. |
Kurtosis | Arduino library for calculating skewness and kurtosis of a dataset. |
kxnTask | Simple state machine |
KXTJ3-1057 | Motion detection without bells and whistles, simply works, low power. |
L293D | Allows an Arduino board to use control a motor using a L293D. |
L298NDriver | A library that makes using L298N motor driver much easier. |
L3G | Arduino library for Pololu L3G4200D, L3GD20, and L3G4200D boards |
lazyjson | Lazy JSON parser for embedded systems |
LC_cardIndex | A indexed list you can pull items out of randomly. Think dealing cards. |
LCBUrl | A library to manipulate URL strings |
LCDDisplay10 | A library to display numbers on an BL55xx display. |
LCDDrivers_NXP_Arduino | Class library for NXP LCD driver |
LCDGraph | An Arduino library for drawing line graphs on alphanumeric displays using custom characters. |
LCD-HD44780 | LCD library for HD44780 compatible display controllers. |
LCD-I2C | C++ Library for Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) with the Hitachi HD44780 display driver. |
LCD-I2C-HD44780 | LCD library for HD44780 compatible display controllers using an i2c expander. |
LcdMenu | Display navigable menu items on your LCD display with Arduino. |
LCDMenuLib | A library with you can generate a menu`s based on the nested set model with multi layers |
LCDMenuLib2 | Easy creation of a multi layer tree menu with screensaver and other stuff. |
LCD595 | Library for LCD1602 or LCD2004 |
LCD_BacklightRGB | An Arduino library for an 18-pin RGB LCD Display backlight |
LCD_HD44780 | A library for HD44780 based LCDs. |
LCD_ST7032 | Arduino library for ST7032 LCD controller with i2c interface |
lcdgfx | VGA, SSD1306, SSD1331, SSD1325/SSD1327, SSD1351, IL9163/ST7735, ST7789, ILI9341, PCD8544, SH1106/SH1107 spi/i2c OLED/LED Display driver. |
LCDI2C_Multilingual_MCD | Displays multilingual text on LCD text displays via I2C. |
LEDuino | Framework for defining patterns and mapping them to a configuration of addressable LEDs using FastLED. |
LeafonySTM32 | Library for Leafony STM32 basic kit |
LectroboxKeypadShield | Driver for the Lectrobox Keypad Shield. |
LectroboxPCJoyShield | Driver for the Lectrobox DB-15 PC Joystick Shield. |
LEDDriver | PWM LED Driver with ability to brighten and dimm fluently |
LEDDrivers_NXP_Arduino | Class library for NXP LED drivers |
LedLib | Controla LEDs de forma sencilla. |
LEDMatrixDriver | A replacement for Arduino's LedControl library for MAX7219 |
LedRGBlib | RGB LED library for Arduino (ENG+ESP) |
LedSync | Arduino library to perform synchronous blinking operations with LEDs and NeoPixels. |
LedTask | The Arduino library shows the power of non-preemptive multitasking. |
LED744511 | 74'4511 LED Driver Library |
Leeman Geophysical Learning Shield | Tools for the Leeman Geophysical LLC Learning Shield. |
Legoino | Library for controlling PoweredUp, Boost, Corntrol+ controllers/hubs |
Lepton FLiR Thermal Camera Module Library | Library to control a Lepton FLiR (forward looking infrared) thermal camera module from an Arduino-like board (Teensy 3+/ESP32+ minimum). |
Letters and Numbers Seven Segment Display Library | Arduino library for displaying letters and numbers on 7-segment display. |
LevelShifter_NXP_Arduino | Demo code for NTS0304EUK-ARD |
Lewis | A morse code stream/print interpreter |
LGFXMeter | LGFX based Gauge Decoration and Animation library |
LibEdificio | Allows to control the Building Lights educative system. |
LibEstacionamiento | Allows to control the Estacionamiento educative system. |
LibLanc | Allow camera control via the Sony lanc protocol |
LibLucesCiudad | Allows to control the City Lights educative system. |
LibMiniSys | Allows to control the MiniSys educative system. |
LibPrintf | Library adding support for the printf family of functions to the Arduino SDK. |
LibSemaforo | Allows to control the Semaforo educative system. |
LibSemaforosCiudad | Allows to control the Traffic Lights educative system. |
LibYxml | Yoran Heling's yxml library. |
Libdevlpr | A library that makes using the FANTM DEVLPR shield easier. |
libnapc | libnapc implementation. |
liboshima | 大島商船高等専門学校ロボット研究部用ライブラリ |
LidarArray | Library for managing multiple VL53L0X LIDAR sensors using PCF8574 I/O expanders. |
LilyGo-AMOLED-Series | Library for LilyGo T-Display AMOLED Series |
LilyGo-T-RGB | Library for LilyGo T-RGB |
LilyGO T-Wristband and T-Glass | Library for LilyGO T-Wristband and T-Glass |
LINBus_stack | Provides Local Interconnect Network (LIN) support on SAM3X or AVR based boards with a TJA1021 transceiver. |
LIN master emulation with background operation | LIN master node emulation with preemptive background operation |
LIN master portable | LIN master node emulation for different boards |
LIN slave portable | LIN slave node emulation for different boards |
linaGFX | Draw a line segment and one number on the memory. |
LineFollowerPID | Line follower robot library. |
LineFormatter | Wrapper class for Stream e.g. Serial to enhance layout of tabular data. |
LinearRegressionModel | A simple library for linear regression modeling with coefficient updates based on feedback. |
LinkedList | A fully implemented LinkedList made to work with Arduino projects |
LinkedPointerList | Light-weight implementation of LinkedList library, that is now stripped down to bare minimum, making it appropriate for use in memory-critical environments. |
LiquidCrystal I2C Multilingual | For printing multilingual UTF8 strings (French, Russian, Vietnamese, Katakana, etc.) to LCD1602, LCD2004, etc. via I2C. |
LiquidCrystal_74HC595 | This library allows an Arduino board to control most LCDs (Hitachi HD44780 based or compatible) through a 74HC595 shift register. |
LiquidCrystal_I2C_UTF8 | For printing Russian, Viet UTF-8 to LCD I2C. Replaced by LCDI2C_Multilingual. |
LiquidMenu | Menu creation Arduino library for LCDs, wraps LiquidCrystal. |
LIS3DH motion detection | Motion detection without bells and whistles, simply works, low power. |
LIS3MDL | LIS3MDL magnetometer library |
LispIO | new lightweight IO function |
LispMotor | L298x driver |
LiteLED | Light weight library for driving one or more WS2812B, SK6812, APA106, SM16703 RGB LED strips. |
Lithium-Powered | All-In-One Code Solution for Lithium Battery Management using the LTC4150 Coulomb Counter circuit. |
LiveObjectsSDK | A library that makes connection with Orange LiveObjects platform a breeze. |
LM35IC | A library to interface with the LM35 family of temperature sensors. |
LM73 | LM73 Temperature Sensor Library |
LM75A Arduino library | M2M Solutions LM75A Arduino library. |
LM96163 | Driver for LM96163 Fan Controller |
LMT87 | A simple library for utilizing analog temperature sensor |
LoRa | An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRa radios. |
LoRaNow | LoRaNow Library is a simple LoRa Node <> Gateway communication protocol. |
LoRa-payload-BKU | Library for easy Data transmission using MKR WAN 1300/ 1310 to LoRaWAN server TheThingNetwork.org |
LoRaRF | Arduino LoRa-RF library used for transmitting and receiving data using LoRa module with Semtech SX126x series, SX127x series, or LLCC68. |
LoRa Serialization | Library for serialization of data on the Arduino side and deserialization in the TTN |
LoRaWAN_ESP32 | ESP32 'persist' object for using deep sleep in combination with RadioLib LoRaWAN. |
LoRandom | A library using Semtech's sx1276/7/8/9's `RegRssiWideband` register properly to generate random numbers. |
Log | Simple but useful macroses for logging. Allow use printf() with Serial for logging. |
LogToQueue | Envio de log a un Queue para manejarlo como quieras. |
log4Esp | Extendable logging library for ESP8266 |
log4arduino | Lightweight, no-frills logging for Arduino and friends |
Logistic | Arduino library to explore the logistic formula. (chaos, bifurcation) |
Looper | Simple task, thread and event manager for Arduino |
losant-mqtt-arduino | MQTT library to easily communicate with the Losant IoT platform. |
LPS | Arduino library for Pololu LPS boards |
LPS35HW | LPS35HW pressure sensor library |
LSA08_Simplified | An easy to use library to interface LSA08 line sensor with MCU. |
LSM303 | Arduino library for Pololu LSM303 boards |
LSM6 | LSM6 accelerometer and gyro library |
LTC230x | Arduino library for LTC230x (LTC2301, LTC2305, and LTC2309) 12-Bit ADCs with I2C Interface |
LTC2942 | Library for Analog Devices LTC2941 and LTC2942 battery gas gauges. |
LTC2991 | Arduino library for LTC2991 temperature and voltage control IC |
LTR308 library | An Arduino library for the digital light sensor breakout boards containing the Lite-On LTR-308ALS-01 IC |
LTR390 | Arduino library for the LTR390 UV sensors. |
LTR390_DFR | Arduino library for the I2C LTR390 UV sensor (DF Robotics edition). |
LTR390_RT | Arduino library for the I2C LTR390 UV sensor. |
LTS01A_MAX31725 | Library for LTS01A MAX31725. |
LualtekCubecell | This is a library for the Lualtek Cubecell board. |
LualtekRAKRUI | Library for the Lualtek RAK RUI3 based board. |
LualtekTTN | This is a library for the Lualtek RN-TTN based board. |
LUHN | Arduino Library for calculating LUHN checksum. |
lv_arduino | Full-featured Graphics Library for embedded systems |
lvgl | Full-featured Graphics Library for Embedded Systems |
lvglCpp | LVGL C++ wrapper. |
LVGL_CYD | Running LVGL on CYD, all the boilerplate stuff. |
LW09-Dali | This library provides an interface for managing DALI-compatible lighting systems through an I²C bus. LED-Warrior 09 |
lx16a-servo | Simple Arduino library to operate ALX-16A, LX-224, HTS-35H and LX-15D serial servos. |
mDriver | LM398n motor driver library(SKU:LM398n). |
mString | Static lightweight analog of String class |
mWebSockets | Simple to use implementation of WebSockets for microcontrollers |
M2M Solutions Logger Library | Arduino library for logging. |
M2M Solutions MiraOne Library | Arduino library for the MiraOne radio module by Lumenradio AB. |
M2M Solutions Purplepoint Boards Library | Arduino library for Purplepoint IoT boards. |
M2M Solutions Quectel Library | Arduino library for Quectel cellular modules. |
M2M Solutions TLV Library | Arduino library for the TLV format. |
M304 Library | Library useful when programming control nodes using the M304 board for UECS control nodes |
M5-ADS1100 | Library for Unit & Hat ADC |
M5-ADS1115 | Library for Unit Ameter & Vmeter |
M5ANGLE8 | Arduino library for M5 8ANGLE 8x12 bit potentiometers. |
M5Atom | Library for M5Atom Core development kit |
M5AtomS3 | Library for M5AtomS3 Core development kit |
M5Atomic-EchoBase | Library for M5Stack Atomic EchoBase |
M5Atomic-Motion | Library for M5Atomic-Motion |
M5BurnerNVS | Library for M5BurnerNVS |
M5Core-Ink | Library for M5CoreInk development kit |
M5CoreS3 | Library for M5CoreS3 Core development kit |
M5Core2 | Library for M5Stack Core2 development kit |
M5-DLight | Library for M5Stack Unit & HAT DLight |
M5-Depends | Library for M5 |
M5EasyUI | Library for drawing UI on M5 devices with a single code. |
M5EPD | Library for M5Paper development kit |
M5-Ethernet | Enables network connection (local and Internet) using the M5 PoE Camera. |
M5FacesEncoder | Arduino Library for reading encoder values from the M5Stack Faces Encoder Module |
M5Family | Convergence of the relevant dependencies used in M5 products. |
M5-FPC1020A | Library for Finger Unit |
M5GFX | Library for M5Stack All Display |
M5HAL | Hardware Abstraction Layer(HAL) for M5 Products |
M5Hat-8Servos | Library for M5 HAT 8SERVO |
M5Hat-JoyC | Library for M5Hat JoyC |
M5-LoRa-E220-JP | Library for M5-LoRa-E220-JP |
M5-LoRaWAN | Library for UNIT LoRaWAN |
M5Module-4Relay | Library for M5Stack MODULE 4RELAY |
M5Module-GNSS | Library for M5Stack GNSS Module |
M5Module-LAN-13.2 | Library for M5Module-LAN-13.2 |
M5ModuleLLM | M5ModuleLLM is a library for M5ModuleLLM |
M5NanoC6 | Library for M5NanoC6 Board |
M5PoECAM | Library for M5Stack PoE-CAM development kit |
M5ROTATE8 | Arduino library for M5 8ROTATE 8x rotary encoders |
M5-RoverC | Library for M5Stack RoverC & RoverC-Pro |
M5Stack | Library for M5Stack Core development kit |
M5 Stack 4Relay Library | M5Stack 4RELAY library for multiple different architectures. |
M5StackMenuSystem | A quick way to create nice menus for M5 Stack devices with just a few lines of code |
M5Stack-SD-Updater | SD Card Loader for M5 Stack |
M5StackToio | This library allows your M5Stack micro-controller to control your SONY toio core. |
M5Stack_Avatar | Yet another avatar module for M5Stack |
M5Stack_OnScreenKeyboard | OnScreenKeyboard for M5Stack |
M5Stack_SimpleBeep | Simple Beep for M5Stack. |
M5Stack_TreeView | TreeView Menu UI for M5Stack |
M5StampC3LED | M5Stamp C3 Mate LED library. |
M5Station | Library for industrial level controller with M5Station(SKU:K123,K124) |
M5-STHS34PF80 | Library for M5Stack Unit TMOS. |
M5StickC | Library for M5StickC Core development kit |
M5StickCPlus | Library for M5StickC Plus development kit |
M5StickCPlus2 | Library for M5Stack M5StickCPlus2 Board |
M5-SX127x | Library for M5Stack SX127x LoRa |
M5Unified | Library for M5Stack/Core2/Tough/CoreS3/CoreS3SE, M5StickC/C-Plus/C-Plus2, M5CoreInk, M5Paper, M5ATOM, M5STAMP, M5Station, M5Dial, M5DinMeter, M5Capsule, M5Cardputer, M5VAMeter |
M5Unit-4RELAY | Library for M5Stack 4RELAY UNIT |
M5Unit-ACSSR | Library for M5Stack UNIT ACSSR |
M5Unit-ANADIG | Library for M5Stack UNIT ADC,DAC using M5UnitUnified |
M5UnitASR | Library for M5Stack M5Unit ASR |
M5Unit-BLDC | Library for M5Stack Unit BLDC |
M5Unit-CAN | Library for M5Stack M5Unit-CAN |
M5Unit-CatM | Library for M5Stack Unit CatM SIM7080 |
M5Unit-COLOR | Library for M5Stack UNIT COLOR using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-DDS | Library for M5Stack Unit DDS |
M5Unit-DigiClock | Library for M5Unit-DigiClock |
M5Unit-Encoder | Library for M5Stack Unit Encoder |
M5Unit-ENV | Library for M5Stack UNIT ENV |
M5Unit-EXTIO2 | Library for Unit EXTIO2 |
M5Unit-GESTURE | Library for M5Stack UNIT GESTURE using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-HEART | Library for M5Stack UNIT HEART using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-HUB | Library for M5Stack UNIT HUB using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-IMU-Pro-Mini | Library for M5Stack M5Unit-IMU-Pro-Mini |
M5Unit-KMeter | Library for M5Stack UNIT KMeter |
M5Unit-METER | Library for M5Stack UNIT METER using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-MQTT | Library for M5Stack UNIT MQTT |
M5Unit-PoESP32 | Library for M5STACK UNIT PoESP32 |
M5UnitQRCode | Library for M5Stack UNIT QRCode |
M5Unit-RELAY | Library for M5Stack RELAY UNIT |
M5Unit-RTC | Library for BM8563 RTC |
M5Unit-Sonic | Library for M5Stack Unit Sonic series |
M5UnitSynth | Library for M5Stack M5Unit Synth |
M5Unit-Thermal2 | Library for M5Stack UNIT Thermal2 |
M5Unit-THERMO | Library for M5Stack UNIT THERMO using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-ToF4M | Library for M5Stack M5Unit-ToF4M |
M5Unit-TOF | Library for M5Stack UNIT TOF using M5UnitUnified |
M5Unit-UHF-RFID | Library for M5Stack Unit UHF-RFID |
M5UnitUnified | M5UnitUnified is a library for unified handling of various M5 units products. (Alpha version) |
M5Unit-WEIGHT | Library for M5Stack UNIT METER using M5UnitUnified |
M5UnitWeightI2C | Library for M5Stack M5Unit WeightI2C |
M5UNIT_8Encoder | Library for M5UNIT_8Encoder |
M5Utility | Library for other M5 libraries and products |
M5_BMM150 | Library for M5_BMM150 |
M5_PbHub | Simple library for the M5Stack PbHUB Unit. |
M5_RTC_Module | A library for using the RTC-Module from iotec for the M5-Stack. |
M62429 | Arduino library for M62429 volume control IC |
M62429 Volume Control Library | M62429/FM62429 Serial data control dual electronics volume library for Arduino. |
M8058 | Arduino library for M8058E, M8058S and M8026S melody IC control. |
M95_EEPROM | A library for talking with the M95 series of EEPROM chips from ST. May work with chips from other vendors as well. |
MacroLogger | Arduino logger with support for preprocessor directives and standard C/C++ string formatting. |
MacroPad | Controls a keyboard composed of a key matrix. |
madflight | Flight Controller for ESP32-S3 / ESP32 / RP2350 / RP2040 / STM32 |
MagAlpha Angle Sensor Library | Arduino library for the MPS MagAlpha magnetic angle sensor. |
MagStripe | Decode data from TTL (raw) magnetic card readers. |
MagStripe_ESP32 | Decode data from TTL (raw) magnetic card readers on ESP32. |
MagVector 3D Magnetic Sensor | Library for the MPS MagVector 3D magnetic sensors. |
MAGELLAN | AIS Magellan Library; Provide Function MAGELLAN API v.2 MQTT Connect for ESP32 and ESP8266 Board and Device Support Client internet interface |
MagicHome | A library For discovering and controlling MagicHome Leds. |
MagicPot | Arduino library for reading values easily from potentiometers. |
Maidenhead | Library for converting between latitude/longitude and Maidenhead locators. |
MakerBoard | Library for MakerBoard(メイカーボード) |
MAKERLABVN | Library Collection of Makerlab.vn. |
Makerlabvn_I2C_Motor_Driver | Driver for 2-DC motor and 2-RC motor |
Makerlabvn_kit_CIA0_BOT | CIA0 Bot Example code. |
Makerlabvn_SimpleMotor | Driver for 2-DC motor. |
map2bits | Arduino library for mapping a float to a number of bits. |
map2colour | Arduino library for mapping a float to colour spectrum |
maqui | Library for the maqui sequencer |
MaquinitasParams | Library of parameters for art devices. |
MaquinitasRitmos | Library of rhythmic data for art devices. |
MatesController | Breadboard Mates' Mates Controller Arduino library |
MatrixCharlieplex | A library for Arduino to control Charlieplexed LED matrices. |
Matrix Color Sensor | An RGBW color sensor. |
Matrix Controller | A combined DC Motor controller and servo controller. |
Matrix Laser Sensor | a laser rangefinder. |
Matrix Mini Library | An Arduino Uno(R3) based robot controller. |
MatrixMiniR4 | An Arduino R4 based Robotics controller made by MATRIX Robotics. |
Matrix Motion Sensor | An inertial measurement unit 6-degree of freedom sensor. |
Matrix Motor Extension | A 4 channel DC motor controller. |
Matrix Servo Extension | A 8 channel RC Servo controller. |
MATRIX7219 | Arduino Library for 8x8 LED MATRIX MAX7219, MAX7221. |
MAVLink | MAVLink v2 for Arduino. |
MaxMtrParser | Max/MSP MTR (Multi-Track Recorder) Protocol Parser for Arduino |
Max11615Lib | A library for interfacing with the MAX11612-MAX11617 ADC. |
MAX11643 | Arduino library for MAX11643 ADCs |
MAX14661 | Arduino library for MAX14661 16 channel I2C multiplexer |
MAX17048 | Arduino library for MAX17048/MAX17049 1-Cell/2-Cell Fuel Gauge with ModelGauge |
MAX17055 | Lithium based battery fuel gauge and measurement IC library. |
MAX3010x Sensor Library | An Arduino library for the MAX3010x sensor family. |
MAX31850 | Arduino library for the MAX31850 thermocouple temperature sensor. |
MAX31855-Library | Library for the MAX31855K module |
MAX31855_RT | Arduino library for MAX31855 chip for K type thermocouple. |
Max44007 | Library for MAX44007 I2C LUX sensor Arduino. |
Max44009 | Library for MAX44009 I2C LUX sensor Arduino. |
MAX471_RT | Arduino library for MAX471 current sensor. |
MAX520 | Arduino library for MAX520 and MAX521 4/8 channel 8 bit DAC. |
MAX6675 | Arduino library for MAX6675 chip for K type thermocouple. |
MAX6675 with hardware SPI | A library for MAX6675 thermocouple interface. |
MAX6675_Thermocouple | The Library implements a set of methods for working with a thermocouple based on the MAX6675 driver. |
MAX6816 | Single Switch Debouncer Library for Arduino. |
MAX7XX-7-Segment | MAX72XX 7-segment display library. |
MAX78630 | Enables reading polyphase energy-monitor parameters of LVX EnergyBoard. |
MAX_RS485 | A library to easily use MAX485 half-duplex RS485 to Serial module |
Mbed BLE HID | A Library to implement Human Interface Device with Bluetooth on a Mbed stack (Arduino Nano 33 BLE). |
MBED_RP2040_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM to create and output PWM to pins on RP2040 board to create and output PWM to pins. |
MBED_RP2040_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on RP2040-based boards, such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, with Arduino-mbed (mbed_nano or mbed_rp2040) core to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
MBED_RPI_PICO_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on RP2040-based boards such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO |
MCCI Arduino Development Kit ADK | The MCCI XDK ported to Arduino ("Arduino Development Kit"). |
MCCI Arduino LoRaWAN Library | High-level library for LoRaWAN-based Arduino end-devices. |
MCCI Catena Arduino Platform | Arduino library for MCCI Catena 44xx, 45xx, 46xx and 48xx systems. |
MCCI-Catena-PMS7003 | Arduino library for Plantower PMS7003 particulate matter sensors. |
MCCI Catena SCD30 | Arduino library for Sensirion SCD30 carbon dioxide sensors. |
MCCI Catena SDP | Arduino library for Sensirion SDP (SDP31, SDP32, SDP800-series) Differential Pressure sensors. |
MCCI-Catena-SHT3x | Arduino library for Sensirion SHT3x (SHT31, SHT32, SHT35) Temperature/Humidity sensors. |
MCCI LoRaWAN LMIC library | Arduino port of the LMIC (LoraWAN-MAC-in-C) framework provided by IBM. |
MCCI LTR-329ALS | Arduino library for Lite-On LTR-329ALS ambient light sensor. |
MCP23S08 | Arduino library for SPI MCP23S08 8 channel port expander 8 IO-lines |
MCP23S17 | Arduino library for SPI MCP23S17 16 channel port expander 16 IO-lines |
MCP23008 | Arduino library for I2C MCP23008 8 channel port expander 8 IO-lines |
MCP23008-I2C | Arduino Library for MCP23008, a 8-port GPIO expander |
MCP23017 | MCP23017 I2C Port expander library. |
MCP23017 Port Expander | Arduino library for MCP23017 I2C I/O port expander. |
MCP23017_RT | Arduino library for I2C MCP23017 16 channel port expander 16 IO-lines |
MCP23017_WE | A library for the MCP23017, MCP23S17, MCP23018 and MCP23S18 port expanders. |
MCP3X21 | MCP3021 & MCP3221 Arduino library |
MCP3XXX | An Arduino Library supporting the MCP3XXX series of ADC SPI chips, including MCP3002, MCP3004, MCP3008 and others. |
MCP3202 | Used to interface the 12 bit ADC MCP3202 by Microchip. |
Mcp3208 | Arduino library for the MCP320x 12 bit ADC family. |
MCP3304 | A simple library for working with the MCP3304 in a bit bang version. Useful for Raspberry Pico |
MCP3421 | A library for MCP3421 analog digital converter chip |
MCP3424 | Arduino library for 18 bit ADC I2C MCP3424 et al. |
MCP4131 library | A library to control an MCP4131 digital potentiometer |
MCP4132 | MCP4132 library for interfacing the MCP4132 digital potentiometer with Arduino and compatible MCU. |
MCP4151 | SPI library to interface with the MCP4151 digital potentiometer. |
MCP4261 | Arduino library for MCP4261 SPI based digital potentiometers. |
MCP4461 | Control MCP4461 i2c quad potentiometer/rheostat devices |
MCP4661_asukiaaa | It controls potentiometer MCP4661. |
MCP4725 | Arduino library for 12 bit I2C DAC - MCP4725 |
MCP4728 | Arduino library for MCP4728 quad channel, 12-bit voltage output Digital-to-Analog Convertor with non-volatile memory and I2C compatible Serial Interface |
MCP48xx DAC Library | A library to control the MCP48xx family of SPI digital to analog converters (DACs). |
MCP9808_RT | Arduino Library for I2C MCP9808 temperature sensor |
MCP_3208 | ADC library for MCP3208 |
MCP_ADC | Arduino library for MCP_ADC, e.g. MCP3008 SPI 10 bit, 8 channel ADC |
mcp_canbus | A library for MCP2515 |
MCP_DAC | Arduino library for Microchip SPI DAC, 8, 10, 12 bit; 1 or 2 channel. |
MCP_POT | Arduino library for MCP41xxx and MCP42xxx SPI based digital potentiometers. |
mcu-max | An MCU-optimized C-language chess game engine based on micro-Max. |
mcu-renderer | A low-resource graphics library, focused on rendering non-flickering, anti-aliased text on both monochrome and color LCD displays. |
MCUOS | An OS simulator for Arduino boards. |
ME310G1 | Allows communication with ME310G1 Telit module. |
Mechasolution R finder10D | Arduino library form the TIONE R finder10D |
Mechasolution Voice Recognition Module | Geeetech voice recognition module suite 2 Library for Arduino |
Meeo | This library is used for connecting your Arduino device to Meeo. |
megaAVR_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on megaAVR-based boards, such as UNO WiFi Rev2, AVR_Nano_Every, etc., to create and output PWM. |
megaAVR_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on an Arduino megaAVR board, such as UNO WiFi Rev2, AVR_Nano_Every, etc., to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
megaAVR_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an Arduino megaAVR board, such as UNO WiFi Rev2, AVR_NANO_EVERY, etc. |
Melody | Melody offers a simple an powerful music text notation called MELO. |
Melopero AMG8833 | A driver library for the AMG8833 sensor. |
Melopero APDS9960 | A driver library for the APDS9960 sensor. |
Melopero BME280 | A driver library for the BME280 sensor. |
Melopero Cookie RP2040 | Melopero Cookie RP2040 helper library |
Melopero LSM9DS1 | A driver library for the LSM9DS1 9-DOF IMU. |
Melopero RV3028 | A driver library for the RV3028 rtc. |
Melopero SAM-M8Q | A driver library for the SAM-M8Q GNSS Antenna Module. |
Melopero UBX Protocol | A library to easily create Ubx messages. |
Melopero VL53L1X | A driver library for the VL53L1X sensor. |
Mem24CSM01 | A library to interface the 24CSM01 I2C EEPROM Memory |
MemoryDumper | Dump Arduino memory |
MemoryHexDump | Arduino Dump memory |
Meridian | This is a library to drive a communication system for humanoid robots, "Meridian". |
MessagingLib | Complex Arduino serial communication made manageable. |
MeteoFunctions | Collection of meteo functions |
MFRC522_NTAG424DNA | Arduino RFID/NFC Library for NXP NTAG 424 DNA tags using MFRC522. |
MHGroveBLE | Interface with Grove BLE v1 modules. |
MH-Z CO2 Sensors | Ready-to-use implementation for CO2 sensors of the MHZ series (Intelligent Infrared CO2 Module), supporting MH-Z14A, MH-Z14B, MH-Z19A, MH-Z19B, and MH-Z19C. |
Mhz19 | Library for Winsen MH-Z19 – infrared carbon dioxide sensor. |
MHZCO2 | Arduino Library for MHZ series CO2 sensors. |
MicroBeaut | MicroBeaut Standard Library for Arduino. |
microDS18B20 | Light library for DS18b20 sensor |
microDS3231 | Light library for DS3231 RTC module |
microLED | Light library for addressable LEDs |
MicroOsc | Simple and lightweight Open Sound Control (OSC) library |
MicroQt | A library that enables event-driven applications on the Arduino platform. |
MicroShell | Shell implementation, compatible with VT100 terminal |
MicroUART | Simple implementation of UART (ATmega328) |
MicroWakeupper Wemos D1 Mini Battery Shield | Library for the MicroWakeupper Wemos D1 Mini Battery Shield (with deepsleep) |
microWire | Light library for I2C communication |
MicrobitV2-HHS | Library for Microbit Version 2 with Radio (NRF52) and PWM support (Tone and Servo). |
Microbot_Motor_Shield | Dual DC Motor Shield V2 library for Arduino |
Microfire Mod-NTC | Add the ability to measure any 10k NTC temperature to your hardware application with a fully digital interface. |
Microfire_HABridge | Create a Home Assistant sensor from any hardware and send measurements with ESPNow or LoRa. |
Microfire_Mod-EC | Add the ability to measure EC to your hardware application with a fully digital interface. |
Microfire_Mod-ORP | Add the ability to measure ORP to your hardware application with a fully digital interface. |
Microfire_Mod-pH | Add the ability to measure pH to your hardware application with a fully digital interface. |
Microfire_SHT3x | Measure air temperature, humdity, VPD, and dew point. It also calculates heat index and wet bulb estimates. |
microlzw | Embeddable micro Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression library for strings. |
Microsoft_HidForWindows | Reference implementations of various Windows-compatible Human-Interface-Devices (HIDs). |
MIDI Library | MIDI I/Os for Arduino |
Midier | A library for playing, recording, looping and programming MIDI notes, arpeggios and sequences. |
MightyOhmGeigerCounter | Arduino library for the Mighty Ohm Geiger Counter. |
MIKROE_4_20mA_RT_Click | A library for the 4-20 mA R & T Click Boards of MIKROE (MIKROE-1387 & MIKROE-1296). |
MillisCounter | Arduino library to count up and down time using the millis() function. |
MillisTimer | A timer library for working with millis(). |
millis64 | Arduino library for millis64 micros64 millis32 micros32, time counters with optional offset. |
Mini Grafx | Graphics Library for embedded devices with a framebuffer |
MiniMP3 | Minimal MP3 DFURobotics library for Arduino. |
MiniPLC_FX2N | This library providing a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support all version of MiniPLC-32u |
Mini QOI | A streaming QOI decoder, designed for embedded systems with very little RAM. |
Ministache | Mustache template engine for Arduino and ESP32 - render HTML templates dynamically |
MINMAX | MINMAX library for Arduino. |
Mintrix | Library for the Mintrix project. |
MJScore | Mahjong score calculation library |
mjson | JSON parser, emitter, and JSON-RPC engine |
MKPin | Better control over pin position Speed up using manually defined register addresses |
MKHC595 | A powerful but easy to use 74HC595 Library |
MKL_DHT sensor library | Library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
MKL_DS18B20 | Library for the DS18B20 temperature sensor. |
MKL_RTClib | A fork of Jeelab, fantastic RTC library. |
MKS_SERVO42 | This library is used to control one or more Nema17 with MKSSERVO42 driver from an Arduino device |
MKS_SERVO57 | This library is used to control one or more Nema23 with MKSSERVO57 driver from an Arduino device |
ML8511 | ML8511 - UV sensor - library for Arduino |
MMA8653 | Allows reading the MMA8653 accelerometer. |
MMC34160PJ | A library for the Memsic's MMC34160PJ magnetometer |
Mock | Replace Arduino methods with mocked versions and let you develop code without the hardware. Run parallel hardware and system development for greater efficiency. |
MockEEPROM | The Arduino library replaces EEPROM library methods with mock methods. |
ModBusSlave | ModBus Slave RTU over RS485 |
ModbusADU | This is a library for managing Modbus RTU and TCP appication data units (ADUs). |
ModbusConfig | ModbusConfig library for ESP8266/ESP32/Arduino. The library process a modbus configuration file in JSON format. |
ModbusRTUComm | This library provides some core functions for implementing Modbus RTU communication. |
ModbusRTUMaster | This is an Arduino library that implements the master/client logic of the Modbus RTU protocol. |
ModbusRTUSlave | This is an Arduino library that implements the slave/server logic of the Modbus RTU protocol. |
ModbusSlaveLogic | This is an Arduino library for processing Modbus requests. |
ModbusTCPComm | This library provides some core functions for implementing Modbus TCP communication. |
ModbusTCPSlave | This is an Arduino library that implements the slave/server logic of the Modbus TCP protocol. |
modbusrtu | ModbusRTU implementation for Arduino. |
modem-freeRTOS | process to manage network interfaces |
MODSPI | Library for interfacing with MODSPI modules and controllers. |
ModuleMore Sumo V2 | Library for ModuleMore Sumo robot controller. |
MODULE_2RELAY | Library for M5Stack MODULE 2RELAY |
MODULE_4IN8OUT | Library for M5Stack MODULE 4IN8OUT |
Module_GRBL_13.2 | Library for M5Stack GRBL13.2 MODULE |
Module_Stepmotor | Library for M5Stack MODULE DIRECT STEPMOTOR |
moduloMap | Arduino library for modulo mapping |
MoonPhase | Get lunar phase information on a esp32. |
MorseCodeMachine | Get started with Arduino by learning Morse code. |
MorseEncoder | Enables Converting Data to Morse Code (Audio and Light). |
MOS Electronics AY-3-8910 Library | This is a library for the GI AY-3-8910. |
motix-btn99x0 | Arduino library for the Infineon DC Motor Control Shield with BTN9970LV and BTN9990LV |
MotoMama Library | Simple library for H-Bridge MotoMama. |
MotorController | Easy to use Arduino library to control virtually any DC motor controller |
MotorDMKB4_asukiaaa | It controls DMKB4 or DMKB5 |
MotorGo_Mini_Driver | The MotorGo Mini driver provides an API to interface with the motor controllers on the MotorGo Mini board. |
motor system IC TLE956x | This library provides an interface for Infineons motor system IC TLE956x |
Motoron | Motoron Motor Controller library for Arduino |
Move Buffer | Move Buffer Library for move list storage |
MovingAverage | Arduino Library for averaging fixed-point numbers |
MovingAverageAngle | Arduino & Mbed Library for averaging angles 0-360° |
MovingAverageFloat | Arduino Library for averaging float numbers |
MovingAveragePlus | Moving Average library compatible with any number type |
MPC_ruih | Linear MPC controller |
MpesaSTK | Mpesa Daraja for microcontrollers. |
MPG | C++ library for processing and converting gamepad inputs, with support for XInput, DirectInput and Nintendo Switch. |
MPU6050 | MPU6050 Arduino Library. |
mpu6050_FastAngles | Library for reading fast and accurate angles from the MPU6050 sensor with selectable filters. |
MPU6050_light | Arduino library for light and fast communication with the MPU6050. |
MPU9250 | Arduino library for MPU9250 Nine-Axis (Gyro + Accelerometer + Compass) MEMS MotionTracking™ Device |
MPU9250_asukiaaa | It manages MPU9250 |
MPU9250_WE | A library for the 9-axis accelerometer, gyrometer and magnetometer MPU9250 and the MPU6500 |
MQSpaceData | The first and only Arduino library where Geiger Counter and MQ Sensors combine with Data Science |
MQUnifiedsensor | This library allows you to read the MQ sensors very easily. |
MQ131 gas sensor | Library for measuring ozone (O3) concentration with sensor MQ131 |
MQ137 | A simple library for an sensor mq137 and ESP8266. |
MQ2_LPG | Simple library to detect LPG leaks. |
MQTT | MQTT library for Arduino |
MQTT and Serial Printer | Print/log over both serial and MQTT at the same time for debugging over both USB and wifi. |
MqttLogger | Remote logging on a mqtt broker with the same interface as Serial.print() |
MQTTPubSubClient | MQTT and MQTT over WebSoket Client for Arduino |
MQTTPubSubClient_Generic | MQTT, MQTT_over_WebSockets and Secured MQTT_over_WebSockets Client for Arduino |
MQTTRemote | MQTT wrapper for setting up an MQTT connection |
mqtt_fuota_duino | Update the firmware of your IoT devices through MQTT protocol! |
MrMx - Arduino SI4012 | Arduino SI4012 library. |
MrMx - AW9523B | AW9523B LED Driver & GPIO I2C 16bit expander library |
mr76_radar | Help you parse CAN data from MR76 radar from nanoradar aslo works for similar module like mr72. |
msTask | Use hardware Timer1 to run tasks in time preset |
MS5611 | Arduino library for MS5611 temperature and pressure sensor |
MS5611_SPI | Arduino library (SPI) for MS5611 temperature and pressure sensor |
MS5837 | Arduino library for MS5837 temperature and pressure sensor. |
MS5837_30BA_Library | A simple and easy library for the MS5837 pressure/depth sensor |
MsgPack | MessagePack implementation for Arduino (compatible with other C++ apps) |
MsgPackRosInterfaces | ROS2 common_interfaces bridge based on MsgPack |
MsgPacketizer | msgpack based serializer and deserializer with packetize for Arduino and more |
MSMPLOTTER | A library that can plot on Serial Monitor. |
MSP300 | Arduino Library for MSP300 pressure transducer (I2C). |
MT6701-arduino | MT6701 driver |
MT8870 | Arduino library for MT8870 DTMF decoder |
MTCParser | Midi Time Code (MTC) parser |
MTP40C | Arduino library for MTP40, MTP40C and MTP40D CO2 sensor |
MTP40F | Arduino library for MTP40F CO2 sensor |
MTR_ADS7830 | Arduino driver library for ADS7830 |
MTR_STUSB4500 | Arduino driver library for STUSB4500 |
muCom | The reliable, fast and easy way to exchange binary data via UART |
muTimer | Arduino library to easily use on/off delays and cycle timers with non-blocking functions. |
mufonts | Fonts for GFX library and muwerk mupplets |
MultiButton | Reliable detection of single, double and long clicks. |
MultiButtons | Library for handling multiple buttons with single analog pin for ESP32. |
Multi Channel Relay Arduino Library | Arduino library to control Multi Channel Rely. |
multi-half-bridge | Library of Infineon Multi Half-Bridge IC controllers family |
MultiMap | Library for fast non-linear interpolation by means of two arrays. |
MultiMAX6675 | Read multiple MAX6675 sensor non-blocking(ly) |
MultiResetDetector_Generic | Library to detect a multi reset, using EEPROM, DueFlashStorage, FlashStorage_SAMD, FlashStorage_RTL8720, FlashStorage_STM32 or LittleFS/InternalFS. For AVR, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, RTL8720DN, MBED nRF52840-based Nano_33_BLE, Portenta_H7, etc. boards. Now using efficient FlashStorage_STM32 library and supporting new RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO and STM32 core v2.0.0 |
MultiWire | Provides an extension to Wire to allow for multiple slave addresses. |
Multiplex | Arduino Library implementing a stream multiplexer |
MultitapKeypad | A library (driver) for matrix 4x3 or 4x4 keypad supports multi-tap and long-tap. |
munet | Modules for Wifi connectivity, NTP, OTA, MQTT on ESP32/ESP8266 compatible with muwerk scheduler, serial link for other platforms |
mupplet-core | muwerk mupplet Core Library |
mupplet-sensor | muwerk mupplet Sensor Library |
Music Shield | Arduino library to control Music Shield V2.0. |
MusicWithoutDelay | A library to play multiple musical notes at the same time without Delay. |
Musician | This library implements a virtual musician. You can easily ask him to play a melody, based on the MELO music notation from the Melody Library. |
Muwerk scheduler library | cooperative scheduler and mqtt-like communication queues |
Muwerk ustd library | A minimal and highly portable micro-standard-library for arrays, queues and maps |
MUX_SW_NXP_Arduino | Class library for NXP I2C multiplexer and switch |
MvcWebServerLib | A Model-View-Controller web server and framework. |
MX1508 | A library that makes using mx1508 dual DC motor driver easier. |
MyAlarm | A library that manage alarms and timers based tasks. |
MyBlinker | A LED blinker library for Arduino platform. |
MyDelay | Arduino library that provides a non-blocking repeating timer with callback functionality. |
MyKeywords | Define your own custom color-highlighted keywords for the Arduino IDE! |
MyLD2410 | An Arduino library for the LD2410 presence sensor |
MyMacros | The Arduino library identifies your unique collection of development boards. |
MySQL_MariaDB_Generic | Connects to MySQL or MariaDB using ESP8266/ESP32, WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720A), nRF52, SAMD21/SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, Teensy, SAM DUE, Mega, RP2040-based boards, Portenta_H7, etc. with W5x00, ENC28J60 Ethernet, Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet/QNEthernet, WiFiNINA modules/shields or Portenta_H7 WiFi/Ethernet. W5x00 can use Ethernet_Generic library. ENC28J60 can use either EthernetENC or UIPEthernet Library. |
MycilaConfig | A simple and efficient config library |
MycilaDS18 | ESP32 / Arduino Library for Dallas / Maxim DS18 sensor using RMT peripheral |
MycilaEasyDisplay | Easy to use Arduino / ESP32 library for SH1106, SH1107, SSD1306 OLED I2C displays, virtual displays and carousels |
MycilaHADiscovery | Simple and efficient Home Assistant Discovery library for Arduino / ESP32 |
MycilaJSY | Arduino / ESP32 library for the JSY1031, JSY-MK-163, JSY-MK-193, JSY-MK-194, JSY-MK-227, JSY-MK-229, JSY-MK-333 families single-phase and three-phase AC bidirectional meters from Shenzhen Jiansiyan Technologies Co, Ltd. |
MycilaLogger | A simple and efficient logging library |
MycilaMQTT | A simple and efficient MQTT/MQTTS client for Arduino / ESP32 based on Espressif API |
MycilaNTP | A simple and efficient NTP library for ESP32 / Arduino |
MycilaPulseAnalyzer | ESP32 / Arduino Library to analyze pulses from a Zero-Cross Detection circuit |
MycilaPZEM004Tv3 | Arduino / ESP32 library for the PZEM-004T v3 Power and Energy monitor |
MycilaRelay | Arduino / ESP32 library to control Electromagnetic and Solid State Relays |
MycilaSystem | Arduino / ESP32 library for system-related tasks |
MycilaTaskManager | Arduino / ESP32 Task Manager Library |
MycilaTaskMonitor | Arduino / ESP32 library to monitor task priority and stack high watermark |
MycilaTrial | Arduino / ESP32 library to add a trial duration in your app |
MycilaUtilities | Utils stuff for Arduino / ESP32 like PID, Time, CircularBuffer, etc |
NBitArray | Array of bits to save memory instead of using 8-bit boolean values. |
NColor | NColor Library. |
NDefs | NDefs library, dependency. |
NEvents | NEvents library for adding event handling. |
NFuncs | NFuncs library, dependency of other libs, useful functions. |
NPush | NPush library for Push buttons. |
nRF52_MBED_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM to create and output PWM to pins on an nRF52840-based Nano_33_BLE board. |
nRF52_MBED_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on an nRF52-based board using Arduino-mbed mbed_nano core such as Nano-33-BLE to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
nRF52_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on nRF52-based boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
nRF52_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on an nRF52-based board using Adafruit_nRF52_Arduino core such as Itsy-Bitsy nRF52840 to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
NRotary | NRotary library for using rotary encoders and gradationals. |
NStreamCom | Data communications library that encode/decodes, and buffers data |
NTimer | Timing for events, asynchronus delays |
Namino_Industrial_Boards | Namino industrial board |
NanitLib | A library for Nanit |
nanoFORTH | A simple and useful Forth for Nano. |
Navigador | Arduino library for dual DC motor navigation. |
NbMicro | Control devices that implement the NB command set over TWI (I2C). |
nb-twi-cmd | NB TWI command set. |
NecDecoder | Light library for IR receiver with NEC protocol |
NeoHWSerial | NeoHWSerial for AVR |
Neosegment | Simple control of Neosegment Displays |
Neotimer | "A powerful non-blocking timer" |
NesRob | Manipulates the Nintendo R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Buddy). |
NeumannCorrector | Arduino library for a NeumannCorrector. (randomizing streams of bits). |
NeuralNetwork | Simple MLP Neural-Network Library. |
NewEncoder | A library that makes coding an rotary encoder a breeze with useful functions |
Newhaven_CharacterOLED_SPI | SPI implementation of Newhaven display DZW series OLED displays. |
Nexgen_Rover | The Nexgen_Rover code library contains code to control the Nexgen Rover including a number of examples |
Nextion Serial String | ESP32/Arduino library for Nextion displays |
NextionX2 | A universal alternative and more flexible Nextion library |
NFC Tag M24LR6E | Arduino library to control Grove - NFC Tag |
NGLedFlasher Library | Arduino library for Flashing more then one LED |
NHBot | A Library for control NHBot |
NH8CHIR-lib | This library is a library that use for control a NH8CHIR |
NHB_AD7124 | Library for the Analog Devices AD7124-4 24 bit precision analog converter IC |
NHB_AD7794 | Library for using the Analog Devices AD7794 6ch 24 bit precision analog converter IC |
NHCSR04 | NHCSR04 for the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor. |
NibbleArray | Library to implement a compact array of nibbles (4 bit). |
NINA-Wi-Fi | Enables network connection (local and Internet) with the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, Arduino MKR VIDOR 4000, Arduino Uno WiFi Rev.2 and Nano 33 IoT. |
Nintendo | Connect all your favourite Nintendo Controllers to your Arduino. |
NintendoControllersSTM32 | Support Nunchuck, GameCube controller and Game Port joysticks on STM32F1 |
NintendoSwitchControlLibrary | A library for microcontrollers that uses Arduino to automate Nintendo Switch games. |
NL2Client | An easy-to-use client for the NoLimits 2 Telemetry Server |
nlohmann-json | Arduino/ESP-IDF library wrapper for https://github.com/nlohmann/json |
NMEA_Parser | Arduino library to parse NMEA sentences |
NoDelay | Arduino library to make use of the Millis funtion for non Blocking Delays. |
NodeRedTime | Fetch Unix Epoch timestamp from Node-Red flow. |
nodepp | nodepp is a C++ library that allow building applications in C++ as if it were being written in NodeJS compatible with Arduino Uno. |
Nokia 5110 | Nokia 5110 LCD driver |
Nokia 5110 LCD library | Arduino library for driving the Nokia 5110 LCD |
NonBlockingDallas | Arduino library for Maxim DS18B20 temperature sensor |
NonBlockingDelay | Non-blocking delay library for embedded systems, using a .hpp header. |
NonBlockingRTTTL | Non-blocking Arduino library for playing RTTTL melodies. |
Nostr | Nostr for Arduino. |
NotasMIDI | Library of MIDI notes |
Notched Shaft Encoder | Monitor the postion and clickable button status from a Notched Shaft Encoder |
Nouryas Advanced Line Follower | Allows the car to run over a specific path (Line). |
Nova Fitness Sds dust sensors library | A high-level abstaction over Sds sensors family |
Nova_SDS011 Sensor Library | Nova SDS011 dust sensor library |
NoveltyDetection | Detects Novelties/Outliers using Support Vector Machine |
NRFLite | nRF24L01+ library requiring very little code along with YouTube videos showing all available features. |
NRF51_Radio_library | Microbit Radio library for NRF51, based on runtine inplementation from Landcaster University |
NRF52_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware PWM modules on nRF52832/nRF52840 board to control multiple servo motors. |
NRF52_MBED_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an NRF52-based board using mbed-RTOS such as Nano-33-BLE. |
NRF52_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an nRF52-based board |
nrf_rng | True non-deterministic random numbers for nRF5 series chips. MIT License. |
NST1001 | NST1001 temperature sensor driver. |
NTPtime | NTPtime, UNIXtime and TimeFunc give you full control and more manipulation with time. |
NTC_Thermistor | The Library implements a set of methods for working with a NTC thermistor. |
NTPClient_Generic | Library for NTPClient to connect to an NTP time-server |
nuMROBO | An Arduino library for programming nuMROBO robot made by nuMectro Technology. |
NukiClientESP | Library for accessing the nuki smartlock with an ESP8266 |
NullPacketComms | Packet Based Serial Communication. |
NumberSpeaker | Arduino library for speaking numbers. |
nw2s_portenta_SSD1322 | ssd1322 display driver for Portenta H7 |
ODriveArduino | Library to control ODrive motor controllers |
OakOLED | An Adafruit GFX driver for the Oak OLED (an SSD1306 with no reset line) |
OBD2 | An Arduino library for reading OBD-II data from your car over CAN bus. |
OCServo | Allows user to control ROBS series servos (OCServo manufacturer). |
OctoSonar | A library to support the OctoSonar v2 HC-SR04 concentrators |
Octopus Firmware | Firmware library for Octopus integration using Arduino BLE Nano 33 rev2 or Nicla Vision. |
Oddly Specific Objects LCD FeatherWing Library | Driver for the BU9796-based LCD FeatherWing |
OLED_SSD1306_Chart | Arduino library to easily draw cartesian charts in oled displays based on the SSD1306 drivers. |
OmEspHelpers | Web front end for simple IoT projects. |
OneShot | Generates an event that occurs only once at a specified interval. |
OnlyTimer | Simple timer based on millis function. |
OOCSI | OOCSI client library for the development boards of ESP32 series, ESP8266 series, Arduino MKR Wifi 101, Arduino UNO Wifi, Arduino Nano 33 IoT, Arduino Nano RP2040, and Arduno Uno R4 WiFi |
OpcServer | Open Pixel Control (OPC) Server Library for Arduino |
OpenBCI_32bit_Library | The library for controlling OpenBCI Cyton (32bit) boards. The Cyton is the main one. |
OpenBCI_32bit_SD | The library for controlling OpenBCI Cyton (32bit) SD cards. |
OpenBCI_Ganglion_Library | The library for OpenBCI Ganglion board. Please use the DefaultGanglion.ino file in the examples to use the code that ships with every Ganglion board. Look through the skimmed down versions of the main firmware in the other examples. |
OpenBCI_Radios | The library for OpenBCI RFDuino system for GZLL |
OpenBCI_Wifi | The core of the OpenBCI Wifi Shield. |
OpenBCI_Wifi_Master | The library for controlling Push The World - OpenBCI Wifi Shield |
OpenJigWare_A | DYNAMIXEL control Library for Arduino(with Dynamixel2Arduino) |
OpenMV Arduino RPC | OpenMV Arduino RPC Interface Library |
Open RTS | Full implementation of the Somfy RTS protocol |
OpenTherm Library | OpenTherm Library for HVAC system control communication using Arduino and ESP8266/ESP32 hardware. |
oprintstream | Work with Arduino Serial libraries in a stream-like manner. |
OPT3101 | OPT3101 distance sensor library |
OPT4048 | Arduino library for Texas Instruments OPT4048 Ambient Light Sensor (ALS) |
OPTIGA Trust M | This library allows you to communicate with Optiga Trust M Security Controller |
OPTIGATrustX | This library allows you to communicate with OPTIGA™ Trust X Products. |
optoma | Arduino library to control Optoma W305ST beamer over RS232. |
Oregon | Decode data from Oregon sensors. |
OrientalAZ_asukiaaa | It controls motor driver AZ series. |
OrientalBLVR_asukiaaa | It controls BLV typeR series of Oriental Motor. |
OrientalCommon_asukiaaa | Common api of rs485 of oriental motor. |
Orvibo WiWo S20 Library | ESP8266 library for controlling Orvibo WiWo S20 smart plugs. |
osap | Multi-microcontroller plumbing, etc. |
OTAdrive_ESP | Official library to use OTAdrive services in ESP8266/ESP32 arduino platform |
OTAEsp | A simple library for the ESP8266 to set up an access point, serve HTML pages, and connect to Wi-Fi. |
OtaHelper | A esp32/8266 library to make more easy to connect to OTA server. |
OTAWrapper | ESP Library to simplify OTA setup. |
OUTPIN | Arduino library for (AVR) faster and extended output pin. |
OV5640 Auto Focus for ESP32 Camera | A library that makes the OV5640AF usable on the ESP32. |
OvhAPI | Arduino/ESP library to simplify working with OVH API. |
OVS | Simple Arduino library for oversampling ADC and other data |
P1AM | P1AM CPU library |
P1AM_Serial | P1AM_Serial CPU library |
PacketSerial | An Arduino Library that facilitates packet-based serial communication using COBS or SLIP encoding. |
Packetizer | binary data packetization encoder / decoder based on COBS / SLIP encoding |
PageBuilder | HTML string assembly aid library for ESP8266/ESP32 WebServer. |
Pairs | Text pair:value representation for dynamic data |
palindrome | Palindrome library |
PanelLan | TFT LCD Graphics config with touch for PanelLan board |
Pantalla12x8 | Library for graphics on a 12x8 screen on an Arduino R4 WiFi |
Paperdink | Arduino Library for Paperdink devices |
PAR27979 | Arduino library for Parallax 27979 serial LCD display. |
Parallax LCD | A library for writing to Parallax three wire LCDs. |
ParallelPrinter | Experimental (not complete) library to connect a parallel printer to Arduino. |
Parameter | Arduino library for handling parameters. |
PathVariableHandlers | Library for handling paths containing variables. |
PAX Graphics | The PAX computer graphics library for ESP32. |
PBEnhancer | An Arduino library for easily controlling various events of switches and buttons. |
PCA6408A | PCA6408A 8-bit I/O expander library using I2C for communication. |
PCA9536Arduino | Arduino library for PCA9536 4-Bit I2C and SMBus I/O Expander With Configuration Registers |
PCA9547 | Arduino library for PCA9547 (8-channel I2C-bus multiplexer with reset) |
PCA9549 | Arduino Library for PCA9549 I2C octal bus switch. |
PCA9551 | Arduino library for PCA9551 I2C LED driver 8 channel |
PCA9552 | Arduino library for PCA9552 I2C LED driver 16 channel |
PCA9553 | Arduino library for PCA9553 I2C LED driver 4 channel |
PCA95x5 | Arduino library for PCA9535 and PCA9555 (Remote 16-bit I2C and SMBus I/O Expander with Interrupt Output and Configuration Registers) |
PCA9624 | Arduino library for PCA9624 8-bit Fm+ I2C-bus 100 mA 40 V LED driver |
PCA9632 | Arduino library for PCA9632 and PCA9633 4 channel, I2C LED driver. |
PCA9634 | Arduino library for PCA9634 I2C LED driver 8 channel |
PCA9635 | Arduino library for PCA9635 I2C LED driver, 16 channel PWM, 8 bit. |
PCA9685_LED_DRIVER | GPIO I2C driver for PCA9685 |
PCA9685_RT | Arduino library for PCA9685 I2C LED driver, 16 channel PWM, 12 bit. |
PCA9698 | GPIO I2C driver for PCA9698 |
PCA9698_RT | Arduino library for the PCA9698 - I2C, 40 channel IO expander. |
PCD8544 | Philips PCD8544 or compatible LCD library. |
PCF2129 | Arduino library for RTC PCF2129 with integrated quartz crystal |
PCF8563_RTC | A library that interfaces with the PCF8563 RTC. |
PCF8575 | Arduino library for PCF8575 - 16 channel I2C IO expander |
PCF8575 library | PCF8575, library for Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards, esp32, SMT32 and ESP8266. |
PCF8591 | PCF8591 library for Arduino. Supports multiple I2C WireN bus. |
PCF8591 library | PCF8591, library for Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards, esp32, SMT32 and ESP8266. |
PCM51xx DAC | Arduino library for TI PCM51xx DAC ICs software configuration via I2C. |
PCR | Arduino library for PCR process control. |
PCT2075 | Arduino library for I2C PCT2075 temperature sensor / thermal watchdog. |
PE43xx | Simplifies usage of PE43xx family of attenuators. |
Pelco_And_Arduino | This library makes Pelco cameras moves! |
pepstep | Stepper Motor Scheduler for Arduino |
percent_encode | Convert between URL-unsafe string and percent encoded string. |
PERIPUMP | Arduino library for peristaltic pump DFR0523 and compatibles. |
PersWiFiManager | Persistent WiFi Manager |
PGMTools | PGMTools |
pgm_utils | Wrappers and helpers for Arduino PROGMEM functions |
PH4502C-Sensor | Arduino library for PH4502C sensor. |
PI3EQX12908A2 | PI3EQX12908 PCIe 3.0 redriver library for I2C mode |
PI4IOE5V6416 | Arduino library for PI4IOE5V6416 16-bit general-purpose I/O expander |
PI4IOE5V9554 | Arduino library for PI4IOE5V9554 8-bit general-purpose I/O expander |
Piano Board | PianoBoard library for the Piano Board from Cheerful Electronic |
PicoAnalogCorrection | Arduino library to calibrate and improve ADC measurements with the Raspberry Pi Pico including the built-in temp sensor. |
Pico PIO USB | Pico PIO USB library for Arduino |
PicoPLC | This library providing a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support all version of Raspberry pi PICO,PICO W |
PicoSoftwareSerial | Quick 'n' dirty PIO based implementation of SoftwareSerial for an RP2040 based board |
Pico_Keyboard | Controls a keyboard composed of a key matrix. |
pid-autotune | PID autotuning library |
PIDController | A library that implements PID control to your code. |
PID_RT | Arduino PID library |
PID_v2 | PID controller |
PinButtonEvents | Library for handling button events with various conditions and debouncing support. |
PinChangeInterrupt | A simple & compact PinChangeInterrupt library for Arduino. |
PinInGroup | A class that groups input pins so they can be read in one logical step. |
PinMatrix | Pin grid-matrix reader |
PinOutGroup | A class that groups output pins so they can be updated easier and slightly faster on average. |
PinScribe | A library to manage and handle GPIO pin events such as button presses, long presses, and double presses. |
PIR | PIR library for Arduino. |
PIR8575 | Arduino library for 16 channel PIR detection system based upon PCF8575. |
Pixel_Spork | Pixel Spork is an Arduino library for controlling addressable LEDs. |
pixels-dice-interface | An Arduino library for Pixels Dice |
PixhawkArduinoMAVLink | Arduino Library to receive Pixhawk sensor's data |
PixieChromaLite | RAM-limited Library for controlling Pixie Chroma displays on small microcontrollers! |
Pixie_Chroma | Library for controlling Pixie Chroma displays! |
PL ADXL355 | Analog Devices ADXL355 accelerometer library |
PLCustomDevices | [BETA] Perfect Lights Custom Devices official library |
PLSduino | Partial Least Squares for arduino using eigen |
PlayNote | A library that makes translate notes of song to Hz and play it through passive buzzer. |
PLCCore2 | This library providing a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support all version of MiniPLC-32u,MiniPLC-S3 ,DinoPLC |
Plex64 | A library for the Plex64 analog input multiplexer shield. |
Plotter | An Arduino library for easy plotting on host computer via serial communication. |
PM2008 I2C | Arduino library to control Cubic PM2008 I2C |
PMIC_BQ25896 | Arduino Library for Power Management and Battery Charging IC BQ25896 from Texas Instruments. |
PMS Library | Arduino library for Plantower PMS sensors. |
pngle | A stream based portable PNG Loader for Embedding |
PodEnoSim | A library to interface with Pod ENO SIM Application |
PollingTimer | Arduino library to manage timing and event in a flexible way with polling |
PololuBuzzer | PololuBuzzer library for Arduino |
PololuLedStrip | Arduino library for addressable RGB LED strips from Pololu |
PololuMaestro | Pololu Maestro Servo Controller library for Arduino |
PololuMenu | Pololu library for simple LCD Menus. |
PololuOLED | Arduino library for displaying text and graphics on a SH1106 OLED display. |
PololuQik | Arduino library for the Pololu Qik dual serial motor controllers |
PololuRPiSlave | Pololu Raspberry Pi I2C Slave Arduino library |
Pololu3piPlus32U4 | Arduino library for the Pololu 3pi+ 32u4 Robot |
Portenta_H7_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on Portenta_H7 board to control multiple servo motors. |
Portenta_H7_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on an STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 board to create and output PWM to pins. |
Portenta_H7_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on an STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 board to create and output PWM to pins. |
Portenta_H7_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 board. PWM feature can now be used |
Posit | Library for posit arithmetic on Arduino Uno and other microcontrollers |
PositionControl | This is a library aiming at implementing pid control to control the position of a DC motor with feedback from quadrature encoder using speed control driver that accepts PWM input. It is a multifunctional program with extra feature of tuning the gain parameters and very useful for robotic enthusiast in wheeled robots |
Potentiometer_ADI_Arduino | Demo code for AD5161 |
POV library | Arduino library for POV effects |
PowerFlex4m | Abstraction layer for simple ModBus communications with PowerFlex 4m VFDs |
PowerMonitor | A Power monitor library |
Pozyx | Library for the pozyx indoor positioning shield |
PPMEncoder | A library to encode/generate a PPM signal for controlling RC Cars, etc... |
PPPOSClient | A client library for gsm ppp protocol. |
Prandom | Arduino library for random number generation with Python random interface. |
PrayerTimes | A lightweight Arduino library for calculating Islamic prayer times based on multiple methods. |
PrecDueTimer | Timer Library that is optimized for when frequent changes to the timer(s) period/frequency are required. |
Preferences | Preferences library for Arduino, ESP8266 and Particle Gen3 devices |
PreferencesCLI | Arduino library to allow access to the Preferences library via the SimpleCLI library. |
pressure | Arduino library for pressure conversion. |
PrintCharArray | Library to capture prints into a char array. |
printHelpers | Arduino library to help formatting data for printing. 64 bit integers (base 10 and 16). Engineering and scientific notation. |
PrintSize | Library to determine size of a printed variable. |
PrintString | Library to capture prints into a String. |
Profiler | Easily profile your Arduino functions to see how much time they take. The output can be disabled and enabled at runtime. Very lightweight. |
Progetto One Pin Keypad | A library to use the One Pin Keypad. |
PROGMEMAssert | Assert for Arduino that saves RAM by storing assert strings in PROGMEM and prints to Serial. |
programmable_air | Basic functions to control the Programmable-Air board. |
protectedAES | AES library with protection against Side Channel Attacks. |
ProtoCentral AFE4490 PPG and SpO2 boards library | Library for the Protocentral AFE4490 Shield and Breakout board |
ps2dev | Library to emulate PS2 keyboard/mouse using arduino |
pseudospectrum | A library that adds spectrum data to a pseudospectrum (additive) using linear interpolation |
Psgino | A library to control PSG (AY-3-8910, YMZ294, etc.) with MML. |
PsychicHttp | PsychicHttp is a robust webserver that supports http/https + websockets. |
Psychrometer | Library for psychrometer - read humidity from two thermometers |
ptScheduler | Arduino timing library for writing non-blocking periodic tasks without using delay or millis routines. |
PTSolns_I2CBackpack | Control the PTSolns I2C Backpack. |
PTSolns_InterfaceShield | PTSolns library for Interface-Shield. |
PTSolns_microWatt | microWatt Support Library (mSL). |
PT2258 | A library to control the 6-Channel Electronic Volume Controller PT2258 |
PT2314 | Arduino library for PT2314 i2C 4 channel audio processor, |
PTW-Arduino-Assert | The library Push The World uses for unit testing. |
PTZProtocolHandler | An Arduino library for reading PTZ commands through RS485 (protocols Pelco-D, Pelco-P, Dahau, Hikvision, Hanbang are supported). |
PU2CLR AKC695X | Control your AKC6955 Family (AKC6951, AKC6955 and AKC6959) BROADCAST FM, AM (LW, MW and SW) RECEIVER. |
PU2CLR BK108X | Control your BK1086 and BK1088 BROADCAST FM, AM (LW, MW and SW) RECEIVER. |
PU2CLR KT0915 | Control your KT0915 BROADCAST FM, AM (LW, MW and SW) RECEIVER. |
PU2CLR MCP23008 | Control the MCP23008/MCP23S08 8-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface with your Arduino |
PU2CLR PCF8574 | Control the PCF8574 8-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface with your Arduino |
PU2CLR RDA5807 | Control your RDA5807 BROADCAST FM from RDA Microelectronics Inc. |
PU2CLR SI470X | Control your SI470X (si4703, si4702, si4701) BROADCAST FM/RDS. |
PU2CLR SI4735 | Control your Silicon Labs SI47XX Family (Si4730, Si4732, Si4731, Si4734, Si4735, Si4740, Si4745 etc) BROADCAST AM/FM/SW RADIO RECEIVER. |
PU2CLR SI4844 | Control your SI4822, SI4826, SI4827, SI4840, 4844A, and 4844B BROADCAST ANALOG TUNING DIGITAL DISPLAY AM/FM/SW RADIO RECEIVER. |
PubSubClient | A client library for MQTT messaging. |
PubSubClient_iiot | A fork of Nick O'Leary's PubSubClient to enable protobuf will messages. |
PulseDivider | Arduino library to divide a pulse stream with a float factor. |
pulseInput | Non-blocking alternative to pulseIn |
PulsePattern | Library to generate repeating pulse patterns. (AVR only) |
PulseSensor Playground | Support at PulseSensor.com |
PushButtonTaps | Read Push Button Debounced as Single Tap, Double Tap or Long Press without blocking program. |
Pushbutton | Pushbutton library for Arduino |
Pushdata_ESP8266_SSL | Free, ultra-simple time series data storage for your IoT sensors |
PwFusion_Data_Transfer | PwFusion I2C communication simplification library |
PwFusion_I2C_Buttons_Arduino_Library | PwFusion I2C Buttons interface library |
PwFusion_I2C_Encoder_Arduino_Library | PwFusion I2C Encoder interface library |
PwFusion_I2C_Joystick_Arduino_Library | PwFusion I2C Joystick interface library |
PwFusion_I2C_Toggle_Arduino_Library | PwFusion I2C switch interface library |
PWFusion_MAX31856 | MAX31856 Thermocouple Interface Library |
PWFusion_Max31865 | MAX31865 RTD Sensor Measurement Library |
PWFusion_Mcp2515 | MCP2515 SPI CAN Controller Library |
PWFusion_Mcp960x | MCP9601 I2C Thermocouple Measurement Library |
PWFusion_TCA9548A | TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer Library |
PWMrelay | Low-frequency software PWM for relay |
PxServ | PxServ Library for ESP32 / ESP8266 |
PZEM004Tv30 | Library for the PZEM-004T v3.0 Power and Energy monitor |
QDispatch | Synchronous task library. |
QList | Library implements linked lists |
QDEC | High-efficiency, state-machine based quadrature decoder. |
qlibs | A collection of useful libraries for embedded systems. |
Qlink | serial command API library for Arduino. |
Qmi8658c | Interface with Qmi8658c Inertial Measurement Unit |
QN8066 | Control your TX/RX QN8066 device |
QuadratureEncoder | A library for quadrature encoder utilizing enableInterrupt.h. |
QuarkDB | A No-SQL Json Document DB based on ArduinoJson 6 with command line interface and APIs for esp8266 and esp32 using SPIFFS |
QuarkTS | An open-source OS for embedded applications that supports prioritized cooperative scheduling, time control, inter-task communications primitives, hierarchical state machines and CoRoutines. |
QubitroMqttClient | (BETA) Easily connect to Qubitro IoT Platform with customized MQTT methods. |
Queuetue Digital Balance Library | A library of functions to build a digital balance |
Queuetue HX711 Library | Simple driver for the HX711 ADC. |
QuickCharge | Library for control QuickCharge 2.0/3.0 power adapter or charger |
QuickPID | A fast PID controller with multiple options. Various Integral anti-windup, Proportional and Derivative control modes. |
QwiicUART Library | An Arduino library to utilize the NXP SC16IS741 as a hardware serial port controlled via I2C. |
QZSSDCX | QZSS DCX Decode Library |
R4A_ESP32 | Robots-For-All ESP32 support routines. |
R4A_I2C | Robots-For-All I2C support routines. |
R4A_Robot | Robots-For-All robot support routines. |
RAKwireless ADS7830 library | RAKWireless library for the RAK16001 Sensor Modules |
RAKwireless-Audio-library | RAKWireless library for the RAK audio module |
RAKwireless CAP1293 Touch Pad library | RAKWireless library for the RAK14002 module with the CAP1293 sense IC |
RAKwireless I3G4250D Gyroscope library | RAKWireless library for the RAK12025 module with I3G4250D Gyroscope |
RAKwireless MQx library | RAKWireless library for the MQx Gas Sensor Modules |
RAKwireless NCP5623 RGB LED library | RAKWireless library for the RAK14001 module with the NCP5623 RGB LED |
RAKwireless-RAK12021-TCS37725 | RAKWireless library for the RAK12021 RGB Light Sensor with the TCS37725 |
RAKwireless RAK12033 Library | Arduino library for RAK12033 6DoF sensor. |
RAKwireless RAK12034 | RAKWireless library for the WisBlock 9DOF RAK12034 module, based on Bosch BMX160 |
RAKwireless TLE7259 LIN Bus library | RAKWireless library for the RAK13005 LIN bus module with the TLE7259 chip |
RAKwireless VEML Light Sensor | RAKWireless library for the RAK12010 ambient light sensor module with the VEML7700 chip |
RAKwireless_ADC_SGM58031_library | RAKWireless library for ADC |
RadSensBoard | An Arduino library for RadSens Geiger counter board. |
RADAR | Arduino library for a pan tilt radar. |
radar-bgt60 | C++ library for the BGT60LTR11AIP - XENSIV™ 60 Ghz Radar from Infineon |
RadiationWatch | Arduino driver for Radiation Watch Pocket Geiger sensor |
RadioLib | Universal wireless communication library |
RAIN | Arduino library for FC-37 analog rain sensor and compatibles. |
RAK-OneWireSerial | RAKWireless OneWireSerial |
RAK12022-MAX31865 | RAKWireless library for the RAK12022-MAX31865 |
RAK12029-LDC1614 | RAKWireless library for the RAK12029 Induction Sensor module |
RAK12035_SoilMoisture | Provide access to all functions of the RAKwireless RAK12023/RAK12035 Soil Moisture Sensor. |
RAK13006-MCP2518 library | Arduino library for controlling CAN communication |
RAK13801_UWB | Arduino library to use Decawave DW1000 IC. |
RAK14000_EPD | RAKWireless library for the RAK14000 EPD module |
RAK14014-FT6336U | Arduino library for TFT display |
RAK15007-CY15B108QN | Arduino library for controlling FRAM. |
RAK1500x-MB85RC | RAKWireless library for the FRAM |
Rando HX711 Library | Simple driver for the HX711 ADC, with various options for output formatting/scaling. |
RandomForestModel | A library for Linear Regression modeling in Arduino projects. |
randomHelpers | Arduino library with helper function for faster random bits |
Random16 | Fast 16 bit random number generator |
RapifireMqttClient | Enables the communication between Arduino and RAPIFIRE platform. |
Raspberry Pi Pico CPU Temperature | Get the CPU temperature of your Raspberry Pi Pico |
RBD_Button | Read and debounce buttons and switches. |
RBD_Capacitance | Measure change in capacitance. |
RBD_HumanSensor | Detect human presence, touch, and pickup events. |
RBD_Light | Control many lights. |
RBD_LightSensor | Read and calibrate photoresistors. |
RBD_Motor | Control many motors without delay. |
RBD_SerialManager | A simple interface for serial communication. |
RBD_Servo | Control many servos without delay. |
RBD_Threshold | Set and check numeric quantile scales. |
RBD_Timer | Manage many timed events. |
RBD_WaterSensor | Measure and calibrate water level sensors. |
RBE1001Lib | Support robotics education with simplified support classes. |
Rdebug | The Arduino library provides a unique form of debugging. |
RDV GY-512 Library | An Arduino library to simplify reading values from the GY-512 gyroscope, accelerometer, and temperature sensor. |
ReGIS | ReGIS, short for Remote Graphic Instruction Set, is a vector graphics markup language for embedded devices using serial interfaces. |
ReWire MAX32664 Biosensor Hub Library | Library for interfacing with the MAX32664 biometric hub |
ReactESP | Asynchronous programming library for the ESP32 and other microcontrollers compatible with the Arduino framework. |
React_Generic | Asynchronous programming library for the generic microcontrollers compatible with the Arduino framework. |
ReadFilter | An arduino library with functions for filtering noisy analogRead signals |
ReceptorRF | Permite recibir códigos de controls RF o IR de cualquier extensión de bits. |
ReciclaBot | Biblioteca do projeto ReciclaBot do IFPA Paragominas. |
Redis for Arduino | An Arduino library for Redis. |
ReefwingLPS22HB | Arduino Library for the LPS22HB Pressure Sensor. |
ReefwingLSM9DS1 | Arduino Library for the LSM9DS1 9-axis IMU. |
ReefwingMotorShield | A library that supports the Reefwing Motor Shield and Carrier Board. |
Reefwing_imuTypes | common structs and enums used by the Reefwing IMU Libraries. |
relativity | library with relativity functions. |
Relay | Simple relay usage |
RelayModule | The Library implements a set of methods for working with a digital relay module. |
Remocon | IOSignal Remocon Examples for https://remocon.kr app |
RemoteDebug | A library for Arduino to debug projects over WiFi, with web app or telnet client, with Print commands like Serial Monitor. |
RemoteDebug2 | A library for ESP2866 and ESP32 for debuging projects over WiFi. |
RemoteDebugger | RemoteDebug addon: RemoteDebugger, an simple software debugger - based on SerialDebug Library |
RemoteSignal | Remote Signal Arduino Client. |
RepeatButton | RepeatButton Library for Arduino. |
RequestBuilder | HTTP request header/body/parameter builder |
ResistorReader_asukiaaa | It read value of a resistor. |
ResponsiveAnalogRead | Arduino library for eliminating noise in analogRead inputs without decreasing responsiveness |
Restfully | Handles Rest requests including parsing of URIs with arguments. |
RevEng PAJ7620 | Arduino library to provide a driver and API for the PixArt PAJ7620 (PAJ7620U2 or PAJ7620F2) integrated gesture recognition sensor. |
RG15-Arduino | The RG15 Arduino Library (RG15-Arduino) provides robust communication with the RG15 Rain Gauge Sensor over a serial interface. |
RGB-LED-Lighting-Shield | C++ library for Infineons RGB-LED-Lighting-Shields |
RGB LED Lighting Shield XMC1202 | This library provides an interface to communicate with the RGB LED Lighting Shield XMC1202 via I2C interface. |
RGBProgress | Calculate an RGB color according to a progression. |
RGBWConverter | Hue preserving RGB to RGBW conversion library for Arduino! |
RichHttpServer | An addon for ESP8266WebServer which makes common tasks for developing a rich REST API straightforward. |
RingBuf | A library for buffering items into a ring (circular/FIFO) buffer |
RingBufCPP | A C++ library for buffering items into a ring (circular/FIFO) buffer |
RingEEPROM | The library increases the arduino EEPROM Write endurance |
Ringo by CircuitMess Library | Ringo is an educational DIY mobile phone designed to bring electronics and programming to the crowd in a fun and interesting way. |
RLEBitmap | Run Length Encoded bitmaps |
RMCS-220X | A library to facilitate the control of a Rhino RMCS-220X Servo Motor over i2c. |
RMDX | Arduino library for MyActuator's RMD-X brushless motors |
RobbusKidsy | Rocket Launcher library of the Robbus Kidsy robot vehicle |
ROBLEX | library for the ROBLEX Development Kit |
RoboHeart | Arduino library for the RoboHeart |
Robot | Arduino library to imitate a real car. |
RobotLib | A robotics library to simplify implementing generic robotics hardware. |
Robotec | Biblioteca para robotica educativa |
Rocket Scream LowPowerAVRZero | Low power management for MegaAVR 0-series MCU. |
Rocket Scream RTCAVRZero | Minimalistic RTC (Real Time Counter) implementation for MegaAVR 0-series MCU. |
RogueMP3 | A library to communicate with the Rogue Robotics MP3 Playback Modules. |
RogueSD | A library to communicate with the Rogue Robotics Data Storage Modules. |
Romi32U4 | Romi 32U4 Arduino library |
roo_backport | Backport of some of C++17 and C++20 functionality, so that it can be used with older compilers. |
roo_collections | Memory-conscious collections, supporting flat small hashtables, hash maps, and hash sets. |
roo_control | Arduino relays, port extenders, debouncing, retries: common abstractions and implementations. |
roo_flags | Minimalistic library for run-time configuration flags. |
roo_icons | Collection of icons for use with the roo_display library. |
roo_io | Unified I/O library for microcontrollers. |
roo_io_arduino | Arduino filesystem adapters for the roo_io library. |
roo_logging | Logging library, targeted at ESP32 and related boards. |
roo_material_icons | Collection of icons for use with the roo_display library. |
roo_onewire | Arduino library for OneWire thermometers. |
roo_scheduler | Allows scheduling delayed and/or repetitive tasks. |
roo_time | Basic management of elapsed time, wall time, and date time, with multi-timezone support. |
roo_time_ds3231 | Arduino driver for DS3231 real-time clock, compliant with roo_time. |
roo_wifi | WiFi controller library for ESP32, supporting storing persistent configuration in flash, and abstracting away the architecture. |
roo_windows_onewire | GUI OneWire thermometers configurator for ESP32, using roo_windows. |
RoomWeather | Arduino library that provides plug and play support for various air quality sensors. |
RotEnc | Simple library for handling a 2-phase rotary encoder. |
rotaryDecoder | Arduino library for a PCF8574 based rotary decoder. |
rotaryDecoderSwitch | Arduino library for a PCF8574 based rotary decoder + switch. |
rotaryDecoderSwitch5 | Arduino library for a PCF8575 based rotary decoder + switch. |
rotaryDecoder8 | Arduino library for a PCF8575 based rotary decoder. |
RotaryDial | Library to read pulse dialing data from telephone rotary dials |
RotaryEncoderPCNT | ESP32 rotary encoder implementation, using pulse counter (PCNT) peripheral. |
Rotary_encoder | Reads the position of a rotary encoder. |
RP2040-BrtEve | Library for BridgeTek EVE series |
RP2040_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on RP2040 board to control multiple servo motors. |
RP2040_PIO_Charlieplexing | A RP2040 PIO program for 6-leds and 5-leds Charlieplexing. |
RP2040_PWM | his library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on RP2040-based boards, such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, with either Arduino-mbed (mbed_nano or mbed_rp2040) or arduino-pico core to create and output PWM to any GPIO pin. |
RP2040_RTC | This library enables you to use RTC from RP2040-based boards such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO |
RP2040_SD | This library enables you to use SPI SD cards with RP2040-based boards such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO using either RP2040 Arduino-mbed or arduino-pico core. |
RP2040_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on RP2040-based boards, such as ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, etc., with arduino-pico core to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
RPI_PICO_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on RP2040-based boards such as RASPBERRY_PI_PICO |
RS485 | RS485 library for Arduino. |
rs485_asukiaaa | Functions and classes about rs485 modbus. |
rssRead | Read rss (xml) and return an array of strings. |
RTClib | A fork of Jeelab's fantastic RTC library |
RTCVars | This library eases the storage of variables in reset-safe RTC memory. |
RTC_NXP_Arduino | Class library for NXP RTCs |
RTC_RX8025NB | A simple Arduino RTC library for the EPSON RX-8025NB module. |
RTC_RX8025T | Arduino library for the RX8025T real time clock (RTC) |
rtc_utils | Wrapper for esp8266 rtc functions |
RTL8720_RTC | This library enables you to use RTC from RTL8720-based boards such as RTL8720DN, RTL8722DM, RTL8722CSM. |
RTL8720_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an RTL8720-based board |
RTT QRCode | RT-Thread QR Code App |
RTT Stream | Arduino library for Segger RTT Real-Time Transfer |
RUI3-Arduino-Library | RUI3 Arduino AT command library. |
RunAvgWeight | Running Average with weight of N elements. |
runner | A kind of shell for Arduino. |
runningAngle | Library to average angles by means of low pass filtering with wrapping. |
RunningAverage | The library stores the last N individual values in a circular buffer to calculate the running average. |
RunningMedian | The library stores the last N individual values in a buffer to select the median. |
RunningStats | It computes simple running statistics. |
RussianText_u8g | Russian text for library u8g_lib |
RV-1805-C3 | Library for Micro Crystal RV-1805-C3 extreme low power RTC module. |
RV-3028-C7 | Library for Micro Crystal RV-3028-C7 extreme low power RTC module. |
RV3028 | Basic library for the RV-3028-C7 RTC |
RV8523 | A library to control the RV-8523-C3 RTC. |
RV8803Tiny | A library to drive the RV8803 extremely precise, extremely low power, real-time clock from new ATTINY series that run on MegaTinyCore. |
RX8900 | Arduino library for RX8900 series RTC IC control. |
sACN | Library for sACN ANSI E1.31 |
sACNSource | defines sACN (ANSI E1.31) protocol packets for DMX-512 lighting control. |
sMQTTBroker | A simple broker library for MQTT messaging. |
sTune | Open loop PID autotuner using a novel s-curve inflection point test method. |
S11059 | A color sensor library for Arduino |
S4ALib | Simple library for S4A EDU Robotic Controller. |
S5851A | A temperature sensor library for Arduino |
S8_UART | SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor library using UART communication |
S9706 | A color sensor library for Arduino |
SakuraIO | Library for Sakura Communication Module (https://sakura.io/) |
SAMD_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on SAMD21/SAMD51 board to control multiple servo motors. |
SAMD_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on SAMD21/SAMD51-based boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
SAMD_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on SAMD21/SAMD51 boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
SAMD_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on SAMD-based boards such as SAMD21 Nano-33-IoT, Adafruit SAMD51 Itsy-Bitsy M4, SeeedStudio XIAO, Sparkfun SAMD51_MICROMOD, etc. |
SAMDUE_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on SAMDUE boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
SAMDUE_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on an Arduino SAM_DUE board to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
SAMDUE_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an SAM-DUE-based board |
sarmfsw | sarmfsw |
SBC | Allows communications with a Steel Battalion Controller using a Teensy 4.0 or 4.1 |
SC16IS7X0 | Library to read and write UART and GPIO for the SC16IS740_750_760 |
scd30_modbus | Arduino library for the SCD30 sensors |
SceneManager | cooperative multi-scene manager for Arduino |
SchedTask | Task Scheduler Library for Arduino |
SchmittTrigger | A lightweight schmitt trigger for debouncing and filtering. |
SchooMyUtilities | A utility library for schoomy. |
ScioSense_APC1 | Arduino library for the Air Purification Combo ONE sensor with UART or I2C communication interface |
ScioSense_ENS16x | Arduino library for the ENS16x digital four channel MOX gas sensor family with I2C interface from ScioSense |
ScioSense_ENS21x | Arduino library for ENS21x digital temperature & humidity sensors with I2C interface from ScioSense |
ScioSense_ENS220 | Library for the ENS220 pressure and temperature sensor by ScioSense |
SCL3300 | A library for SPI communication with the Murata SCL3300 Inclinometer sensor. |
sclm-p105_shield | SCLM-P105 SHIELD library |
ScrollingText8x8Display | Display a scrolling text on a 8x8 LED display. |
sd-ducky-v1 | HID attack with SD card support |
SdFat | Provides access to SD memory cards. |
SdFat - Adafruit Fork | Provides access to SD memory cards and (Q)SPI Flash. |
SD2405 | Arduino library for I2C SD2405 RTC and compatibles. |
SD_card_logger | SD card logger, easy to use library for data logging |
SDPSensor-ESP | arduino-esp library for Sensirion's Differential Pressure sensors |
SDU_CAR | Enables the use of all the functions used by the SDU Car. |
Seeed Arduino 24GHz Radar Sensor | An extensible library for interfacing with 24GHz Radar Sensor devices |
Seeed Arduino 8Channel I2C Hub | An extensible library for interfacing with 8Channel I2C Hub |
Seeed Arduino FS | A friendly library for file operation. |
Seeed Arduino rpcBLE | A lightweight BLE Arduino Library |
Seeed Arduino rpcUnified | An rpc system can be connected to the rtl8720 module |
Seeed Arduino rpcWiFi | A lightweight WiFi Arduino Library |
Seeed Arduino RTC | RTC library for SAMD21 and SAMD51. |
Seeed Arduino SFUD | Library for Seeed Arduino SFUD |
Seeed Arduino Sketchbook | Wio Terminal and Other Seeed Demos |
Seeed Arduino SSCMA | Arduino library for SSCMA-Mirco Device |
Seeed-PCA9685 | Arduino library of 16-Channel Servo Driver |
Seeed Serial MP3 Player | Arduino library for controlling Grove Mp3 |
Seeed_Arduino_AHT20 | A AHT20 library for Arduino. |
Seeed_Arduino_mbedtls | Seeed Arduino library for TLS/SSL connection |
Seeeduino GPRS | Arduino library to control Seeeduino GPRS. |
semilimes | sdk to allow MCUs to connect to semilimes |
SensesInnoma | A library for send data from Internet of Things to "Innoma Platform" |
Sensesiot | A library for send data from Internet of Things to "Sensesiot" |
Sensor | A simple Arduino Sensor/map wrapper |
SensorLib | Commonly used I2C , SPI device multi-platform libraries |
SensorPlot WebInterface | WebInterface to display Sensor-Data. |
SensorToButton | An algorithm to convert analog Data into a Button. |
SensorWLED | Provides methods to retrieve instant and peak values from the ADC input. The Arduino library SensorWLED splits the input from a varying analog signal from the ADC into components, i.e., provides the capability of a sample-and-hold circuit. |
Sequent Home Automation HAT | A easy to use Arduino Library for Home Automation HAT |
Serde | Exchange structured data between Arduino boards |
SerialCAN | A library that lets you send data over Serial using the CAN communication protocol |
SerialCommand | Arduino library for Serial Commands over a serial port |
Serial Data Exporter | This library provides a simple way to collect and export data via Serial in various output formats. |
SerialDebug | Improved serial debug to Arduino with debug levels an simple software debugger |
SerialDebugger | A library for serial port debugging parameter for Arduino or ESP32. |
serialEEPROM | Arduino Library for I2C EEPROM |
SerialMenuCmd | This library constitutes a basic command line interface |
SerialMIIO | A library for serial communication with Xiaomi IoT module. |
SerialMP3 | A library for Serial MP3 Player board GD3300D/TD5580A chip. |
serialMux | Serial multiplexer for Arduino |
serial-readline | Arduino library for buffered serial line reading |
SerialRFID | Arduino library to read RFID tags from ID-innovations RFID readers (e.g. ID-12LA) using serial. |
SerialTerminalIO | Toolbox for creating terminal control |
SerialTransfer | Arduino library to transfer packetized data fast/reliably via UART/Serial |
serial-transport | ASCII based protocol to communicate reliably over a serial connection without hardware flow control. |
SerialTuning | Tune variables without a sweat. |
SerialUtil | A library for sending/recieving data between two arduino's over serial communication |
SerialVariable | Save values to the Arduino over Serial |
SerialWombat | A library to drive the Serial Wombat Family by UART or I2C. |
SerialWombat18ABVGADriver | A library to Connect the Serial Wombat 18AB VGA Pin mode to Adafruit GFX |
Serial_BLE | Customizable BLE Serial (UART) library. |
Series | It's like a task list. |
ServoESP32 | Generate RC servo signal on a selected pins with ESP32 device and Arduino framework. |
ServoESP32Fix | Generate RC servo signal on a selected pins with ESP32 device and Arduino framework, fixed support for latest ESP32 core |
Servo Hardware PWM | Allows Arduino/Genuino Mega boards to control up to 9 servos with the integrated 16-bit hardware PWM timer/counter. |
ServoMotor | Library to make a custom/DIY servo motor. |
ServoSmooth | Library for smooth control of servo motor |
servodht11 | Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors |
SET | Arduino library to implement simple SET datastructure. |
SetPoint | A library that makes detecting changes on an analog input simple. |
SevSeg | Turns your Arduino into a seven segment display controller! |
SevSegShift | Fork of SevSeg that adds the functionality of Shift Registers |
Seven Segment Library | Arduino Library for using common anode seven segment display |
SevenSegmentsDisp | Library for Seven Segments Displays |
Seven Segments K | Library for working with Seven Segments displays |
sf22aswt | Lazy loading a Soundfont2 sf2 file that can then be converted into a object, that can then be used with Teensy AudioSynthWavetable. Latest release uses automatic use of extmem if available, and also have early check if available ram is sufficient. |
SFM-V1.7 | Interfacing to the SFM-V1.7 Fingerprint Sensor for ESP32 platform |
SGP30 | Arduino library for SGP30 environment sensor. |
Sharer | Arduino library that simplifies Serial communication |
SharpDistSensor | Sharp analog distance sensor library |
Sharp GP2Y Dust Sensor | Read dust density using Sharp GP2Y Dust Sensors like GP2Y1010AU0F and GP2Y1014AU0F |
sharpIRSensor | Toolbox for IR meters by Sharp |
Shellminator | This library can be used to interface with VT-100 compatible terminal emulators. |
SHEX | Arduino library to generate hex dump over Serial |
ShiftInSlow | Arduino library for shiftIn with build-in delay - e.g. for 74HC165 |
ShiftLcd | A library for using a LCD with as few pins as possible. |
ShiftOutSlow | Arduino library for shiftOut with build-in delay - e.g. for 74HC165 |
ShiftRegister | Allows Arduino boards to write numbers to shift register (DEC -> BIN) |
ShiftRegisterController | An Arduino library that allows seamless control of the 74HC595 shift register. |
ShiftRegister-PWM-Library | Makes shift register pins PWM capable. |
ShiftRegisterPWM595 | Library for 74HC595 control PWM |
ShiftRegister74HC595 | Simplifies usage of shift registers, designed for the 74HC595. |
Shifty | Extremely flexible and easy-to-use shift register driver for 74HC595 shift registers |
SHT2x | Arduino library for the I2C SHT20 SHT21 SHT25 series temperature and humidity sensor. |
SHT31 | Arduino library for the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor |
SHT31_SW | Arduino library for the I2C SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor |
SHT31_SWW | Arduino library for the I2C SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor |
sht3x-dis-arduino-lib | A library for SHT3X-DIS sensor from Sensirion |
SHT85 | Arduino library for the SHT85, SHT30, SHT31, SHT35 Sensirion temperature and humidity sensors and compatibles. |
Shutters | Allows non-smart roller-shutters to be percentage-controlled using time |
SiC45xDriver | A library to talk to the SiC45x series buck converters using I2C (Wire). |
SI1145_WE | An Arduino library for the SI1145 VIS, IR, PS and UV-Index sensor. |
SID6581 | SID 6581/8580 Chiptune Player / MIDI slave for ESP32 |
SiderealObjects | A library for providing basic astronomy related object tables. |
SiderealPlanets | A library for providing basic astronomy related functions. |
SiguesAhi | [ALPHA] Library for building instruments that check if institutions still exist. |
SimRacingController | Advanced controller library for sim racing button boxes. |
SIM800L HTTP connector | Library for GSM/GPRS module SIMCom SIM800L to make HTTP/S connections with GET and POST methods. |
SIM808 | Straightforward Arduino library for the SIM808 |
SIMON | Arduino library to build the "Simon says" game or a digital lock. |
SimpleAD9833 | A simple Arduino library for controlling the AD9833 waveform generator. |
SimpleCLI | A Command Line Interface Library for Arduino |
SimpleDCMotor | A library enabling DC motor control with SimpleFOC. |
SimpleDHT | Arduino Temp & Humidity Sensors for DHT11 and DHT22. |
SimpleEncoder | SimpleEncoder is a library that makes it easy to use rotary encoders with Arduino's. |
SimpleEspNowConnection | EspNow Library for communication and device pairing |
simpleEvents | Implement simple event loops for micro-controllers using Arduino’s millis(). |
Simple FOC | A library demistifying FOC for BLDC motors |
SimpleFOCDrivers | A library of supporting drivers for SimpleFOC. Motor drivers chips, encoder chips, current sensing and supporting code. |
SimpleFSM | Arduino/ESP state machine library. |
SimpleFusion | Simple IMU fusion with a complementary filter. |
SimpleHOTP | A lightweight HOTP (HMAC - Based one Time Password) Generator for Arduino. |
Simple-Hydroponics-Arduino | Hydruino: Simple automation controller for hydroponic grow systems. |
SimpleIMU | A Beginner Friendly library to interface MPU6050 with Arduino. |
SimpleKalmanFilter | A simple implementation of Kalman Filter. |
SimpleLed | Arduino library for control LED. |
Simple LED Matrix | A library for the MAX7219 LED display drivers. |
SimpleLogger | A simple Serial Logger for Arduino |
SimpleMelt | Open source meltybrain control firmware |
SimplePortal | Simple WiFi credentials captive portal for esp8266 |
Simple Repository IO | A simple IO controller |
simpleRPC | Simple RPC implementation for Arduino. |
SimpleSerialShell | Simple serial text shell for sending commands to Arduino board. |
Simple-SolarTracker-Arduino | Helioduino: Simple automation controller for solar tracking systems. |
SimpleStack | A library that enables you to create a simple stack of arbitrary datatype. |
SimpleTime | SimpleTime functionality for Arduino |
SimpleTimeout | Minimal, production-ready timeout library for Arduino. |
SimpleTimer | Simple arduino timer. |
SimpleUDPController | Decodes messages sent from InoPad app. |
SimpleUltrasonic | A library for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. |
SimpleWiFiClient | Enables low latency control with the UDP protocol |
Simple5641AS | Simple use of the 5641AS LED 7-segment display. |
SimplifiedTimer | Simple arduino timer. |
siot_core_lib | Platform for IoT devices connect to SIOT Data Hub |
sipf-arduino-client | SIPF Library for Arduino |
Sitron Labs OPT3001 Ambient Light Sensor Arduino Library | Arduino library for the Texas Instruments OPT3001 Ambient Light Sensor. |
Sitron Labs SH1106 Arduino Library | Arduino library for OLED displays based on the Sino Wealth SH1106 controller. |
Sitron Labs ST75256 Arduino Library | Arduino library for LCD displays based on the ST75256 controller. |
Sitron Labs TIC Arduino Library | Arduino library for parsing consumer-side data provided by electricity meters in France. |
Sitron Labs WK2132 Arduino Library | Arduino library for the Weikai WK2132 multi-bus to UART. |
Sixfab_CellularIoT | This is library of Sixfab Cellular IoT Shield and Cellular IoT Application Shield. |
Sixfab_NBIoT | This is library of Sixfab NBIoT Shield. |
SketchBinder | Sketch Binder. |
SlackAPI | A library to wrap the Slack API (supports ESP8266/ESP32 & others) |
slight_ButtonInput | Event based button input. |
slight_DebugMenu | Helper Library to create Simple Menu. |
slight_easing | very simple easing functions. |
slight_Fade | Timed value fading. |
slight_FDC1004 | A library to interface to an TI FDC1004 Capacitiv sensor. |
slight_LiquidCrystalDummy | Helper Library for LCD usage. |
slight_mapping | simple range mapping helper |
slight_PlainTime | basic time formating |
slight_RotaryEncoder | Event based rotary ecnoder input. |
slight_TLC5957 | Easy Access to lots of RGB-LEDs. |
SM_16DIGIN | A easy to use Arduino Library for Sixteen LV Digital Inputs HAT |
SM_16RELAYS | A easy to use Arduino Library for Sixteen Relays HAT |
SM_16UNIVIN | A easy to use Arduino Library for Sixteen Analog/Digital Inputs HAT |
SM_4REL4IN | A easy to use Arduino Library for Four Relays four Inputs HAT |
SM_BAS | A easy to use Arduino Library for Building Automation HAT |
SM_ESP32Pi | A easy to use Arduino Library for ESP32-PI |
SM_LCDAdapter | A easy to use Arduino Library for Six-in-one LCD Adapter Kit |
SM_RTD | A easy to use Arduino Library for RTD Data Acquisition HAT |
SM_TC | A easy to use Arduino Library for Eight Thermocouples DAQ HAT |
Small e-paper Shield V2 | Arduino library to control Small e-paper Shield V2. |
SmallProjects | Small Projects to demonstrate the usage of Khoi Hoang's libraries, such as ISR-based timers for ESP8266, ESP32 and Arduino Mega, Nano, etc. |
SmallRTC | Replacement RTC library for Watchy. |
SmartButton Library | Asynchronous SmartButton library for handling various button events. |
SmartComm | Simple solution to device inter-communication. |
SmartDial | A library to communicate with the Rogue Robotics SmartDial. |
SmartLadder | A versatile CPU control library for SmartLadder systems |
Smart Motor Driver - SAMI | Arduino library for SAMI the Smart Motor Driver by dannimakes. |
SmartPin | Construct easy to follow semantic expressions using variables that represent the pins |
Smartcar shield | Arduino library for controlling the Smartcar platform |
Smooth | Keep smooth running averages without using arrays! The sample size is adjustable at runtime. |
SmoothLed | Arduino library for FadeCandy style control of single-wire-based LED neopixels and WS2812B strips with megaTinyCore. |
SmoothThermistor | Flexible thermistor reading library. |
snakelights | SnakeLights library for snake wired NeoPixels |
SNMP | An SNMP library to write SNMP agent or manager for Arduino boards. |
SNMP_Agent | SNMP Agent: An fully compliant SNMPv2c Agent for esp32 for acting as an SNMP client device. |
SNP_Sensor | Arduino library for the SNP Sensor. |
SoapESP32 | Enables ESP32 devices to scan the local network for DLNA media servers, browse their content and download files. |
SoftFilters | Arduino framework and library of software data filters. |
SoftI2C | An Arduino library for software-based I2C communication. |
SoftPWM | A software library to produce a 50 percent duty cycle PWM signal on arbitrary pins. |
SoftServo | Library for software servo motor control (by system timer) |
SoftTimers | The SoftTimers arduino library is a collection of software timers. The library aims at greatly simplifying multitask complexity. |
SoftwareReset | Software methods to reset AVR boards |
SoftwareTimer | Software timer library |
Soict_IoT_Labs | Practice exercises for the subject Introduce to ICT |
SolarCalculator | A library inspired by the NOAA Solar Calculator. |
SolarCharger | Solar Charger Shield. |
Soldered ADS1015 and ADS1115 EasyC Library | Popular ADC boards by Soldered. |
Soldered CAN Bus Breakout Arduino Library | CAN Bus Breakout Library for Arduino |
Soldered MCP23017 Arduino Library | MCP23017 board library for Arduino |
Soldered MQ-X Gas Sensor Arduino Library | MQ-X Gas Sensor Library by Soldered |
Soldered OLED Display Arduino Library | 128x64 OLED Display |
Soldered PMS7003 Arduino Library | PMS7003 Arduino Library by Soldered |
SOLOMotorControllers | Arduino Library for SOLO Motor Controller Units |
Somfy_RTS | A library that makes it easy to control Somfy RTS devices via MQTT using an ESP8266 |
SonarI2C | A library to support cheap ultrasonic sensors on I2C bus |
Sony9PinRemote | RS422 Sony 9-Pin Protocol Remote Controller of VTRs for Arduino |
Soundex | "Arduino Library for calculating Soundex hash. |
Spacecat | An Arduino library for ESP8266/ESP32 to makes things easier that requires authentication with an RFID card |
SparkFun ADS1219 Arduino Library | An Arduino library for the ADS1219 24-Bit 4-Channel ADC from TI |
SparkFun ADS122C04 ADC Arduino Library | Arduino library for the TI ADS122C04 |
SparkFun AS7331 Arduino Library | An Arduino library to make use of the Qwiic and Qwiic Mini AS7331 Spectral UV Sensor |
SparkFun GridEYE AMG88 Library | Library for the Panasonic GridEYE Thermopile Array - AMG88 |
SparkFun LSM303C 6 DOF IMU Breakout | Driver for ST's LSM303C 6-DOF IMU (3-axis accelerometer & 3-axis magnetometer) |
SparkFun MAX1704x Fuel Gauge Arduino Library | Arduino library for the MAX17043/44/48/49 fuel gauges |
SparkFun MS5637 Barometric Pressure Library | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic Pressure Sensor - MS5637 |
SparkFun OWire Arduino Library | Library for "OWire" or "0-Wire" 2-pin Multi-Mode LEDs |
SparkFun PHT MS8607 Arduino Library | Arduino library for the TE Connectivity MS8607 PHT sensor |
SparkFun Qwiic IR Thermometer MLX90614 Arduino Library | Library for the SparkFun IR Thermometer Evaluation Board, Qwiic IR Thermometer Board, and the MLX90614 IR thermometer. |
SparkFun Qwiic Power Switch Arduino Library | Arduino library for the Qwiic Power Switch |
SparkFun SerLCD Arduino Library | Library for I2C, SPI, and Serial Communication with SparkFun SerLCD Displays |
SparkFun Toolkit | A utility library that other SparkFun libraries can take advantage of. |
SparkFun VL53L1X 4m Laser Distance Sensor | Library for the SparkFun Qwiic 4m Distance Sensor - VL53L1X |
SparseArray | Arduino library for sparse arrays of floats. |
SparseMatrix | Arduino library for sparse matrices. |
spartan_edge_esp32_boot | Enables the use of the Spartan Edge Accelerator's on-board ESP32 to load FPGA bitstream from SD card on boot |
Sparthan Myo | ESP32 Bluetooth communication library for the Myo Armband |
SPC | A library for easy processing of Analog Signals |
SpeedControl | This is a library aiming at implementing pid control to control the speed of a DC motor with feedback from quadrature encoder. It is a multifunctional program with extra feature of tuning the gain parameters and very useful for robotic enthusiast in wheeled robots |
SpeedMeasurer | Pito tube library for 2 BMP180 sensors |
SpeedyStepper | Stepper motor control library for Arduino. |
SPIExtension | SPI extension/wrapper for Arduino |
spi_lcd_read | Tiny simple library to read data from registers on this class of simple and cheap SPI LCD controllers (ILI9341, ST7789, etc). |
SPIFFS_Shell | A Serial-based interface that resembles a Linux shell for interacting with SPIFFS. |
spin-timer | Universal Timer with 1 millisecond resolution, supporting OOP principles. |
SplashScreen | SplashScreen library to provide abiltity display changing screens |
spreGnssRtcLib | A simple library for using Spresense GNSS and RTC. |
spreLgfxTouch | Library for displaying JPEG images on ILI9341 and handling touch input with XPT2046 for Spresense. |
spreMP3Lib | A simple library for MP3 playback on Spresense |
SpresenseNeoPixel | NeoPixel library for SPRESENSE (Arduino) |
SRF05 | Arduino library for SRF05 distance sensor |
ssd1306 | Display driver for VGA, SSD1306, SSD1325/SSD1327, SSD1331, SSD1351, ILI9163/ST7735, ILI9341, PCD8544. |
SSD1306Ascii | Text display on small monochrome OLED modules. |
ssd1306xled | SSD1306, SSD1315 or SSH1106 OLED screen driver |
SSD1803A_I2C | LCD library for EA DOGx displays. |
ST_HW_HC_SR04 | Advanced arduino library for HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors. |
Stack | Dynamic/static array buffer for any data type with handy functions |
stackchan-arduino | Stackchan library for M5Stack |
StackmatTimer | A library for interfacing with a Stackmat/Cube timer |
Stamp | Library for time keeping and manipulation |
STAMP-PICO | Library for STAMP-PICO development kit |
statHelpers | Arduino library with a number of statistic helper functions. |
StateMachine | "A simple state machine implementation." |
StateSpaceControl | A library for state space feedback control on on Arduino |
staticFunctional | Drop in replacement for std::function for use in embedded systems |
Statistic | Library with basic statistical functions for Arduino. |
Statistical | Statistic, Sum, Max, Min, Sq_Sum, Arithmetic Average, Geometric Average, RMS Average, Ext RMS Average, Bubble Sort, Median, Standard Deviation, Standard Deviation Error, Coefficient Factor, Average, Stream, Regression, Slope, Data, Analyse |
StatsD | StatsD client with tag support. |
statusled | Library to drive a status LED like off/on, blinking, counting, flashing... |
stdcol | Collections/Data Structures library |
STEAMbot | Library that provides access to all the STEAMbot facilities. |
StepperDriver | A4988, DRV8825 and generic two-pin stepper motor driver library. |
STM32F1_RTC | Allows to use the RTC functionalities of STM32F1xx based boards using external low speed oscillator. |
STM32_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 board to control multiple servo motors. |
STM32_PWM | This wrapper library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM on STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
STM32_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
STM32_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1-based board |
StopWatch_RT | Arduino Library implementing a stopwatch. |
StreamAverage | Library for averaging without having huge data Buffers consuming all your memory. |
StreamDebugger | Debugger for Arduino Stream-based communication |
StreamDeviceAT | A library for stream device AT instruction set. |
StreamIO | Read/write wrapper for Stream and array buffers |
StreamLog | To format and log sensor data as CSV, coming from Arduino in a streamlined manner. |
StreamUtilities | Stream utilities for writing/reading |
StreamUtils | 💪 Power-ups for Arduino streams |
StringAction | Introduces string operations and Serial reading |
StringEEPROM | A library for storing and managing strings in Arduino EEPROM memory. |
StringUtils | Bunch of converting functions for string data |
string_asukiaaa | Functions about string for Arduino. |
STS_Servos | Arduino library for Feetech's STS smart servos |
Student | LArduino library for Student or T-distribution math. |
STUSB4500 | Arduino driver library for STUSB4500 |
Subpixie | Subpixel font renderer for small displays |
SunPosition | Library for tracking Sun position by location and time for Arduino |
sunezy-mon | Arduino Library to communicate with SunEzy / Orion inverters. |
SUSHI-EXP-BOARD | Arduino library for SUSHI-EXP board. |
SWSerialOut | Arduino library for SWSerialOut, supports only data out (TX). |
SWI2C | Software I2C library. |
SwitchLib | An Arduino Library for handling tactile switches...or anything else. |
SWSPI | Arduino library for software SPI. (Experimental). |
SX126x-Arduino | Arduino library to use Semtech SX126x LoRa chips and modules to communicate |
Syncano Arduino Library | A library that provides access to Syncano |
sysfile | sysfile manager for Arduino. It uses littlefs |
TCone | MicroBeaut-TCone Library with Timer and Counter One. |
TFminiArduino | Arduino library for Benewake TFmini micro LiDAR module |
TLx4966-Direction-Speed-Sensor | This library provides an interface to interact with the TLx4966 Double Hall sensor family. |
TA6932 | TA6932 library - 7 segments display IC |
TabahiConsole | Control ESP and Arduino modules remotely from your web console |
Table | Dynamic table for Arduino |
Tachometer | Library for frequency and period measurement |
Tago ESP32 | Tago ESP32 library |
TaskJockey | A simple, light-weight cooperative task manager for Arduino, ESP32, STM32, and similar systems |
TaskManager | cooperative multi-task manager for Arduino |
TBPubSubClient | A client library for MQTT messaging. |
TB9051FTGMotorCarrier | An Arduino library for the Pololu TB9051FTG motor driver carrier. |
TC78B009FTG_asukiaaa | It controls TC78B009FTG |
TCA6416A | Arduino library for operating TCA6416A. |
TCA9534 | Arduino library for TCA9534 Low Voltage 8-Bit I2C and SMBUS Low-Power I/O Expander with Interrupt Output and Configuration Registers |
tca9544a | Arduino library to control the TCA9544A I2C bus multiplexer |
TCA9548 | Arduino Library for TCA9548 I2C multiplexer and compatibles. |
TCA9554 | Arduino library for I2C TCA9554 8 channel port expander - 8 IO-lines. |
TCA9555 | Arduino library for I2C TCA9555 16 channel port expander - 16 IO-lines. |
TCS230_ESP32 | Library for the TCS230 color sensor for the ESP32 |
tcs3200 | tcs3200 color sensor library |
TCS3200-Sensor | Arduino library for TCS3200 color sensor. |
TCS3210 | Arduino library for TCS3210 colour light to frequency convertor. |
TCS34725 | Arduino library for TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor |
TCS34725AutoGain | Library for TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor |
TCXWriter | A Tiny Library for writing/creating TCX files. |
tdslite | A lightweight MSSQL connector/TDS driver for embedded devices. |
Technoshield-ui-lib | Technoshield User Interface API. |
TeensyAudioFlashLoader | utility to load audio samples from uSD card to external flash ram or psram on teensy 4.1 |
TeensyAudioLaunchCtrl | Trigger audio samples using your usb midi controller |
TeensyAudioSampler | play pitched multi-polyphonic audio samples with teensy audio library |
TeensyID | A library for getting Teensy IDs |
TeensyStep | High speed stepper driver for PJRC Teensy boards (T3.0 - T3.6) and STM32F4 |
TeensyTimerTool | Generic Interface to Teensy Timers |
TeensyUserInterface | A simple touchscreen user interface for Teensy. |
TeensyVariablePlayback | Play samples at variable pitch using Teensy Audio Library |
Teensy_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on Teensy boards, such as Teensy 2.x, Teensy LC, Teensy 3.x, Teensy 4.x, Teensy MicroMod, etc., to create and output PWM to pins. Using the same functions as other FastPWM libraries to enable you to port PWM code easily between platforms. |
Teensy_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on Teensy boards, such as Teensy 2.x, Teensy LC, Teensy 3.x, Teensy 4.x, Teensy MicroMod, etc., to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
Teensy_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on a Teensy-based board such as Teensy 4.x, 3.x, LC, 2.0, etc. |
Telaire T6700 CO2 Sensor Module Library | I2C communication Library for Telaire T6700 CO2 Sensor Module |
TelegramBotClient | A non blocking client library for accessing Telegram's Bot API |
TelegramESP32 | ESP32 library for Telegram Bot API communication |
Teleinfo | Teleinfo library for arduino |
TelemetryJet | A lightweight telemetry protocol for hardware sensor data. |
Telit xE910 Series GSM Modem Library | Telit xE910 series GSM modem library. |
TelloESP32 | Arduino library for controlling DJI Tello drones using ESP32. |
Telnet | Manage Your ESP Over Telnet. |
TempReader | A library that allows users to use the internal temperature sensor of ATMega328P. |
TempSensors_NXP_Arduino | Class library for NXP temperature sensors |
Temperature | Library with weather and temperature conversion functions. |
TemperatureZero | Arduino library for internal temperature of the family SAMD21 and SAM51 |
TemplateTango | An HTML template engine for Arduino and ESP32 microcontrollers. |
TEMT6000 | Arduino library for analog TEMT6000 light / LUX sensor. |
TencentCloudIoTSDK | A toplevel client library for TencentCloud IOT Platform. |
Terminal | Terminal for Serial Ports, Telnet, and other Streams. |
TeslaCloud | Build communication for Arduino devices with Tesla Cloud! |
textparser | Line based text parser. |
TF03K | A library for the TF03K battery monitor |
tflm_cortexm | TensorFlow for ARM Cortex-M |
tflm_esp32 | TensorFlow for ESP32 |
TFT Touch Shield V1.0 | Arduino library to control 2.8 inch TFT Touch Shield v1.0. |
TFT Touch Shield v2.0 | Arduino library to control 2.8 inch TFT Touch Shield v2.0. |
TFT_eSPI_Scroll | Adds flickerless text scrolling functionality to TFT eSPI library |
TGP Bouton | Permet le contrôle et la lecture d'un bouton. |
TGP Decodeur | Permet de décoder les messages provenant d'un objet de type Stream (tel que Serial), selon un format standard. |
TGP Del | Permet le contrôle d'une diode électroluminescente (DEL). |
TGP Ecran | Permet l'intitialisation simplifié de l'écran Adafruit SSD1306. |
TGP LCD Keypad | Permet le contrôle simplifié pour un blindage "LCD Keypad Shield" |
TGP Menu OLED | Permet la création d'un menu déroulant sur écran. |
TGP ProtoTGP | Permet le contrôle simplifié de la plateforme de développement ProtoTPhys. |
TGP Suiveur | Permet de lire le suiveur de ligne composé de 6 photodétecteurs. |
TheThingsNetwork | The Things Network Arduino Library. |
TheThingsNode | The Things Node Arduino Library. |
TheVaporTrail SubPixel | Library for smooth LED animation and color blending. |
ThermistorLibrary | This library allows you to read the thermistors very easily. |
ThinSat Program TSLPB Library | A driver library for the Twiggs Space Lab Payload Board |
ThingerCore32 | Thinger.io Core32 OS Library for ESP32 based devices |
thinger.io | Arduino library for IOTMP protocol used on Thinger.io IOT Platform. |
Thingpings | Send a ping to Thingpings. |
ThingsBoard | ThingsBoard library for Arduino. |
ThingsCloud_ESP_SDK | Build your IoT project in minutes! |
ThingsML | Thingsml Encoder/Decoder |
ThingsOfValue SDK for Arduino | LOTTE IoT Platform (a.k.a Things Of Value) SDK for Arduino |
Thingworx ESP32 | Thingworx REST library for ESP32 |
ThreeD | Processes a 3D coordinate matrix to generate 2D coordinates. |
Throttle | Just like Debounce but faster |
Tic | Tic Stepper Motor Controller library for Arduino |
TickTwo | A library for creating Tickers which can call repeating functions. Replaces delay() with non-blocking functions. Recommanded for ESP and Arduino boards with mbed behind. |
Ticker | A library for creating Tickers which can call repeating functions. Replaces delay() with non-blocking functions. |
TIL306 | Library for Texas Instruments TIL306 and TIL307 LED Numeric Displays. |
Timber | A wrapper logging Arduino library. |
TimeInterrupt | Allows for timer interrupts on various platforms. |
TimeInterval | Library developed by ESDeveloperBR with the objective of facilitating the control of intervals, avoiding the use of the DELAY command. |
TimeProfiler | Time profiler for Arduino |
TimeRandom | Library for generating random numbers with time syncronization |
TimedPID | PID controller |
TimedState | An Arduino Library providing utilities for controlling program state over time without delay(). |
Timer | A library for creating start / stop Timers |
Timer-CAM | Library for M5Stack Timer-CAM development kit |
TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an Arduino, Adafruit or Sparkfun AVR board, such as Nano, UNO, Mega, Leonardo, YUN, Teensy, Feather_32u4, Feather_328P, Pro Micro, etc. |
TimerInterrupt_Generic | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on supported Arduino boards such as AVR, Mega-AVR, ESP8266, ESP32, SAMD, SAM DUE, nRF52, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, Teensy, Nano-33-BLE, RP2040-based boards, etc. |
TimerMs | Advanced software timer (based on millis()) |
TimerUtils | A library for making frequent tasks easy |
Timers | LightWeight Timers library |
timing | Arduino library with wrapper classes for seconds, millis and micros. |
TimonelTwiM | Upload firmware to a microcontroller running the Timonel bootloader. |
TinBus | A library for creating a multi master bus using the UART. |
TinkerController | TinkerController allows you to use Gaming Controllers with your Arduino/ESP IOT devices. |
TinyButton | This library simplifies a click function for ATTiny projects. |
TinyCBOR | Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Library |
TinyCmdTable | Very small command line manager |
tinyCommand | A simple Arduino IDE library for serial command processing. |
tinyCore | A mechanism to easily describe multi-core (esp32/Arduino). |
TinyDebug | ATtiny85 Serial-like debug interface for the Wokwi.com simulator. |
tinyESPNow | Arduino library for tinyESPNow. |
TinyGPSMinus | A smaller and simpler TinyGPS fork with fewer features. |
Tiny-I2C-Drivers | Various I2C driver libraries for the ATtiny1 series using megaTinyCore. |
tinyI2S | Arduino library for tinyI2S. |
Tiny Key Value Store | A simple key-value store library based on FileSystem |
TinyKT0803 | Arduino library for the KT0803 and KT0803K FM transmitter.(tiny edition). Based upon KT0803. |
TinyMatrixMath | Implments common matrix math operations for small matrices. |
TinyMegaI2C | An efficient optimised i2c library for new ATTINY series uCs |
TinyMenu | A Tiny Menu for SuperPico-Compactible Boards (RP2040), based on TFT_eSPI |
TinyMPU6050 | Tiny implementation for MPU6050 focusing on performance and accuracy |
TinyNunchuk | This is a library for an ATTiny85 to use a Wii Nunchuk. |
TinyPICO Helper Library | A TinyPICO Helper Library |
tinySHT2x | Arduino library for the SHT20, SHT21 and SHT25 temperature and humidity sensor. Optimized for AVR tiny. |
TinyStepper | Arduino library to drive stepper motors. Small and easy to use. |
TinyStepper_28BYJ_48 | Tiny stepper motor 28BYJ-48 control library for Arduino. |
TinySuite | A collection of tools for ATTiny85 |
TinyTemplateEngine | Hello ${0}! A line-by-line template engine for large input data with a very small memory footprint |
tinyTimeR | Easily implement timer interrupts. |
TinyTrainable | Library to build media arts instruments with tiny machine learning. |
tinyUDP | tiny UDP send & recv. |
Tiny4kOLED | This is a library for an ATTiny85 to use an I2C SSD1306 OLED. It supports double buffering on 128x32 pixel OLED. |
tinyml4all | Companion library for the book |
TLC59116 | Library for managing Texas Instruments TLC59116 LED Drivers. |
TLC5916_Lite | Works in Normal Mode to turn on/off LEDs, and special mode for current gain and open circuit detection. |
TLC5917 | Arduino library for TLC5917 8-Channel Constant-Current LED Sink Drivers. |
TLC591x | Library for TI TLC5916 and TLC5917 constant current sink LED driver chips. |
TLC5947 | Arduino library for TLC5947 24 channel 12 bit PWM. |
TLE493D | This library is deprecated and no longer maintained. |
TLE5012B | This library enables the Infineon TLE5012B magnetic angle sensor. |
TLE9012_BMS_IC | This library provides an interface for Infineons Battery Management IC TLE9012 |
TLE94112 | DEPRECATED. This library provides an interface for Infineons DC Motor Control Shield with TLE94112EL |
TLE9879 BLDC Motor Control Shield | TLE9879 BLDC motor control shield library for Arduino |
TLI493D | This library is deprecated and no longer maintained. |
TLI4970 | This library provides an interface for Infineon's TLI4970-D050T4 Current Sensor with hall technology. |
TLI4971-Current-Sensor | This library provides an Interface for Infineons TLI4971 Current Sensor |
TLV493D-A1B6 | This library is deprecated and no longer maintained. |
TM1637_RT | TM1637 Library for Arduino. |
TMCStepper | Arduino library for Trinamic stepper drivers |
TMC2130Stepper | Arduino library for Trinamic TMC2130 stepper drivers |
TMC5072 | Control TMC5072 stepper motor drivers. |
TMC7300 | Control TMC7300 DC motor drivers. |
TMD3725 | Arduino library to control the TMD3725 RGB color sensor |
TMP6x | Library for the TI linear thermistors (TMP61, TMP63 and TMP64) using your own Analog Digital Converter (ADC). |
Toggl API v8 - Arduino Implementation | Toggl API v8 implementation for ESP |
Toggle | AArduino button debounce library for various switch types, port expanders and other 8-bit data sources. |
TomIBT2 | TomIBT2 is an Arduino library for controlling the IBT-2 motor driver board |
TomStick | A TomStick library is an Arduino library for simply controlling the axes of the joystick. |
Tone | A software digital square wave tone generation library. |
TonePlayer | A library for playing melody in background process using the builtin tone() function. |
TongHopThuVien | Makerlab.vn Collection |
TongHopThuVienCon1 | Test Tong hop thu vien |
toolbox | Collection of common utilities and functions. |
TOPMAX | Arduino library to track top n maxima. |
TOPMIN | Arduino library to track top n minima. |
Touch Screen Driver | Arduino library for Touch Screen Driver. |
TouchyTouch | Capacitive sense touch library that mimics how CircuitPython touchio works |
TpdButton | Simple prototyping library to read different events on a button. |
TQDF_WatchOS | Arduino library to support all features of TQDF Watch. |
TrapeZoid | trapezoidal control using moving average. |
TriSonica_Mini | Library for communicating with the TriSonica Mini Wind Sensor. |
TridentTD_Linenotify | A library for LINE Nofity |
TridentTD_SimplePair | ESP8266 Simple-Pair library that exchange basic data without connecting WiFi |
TrimWright | UML State Machines for Arduino |
Trinamic_TMC4210 | Library to control Trinamic TMC4210 IC. |
Troolean | Arduino Library for a three state logic data type |
TrueProx | Arduino library for high accuracy presence detection using analog proximity sensors. |
TSBridge | An Arduino library for controlling Train Simulator. |
TSController | An Arduino library for controlling Train Simulator. |
TS4231 Library | Triad Semiconductor library for configuring the TS4231 Light to Digital Converter. |
TS8000 Library | Triad Semiconductor library for the TS8000 Ultrasonic to Digital Converter. |
TSC2004 | Library for the TSC2004 resistive touch screen controller |
TSD305lib | TSD305 IR thermopile library for Arduino |
TsicSensor | Arduino library for reading TSIC temperature sensors. |
TSL235R | Library for the TSL235R light to frequency convertor. |
TSL260R | Arduino library for the TSL260R, TSL261R and TSL262R infrared to voltage convertor. |
TsyDMASPI | SPI library using DMA buffer for Teensy |
TTP229 | Arduino library for TTP229 module. |
TunePlayer | A library to decode and play simple tunes. |
Tuya_BLE_MCU_SDK | Communicate with Tuya modules that have flashed the Tuya common BLE firmware. |
Tuya_ZIGBEE_MCU_SDK | Communicate with Tuya modules that have flashed the Tuya common ZIGBEE firmware. |
Tuyav | Communicate with the Tuya IoT module |
Tween | Tween library for Arduino with Robert Penners easing functions |
TwiBus | Scans the TWI (I2C) bus in search of connected devices addresses and data. |
TWI_GPS | GPS message API wrapper library for I2C Arduino connection |
TwoButtonsInterface | A button library that handles two buttons interface. |
Two Way ESP | A simple wrapper for the ESP_NOW protocol |
TwoWheelRobot | A library to make issuing simple directional commands to a two wheeled robot easier. |
Tympan_Library | Tympan hardware drivers and audio processing algorithms. |
tynyDC | Using mx1919 dual DC motor driver tiny. |
uBitcoin | Brings Bitcoin to embedded devices |
u-blox GNSS | GNSS GPS library without bells and whistles, simply works, low power. |
uClock | BPM clock generator for Arduino platform. |
uCompression | Simple and fast compression/decompression library. |
uFire SHT20 | Measure atmospheric temperature and humdity. |
uICAL | Library for parsing iCalendar file format. |
uNeurai | Brings Neurai to embedded devices |
U8xLaserDistance | U8 series laser distance sensor Arduino library |
UARDECS Library | A library that provides communication functions conforming to UECS, a common standard for horticulture in Japan. |
UARDECS_MEGA Library | A library that provides communication functions conforming to UECS, a common standard for horticulture in Japan. |
UART_7Seg_Display | Arduino driver for BC759x series 7-segment LED display chips. |
UART_Keyboard | Arduino driver for BC6xxx & BC759x series chips with UART keyboard interface. |
Ubidots Arduino YUN | Ubidots library for the Arduino YUN |
Ubidots FONA Library | Ubidots library for the Adafruit FONA |
Ubidots GPRS Library | Ubidots library for the GPRS module SIM900 |
Ubidots MQTT for ESP32 and ESP8266 | Library for sending data to the Ubidots cloud using ESP8266 based systems |
Ubidots MQTT for ESP8266 | Library for sending data to the Ubidots cloud using ESP8266 based systems |
UbxGps | A library for the fastest and simplest communication with u-blox GPS modules. |
ucPack | Unified C++ Packetizer |
UC121902-TNARX-A | Arduino library for controlling UC121902-TNARX-A LCD displays. |
UCR ESP8266 | Enables an ESP8266 to be used as a WiFi output device for UCR. |
UHS2-MIDI | USB Host Shield Library 2.0 MIDI I/O for Arduino |
UIComponents | A small toolset to simplify working with physical UI components. |
UltraSonic_Lib | A library for UltraSonic distance sensor. |
Ultrasonic | Minimalist library for ultrasound module to Arduino |
um3750-library | Emulate the UM3750 encoder and decoder. |
UNIT_GLASS | Library for M5Stack UNIT GLASS |
Units | Arduino library for unit conversion |
UniversalTelegramBot | Arduino Telegram Bot library for multiple different architectures. |
UniversalTransmitter | Customizable Teensy/Arduino handheld controller for RC projects |
UnixTime | Unix time stamp to date time conversion and vice versa |
Uno_HUB75_Driver | Minimal HUB75 LED Matrix Library for Uno |
Uptime | Get the device uptime in years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, total days, and total seconds. |
UrlEncode | Simple URL encoder (also known as percent encoding) |
USB-MIDI | USB-MIDI I/Os for Arduino |
USBPause | Pause and restore USB interrupts |
USBPowerDelivery | USB Power Delivery for Arduino. |
usb_midi_host | Pico USB MIDI Host library for Arduino |
UTF8ToGB2312 | A library that converts UTF-8 string to GB2312 string. |
UUID | Arduino library for generating UUID's. (experimental). |
VanBus | Vehicle Area Network (VAN) bus packet reader/writer. |
VariableTimedAction | A library for creating timed events/actions. |
Vcc | Measure supply voltage (using optinally stored calibration value) |
VCNL3040 Proximity Sensor Library | Code for Vishay VCNL3040 Proximity sensor |
VEDirect | A library for interfacing with Victron VE.Direct Hex protocol |
Vector datatype | Library for 3d vectors and quaternions |
VectorDisplay | Support a vector display via USB serial, WiFI or Bluetooth |
VectorXf | Vector class 2f, 3f, 4f (port of ofVecXf (openFrameworks)) |
VEML6040 | A library for Vishay's VEML6040 RGBW Color Sensor |
VEML6070 | A library for communication with VEML6070 UV sensor. |
VernierLib | Library to read Vernier LabQuest sensors with a Vernier Arduino Interface Shield. |
VersatileSwitch | Arduino library for debouncing momeantary switches, detect press, release, single and double-click, long-click and repeat event. |
Vibration | Arduino library for a vibration / tilt sensor. |
ViewMarq | Library to communicate with ViewMarq LED Message Displays. |
VirtualButton | Library for advanced button operation for Arduino |
Virtual Joystick for LVGL | Joystick library supporting ESP-IDF and Arduino. |
VirtualScreen | Automatically span GFX Adafruit graphics functions across multiple screens |
VizIoTMqttClient | A client library for connect to MQTT server VizIoT.com. |
VL6180X | VL6180X distance and ambient light sensor library |
vn_lunar | Arduino library for convert Gregorian calendar to Vietnamese lunar. |
VolAnalyzer | Library for sound amplitude analysis |
VolumeConverter | Arduino library to convert volume units. |
vovagorodok_ArduinoBleChess | Bluetooth low energy (BLE) library for communication via CECP chess protocol. |
vovagorodok_ArduinoBleOTA | Bluetooth low energy (BLE) library for uploads. |
vovagorodok_ArduinoPin | Objective arduino pin |
vovagorodok_ArduinoStreamLogger | Simple ostream logger |
vovagorodok_ArrayUtils | Helps to create complex arrays and maps as arrays of pairs |
vovagorodok_Servo | Simple servo library |
Vrekrer SCPI parser | Simple SCPI parser for Arduino |
VRPC | Asynchronous RPC via MQTT |
VT100 | Library to control a VT100 terminal via an Arduino |
WakeOnLan | Generate and send Wake On Lan (WOL) packet over UDP protocol. |
Wasm3 | The fastest WebAssembly interpreter (and the most universal runtime) |
Watchy | Watchy - An Open Source E-Paper Watch by SQFMI |
WaterFlow | WaterFlow library for Arduino |
WaterMix | Arduino library for mixing water with different temperatures. |
Waterproof_Ultrasonic | Waterproof_Ultrasonic library for AJ-SR-04M or JSN-SR04. |
WaveMix | Arduino library to mix two signals (A and B) with an adaptive weight. |
Waveshare 4 Inch Tft Touchscreen | Graphics and touchscreen driver for Waveshare 4 inch touch screen (SKU 13587) |
Waveshare ILI9486 | Waveshare ILI9486 SPI driver for Arduino |
WBIOExtMini | Library for the Lualtek WisBlock IO Extension Mini board |
WeatherFlowAPI | Easy access to network WeatherFlow data. |
WeatherMeters | Weather Meters library |
WeatherStationDataRx | Library for reading data from radio weather stations |
weathercall | An efficient openweather data caller. |
WebTerminal | View Serial output in web browser |
Web3JBC | Web3/Smart Contract for JBC Chain |
weight | Library of weight conversion functions |
WhareHauoraWiFiManager | ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with fallback web configuration portal |
WiFiConnector | Async WiFi connector auto with backup AP for esp8266/32 |
WiFiManager | WiFi Configuration manager with web configuration portal for Espressif ESPx boards, by tzapu |
WiFiManagerDesign | Change the design of the WiFiManager. |
WiFiManagerTz | A NTP/Timezone extension to @tzapu's WiFiManager |
WiFiManager_Generic_Lite | Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Manager for Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RTL8720, etc. boards running Generic WiFi (WiFiNINA, WiFi101, ESP8266-AT, ESP32-AT, etc.) modules/shields. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters. |
WiFiManager_NINA_Lite | Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Manager for AVR Mega, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RP2040-based (Nano RP2040 Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO) boards, etc. using u-blox WiFiNINA / WiFi101 modules/shields. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters. |
WiFiManager_Portenta_H7_Lite | Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Manager for Portenta_H7 boards using built-in WiFi (Murata) modules/shields. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters. |
WiFiManager_RP2040W | MultiWiFi/Credentials Manager for RP2040W boards using built-in CYW43439 WiFi. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters. |
WiFiManager_RP2040W_Lite | Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Manager for RP2040W boards using built-in CYW43439 WiFi. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters. |
WiFiManager_RTL8720 | Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Manager for Realtek RTL8720DN, RTL8722DM, RTM8722CSM, etc. boards. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters. |
WiFi Picker | Allows an user to dynamically add and remove saved WiFi APs. |
WiFiProvision | A library for WiFi provisioning on ESP32 and node mcu. |
WiFiProvisioner | An easy-to-use Wi-Fi provisioning library for ESP32 devices. |
WiFiWebServer | Simple WiFiWebServer, HTTP Client and WebSocket Client library for AVR Mega, megaAVR, Portenta_H7, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RP2040-based (Nano-RP2040-Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W, ESP32/ESP8266, etc.) boards using WiFi, such as WiFiNINA, WiFi101, CYW43439, U-Blox W101, W102, ESP8266/ESP32-AT modules/shields, with functions similar to those of ESP8266/ESP32 WebServer libraries. |
WiFiWebServer_RTL8720 | Simple WiFiWebServer, HTTP Client, MQTT and WebSocket Client library for Realtek RTL8720DN, RTL8722DM, RTM8722CSM boards using WiFi. Supporting WiFi at 2.4GHz and 5GHz |
WiFiWire | Arduino library for Wire on WiFi. |
WifiLocation | Library to get geographic position (lat, lon, accuracy), without GPS, by listening surrounding WiFi networks (Works with ESP8266 and ESP32 boards) |
Winbond W25N | Library for use with the Winbond W25N and W25M series SPI Flash ICs |
WindQX | Serial WindQX´s solid state anemometers library. |
WindSensorHWD_asukiaaa | It controls wind sensor HWD. |
Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino | Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino allows an Arduino to communicate and control Windows devices running open-source Windows Universal Application. |
WinsonLib | Winson product's Arduino Library |
Wio LTE Arduino Library | Arduino library to control Wio LTE Arduino Library. |
WIOTerminal_WiFiManager | SAMD51 WIO-Terminal MultiWiFi Connection Manager with enhanced GUI and fallback web ConfigPortal |
WireData | A library to simplify sending data via I2C (aka TWI). |
WireWrapper | Arduino Wrapper for Wire librarry (for SAM, ESP8266...) |
wire_asukiaaa | Functions about wire for Arduino. |
wiring-timer | Universal Timer with 1 millisecond resolution, based on system uptime (i.e. Arduino: millis() function or STM32: HAL_GetTick() function), supporting OOP principles. |
WisBlock-API | API for WisBlock Core module |
WisBlock-API-V2 | API for WisBlock Core module |
Witty | Witty Support Library |
wm8978-esp32 | An esp32 library for the wm8978 dac. |
WMM_Tinier | An adaptation of the miniwinwm/WMM_Tiny code for calculating magnetic variation. |
WrapperFreeRTOS | C++ FreeRTOS Wrapper. |
WroobImp | Use to connect your Arduino board to Wroob system. |
WS2812FX | WS2812 FX Library for Arduino and ESP microprocessors. |
WZ Library | Arduino library for Dart WZ-S and Prosense WZ-H3 formaldehyde sensors. |
XBeeATCmds | XBee AT Command Wrapper for Arduino |
XBoxControllerHandler | Handle strings from an XBox controller receiver (ESP controller running BluePad) containing controller input status. |
XInput | Library for emulating an Xbox controller over USB. |
XModem | A configurable XModem transfer library. |
XPowersLib | Arduino, CircuitPython, Micropython, esp-idf and other frameworks power management series library |
X9C10X | Arduino Library for X9C10X series digital potentiometer. |
X9C103S | A light library to control X9C103S digital potentiometers. |
Xbox 360 Controller LEDs | Mimic the Xbox 360 controller's LED patterns. |
XboxControllerNotificationParser | It parses value of notification from xbox controller. |
XboxSeriesXControllerESP32_asukiaaa | It communicate with a controller of Xbox series X from ESP32. |
XboxSeriesXHIDReportBuilder_asukiaaa | Report builder of HID for Xbox SeriesX Controller. |
XENSIV 3D Magnetic Sensor TLx493D | C/C++ library for Infineons XENSIV™ 3D magnetic sensors family |
XENSIV Digital Pressure Sensor | Arduino library for the Infineon XENSIV(TM) Digital Pressure Sensors (DPS3xx). |
XENSIV PAS CO2 | C/C++ library for Infineon XENSIV™ PAS CO2 sensor |
XLR8ADC | Arduino library to take advantage of XLR8 ADC performance. |
XLR8AddrPack | Arduino header file defining addresses common to the XLR8 family. |
XLR8BuildTemplate | Template for building custom designs for XLR8 |
XLR8Core | OpenXLR8 Core components |
XLR8Float | Arduino library for hardware accelerated floating point math. |
XLR8Info | Arduino library for identifying features of XLR8 product |
XLR8LFSR | Simple LFSR example on the XLR8 FPGA. |
XLR8PID | Arduino library for hardware accelerated PID control. |
XLR8PWM | OpenXLR8 implementation of PWM |
XLR8RC | Captures outputs from an RC receiver (the signals that go to servos) and outputs a 16 bit integer representing the pulse width (in microseconds) |
XLR8Servo | Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of servo motors. For Alorium Technology's XLR8 board. |
XLR8USB | USB FullSpeed (Mouse) host interface |
XMLWriter | Arduino library for creating XML |
XRA1405 | 16-bit SPI GPIO expander library for the XRA1405 chip. |
XRA1405_Button | Button debounce and detection library using XRA1405 SPI GPIO expander. |
Xsens_MTi_I2C | This library demonstrates the basics of communicating with Xsens MTi 1-series devices through I2C. |
Xsens_MTi_SPI | This library demonstrates the basics of communicating with Xsens MTi 1-series devices through SPI. |
XTEA-Cipher | XTEA-Cipher library for Arduino. cryptographic MAC function, symmetric-key data encryption/decryption |
XYZgeomag | Calculate the magnetic field on earth using the World Magnetic Model(WMM). |
XYZrobotServo | Pololu's Arduino library for the XYZrobot Smart Servo A1-16 |
YAAWS | Yet Another Arduino Web Server |
YACL | Yet Another CBOR Library. |
YAMLDuino | A simple and efficient YAML library for embedded C++ |
yatest | Yet another unit testing framework for Arduino libraries and projects. |
YetAnotherButtonLibrary | Have your sketches respond to simple and advanced button events with only a few lines of code. |
YK04_Module | Library for working with a remote control sensors based on the YK04 driver. |
YouTubeLiveStreamArduino | An arduino library for interacting with YouTube live streams. (supports ESP8266/ESP32 & probably others) |
youkey_stepper | This is a library dedicated to stepper motors for Arduino and microcontrollers. |
Youless Arduino Library | A library for use with Youless Energy Monitor. |
YoutubeApi | A wrapper for the YouTube API for Arduino (supports ESP8266 & WiFi101 boards) |
YX5300 for ESP32 | A library to support the YX5300 MP3 Module on the ESP32 platform. |
ZModbusRTU | ModbusRTU Slave Library. |
ZACwire for TSic | Reading the ZACwire protocol of TSic sensors with ISRs. |
ZEEPROM | Simplified I2C EEPROM library for Arduino compatible boards for the Zetta 128Kbit EEPROM |
Zentser ESP SDK | Zentser library for ESP8266 or ESP32 |
ZeroRegs | Prints the low-level configuration registers for the Arduino Zero (and similar boards). |
ZikoMatrix | A Matrix library |
ZMPT101B | Library to interact with the ZMPT101B Voltage sensor. |
ZMPT101B-Sensor | Library to interact with the ZMPT101B Voltage sensor. |
ZPA4756-0311A-R | Arduino library for controlling Murata ZPA4756-0311A-R barometric pressure sensor. |
ZumoShield | Arduino library for the Pololu Zumo Shield and Zumo robot kit for Arduino |
Zumo32U4 | Zumo 32U4 Arduino library |