
A list of the 1042 libraries in the architecture esp32.

107-Arduino-BMP388 Arduino library for interfacing with the BMP388 barometric pressure sensor which can be used for inferring altitude information.
107-Arduino-BoostUnits Arduino library for providing boost::units for the Arduino platform.
107-Arduino-CriticalSection Arduino library for providing a consistent critical section interface over various Arduino platforms.
107-Arduino-Debug Arduino library for providing convenient macros for printf-style debugging.
107-Arduino-NMEA-Parser Arduino library for interfacing with any GPS, GLONASS, Galileo or GNSS module and interpreting its NMEA messages.
107-Arduino-Sensor A unified sensor abstraction layer used by all 107-system sensor libraries.
107-Arduino-TMF8801 Arduino library for interfacing with the TMF8801 time-of-flight distance sensor.
107-Arduino-UniqueId Arduino library for providing a unique 64-bit ID over various Arduino platforms.
AViShaWiFi AViShaWiFi adalah library untuk menyederhanakan penggunaan WiFi pada ESP8266 dan ESP32.
AbleTP A thermal printer library for ArduinoBLE.
AcaiaArduinoBLE A library that connects BLE devices to Acaia Scales.
AccessPermissionManager Implements access permission control of filesystem resources.
ad5243 Arduino library to control the AD5243 family of digital potentiometers / rheostats
Adafruit CPFS Arduino library for accessing a board's CircuitPython flash filesystem and presenting it over USB.
Adafruit LittlevGL Glue Library Simplifies use of LittlevGL library with Adafruit displays.
Adafruit NeoPXL8 Arduino library for controlling 8 NeoPixel LED strips using DMA on ATSAMD21, ATSAMD51, RP2040 and ESP32S3
Adafruit Protomatter A library for Adafruit RGB LED matrices.
Adafruit PyCamera Library Arduino library for the MEMENTO ESP32-S3 camera
Adafruit SleepyDog Library Arduino library to use the watchdog timer for system reset and low power sleep.
Adafruit_4_01_ColourEPaper Adafruit connector library for the WaveShare 4.01 Colour Epaper display
ADS1118 library Arduino library for TI ADS1118 (16-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter with Internal Reference and Temperature Sensor).
ADS1256 An Arduino-compatible library for the 24-bit ADS1256 analog-to-digital converter.
Ai Esp32 Rotary Encoder Easy implement rotary encoder to your application for ESP32 and ESP8266
AirNgin ESP32 MQTT Client A library for ESP32 to connect to AirNgin IoT platform.
AIS 4G board Enables AIS 4G network connection use by AIS 4G Board
AITINKR_AIOT_V2 Library for controlling motors, servos, buttons, camera, and MQTT with the AITinkr AIOT V2.
Alfredo-NoU2 Library for the Alfredo NoU2 robot control board.
Alfredo-NoU3 Library for the Alfredo NoU3 robot control board.
Algoduino A simple API client implementation in C++ for the Algorand Blockchain.
AllWize Arduino-compatible library to interface RC1701HP-OSP/WIZE radio modules
AlmaviosLitMqtt A Simple MQTT client for connection with cloud providers
AloesDevice MQTT connector for Aloes
AMY Synthesizer AMY, the Music Synthesizer Library
AnalogWrite_ESP32 Function analogWrite and Servo support for ESP32
APDS9151 A library for using the APDS-9151 sensor.
App Fernando K Library that helps working with the Fernando K app
Approximate The Approximate Library is a WiFi Arduino library for building proximate interactions between your Internet of Things and the ESP8266 or ESP32.
Aranet4 Aranet4 communication library for ESP32
Arara Biblioteca para o controlador Arara
ArduProf A thin layer framework for developer to code inter-task communication by an event driven method, running on different RTOS.
ArduRoomba A library that allows simple serial interfacing with iRobot Create 2 (and similar) robots.
ArduTFLite TensorFlow Lite Micro library in Arduino style.
ArduinoBLE Enables Bluetooth® Low Energy connectivity on the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, Arduino UNO WiFi Rev.2, Arduino Nano 33 IoT, Arduino Nano 33 BLE, Nicla Sense ME and UNO R4 WiFi.
ArduinoECCX08 Arduino Library for the Atmel/Microchip ECC508 and ECC608 crypto chips
ArduinoIoTCloud This library allows connecting to the Arduino IoT Cloud service.
ArduinoLearningKitStarter Library for the ArduinoLearningKitStarter (ALKS) board by RoboticsBrno with definition of pins and initialization of peripheries.
ArduinoUniqueID Arduino Library to gets the Manufacture Serial Number from the Atmel AVR, SAM, SAMD, STM32, and ESP Microcontroller.
arduinoVNC VNC Client for Arduino
Arduino_Alvik Library to code Arduino Alvik robot
Arduino_BMI270_BMM150 Allows you to read the accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope values from the IMU on your Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2
Arduino_ConnectionHandler Arduino Library for network connection management (WiFi, GSM, NB, [Ethernet], Notecard)
Arduino_ESP32_OTA Firmware update for ESP32.
Arduino_NiclaSenseEnv Read sensor data from the Nicla Sense Env board and control the board behaviour.
ArtnetWifi ArtNet with the ESP8266, ESP32, RP2040 and more.
ArylicHTTP ESP32 Library for controling Arylic audio devices.
AskSinPP Homematic Protocol Library
astra_esp8266 Easily access a Cassandra database from an ESP8266.
AstroMech Protocol for exchanging small amounts of data over audio.
AsyncDNSServer_ESP32_ENC Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP ENC28J60 Ethernet.
AsyncDNSServer_ESP32_Ethernet Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for ESP32/S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W5500, W6100 or ENC28J60 Ethernet.
AsyncDNSServer_ESP32_W5500 Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W5500 Ethernet.
AsyncDNSServer_ESP32_W6100 Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W6100 Ethernet.
AsyncDNSServer_WT32_ETH01 Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for WT32_ETH01 or ESP32-based boards using LwIP LAN8720 Ethernet.
AsyncEspFsWebserver ESPAsyncWebserver with steroids
AsyncESP32_ENC_Manager ESP32 + LwIP ENC28J60, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP32_Ethernet_Manager ESP32 + LwIP W5500 / ENC28J60, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP32_SC_ENC_Manager ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP + LwIP ENC28J60 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP32_SC_Ethernet_Manager ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500 / ENC28J60 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP32_SC_W5500_Manager ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP32_SC_W6100_Manager ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W6100 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP32_W5500_Manager ESP32 + LwIP W5500, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP32_W6100_Manager ESP32 + LwIP W6100 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncHTTPRequest_ESP32_Ethernet Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP library for ESP32/S2/S3/C3, WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720), ESP32 using LwIP ENC28J60, W5500, W6100 or LAN8720.
AsyncHTTPSRequest_ESP32_Ethernet Simple Async HTTPS Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP_SSL library for ESP32/S2/S3/C3, WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720), ESP32 using LwIP ENC28J60, W5500, W6100 or LAN8720.
AsyncOTA Asynchronous over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates for ESP32.
AsyncTCP_SSL Asynchronous SSL TCP Library for ESP32.
AsyncUdp_ESP32_ENC Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP ENC28J60 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_ESP32_Ethernet Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W5500, W6100 or ENC28J60 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_ESP32_SC_ENC Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32_S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP ENC28J60 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_ESP32_SC_Ethernet Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W5500, W6100 or ENC28J60 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_ESP32_SC_W5500 Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W5500 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_ESP32_SC_W6100 Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W6100 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_ESP32_W5500 Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W5500 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_ESP32_W6100 Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W6100 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_WT32_ETH01 Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720).
AsyncWebConfig A web based configuration editor for asynchron web server.
AsyncWebSerial Browser-based logging and debugging for ESP32 using the Web Serial API.
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_ENC AsyncWebServer for (ESP32 + ENC28J60)
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_SC_ENC AsyncWebServer for (ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP ENC28J60)
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_SC_W5500 AsyncWebServer for (ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500)
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_SC_W6100 AsyncWebServer for (ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W6100)
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_W5500 AsyncWebServer for (ESP32 + LwIP W5500)
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_W6100 AsyncWebServer for (ESP32 + LwIP W6100)
AsyncWebServer_WT32_ETH01 AsyncWebServer for WT32_ETH01 using LAN8720
AsyncWT32_ETH01_Manager ESP32 + LwIP LAN8720, including WT32-S1, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ATC_MiThermometer Arduino library for BLE ATC_MiThermometer thermometer/hygrometer sensors.
ATC_MiThermometer-Arduino A library for interacting with ATC Mi Thermometers over BLE.
ATD1.47-S3 Lib Arduino library of ATD1.47-S3
ATD3.5-S3 Library for ATD3.5-S3
Atmel TSS463C VAN bus Datalink Controller library A library for the Atmel TSS463/TSS461 VAN Datalink Controller
ATOM_DTU_CAT1 Library for ATOM DTU CAT1 development kit
ATOM_DTU_LoRaWAN Library for ATOM DTU LoRaWAN development kit
ATOM_DTU_NB Library for ATOM DTU NB development kit
AutoAnalogAudio Automated analog reads and analog output (streaming) using Arduino DAC(or PWM), ADC, DMA and Timers
AutoConnect ESP8266/ESP32 WLAN configuration at runtime with web interface.
AutoOTA Library for checking OTA updates
AXP202X_Library Arduino library for X-Power AXP202 chip
BackgroundAudio Plays MP3, AAC, and WAV via an IRQ based mechanism to allow "multitasking" while playing
BanglaText Bangla text renderer in esp supported displays for ESP boards, by mamunul
Basecamp A basic IoT library for the ESP32
Battery_18650_Stats Library to calculate 18650 charge level
Battery_Shield Библиотека для работы с Battery Shield - источником автономного питания (ИАП).
bb_captouch Capacitive touch sensor library for FT6x36, MXT144, CST820, CST226 and GT911 I2C devices.
BeShell A JavaScript framework for ESP32 Platform
Beelan LoRaWAN LoRaWAN Arduino Library for standalone LoRaWAN modules class A and C with a simple API.
Benchmark Measure code execution time
BH1750 Arduino library for the digital light sensor breakout boards containing the BH1750FVI IC
BitFlash_Client OTA firmware update library for ESP32
bitluni ESP32Lib Multimedia library for the ESP32
BlaeckTCP A simple library to send binary (sensor) data via Ethernet/Wifi to your PC.
BLE-MIDI BLE-MIDI I/Os for Arduino
Bleeper A library to store generic configurations.
Bleeping Library Simple BLE ESP Provisioning and Configuration
blesdlib Emulate a keystrok via bluetooth wirelessly
BlueDisplay This library enables an Android smartphone or tablet to act as a graphical display for your Arduino.
Blues Wireless Notecard Auxiliary Wi-Fi A utility class to support external Wi-Fi operations.
BlynkESP32_BT_WF Enable inclusion of both ESP32 Blynk BT/BLE and WiFi libraries. Then select one at reboot or run both. Eliminate hardcoding your Wifi and Blynk credentials and configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM.
BlynkGSM_Manager Simple GSM shield Credentials Manager for Blynk and ESP32 / ESP8266 boards, with or without SSL, configuration data saved in LittleFS / SPIFFS / EEPROM.
Blynk_Async_ESP32_BT_WF Simple WiFiManager for Blynk and ESP32 with or without SSL, configuration data saved in either SPIFFS or EEPROM. Enable inclusion of both ESP32 Blynk BT/BLE and WiFi libraries. Then select one at reboot or run both. Eliminate hardcoding your Wifi and Blynk credentials and configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM. Using AsyncWebServer instead of WebServer, with WiFi networks scanning for selection in Configuration Portal.
Blynk_Async_GSM_Manager Simple GSM shield Credentials Manager for Blynk and ESP32 / ESP8266 boards, with or without SSL, configuration data saved in LittleFS / SPIFFS / EEPROM.
Blynk_Async_WM Simple Async WiFiManager for Blynk and ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-C3), ESP8266 with or without SSL, configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM. Now working with new ESP8266 core v3.0.1 and ESP32 core v1.0.6
Blynk_WiFiManager Simple WiFiManager for Blynk and ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-C3), ESP8266 with or without SSL, configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM. Now working with new ESP8266 core v3.0.0 and ESP32 core v1.0.6
BMI270_Sensor Library for BMI270 sensor
Bonezegei ILI9341 Simple Library for ILI9341 LCD Module
Bonezegei_GL Bonezegei Graphics Library (Beta)
Bonezegei_ILI9341v2 ILI9341 Driver
Bonezegei_WS2812 WS2812
Bonezegei_XPT2046 Simple Library XPT2046 Resistive Touch Controller
Bonezegei_XPT2046v2 XPT2046 Driver
BresserWeatherSensorReceiver Bresser 5-in-1/6-in-1/7-in-1 868 MHz Weather Sensor Radio Receiver for Arduino based on CC1101, SX1276/RFM95W, SX1262 or LR1121.
BSEC Software Library Bosch Sensortec Environmental Cluster (BSEC) Software library
bsec2 Bosch Sensortec Environmental Cluster (BSEC) Software library
ButtonToSwitch_ESP32 Implement simple to complex switches out of simple buttons, this library with an easy consistent API will take care of debouncing, deglitching, toggle on-off, keep activation times in a completely unnatended manner.
BytebeamArduino A small Arduino Library for Bytebeam Cloud that just works.
Byteduino A light implementation of Obyte cryptocurrency platform (formerly Byteball) for ESP8266 and ESP32
Callmebot ESP32 Callmebot library for ESP32
CanSatNeXT A library for using the hardware resources of CanSat NeXT board
CanSatNeXT_GNSS Extension to the CanSatNeXT to add support for the GNSS module
Canon BLE remote [BETA] Canon bluetooth remote control library for Arduino.
Cat GFX Thermal Printer Library Adafruit GFX compatible arduino library for using cat thermal printers with the ESP32
Cdrv8833 ESP32 class for the TI DRV8833 motor driver. Designed for unipolar (DC) motors only (not stepper).
Ch376msc A library for CH376 file manager control chip.
Chirale_TensorFLowLite Allows you to run machine learning models locally on all Arduino boards with mbed or ESP32 architecture.
ChirpSDK Chirp SDK
CleanRTOS Makes use of FreeRTOS on ESP32 much easier and safer.
cloud4rpi-esp-arduino Connect a board to the Cloud4RPi control panel using MQTT -
CMMC MQTT Connector MQTT Connector library
Commanders This is a library for Arduino to handle input devices like buttons, Dcc (railroad modeling), CAN or I2C bus, or serial interface to give orders.
ConfigManager WiFi connection manager for ESP8266 and ESP32
ConfigPortal32 Configuration Web Portal for ESP32
ConfigStorage Library to store configuration parameters in the file system using LittleFS or SPIFFS for ESP8266 and ESP32.
ConnectionHelper Library for setting up WiFi and OTA (Over The Air)
ConsentiumNow A versatile library enabling ESP-NOW communication for IoT devices.
Cpp_Standard_Library 将C++标准库移植到 Arduino。支持C++11~17。
CRMui3 CRMui3 WebFramework build a web app (Web UI) for ESP8266 and ESP32 in your project in minutes! / CRMui3 WebFramework для esp8266 и esp32. Позволяет быстро и просто создать веб интерфейс для настройки и управления устройством.
CredentialManager Provides intuitive interface for storage and retrival for user credentials.
CrossMgrLapCounter Library for communicating with CrossMgr's lap counter interface
CROZONE-VEML6040 It is a library for use with the CROZONE VEML6040 module of Crozone Technology Company Limited.
CS5490 A library control an integrated circuit Cirrus Logic - CS5490
CSWButtons The library for the diy smartwatch projects, which operates with their buttons.
CTBot Simple Arduino Telegram BOT library for ESP8266/ESP32
Cumulocity IoT client A client library to connect your Arduino to Cumulocity IoT cloud over MQTT.
CurrentTransformerWithCallbacks Coil, Current Transformer (CT) based AC current measurements using fast ADC sampling of waveform
DabbleESP32 Dabble is a library to interface ESP32 with Dabble Smartphone app on Arduino IDE.
DacESP32 Arduino library for using the ESP32 DAC output channels fast and easy.
DashioESP ESP32 & ESP8266 library for communicating with the free Dash IoT dashboard app.
databot2 Official databot library supporting databot, based on Arduino
DCCpp This is a library to control DCC devices.
DeepSleepScheduler Lightweight, cooperative task scheduler with configurable sleep and task supervision.
DelayFunctions Simple delay functions.
deploii Library for enabling communication between a MCU and Deploii
detaBaseArduinoESP32 Makes working with Base easy
DFRobot_MAX98357A This is a Library for MAX98357A(SKU: DFR0954).
DFR0534 Class for controlling a DFR0534 audio module by SoftwareSerial or HardwareSerial
dhtESP32-rmt Minimal, non-blocking, DHT11/DHT22 sensor library for ESP32 using RMT pheripheral for Arduino 3.0.0 based on ESP-IDF v5.1.4
DHT sensor library for ESPx Arduino ESP library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors
DIYables_IRcontroller The Arduino library for IR remote controller. It works with Arduino, ESP32, ESP8266.
Didactic Robot Simple Didactic Robot library
Dimmable Light for Arduino This library allows to easily control dimmers (also known as thyristors).
DIO2 Fast digital input/output functions.
DJIMotorAlgoESP A library for controlling DJI M3508, M2006, and GM6020: A Summary of the Algorithm Using ESP32..
DJIMotorCtrlESP A library for controlling DJI M3508, M2006, and GM6020 motors using ESP32.
DMXasLED Una libreria per il controllo di luci DMX usando ESP32 e freeRTOS
DMD32 An Arduino library for ESP32 to drive DMD LED matrix display
DriveMaster RC protocol
Ds1302 A C/C++ library to use DS1302 RTC chip.
DSC Keybus Interface Directly interface Arduino, esp8266, and esp32 to DSC PowerSeries and Classic security systems for integration with home automation, remote control apps, notifications on alarm events, and emulating DSC panels to connect DSC keypads.
DTF_ESP32Update Update ESP32 devices using Deploy the Fleet service.
dynaHTML dynamic HTML library for ESP8266/ESP32
dynaconfig Arduino WiFi dynamic configuration library for ESP32 using captive portal authentication.
ELi_McM_4_00 A library for using Microcontroller modules of E-LAGORi.
ELi_MdM_4_00 A library for using motor driver modules of E-LAGORi.
EasyBNO055 ESP Library for the Adafruit BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor made easier with ESP32 threads
easyConfig WebPortal and WiFi management for ESP32/ESP8266
EasyDDNS ESP8266 & ESP32 DDNS Update Client Library.
EasyEspNow An easy-to-use ESP-NOW wrapper library for ESP platform that simplifies peer communication and data handling.
Easy MFRC522 Simplified reading/writing data chunks from/to RFID tags with MFRC522 module.
EasyOledUI Arduino ESP32 - Simple UI generator with manus and messages
EasyPCF8574 Generic library for PCF8574 easy to use
EasyPreferences ESP32 Preferences abstraction and manager. It includes a basic keys manifest and auto setters to streamline implementation.
EasySTEAM Biblioteca para o controlador EasySTEAM
EdgeNeuron TensorFlow Lite Micro library in Arduino style for TinyML applications.
EEBoom Simple and powerful EEPROM emulation for ESP8266 and ESP32
EEPROM32_Rotate EEPROM wrapper for ESP32 that handles partition rotation
Effortless-SPIFFS A class designed to make reading and storing data on the ESP8266 and ESP32 effortless.
ELMo Low-level synchronous Arduino library to interface with ELM327 OBDII devices.
ELMo Low-level synchronous Arduino library to interface with ELM327 OBDII devices.
ElegantOTA OTA updates made slick and simple for everyone!
Elektor_AudioDSP Driver for the Elektor Audio DSP FX Processor board with ESP32-PICO-KIT and ADAU1701.
em4095 A library for reading and writing rfid chips with em4095 and esp32
EmbUI Embedded Web UI framework for esp8266/esp32/esp32-c3/esp32-s2/esp32-s3 IoT prototyping
EmbeddedSparkplugNode Sparkplug B / Sparkplug 3 Edge Node Library.
EmbeddronicsBleOTA Bluetooth low energy (BLE) library for updating firmware over ble.
EmotiBit ArduinoFilters Filter library for Arduino.
EmuRTC Emulated Real Time
Emulation A comprehensive mocking framework for seamless unit testing in PlatformIO.
ENS22 Library for controlling the ENS22 NB-IoT modem, supporting MQTT communication.
EQSP32 A library for controlling your EQSP32 - ESP32 Industrial IoT Controller.
ESPectro32 ESPectro32 development board library for Arduino IDE
ESPiLight pilight 433.92 MHz protocols library for Arduino
ESPping Let the ESP32/ESP8266 ping a remote machine.
ESPxRGB RGB manipulation functions in Xtensa assembler for ESP SoCs
ES32Lab Library provided by ESDeveloperBR to facilitate the development of programs that utilize the ES32Lab board.
ESC Thermal Printer BLE Library for ESC/POS Printer BLE
ESPAsyncButton Event-driven asynchronous button toolkit for ESP32
ESP Async E1.31 Async E1.31 sACN for ESP8266.
ESPAsyncHTTPUpdateServer Simple/Stylized HTTP Update Server for ESPAsyncWebServer(by me-no-dev)
ESPAsyncWebSrv Asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket Server Library for ESP8266 and ESP32 . Forked from
ESPAsync_WiFiManager ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3), ESP8266 WiFi Connection Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESPAsync_WiFiManager_Lite Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Async WiFiManager for ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3) and ESP8266 boards. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters.
ESPAutoWiFiConfig Start serving a local webpage if cannot connect to WiFi, also include Buffer for to WiFi client to prevent small packets with partial messages being sent.
ESPAutoWifi Auto Connect WiFi for ESP32 Board.
esp-brookesia ESP-Brookesia is a human-machine interaction development framework designed for AIoT devices.
ESPCanary Create an ESP32 or ESP8266 OpenCanary Honeypot
ESPConnect Simple & Easy WiFi Manager with Captive Portal for ESP8266 / ESP32
ESP-DASH A blazing fast library to create realtime dashboards for ESP8266, ESP32, RP2040 and RP2350 MCUs.
ESPDisplay Use the DAC function of ESP32 to output C_ESP_8_BIT_composite with LovyanGFX.
esp-echonet-lite Echonet Lite library for ESP
ESPEssentials Essentials to get you started with your ESP8266 and ESP32 projects
EspFileManager Web-based file manager for ESP32 file operations.
esp-fipsy Fipsy FPGA programmer.
ESPFlash Lightweight library that makes SPIFFs usage simple and easy to understand on the ESP8266 and ESP32.
ESP-FlexyStepper This library is used to control one or more stepper motors from an ESP32 device
esp-fs-webserver From FSBrowser.ino example to library
ESP-Google-Forms-Client Arduino Google Forms REST client library for ESP8266, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040).
ESP-Google-Sheet-Client Arduino Google Sheet REST client library for Arduino devices.
ESPHap Native support Apple HomeKit protocol with Arduino projects
esp-iot-core A framework to implement IoT devices/gateways based on the ESP8266/ESP32 hardware.
esp-lib-utils esp-lib-utils is a library designed for ESP SoCs to provide utility functions, including logging, checking, and memory.
ESP Line Notify Line Notify Library for ESP8266 and ESP32.
ESPLogger This library provides a simple interface to collect data on local storage (embedded flash or micro SD).
ESP Mail Client Arduino E-Mail Client Library to send, read and get incoming email notification for ESP32, ESP8266 and SAMD21 devices.
ESPNexUpload Upload UI file to Nextion displays using ESP's
EspNowCam ESPNowCam, a straightforward video streamer for popular ESP32Cam models, leveraging the ESPNow protocol. No need for IPs, routers, or credentials—keeping it simple! :D
EspNowJoystick Abstraction of ESP-Now and Protocol Buffers to have improved joystick for any kind of hardware
EspNowNetworkHost Node code for the EspNowNetwork
EspNowNetworkHostDriver Host driver code for the EspNowNetwork
EspNowNetworkNode Node code for the EspNowNetwork
EspNowNetworkShared Shared code for the EspNowNetwork
EspNow2Mqtt Use Esp-now to connect to mqtt and send and recive data.
ESPPerfectTime SNTP library that provides more accurate time for ESP8266/ESP32.
ESP QRcode ESP Generate QRCode for GDEH0213B72 eink display, SSD1306, SH1106 oled displays 128*64 pixel and others based on Adafruit ST77XX
ESPShell This library adds a command line interface (CLI) to your sketch. CLI can be used for development or debugging, with all commands built-in: provides access to I2C, UART, filesystem, GPIO's etc
EspSoftwareSerial Implementation of the Arduino software serial for ESP8266/ESP32.
ESP-StepperMotor-Server A stepper motor control server for ESP32 with Web UI, REST API and CLI
ESPStringTemplate Lightweight string templating library for building static web pages on the ESP8266
ESPWebDAV WebDav server compatible with linux, macOS, windows.
EspWebFileManager A library to manage various file systems and provide file management over web interface for ESP32.
ESPWiFiMqttWrapper ESP8266 and ESP32 WiFi - MQTT Wrapper
ESP-WiFiSettings WiFi configuration manager for the ESP32 and ESP8266 platforms.
ESP-Wifi-Config A ready-made Web Admin panel for configuring WiFi settings for ESP8266 and ESP32
EspWii A library to send Wii extension controllers data over wifi.
ESP2SOTA Async OTA (AP & Client WiFi modes) for ESP32/ESP8266.
ESP32AnalogRead Load the ESP32 ADC calibration data and use it to read from the ADC Supports the original, S2 and S3.
ESP32-audioI2S-master With this library You can easily build a WebRadio with a ESP32 board and a I2S-module.
ESP32 BLE ANCS Notifications Arduino library for ESP32, for reading and interacting with Smartphone notifications from iOS.
ESP32 BLE Arduino BLE functions for ESP32
ESP32-BLE-Gamepad Bluetooth LE Gamepad library for the ESP32.
ESP32-BLE-MIDI A library to use MIDI over Bluetooth Low Energy on ESP32 boards.
ESP32CAR Allows ESP32 boards to control MakistCar using
ESP32-Chimera-Core Alternate library for M5Stack/M5Core2/Odroid-Go/D-Duino and possiblly other ESP32/TFT/SD bundles
ESP32Console Extensible UART console for ESP32 with useful included commands.
ESP32 Control This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 Control module.This library support all version of ESP32 Control module,ERS ,E1.0
ESP32 Control lite This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 Control module.This library support all version of ESP32 Control module,ERS ,E1.0
ESP32 Digital RGB LED Drivers A library for driving self-timed digital RGB/RGBW LEDs (WS2812, SK6812, NeoPixel, WS2813, etc.) using the Espressif ESP32 microcontroller's RMT output peripheral.
esp32-ds18b20 Minimal, non-blocking, DS18B20 sensor library for ESP32 using RMT pheripheral, supports multiple sensors, lightweight, no dependencies, will need Arduino esp32 3.x based on IDF 5.X
ESP32-ENC28J60 Enables network connection (local and Internet) with ENC28J60 using the ESP32 Ethernet.
ESP32Encoder Encoder library for the ESP32 using interrupts.
ESP32 ESP32S2 AnalogWrite ESP32 PWM, Servo, Easing and Tone.
ESP32 File Manager for Generation Klick ESPFMfGK Manage your ES32 file system content with a simple web based interface
esp32-flashz ESP32-FlashZ arduino library
esp32FOTA A simple library for firmware OTA updates
ESP32 HUB75 LED MATRIX PANEL DMA Display HUB75 LED Matrix Library for ESP32, ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3
ESP32-imgur-uploader Image/Video uploader
ESP32 Mail Client Mail Client Arduino Library for ESP32
ESP32MQTTClient A thread-safe MQTT library based on the of ESP-IDF instead of PubSubClient.
ESP32MX1508 An ESP32 library that makes using mx1508 dual DC motor driver easier.
ESP32-OTA Add an HTTP OTA interface to an existing project.
ESP32-OTA-Pull ESP32-OTA-Pull provides simple 'pull' based OTA updates for ESP32
ESP32-PSRamFS "ESP32 RamDisk for PSRAM and fs::FS"
ESP32-PTQS1005 PTQS1005 Sensor Data Acquisition Library for ESP32 and Arduino
esp32-rmt-ir Minimal, non-blocking, IR library for ESP32 using RMT pheripheral, supports NEC, Sony, Samsung and RC5 transmit and receive, lightweight, no dependencies, will need Arduino esp32 3.x based on IDF 5.X
ESP32 RMT Peripheral VAN bus reader library ESP32 RMT Peripheral VAN bus reader library
ESP32RotaryEncoder Use a rotary encoder with your ESP32 easily!
ESP32-RTSPServer An RTSP server library for streaming video, audio, and subtitles.
ESP32Servo Allows ESP32 boards to control servo, tone and analogWrite motors using Arduino semantics.
ESP32Servo360 Initial development release
Esp32SimplePacketComs This Arduino library supports Simple Packet Coms for Esp32.
ESP32-targz A library to compress/decompress tar+gzip archives.
ESP32TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on ESP32-based (including ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 and ESP32_C3) boards
ESP32TinyUSB USB functions for ESP32-S2
ESP32-USB-Soft-Host "An Arduino wrapper to @sdima1357's usb_soft_host esp-idf example"
Esp32WifiManager This Arduino library supports Wifi Management for Esp32.
ESP32_BleSerial A BLE Serial library for Arduino ESP32
ESP32_Button ESP32_Button is a specialized library created to facilitate the implementation of ADC/GPIO button functionality on ESP SoCs.
ESP32_C3_ISR_Servo This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32_C3 board to control multiple servo motors.
ESP32_C3_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32-C3-based board
esp32_codec2 Codec2 Arduino library for ESP32.
ESP32_Display_Panel ESP32_Display_Panel is a display driver and GUI porting library designed by Espressif specifically for ESP series SoCs (ESP32, ESP32-S3, ESP32-P4, etc.)
ESP32_easy_wifi_data Simple library for sending and recieving booleans, bytes, integers, and float variables over UDP. The ESP32 or ESP8266 can be connected to a wifi network or create its own hotspot.
ESP32_ENC_Manager ESP32 + LwIP ENC28J60, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
esp32_epd A library that makes coding a E-paper a breeze.
ESP32_Ethernet_Manager (ESP32 + LwIP W5500 / ENC28J60), including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP32_FastPWM This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 or ESP32_C3-based boards to create and output PWM to pins.
esp32_ftpclient An FTP-Client for the ESP32.
esp32_gamepad connect ESP32 to SteelSeries:Free bluetooth gamepad.
ESP32_HTTPS_Server Alternative ESP32 Webserver implementation for the ESP32, supporting HTTPS and HTTP.
esp32_https_server_compat An Arduino library for an alternative ESP32 HTTP/HTTPS web server implementation
ESP32_IDF5_HTTPS_Server Alternative ESP32 Webserver implementation for the ESP32, supporting HTTPS and HTTP. Compatible with ESP-IDF 5.0 or later.
esp32_idf5_https_server_compat An Arduino library for an alternative ESP32 HTTP/HTTPS web server implementation
ESP32_IO_Expander ESP32_IO_Expander is a library designed for driving IO expander chips using ESP SoCs
ESP32_ISR_Servo This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32 board to control multiple servo motors.
ESP32_Knob ESP32_Knob is a library designed for driving encoders using ESP SoCs
esp32_moga connect ESP32 to MOGA bluetooth gamepads
ESP32_MQTTClient MQTT library based on the of ESP-IDF.
ESP32_MySQL Directly connects to MySQL using ESP32.
ESP32_New_ISR_Servo This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3, ESP32_C3 boards to control multiple servo motors.
ESP32_New_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 or ESP32_C3-based board
esp32_opus OPUS Arduino library for ESP32.
ESP32_Pinoo An Arduino library to use Pinoo ESP32 modules.
ESP32_PWM This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 or ESP32_C3-based board to create and output PWM to pins.
ESP32_RTC_EEPROM EEPROM emulation that stores in RTC RAM. Survives deep sleep, but not reset or power loss.
ESP32_S2_ISR_Servo This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32_S2 board to control multiple servo motors.
ESP32_S2_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32-S2-based board
ESP32_SC_ENC_Manager ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP ENC28J60 Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP32_SC_Ethernet_Manager (ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500 / ENC28J60) Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP32_SC_W5500_Manager ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP32_SC_W6100_Manager ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W6100 Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP32_SemBeacon SemBeacon BLE functions for ESP32
ESP32_SoftWire ESP32 software I2C library
ESP32_USB_STREAM ESP32_USB_STREAM is a specialized library created to facilitate the implementation of USB stream functionality on ESP SoCs.
ESP32_VS1053_Stream This is a Arduino IDE library for playing mp3, aac and flac/ogg local files and online streams with a vs1053 decoder.
ESP32_W5500_Manager ESP32 + LwIP W5500, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP32_W6100_Manager ESP32 + LwIP W6100 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP32_WS2812_Lib An Arduino library for WS2812 led on ESP32/ESP32S3.
ESP32epd A library that makes coding a E-paper a breeze.
ESP32httpUpdate Http Update for ESP32
ESP32softPWM Easily implement software PWM
ESP8266 and ESP32 OLED driver for SSD1306 displays I2C display driver for SSD1306 OLED displays connected to ESP8266, ESP32, Mbed-OS
ESP8266Audio Audio file and I2S sound playing routines for ESP8266, ESP32, and Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040
esp8266-google-home-notifier Send notifications to Google Home from esp8266/32.
esp8266-google-tts generate the link to speech mp3 on esp8266/32.
ESP8266 MQTT Mesh Self-assembling Mesh network built around the MQTT protocol supporting OTA
ESP8266SAM_ES Speech synthesis in spanish on the ESP8266, ESP32, and RP2040
ESP8266 Weather Station ESP8266 based internet connected Weather Station
ESP_8_BIT Color Composite Video Library Generate color composite TV video out signals with an ESP32.
esp_abus ABUS Socket Communication library for PLCs (Cybro-2 and Cybro-3) from Cybrotech and ESP32 / ESP8266 over WiFi
esp_dmx Transmit and receive DMX and RDM using an ESP32.
ESP_DoubleResetDetector Library to detect a double reset within a predetermined time, using RTC Memory, EEPROM, LittleFS or SPIFFS for ESP8266 and ESP32
ESP_MultiResetDetector Library to detect a multi reset within a predetermined time, using RTC Memory, EEPROM, LittleFS or SPIFFS for ESP8266 and ESP32, ESP32_C3, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3
esp_sds011 ESP8266/ESP32 library for the SDS011 particulate matter sensor.
ESP_SSLClient The upgradable SSL Client for Arduino devices.
ESP_TF Tensorflow micro for esp32 with esp nn support
ESP_WiFiManager Library to configure MultiWiFi/Credentials at runtime for ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3) and ESP8266 boards. With enhanced GUI and fallback web ConfigPortal.
ESP_WiFiManager_Lite Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Manager for ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3) and ESP8266 boards. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters.
Espressif ESP32 Azure IoT Kit Sensors Unofficial Arduino library for interacting with sensors in the Espressif ESP32 Azure IoT Kit development board.
EthernetESP32 Alternative Ethernet library for the ESP32 platform.
EzLoRaWAN ESP 32 port of the Arduino TheThingsNetwork library.
EzLoRaWAN_BLE BLE OTAA provisioning for library EzLoRaWAN.
FaBo 202 9Axis MPU9250 A library for FaBo 9Axis I2C Brick
FaBo 203 Color S11059 A library for FaBo Color I2C Brick
FaBo 206 UV Si1132 A library for FaBo UV I2C Brick
FaBo 207 Temperature ADT7410 A library for FaBo Temperature I2C Brick
FaBo 217 Ambient Light ISL29034 A library for FaBo Ambient Light I2C Brick
FaBo 222 Environment BME680 A library for FaBo Environment I2C Brick
FaBo 223 Gas CCS811 A library for CCS811 that getting values of CO2 and TVOC.
FaBo 230 Color BH1749NUC A library for FaBo Color I2C Brick
FaBo GPIO40 PCA9698 A library for FaBo GPIO.
FaBo Motor DRV8830 A library for FaBo Motor.
FaBo PWM PCA9685 A library for FaBo PWM.
FabGL ESP32 VGA, PAL/NTSC Color Composite, SSD1306 ILI9341 ST7789 Controller, PS/2 Mouse and Keyboard Controller, Graphics Library, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Sound Engine, Game Engine and ANSI/VT Terminal
FastAccelStepper A high speed stepper library for Atmega 168/168p/328/328p (nano), 32u4 (leonardo), 2560, ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3, ESP32C3, ESP32C6 and Atmel SAM Due
FastBot Fast ESP8266/ESP32 library for Telegram bot (messages, menus, time sync, OTA update + SPIFFS, files upload and download)
FastEPD A frustration-free e-paper library for parallel eink panels.
FastLEDHub Control multiple FastLED lightstrip animations on the ESP8266 and ESP32 without reuploading.
FauxmoESP Amazon Alexa support for ESP8266, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi Pico W
Feature-Variables Persistent event driven variables aimed at making complex designs much simpler
FFT Library for FFT
FileData Simple library for storing any data in file
FilesystemAccessInterface Abstraction for Filesystem Access.
FireBase32 Allows communication with Firebase.
FireEsp A library for connecting to Firebase using ESP boards
Firebase Enables Firebase Realtime Database connectivity on the ESP8266, ESP32, Arduino UNO R4 WiFi.
Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266 and ESP32 Google Firebase Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP8266 and ESP32
FirebaseClient Async Firebase Client library for Arduino
Firebase ESP32 Client Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP32
Firebase ESP8266 Client Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP8266
FirebaseJson The easiest Arduino library JSON parser, builder and editor for ESP8266, ESP32, Teensy 3.x, Teensy 4.x and others MCUs.
FMDataClient Filemaker 17 DATA API Client (ESP32)
Free-ESPAtHome Implements the Busch-Jeager / ABB Free@Home API for ESP8266 and ESP32.
Freenove IR Lib for ESP32 An Arduino library for IR remote receive on ESP32.
Freenove WS2812 Lib for ESP32 An Arduino library for WS2812 led on ESP32.
ftp32 FTP client for esp32
FunctionFsm A library that simplifies the creation of finite state machines and streamlines the process of turning state diagrams into code..
GSheet32 Library for sending data from ESP32 to Google Sheets.
Geekble_Basics Library for Arduino Beginners
Geekble_MotorOrgel Library for play music on Motors
Geekble_Note2Freq Library for easy convertion of musical note to frequency.
Geekble_Orgel Library for play music
GeoIP Library to get local timezone and geographic location based on your network's IP address.
gfxDraw GFXDraw is a powerful and easy-to-use GUI library for Arduino offering path-based vector drawing for displays with GFX support.
GFX4dESP32 Graphics Library for the gen4-ESP32 displays by 4D Systems
ghostl Lock-free queue; C++ coroutines; and a nano-sized C++ STL adapter for MCUs like ESP8266/ESP32.
GifDecoder Play Animated GIFs
githubiot A library that enables IoT devices based on ESP8266 or ESP32 microcontrollers to use GitHub.
GLEE Beelan LoRaWAN LoRaWAN Arduino Library for standalone LoRaWAN modules class A and C with a simple API. Modified for the GLEE Project.
gob_unifiedButton Add touch buttons for CoreS3 / Tough and commonality with conventional buttons (M5.BtnX)
GoogleFormPost A simple way to add data to Google Sheets, without API or authentication.
GoogleSchedular Arduino Library for reading events title from a Google Calendar
GovoroxSSLClient Provides secure network connection over a generic Client transport object.
GPIOViewer Web Application to view GPIO pins live!
Green Beacon BLE beacon library compatible with LINE Simple Beacon
GUIslice GUIslice embedded touchscreen GUI library in C for Arduino & Raspberry Pi
GyverPortal Simple web interface builder for esp8266 and ESP32
HaCTimers An event driven arduino Timer.
HeidelbergInterface Arduino Library to communicate with Heidelberg Wallbox Energy Control via Modbus RTU.
Hello Drum Arduino Library for piezo sensing
heltec-eink-modules Third party graphics library for Heltec E-Ink modules.
Heltec ESP32 Dev-Boards Library for Heltec ESP32 (or ESP32+LoRa) based boards
Heltec_ESP32_LoRa_v3 Proper working library for "Heltec ESP32 LoRa v3" and "Heltec Wireless Stick v3" boards.
Heltec_LoRa_OLED_Examples Examples for Heltec boards using main ESP32 libraries
HomeAssistantEntities Library for providing sensors and actuators to Home Assistant using MQTT.
HomeAssistantMQTT Arduino Library to create IoT devices connected to Home Assistant via MQTT.
HomeDing Building Internet Things made easy.
HomeSpan A robust and extremely easy-to-use HomeKit implementation for the Espressif ESP32 running on the Arduino IDE.
HONEYLemon A library HONEYLemon Platform.
HotButton Button library for Arduino. The usual, plus "if (button.event(LONG, SHORT, LONG))" and more.
HS_CAN_485_ESP32 A library for HS_CAN_485_ESP32
HS_JOY_ESP32 A library for HS_JOY_ESP32
htcw_rmt_led_strip Provides neopixel driving facilities
HTTPS_Server_Generic This is HTTPS/HTTP Server Library for ESP32, WT32_ETH01, ESP32 + LwIP W5500, ESP32 + LwIP W6100, ESP32 + LwIP ENC28J60
Hublink BEAM Library for the Hublink BEAM ESP32-S3 data logging device.
Hublink-Node A library for handling BLE and SD card communication for ESP32 nodes.
Huma Buttons Push Buttons for ESP32, ESP88266
HUSB238Driver HUSB238Driver for ESP32
hx1838decoder A simple IR Decoder for HX1388 type receivers.
IBusBM Arduino library for the Flysky/Turnigy RC iBUS protocol - servo (receive) and sensors/telemetry (send) using hardware UART (AVR, ESP32 and STM32 architectures)
IRremote Send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols
IRremoteESP8266 Send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols (ESP8266/ESP32)
iSYNC A library that makes Internet of Things for iSYNC IoT Cloud Platform.
I2Cwrapper I2Cwrapper is a generic modular framework which helps you implement Arduino based I2C target (slave) devices for control of non-I2C hardware.
iarduino Frequency Библиотека для определения частоты на аналоговом входе.
iarduino GSM Библиотека для работы с GSM/GPRS Shield A6 и GSM/GPRS Shield A9.
iarduino_4LED Библиотека для работы с 4 разрядным LED индикатором
iarduino_ACS712 Библиотека для работы с аналоговым датчиком тока ACS712 (Analog Current Sensor)
iarduino_ADC_CS1237 Библиотека для работы с одноканальным дифференциальным АЦП CS1237.
iarduino_AM2320 Библиотека для работы с датчиком температуры и влажности AM2320
iarduino_APDS9930 Библиотека для работы датчиком освещённости APDS9930.
iarduino_Bluetooth_HC05 Библиотека для работы с Bluetooth Trema-модулем HC05.
iarduino_DHT Библиотека для работы с датчиками температуры и влажности DHT11 и(или) DHT22.
iarduino_DS18XXX Библиотека для работы с датчиками температуры: «DS18S20», «DS18B20», «DS1822».
iarduino_Encoder_tmr Библиотека для работы с энкодерами используя второй аппаратный таймер.
iarduino_GprsClient_A9 Arduino Client for ai-thinker A9 GPRS modem
iarduino_GPS_ATGM336 Библиотека управления GPS модулем ATGM336.
iarduino_GPS_NMEA Библиотека парсинга протокола NMEA.
iarduino_HC_SR04 Библиотека для работы с ультразвуковым датчиком расстояния HC-SR04.
iarduino_HC_SR04_int Библиотека для работы с ультразвуковым датчиком расстояния HC-SR04.
iarduino_HC_SR04_tmr Библиотека для работы с ультразвуковым датчиком расстояния HC-SR04.
iarduino_Hexapod Библиотека для управления Hexapod'ом (шестиногим пауком), через MultiServoShield.
iarduino_I2C_4LED Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash LED индикатором.
iarduino_I2C_Address Библиотека установки адресов для модулей серии FLASH-I2C.
iarduino_I2C_Bumper Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем бампер.
iarduino_I2C_connect Библиотека для удобства соединения нескольких Arduino по шине I2C.
iarduino_I2C_DSL Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash датчиком освещённости.
iarduino_I2C_Encoder Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем энкодер-потенциометр.
iarduino_I2C_Expander Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем расширитель выводов.
iarduino_I2C_IO Библиотека для работы с Trema I2C расширителями выводов.
iarduino_I2C_IR Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем ИК-приёмник/передатчик.
iarduino_I2C_Joystick Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем джойстик.
iarduino_I2C_Keyboard Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash клавиатурой.
iarduino_I2C_Matrix_8x8 Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash светодиодной матрицей 8x8.
iarduino_I2C_Motor Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash драйвером мотора.
iarduino_I2C_ORP Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем ORP-метр.
iarduino_I2C_pH Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем pH-метр.
iarduino_I2C_Relay Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулями силовых ключей и реле.
iarduino_I2C_SHT Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash датчиком температуры и влажности.
iarduino_I2C_Software Библиотека для работы с программной шиной I2C.
iarduino_I2C_TDS Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем TDS/EC-метр.
iarduino_I2C_Track Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулями трассы.
iarduino_IR Библиотека для работы с ИК-приёмником и(или) ИК-передатчиком.
iarduino_IR_Thermometer Библиотека позволяет работать с ИК-термометром на базе чипа MLX90614ESF-AAA
iarduino_KB Библиотека для работы с матричными клавиатурами
iarduino_MB_eCO2 Библиотека для работы с датчиком углекислого газа по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_MB_HTL Библиотека для работы с модулем датчиков влажности (H), температуры (T) и освещённости (L) по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_MB_pH Библиотека для работы с pH-метром (датчиком кислотности жидкости) по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_MB_Pump Библиотека для работы с насосами по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_MB_ShtSgpLtr Библиотека для работы с модулем климатических датчиков по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_MB_Socket Библиотека для работы с розеткой по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_MB_TDS Библиотека для работы с TDS/EC-метром (датчиком минерализации жидкости) по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_Metro Библиотека для работы с модулями из линейки Metro.
iarduino_Modbus Библиотека для работы с шиной UART->RS485 по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_MultiServo Библиотека для работы с Multi Servo Shield рассчитанным для работы с 16 сервоприводами.
iarduino_nLED Библиотека для работы с последовательными LED индикаторами.
iarduino_NeoPixel Библиотека для работы с адресными светодиодами WS2812B
iarduino_OLED Библиотека для работы с OLED дисплеями 128x64.
iarduino_OLED_txt Библиотека для вывода текста и чисел на OLED дисплеи 128x64.
iarduino_PCA9555 Библиотека для работы с I2C расширителем выводов PCA9555.
iarduino_Position_BMX055 Библиотека для работы с Trema модулем IMU 9 DOF на базе чипа BMX055.
iarduino_Pressure_BMP Библиотека для работы с датчиками атмосферного давления и температуры BMP180 и(или) BMP280.
iarduino_REG_595 Библиотека для работы с 8-и битными сдвиговыми регистрами HC595/HTC595.
iarduino_RF433 Библиотека для работы с радиопередатчиком FS1000A и(или) радиоприёмником MX-RM-5V, работающими на частоте 433,920 МГц.
iarduino_RTC Библиотека для работы с часами реального времени.
iarduino_SensorPulse Библиотека для работы с датчиком пульса.
iarduino_VpH Библиотека для преобразования напряжения с щупа pH-метра в кислотность жидкости.
ICRS 101 Example code for Robotics 101
IFTTTWebhook Library for triggering IFTTT web hooks
indhilib ESP32 developer library for using with Indhi platform.
Infrared An object oriented library for sending, receiving, generating, and decoding IR signals on the Arduino.
IoTGuru Cloud based backend services to your devices.
IoT Suite IoT Suite is a simple, easy to use platform for building IoT solutions.
IoTWebConf_for_Visuino_modified_by_IoT_Jedi ESP8266/ESP32 non-blocking WiFi/AP web configuration.
IoTtweetESP32 A library that makes Internet of Things send data and control on
IO7F32 io7 IOT Framework for ESP32
iocontrol interface for Arduino IDE
IOTAppStory-ESP Update your ESP8266, ESP32 & Nextion displays over the air(OTA)
IOTClient IOT Client Library.
IotKernel A library for basic functions of IoT devices
iotNetESP32 A library for ESP32 providing WiFi, MQTT, and HTTP client functionality for IoT applications.
IotWebConf ESP8266/ESP32 non-blocking WiFi/AP web configuration.
iotsa An Internet Of Things Server Architecture for ESP8266.
IOXESP32Audio With this library You can easily build a WebRadio with a ESP32 board with IOXESP32 Audio shield.
IOXESP32Motor With this library You can control motor with IOXESP32 Motor shield
IRMP Receive and send infrared signals.
JBWopr Support library for the Unexpected Maker W.O.P.R. boards
JC3248W535EN-Touch-LCD A library for the JC3248W535EN LCD touch display.
JeVe_EasyOTA Easy include OTA Updates
jeager-one Easy use of jeager connection with LoRa, WiFi, and GSM connections
Joystick_ESP32S2 Allows an ESP32S2/S3 board with USB capabilities to appear as a Joystick or Gamepad.
joystick_module Provide function to using joystick module
JSON Encoder Encode/Decode json/URL format strings for web transmission.
JTAG A library to perform JTAG operations and play XSVF.
Justina interpreter Justina interpreter for Arduino 32 bit boards.
KepecsWheel A library for monitoring mouse wheel rotations with data logging capabilities.
KomootBLEConnect A library to receive Komoot BLE Connect Packages
Koyn A trustless and decentralized Bitcoin library for Arduino compatible boards
laboratorioFW-DIY Biblioteca para uso com a placa Laboratório DIY - Franzininho Wifi.
LCD-I2C C++ Library for Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) with the Hitachi HD44780 display driver.
LCDMenuLib A library with you can generate a menu`s based on the nested set model with multi layers
LCDI2C_Multilingual_MCD Displays multilingual text on LCD text displays via I2C.
Leaphy Extensions Provides functionality to program all Leaphy robots
LedRGB565 A Led RGB 565 library
Legoino Library for controlling PoweredUp, Boost, Corntrol+ controllers/hubs
Lepton FLiR Thermal Camera Module Library Library to control a Lepton FLiR (forward looking infrared) thermal camera module from an Arduino-like board (Teensy 3+/ESP32+ minimum).
LGFXMeter LGFX based Gauge Decoration and Animation library
LibSSH-ESP32 SSH client and SSH server library for ESP32 based on libssh.
LilyGo-AMOLED-Series Library for LilyGo T-Display AMOLED Series
LilyGo-EPD47 LilyGo 4.7 inch ink screen driver library
LilyGo-T-RGB Library for LilyGo T-RGB
LilyGO T-Wristband and T-Glass Library for LilyGO T-Wristband and T-Glass
LIN master emulation with background operation LIN master node emulation with preemptive background operation
LineMessgingAPI Line Messaging API Library for ESP32 ESP8266
LiquidCrystal I2C Multilingual For printing multilingual UTF8 strings (French, Russian, Vietnamese, Katakana, etc.) to LCD1602, LCD2004, etc. via I2C.
LiquidCrystal_I2C_UTF8 For printing Russian, Viet UTF-8 to LCD I2C. Replaced by LCDI2C_Multilingual.
LiteLED Light weight library for driving one or more WS2812B, SK6812, APA106, SM16703 RGB LED strips.
LittleFS_esp32 LittleFS for esp32 based on esp_littlefs IDF component. Use esp32 core-provided LITTLEFS library instead of this one when available in future core releases.
LoR Handles LoR related background functions
LoRaNow LoRaNow Library is a simple LoRa Node <> Gateway communication protocol.
LoRaWAN-Seeed-Grove-Wio-E5 Sending LoRaWAN frame with a Grove Wio E5 module.
LoRaWAN_ESP32 ESP32 'persist' object for using deep sleep in combination with RadioLib LoRaWAN.
LogToQueue Envio de log a un Queue para manejarlo como quieras.
LovyanGFX TFT LCD Graphics driver with touch for ESP32/ESP8266, SAMD21/SAMD51, RP2040/RP2350
LVGL_CYD Running LVGL on CYD, all the boilerplate stuff.
mDash Remote control and OTA for ESP32 via IoT backend
mWebSockets Simple to use implementation of WebSockets for microcontrollers
MWings A library that communicate with TWELITE wireless modules. Supports ESP32 modules and Arduino UNO R4 series.
M5-ADS1100 Library for Unit & Hat ADC
M5-ADS1115 Library for Unit Ameter & Vmeter
M5Atom Library for M5Atom Core development kit
M5AtomS3 Library for M5AtomS3 Core development kit
M5Atomic-EchoBase Library for M5Stack Atomic EchoBase
M5Atomic-Motion Library for M5Atomic-Motion
M5BurnerNVS Library for M5BurnerNVS
M5Capsule Library for M5Stack M5Capsule Board
M5Cardputer Library for M5Stack M5Cardputer Board
M5Core-Ink Library for M5CoreInk development kit
M5CoreS3 Library for M5CoreS3 Core development kit
M5Core2 Library for M5Stack Core2 development kit
M5-DLight Library for M5Stack Unit & HAT DLight
M5-Depends Library for M5
M5Dial Library for M5Stack M5Dial Board
M5DinMeter Library for M5Stack M5DinMeter Board
M5EasyUI Library for drawing UI on M5 devices with a single code.
M5EPD Library for M5Paper development kit
M5-Ethernet Enables network connection (local and Internet) using the M5 PoE Camera.
M5FacesEncoder Arduino Library for reading encoder values from the M5Stack Faces Encoder Module
M5Family Convergence of the relevant dependencies used in M5 products.
M5-FPC1020A Library for Finger Unit
M5GFX Library for M5Stack All Display
M5HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer(HAL) for M5 Products
M5Hat-8Servos Library for M5 HAT 8SERVO
M5Hat-JoyC Library for M5Hat JoyC
M5-LoRa-E220-JP Library for M5-LoRa-E220-JP
M5-LoRaWAN Library for UNIT LoRaWAN
M5Module-4Relay Library for M5Stack MODULE 4RELAY
M5Module-GNSS Library for M5Stack GNSS Module
M5Module-LAN-13.2 Library for M5Module-LAN-13.2
M5ModuleLLM M5ModuleLLM is a library for M5ModuleLLM
M5NanoC6 Library for M5NanoC6 Board
M5-Outdepends Library for M5
M5PoECAM Library for M5Stack PoE-CAM development kit
M5-RoverC Library for M5Stack RoverC & RoverC-Pro
M5Stack Library for M5Stack Core development kit
M5StackMenuSystem A quick way to create nice menus for M5 Stack devices with just a few lines of code
M5Stack-SD-Updater SD Card Loader for M5 Stack
M5Stack_Avatar Yet another avatar module for M5Stack
M5Stack_OnScreenKeyboard OnScreenKeyboard for M5Stack
M5Stack_SimpleBeep Simple Beep for M5Stack.
M5Stack_TreeView TreeView Menu UI for M5Stack
M5Station Library for industrial level controller with M5Station(SKU:K123,K124)
M5-STHS34PF80 Library for M5Stack Unit TMOS.
M5StickC Library for M5StickC Core development kit
M5StickCPlus Library for M5StickC Plus development kit
M5StickCPlus2 Library for M5Stack M5StickCPlus2 Board
M5-SX127x Library for M5Stack SX127x LoRa
M5Unified Library for M5Stack/Core2/Tough/CoreS3/CoreS3SE, M5StickC/C-Plus/C-Plus2, M5CoreInk, M5Paper, M5ATOM, M5STAMP, M5Station, M5Dial, M5DinMeter, M5Capsule, M5Cardputer, M5VAMeter
M5Unit-4RELAY Library for M5Stack 4RELAY UNIT
M5Unit-ACSSR Library for M5Stack UNIT ACSSR
M5Unit-ANADIG Library for M5Stack UNIT ADC,DAC using M5UnitUnified
M5UnitASR Library for M5Stack M5Unit ASR
M5Unit-BLDC Library for M5Stack Unit BLDC
M5Unit-CAN Library for M5Stack M5Unit-CAN
M5Unit-CatM Library for M5Stack Unit CatM SIM7080
M5Unit-COLOR Library for M5Stack UNIT COLOR using M5UnitUnified
M5Unit-DDS Library for M5Stack Unit DDS
M5Unit-DigiClock Library for M5Unit-DigiClock
M5Unit-Encoder Library for M5Stack Unit Encoder
M5Unit-ENV Library for M5Stack UNIT ENV
M5Unit-EXTIO2 Library for Unit EXTIO2
M5Unit-GESTURE Library for M5Stack UNIT GESTURE using M5UnitUnified
M5Unit-HEART Library for M5Stack UNIT HEART using M5UnitUnified
M5Unit-HUB Library for M5Stack UNIT HUB using M5UnitUnified
M5Unit-IMU-Pro-Mini Library for M5Stack M5Unit-IMU-Pro-Mini
M5Unit-KMeter Library for M5Stack UNIT KMeter
M5Unit-METER Library for M5Stack UNIT METER using M5UnitUnified
M5Unit-MQTT Library for M5Stack UNIT MQTT
M5Unit-PbHub Library for M5Stack UNIT PbHub
M5Unit-PoESP32 Library for M5STACK UNIT PoESP32
M5UnitQRCode Library for M5Stack UNIT QRCode
M5Unit-RELAY Library for M5Stack RELAY UNIT
M5Unit-RTC Library for BM8563 RTC
M5Unit-Sonic Library for M5Stack Unit Sonic series
M5UnitSynth Library for M5Stack M5Unit Synth
M5Unit-Thermal2 Library for M5Stack UNIT Thermal2
M5Unit-THERMO Library for M5Stack UNIT THERMO using M5UnitUnified
M5Unit-ToF4M Library for M5Stack M5Unit-ToF4M
M5Unit-TOF Library for M5Stack UNIT TOF using M5UnitUnified
M5Unit-UHF-RFID Library for M5Stack Unit UHF-RFID
M5UnitUnified M5UnitUnified is a library for unified handling of various M5 units products. (Alpha version)
M5Unit-WEIGHT Library for M5Stack UNIT METER using M5UnitUnified
M5UnitWeightI2C Library for M5Stack M5Unit WeightI2C
M5UNIT_8Encoder Library for M5UNIT_8Encoder
M5Utility Library for other M5 libraries and products
M5_BMM150 Library for M5_BMM150
M5_EzData An IoT cloud data storage service
M5_RTC_Module A library for using the RTC-Module from iotec for the M5-Stack.
M5ez Complete interface builder for the M5Stack, an ESP32 based mini tinker-computer
MagStripe_ESP32 Decode data from TTL (raw) magnetic card readers on ESP32.
Marisa ESP32 Wrapper Fast lookups in large static dictionaries
MeArm-Robot-Arm Provides inverse kinematics control for all MeArm versions.
Melody Player This library provides an intuitive interface to play melodies on buzzers
MenuX Simple menu library for TFT_eSPI-based projects.
MFRC522 Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522 (SPI)
MFRC522-spi-i2c-uart-async Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522 (SPI, I2C and UART) with asynchroneous callbacks
MFRC522_fix Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522 (SPI)
MFRC522_PN512 Arduino RFID Library for PN512 (SPI)
micro-prompts Client library for prompting LLMs
MicroTFLite Allows you to run machine learning models locally on your microcontroller devices.
micro_ros_arduino micro-ROS Arduino library
micro_ros_kaia micro-ROS Arduino library with additional message types
Microcontroller-id Retrieve manufacturer serial number stored inside the microcontroller
MicromationDevboardV3 Library for Micromation Dev Board V3 with ESP32
Midea AC infrared remote controller with ESP32 RMT Peripheral ESP32 RMT Peripheral IR remote control library for Midea Air conditioner.
milesTag An Arduino library to implement milesTag lasertag with an ESP32 using the RMT peripheral.
Mini Grafx Graphics Library for embedded devices with a framebuffer
MKS_SERVO57 This library is used to control one or more Nema23 with MKSSERVO57 driver from an Arduino device
MLX90377_SENT MLX90377 magnetic encoder via SENT receiver
MobaTools Functions (steppers, servos, leds) for model railroaders( and for others too )
ModbusPowerMeter ModbusPowerMeter is a user-friendly library that uses the ModbusMaster library to read data from power meters.
ModuleInterface ModuleInterface is an open-source system for configuration of and data logging from Arduinos and similar devices.
Module_GRBL_13.2 Library for M5Stack GRBL13.2 MODULE
Module_Stepmotor Library for M5Stack MODULE DIRECT STEPMOTOR
MoonPhase Get lunar phase information on a esp32.
MoonStruck Lunar Information Library for ESP32.
MotorGo_Mini_Driver The MotorGo Mini driver provides an API to interface with the motor controllers on the MotorGo Mini board.
MPU6050 MPU6050 Arduino Library.
MQUnifiedsensor This library allows you to read the MQ sensors very easily.
MQTTRemote MQTT wrapper for setting up an MQTT connection
mqtt5nano Mqtt5 based library implements remote command line and utilities. Supports the app at
mrm-8x8a CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-8x8a, 8x8 LED array + switches
mrm-bldc2x50 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-bldc2x50, 2x50A BLDC motor controller
mrm-bldc4x2.5 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-bldc4x2.5, 4x2.5 A BLDC motor controller
mrm-board CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-board
mrm-can-bus CAN Bus library
mrm-col-b CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-col-b
mrm-col-can CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-col-can
mrm-common Common library for MRMS CAN Bus boards
mrm-fet-can CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-fet-can
mrm-imu Library for Bosch BNO055 IMU for MRMS
mrm-ir-finder-can CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ir-finder-can
mrm-ir-finder2 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ir-finder2
mrm-ir-finder3 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ir-finder3
mrm-lid-can-b CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-lid-can-b
mrm-lid-can-b2 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-lid-can-b2
mrm-lid-d CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-lid-d
mrm-lid1 Library for MRMS mrm-lid1 board
mrm-lid2 Library for MRMS mrm-lid2
mrm-mot2x50 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-mot2x50
mrm-mot4x10 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-mot4x10
mrm-mot4x3.6can CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-mot4x3.6can
mrm-node CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-node
mrm-pid Library for a very simple PID
mrm-ref-can CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ref-can
mrm-robot CAN Bus library for a base class for used-defined robots.
mrm-servo Library for MRMS mrm-servo
mrm-switch Library for MRMS mrm-switch
mrm-therm-b-can CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-therm-b-can.
mrm-us-b CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-us-b
mrm-us1 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-us1
MT6701 Use the MT6701 magnet rotary encoder with ESP.
muTimer Arduino library to easily use on/off delays and cycle timers with non-blocking functions.
Muse_library A library for the ESP MUSE devices (LUXE, PROTO, MANGA, RADIO) by Raspiaudio
MVP3000esp The MVP3000 framework is built to streamline the implementation of sensor and actuator hardware.
MycilaConfig A simple and efficient config library
MycilaDS18 ESP32 / Arduino Library for Dallas / Maxim DS18 sensor using RMT peripheral
MycilaEasyDisplay Easy to use Arduino / ESP32 library for SH1106, SH1107, SSD1306 OLED I2C displays, virtual displays and carousels
MycilaESPConnect Simple & Easy Network Manager for ESP32 with WiFi, Ethernet and Captive Portal support
MycilaHADiscovery Simple and efficient Home Assistant Discovery library for Arduino / ESP32
MycilaJSY Arduino / ESP32 library for the JSY1031, JSY-MK-163, JSY-MK-193, JSY-MK-194, JSY-MK-227, JSY-MK-229, JSY-MK-333 families single-phase and three-phase AC bidirectional meters from Shenzhen Jiansiyan Technologies Co, Ltd.
MycilaLogger A simple and efficient logging library
MycilaMQTT A simple and efficient MQTT/MQTTS client for Arduino / ESP32 based on Espressif API
MycilaNTP A simple and efficient NTP library for ESP32 / Arduino
MycilaPulseAnalyzer ESP32 / Arduino Library to analyze pulses from a Zero-Cross Detection circuit
MycilaPZEM004Tv3 Arduino / ESP32 library for the PZEM-004T v3 Power and Energy monitor
MycilaRelay Arduino / ESP32 library to control Electromagnetic and Solid State Relays
MycilaSystem Arduino / ESP32 library for system-related tasks
MycilaTaskManager Arduino / ESP32 Task Manager Library
MycilaTaskMonitor Arduino / ESP32 library to monitor task priority and stack high watermark
MycilaTrial Arduino / ESP32 library to add a trial duration in your app
MycilaUtilities Utils stuff for Arduino / ESP32 like PID, Time, CircularBuffer, etc
MycilaWebSerial A Web based Serial Monitor for ESP8266 & ESP32 to debug your code remotely.
Namino_Industrial_Boards Namino industrial board
NDEF_MFRC522 An Arduino library for NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF).
NeoGPS NMEA and ublox GPS parser, configurable to use as few as 10 bytes of RAM
NeoPatterns Patterns for NeoPixel strips and matrixes including the patterns of the NeoPattern example by Adafruit.
NetWizard An easy-to-use yet powerful WiFi manager and captive portal library for wireless microcontrollers.
NetworkMonitor A library to provide remote console functions to a MCU through UDP
Newt_Display A library to drive the Newt Smart Display.
NHBot A Library for control NHBot
NHB_AD7124 Library for the Analog Devices AD7124-4 24 bit precision analog converter IC
NHB_AD7794 Library for using the Analog Devices AD7794 6ch 24 bit precision analog converter IC
NimBLE-Arduino Bluetooth low energy (BLE) library for Arduino based on NimBLE.
nlohmann-json Arduino/ESP-IDF library wrapper for
NodeRedTime Fetch Unix Epoch timestamp from Node-Red flow.
Nostr Nostr for Arduino.
Nova Fitness Sds dust sensors library A high-level abstaction over Sds sensors family
NST1001Driver NST1001Driver for ESP32
NuS-NimBLE-Serial Nordic UART Service (NuS) and BLE serial communications
OLED_Display_SSD1306 Simple OLED Display library for SSD1306 (128x64) 0.96" to draw bitmaps and pixels stored in RAM
OneWireNg Arduino 1-wire service library. OneWire alternative.
OOKwiz Receiving/analysing/sending on-off-keying signals for radio remote controls 📱, weather stations 🌦️ and more.
OOCSI OOCSI client library for the development boards of ESP32 series, ESP8266 series, Arduino MKR Wifi 101, Arduino UNO Wifi, Arduino Nano 33 IoT, Arduino Nano RP2040, and Arduno Uno R4 WiFi
OpenMRNLite Network protocol stack for model railroading: OpenLCB and LCC implementation.
OpenWeather OpenWeather client
OpenWeatherOneCall Weather Forecast Library for ESP32.
OptoDebounce 100Hz opto debouncer.
OROCA-EduBot A library for OROCA-EduBot
OSP 2wireSPI aospi A library that implements 2-wire SPI towards and from OSP nodes.
OSP CommandInterpreter aocmd A library with a command interpreter (over UART/USB) and handlers for OSP telegrams.
OSP Middleware aomw A library with middleware for OSP applications.
OSP ResultCodes aoresult A library that defines all error codes that may occur in any of the OSP libraries.
OSP ReusableApps aoapps A library with reusable "apps" for OSP chains.
OSP Telegrams aoosp A library that constructs OSP telegrams to send, and destructs received OSP telegrams.
OSP ToplevelSketches aotop A "library" that acts as a container for top-level OSP demo sketches and for top-level OSP documentation.
OSP UIDriversOSP32 aoui32 A library with drivers for the UI elements on the OSP32 board (the OSP/SAID root MCU board).
OTAUpdateManager Library for configuring ESP8266/ESP32 modules OTA update and monitoring using website
OTAWrapper ESP Library to simplify OTA setup.
OttoDIYLib Otto DIY official Arduino Libraries.
OZGPS_NMEA GPS NMEA Parser library
PageBuilder HTML string assembly aid library for ESP8266/ESP32 WebServer.
PanelLan TFT LCD Graphics config with touch for PanelLan board
PAX Graphics The PAX computer graphics library for ESP32.
PCA9554 PCA9554 8 bit I2C port expander arduino/esp library
Pelco_And_Arduino This library makes Pelco cameras moves!
PersWiFiManager Persistent WiFi Manager
phyphox BLE Use the app phyphox to visualize your sensor data on your phone or tablet!
PicoMQTT MQTT Broker and client
PicoWebsocket Websocket Server and Socket
Pico_Keyboard Controls a keyboard composed of a key matrix.
PinScribe A library to manage and handle GPIO pin events such as button presses, long presses, and double presses.
pixels-dice-interface An Arduino library for Pixels Dice
PJON PJON is an open-source, multi-master, multi-media bus network protocol
PLEN5Stack PLEN5Stack Library
plotutils 2-D vector graphics composition library
PowerFeather-SDK Software development kit for PowerFeather boards.
Powerbaas Arduino library for Powerbaas Smart Meter P1 Shield
PS2KeyAdvanced PS2 keyboard FULL control and ALL keys processing, as well as LED control.
PS3 Controller Host Control your ESP32 projects with a PS3 controller!
PS4Controller Control your ESP32 projects with a PS4 controller!
PsychicHttp PsychicHttp is a robust webserver that supports http/https + websockets.
PulseFlowMeter PulseFlowMeter is simple library for reading accurate flow rates with pulse-output type flow meters.
PWMOutESP32 Library for controlling ESP32 PWM outputs similar to use on Arduino
PxMatrix Christmas Icons Arduino/ESP8366 library which contains a number of LED fade effects.
PxMatrix Christmas Icons Arduino/ESP8366 library which contains a number of LED fade effects.
pzem-edl PZEM event-driven library
PZEM004Tv30 Library for the PZEM-004T v3.0 Power and Energy monitor
QRcodeDisplay Base code for displaying QRcodes on ESP based MCU with OLED, TFT or E-Ink displays
QRcodeEink QR code generation on E-INK displays
QRcodeOled QR code generation on OLED displays
QRcode_eSPI QR code generation for TFT displays
QRcode_ST7789 QR code generation for TFT displays
QPESP32 QP/C++ Real-Time Embedded Framework for Arduino.
QuarkDB A No-SQL Json Document DB based on ArduinoJson 6 with command line interface and APIs for esp8266 and esp32 using SPIFFS
QuickESPNow An Arduino library for handling ESP-NOW communication.
R4A_ESP32 Robots-For-All ESP32 support routines.
R4A_I2C Robots-For-All I2C support routines.
R4A_Robot Robots-For-All robot support routines.
RadioengeLoraWAN Implementation of RadioengeLoraWAN AT-COMMANDS..
rc-switch Operate 433/315Mhz devices.
RCWL_1X05 A library for the I2C mode of ultrasonic distance sensors RCWL-1605, RCWL-1005, and probably HC-SR04P
readguy A free E-paper display driver library supports 16-level greyscale.
Redis for Arduino An Arduino library for Redis.
RemoteDebugger RemoteDebug addon: RemoteDebugger, an simple software debugger - based on SerialDebug Library
RemoteSerial A web-based serial monitor for ESP8266 & ESP32 devices.
RESTuino A library to handle arduino GPIO via REST API.
retroTerm A library for creating GUI-esque interfaces in a terminal emulator with a microcontroller.
RFCodes RF 433 and IR signal encode and decode library.
RF433any A library to decode any protocol received on a 433 Mhz Radio Frequencies receiver
RF433recv A library to decode a known protocol received on a 433 Mhz Radio Frequencies receiver
RF433send A library to send data on a 433 Mhz Radio Frequencies transmitter
RFID_MFRC522v2 Arduino RFID driver library for MFRC522 (SPI, I2C)
RG15-Arduino The RG15 Arduino Library (RG15-Arduino) provides robust communication with the RG15 Rain Gauge Sensor over a serial interface.
RichHttpServer An addon for ESP8266WebServer which makes common tasks for developing a rich REST API straightforward.
Ringo by CircuitMess Library Ringo is an educational DIY mobile phone designed to bring electronics and programming to the crowd in a fun and interesting way.
rmt_SENT J2716 SENT receiver via rmt
RobbusKidsy Rocket Launcher library of the Robbus Kidsy robot vehicle
RoboCore - Rocky Library for the BlackBoard Rocky (
RoboCore - Vespa Library for the Vespa (
RoboWunduino Arduino Library for Robo Wunderkind Products
RotaryEncoderPCNT ESP32 rotary encoder implementation, using pulse counter (PCNT) peripheral.
RoxMux Collection of Multiplexer and Hardware Controllers.
rrdtool Round Robin Database Tool
RTC Library for I2C based RTCs (DS1307, DS3231, PCF8563, PCF8523, MCP7940).
RTC_DS1307_Library Use a DS1307 Real Time Clock module with the Time library.
RunningStats It computes simple running statistics.
sMQTTBroker A simple broker library for MQTT messaging.
S7XG AcSIP S7XG LoRaWAN/GPS module library
SCConfig Stores device configuration in JSON format in EEPROM.
SC16IS7X0 Library to read and write UART and GPIO for the SC16IS740_750_760
SdFat - Adafruit Fork Provides access to SD memory cards and (Q)SPI Flash.
SDI-12 An Arduino library for SDI-12 communication with a wide variety of environmental sensors.
SDPSensor-ESP arduino-esp library for Sensirion's Differential Pressure sensors
Seg7 A library for MAX7219 based 7 segment displays.
SensesInnoma A library for send data from Internet of Things to "Innoma Platform"
Sensirion Gadget BLE Arduino Lib Library for BLE communication between BLE Gadgets and the MyAmbience app.
Sensirion UPT BLE Auto Detection Automatically detects Sensirion Gadgets via Bluetooth and reads out measurement data.
Sensirion UPT Core Library for definitions and configurations used by other Sensirion Unified Prototyping Toolkit (UPT) libraries.
Sensirion UPT I2C Auto Detection Automatically detects Sensirion Sensors on an I2C bus and reads out measurement data.
SensorWLED Provides methods to retrieve instant and peak values from the ADC input. The Arduino library SensorWLED splits the input from a varying analog signal from the ADC into components, i.e., provides the capability of a sample-and-hold circuit.
serialIO RC protocol
SerialToWifi Drop-in replacement for the Serial Arduino library that manages i/o to a remote console over wifi on ESP32.
Serial_BLE Customizable BLE Serial (UART) library.
ServoEasing Enables smooth servo movement. Linear as well as other (Cubic, Circular, Bounce, Sine, Back, Precision, etc.) ease movements for servos are provided. The Arduino Servo library or PCA9685 servo expanders are supported.
ServoESP32 Generate RC servo signal on a selected pins with ESP32 device and Arduino framework.
ServoESP32Fix Generate RC servo signal on a selected pins with ESP32 device and Arduino framework, fixed support for latest ESP32 core
SessionManager Manage session states for web server.
Settings Simple UI webface builder for esp8266/esp32
SettingsManagerESP32 Abstraction over ESP32 Arduino Preferences library to make your life easier.
SevenSegDisplays 7 segment 4 digits (and extended to generic 1 to 8 digits) LED display easy to use and powerful library for modules based on two 74HC595 (or similar) shift registers chips
ShiftRegisterPWM595 Library for 74HC595 control PWM
SHT1x sensor library for ESPx Arduino ESP library for SHT1x Temp & Humidity Sensors for ESP32
SID6581 SID 6581/8580 Chiptune Player / MIDI slave for ESP32
SIKTEC_MDSwitch Library to easily use Multi Direction Switches.
SimpleIOT Connecting Arduino ESP32 to AWS IOT via SimpleIOT framework
SimpleMotionV2-Arduino An Arduino library for controlling SimpleMotion IONI/ARGON drives from Granite Devices.
SimpleSyslog Add remote syslog capabilities to your project
simple-web-dashboard Displays variable values on a simple web page
SinricPro Library for - simple way to connect your device to alexa
SinricProBusinessSdk Library to build commercial products using SinricPro
SinricTeleport The simple way to access your ESP32 over internet
siot_core_lib Platform for IoT devices connect to SIOT Data Hub
SM_ESP32Pi A easy to use Arduino Library for ESP32-PI
SmallRTC Replacement RTC library for Watchy.
SmartMatrix Drive HUB75 RGB Matrix Panels with High Quality Graphics from a Teensy 3, Teensy 4, or ESP32
SmartRC-CC1101-Driver-Lib Driver for cc1101.
SNMP_Agent SNMP Agent: An fully compliant SNMPv2c Agent for esp32 for acting as an SNMP client device.
SNP_Sensor Arduino library for the SNP Sensor.
SoapESP32 Enables ESP32 devices to scan the local network for DLNA media servers, browse their content and download files.
Somfy_Remote_Lib Control Somfy RTS devices
SoracomArcESP32 A utility library to use/bootstrap Soracom Arc easily on ESP32 Arduino boards.
souliss SmartHome Networking Framework
Spacecat An Arduino library for ESP8266/ESP32 to makes things easier that requires authentication with an RFID card
spaiot-lib Supervision and Control library for Intxx PxxxSPA with an ESP8266 or ESP32
SparkFun LG290P Quadband RTK GNSS Arduino Library Library for Serial Communication and Configuration of the LG290P
SparkFun u-blox PointPerfect Library The u-blox PointPerfect Library (SDK) in Arduino format
SparkFun_WebServer_ESP32_W5500 Simple Ethernet WebServer for ESP32 boards using W5500.
SPI-FlashMem SPI Memory library for Arduino
SPIMemory SPI Memory library for Arduino. (Formerly SPIFlash)
SPIFFSIniFile Library to read and parse .ini files on ESP8266 and ESP32 platforms
SPIFFS_FilePrint Lightweight library for rolling file print. It logs to SPIFFS.
SPIFFS_Shell A Serial-based interface that resembles a Linux shell for interacting with SPIFFS.
SQLiteDatabaseConnection Modern C++ interface for SQLite.
Sqlite3Esp32 Sqlite3 database library for ESP32 core
SSLClient Arduino library to add TLS functionality to any Client class
SSLClientESP32 Provides secure network connection over a generic Client transport object.
SSVNTPCoreClass Singleton class to get real time over NTP. Based on esp8266 core function configTime(). Supports auto DST per time zone.
stackchan-arduino Stackchan library for M5Stack
STAMP-PICO Library for STAMP-PICO development kit
StatefulGSMLib Robust and simplified way to send and receive SMS, and connect to the internet using SIM800 modules.
Stepper595 Quick and easy control of stepper motors through SPI and a shift register.
STM32duino LSM6DSR iNEMO inertial measurement unit.
Stringcalculater Arduino library to calculate a stirng.
sunset Allows calculation of sunrise, sunset, and moonphase
SuplaDevice Library enables you to connect the device to the SUPLA automation system.
SvgParser A SVG GUI library for ESP8266. Output to a (touch) display and also as webservice
SX126x-Arduino Arduino library to use Semtech SX126x LoRa chips and modules to communicate
TFminiS A library to interface with the TFmini-S LiDAR sensor for Arduino Mega and ESP32.
THiNX32 A library to wrap THiNX device registration, MQTT and OTA Update
TLog Arduino TLog library; to also send (Serial) logs via telnet, mqtt, syslog, a web browser, etc.
TabahiConsole Control ESP and Arduino modules remotely from your web console
Talkie Speech library for Arduino. Generates speech from a fixed vocabulary encoded with LPC.
TAMC_FT62X6 Arduino library for FT62X6
TAMC_GT911 Arduino library for GT911
tca9544a Arduino library to control the TCA9544A I2C bus multiplexer
TCS230_ESP32 Library for the TCS230 color sensor for the ESP32
TelegramESP32 ESP32 library for Telegram Bot API communication
TelloESP32 Arduino library for controlling DJI Tello drones using ESP32.
TelnetStream2 Stream implementation over telnet for OTA debuging
TFTTerminal Library for TFTTerminal
Thermal Printer Library Bluetooth Low Energy Thermal Printer Library
ThingSpeak ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino, ESP8266 & EPS32
ThingSpeak_asukiaaa An API manager for ThingSpeak
ThingerCore32 Core32 OS Library for ESP32 based devices
Thingpings Send a ping to Thingpings.
ThingsCloud_ESP_SDK Build your IoT project in minutes!
Timer-CAM Library for M5Stack Timer-CAM development kit
tinyESPNow Arduino library for tinyESPNow.
TinyFontRenderer A library which renders TinyFonts derived from Truetype fonts
TinyGPSPlus-ESP32 A GPS library
tinyTimeR Easily implement timer interrupts.
TinyUPnP Add port mappings to your router automatically
TLE9012_BMS_IC This library provides an interface for Infineons Battery Management IC TLE9012
TMD3725 Arduino library to control the TMD3725 RGB color sensor
ToneESP32 Tone library for ESP32
Totem Roboboard Totem RoboBoard X3/X4 control library for ESP32 Arduino Core
TouchLed Touch input and LED indicator with just two wires on ESP32
TR064 Arduino/ESP library for the TR-064 SOAP protocol
TridentTD_EasyFreeRTOS32 A library for ESP32's FreeRTOS in the easy way
TridentTD_Linenotify A library for LINE Nofity
Trioe A comprehensive library to simplify the creation, operation, and utilization of your DIY Internet of Things devices using Trioe hardware.
TsicSensor Arduino library for reading TSIC temperature sensors.
TTN_esp32 ESP 32 port of the Arduino TheThingsNetwork library.
twilio-esp32-client Library for sending and receiving SMS/MMS using Twilio.
Two Way ESP A simple wrapper for the ESP_NOW protocol
tynyDC Using mx1919 dual DC motor driver tiny.
uClock BPM clock generator for Arduino platform.
uEspConfigLib The deffinitive ESP32 and ESP8266 configuration Arduino library, uEspConfigLib
uMyo_BLE Allows to get data from uMyo devices using BLE-enabled Arduinos (nRF52x and ESP32).
U8glib-HAL A library supporting monochrome TFTs and OLEDs, specifically for use with Marlin Firmware.
U8glib-HAL A library supporting monochrome TFTs and OLEDs, specifically for use with Marlin Firmware.
UM RGB Touch Mini Arduino Library for RGB Touch Mini
UMS3 Helper Helper library for UnexpectedMaker S3 boards
UncleRus Uncle Rus' device drivers
VanBus Vehicle Area Network (VAN) bus packet reader/writer.
vdp-gl Fork of FabGL 1.0.8 customized for agon-vdp.
VIDI-X_BQ24295 Allows ESP32 boards to control a BQ24295 battery charger.
ViraLink-MQTT-Client ViraLink IoT Cloud Platform MQTT Client for ESP82266/ESP32.
VirtualScreen Automatically span GFX Adafruit graphics functions across multiple screens
VNH3SP30 Library for the VNH3SP30 and VNH5019A-E motor controllers (H-bridge motor driver)
vovagorodok_ArduinoBleChess Bluetooth low energy (BLE) library for communication via CECP chess protocol.
vovagorodok_ArduinoBleOTA Bluetooth low energy (BLE) library for uploads.
WakeOnLan Generate and send Wake On Lan (WOL) packet over UDP protocol.
WalterModem The LTE (NB-IoT and LTE-M) and GNSS library to use with Walter.
Watchy Watchy - An Open Source E-Paper Watch by SQFMI
Waveshare_ST7262_LVGL Waveshare_ST7262_LVGL is an Arduino library designed for Waveshare ESP32-S3 SOC with 7 inch ST7262 LCD and GT911 touchscreen to facilitate rapid GUI development using LVGL.
WebConfig A web based configuration editor.
WebMonitor Web Monitor Library for ESP8266 & ESP32
WebSerial Remote terminal for wireless microcontrollers
WebSerialLite A Web based Serial Monitor for ESP8266 & ESP32 to debug your code remotely.
WebServer_ESP32_ENC Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for ESP32 boards using ENC28J60 with LwIP Ethernet library.
WebServer_ESP32_SC_ENC Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP ENC28J60 Ethernet library.
WebServer_ESP32_SC_W5500 Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W5500 Ethernet library.
WebServer_ESP32_SC_W6100 Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W6100 Ethernet library.
WebServer_ESP32_W5500 Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for ESP32 boards using W5500 with LwIP Ethernet library.
WebServer_ESP32_W6100 Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for ESP32 boards using W6100 with LwIP Ethernet library.
WebServer_WT32_ETH01 Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for WT32_ETH01 boards using LAN8720 Ethernet.
Web3JBC Web3/Smart Contract for JBC Chain
WEDO 2.0 BLE for ESP32 A library that supports to use BLE to connect and cotnrol the wedo2.0
WiFiConnect A WiFi Manager for ESP8266 or ESP32 with OLED support
WiFiConnector Async WiFi connector auto with backup AP for esp8266/32
WiFiManager WiFi Configuration manager with web configuration portal for Espressif ESPx boards, by tzapu
WiFiManagerDesign Change the design of the WiFiManager.
WiFiManagerTz A NTP/Timezone extension to @tzapu's WiFiManager
WiFiProvision A library for WiFi provisioning on ESP32 and node mcu.
WiFiProvisioner An easy-to-use Wi-Fi provisioning library for ESP32 devices.
WifiLocation Library to get geographic position (lat, lon, accuracy), without GPS, by listening surrounding WiFi networks (Works with ESP8266 and ESP32 boards)
WireGuard-ESP32 WireGuard implementation for Arduino ESP32
WisBlock-API API for WisBlock Core module
WisBlock-API-V2 API for WisBlock Core module
wm8978-esp32 An esp32 library for the wm8978 dac.
WolkConnect Arduino library which provides easy connectivity to WolkAbout IoT Platform.
XENSIV Angle Sensor TLx5012B This library enables the Infineon XENSIV(TM) TLx5012B magnetic angle sensor.
XPT2046_Bitbang Bitbang library for the XPT2046 touch controller.
XPT2046_Bitbang_Slim Bitbang library for the XPT2046 touch controller.
YAMLDuino A simple and efficient YAML library for embedded C++
ZModbusRTU ModbusRTU Slave Library.
ZMPT101B-Sensor Library to interact with the ZMPT101B Voltage sensor.