A list of the 38 libraries that are licensed with the Unlicense license.
AD9850SPI | Arduino SPI library for AD9850 |
ArdTap | A library to manage an Arduino board from a mobile in a couple of minutes. No coding, only configuration. |
AT24Cxx | Library for Atmel's AT24Cxx Series EEPROMs. |
BalmIot | Library to easily make GET and UP requests to a BALM IOT. |
BigCrystal | A library that displays double height characters on LCD displays. |
Buffered Streams | Implementation of Arduino's Stream class which use internal ring buffers to emulate a pair of connected Streams or a Loopback Stream. |
Cat GFX Thermal Printer Library | Adafruit GFX compatible arduino library for using cat thermal printers with the ESP32 |
controlKeyboard | A library for checking keyboard events like whether a key is pressed or released. |
CST816_TouchLib | A CST816 touch and gesture library, tested using the LilyGO T-Display ESP32-S3 and T-Display S3 AMOLED. Includes gestures. Includes a rudimentary GUI registration method to aid support for buttons. |
cst816t | cst816t capacitive touch screen |
CustomJWT | A library to make it easy to encode and decode JWT tokens on the Arduino platform. |
DirectNECTransmitter | Library to send NEC IR pulses without a carrier wave. |
DS3231 | Arduino library for the DS3231 real-time clock (RTC) |
DS3231_RTC | Arduino library for the DS3231 real-time clock (RTC) |
esp32FOTA | A simple library for firmware OTA updates |
Fastcore | Improvement of Arduino Core Functions. |
FDC2214 | TI FDC2214 capacitative sensor library |
Freenove VK16K33 Lib | Arduino library for Freenove VK16K33 Lib. |
JOAAT | Implementation of the Jenkin's HASH for Arduino. |
LED Dithering | Adjustable LED brightness on every IO pin with software-controlled blinking |
LM75 | Library to get temperature from LM75 |
MeanAndVarOnTheFly | Calculate mean and variance not storing individual values in memory. |
MFRC522 | Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522 (SPI) |
MFRC522-spi-i2c-uart-async | Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522 (SPI, I2C and UART) with asynchroneous callbacks |
MFRC522_PN512 | Arduino RFID Library for PN512 (SPI) |
NetEEPROM | A library that stores and retrieves network configuration from EEPROM. |
Norman | Mathematically simulate natural cycles of daylight, temperature, and humidity for remote locations using minimal data sets. |
pocketBME280 | Compact library to interface BME280 sensors |
RfidDb | A library that stores 32 bit identifiers and associated names to EEPROM which can be used to as a basis for RFID access control applications. |
RTC | Library for I2C based RTCs (DS1307, DS3231, PCF8563, PCF8523, MCP7940). |
SPIShiftRegister | A simple library for controlling any length of chained 595 style shift registers over the built in SPI bus. |
TactileSwitch | class for tactile switch |
TwiLiquidCrystal by Arnakazim | A library to interface an HD44780 based LCD via I2C (or TWI in Arduino terms). |
uCDB | API for querying Constant DataBase file store. |
VNCL4020C-Arduino | Library to use Vishay VNCL4020C PPG sensor |
Witsanu | A library for controlling MAX7219 with Dot Matrix on Arduino Nano Shield |
Yet Another Arduino Debounce Library | An asynchronous Arduino Library for debouncing |
Yet Another Arduino Wiegand Library | An Arduino Library to receive data from Wiegand card readers. |