A list of the 140 libraries in the architecture sam.
ADC_SAmpler | Enable analog sequencer with timer on SAM3x DUE |
ADC_SEQR | Enable analog sequencer on SAM3x DUE |
ArdTap | A library to manage an Arduino board from a mobile in a couple of minutes. No coding, only configuration. |
ArduinoUniqueID | Arduino Library to gets the Manufacture Serial Number from the Atmel AVR, SAM, SAMD, STM32, and ESP Microcontroller. |
Audio | Allows playing audio files from an SD card. For Arduino Due only. |
AutoAnalogAudio | Automated analog reads and analog output (streaming) using Arduino DAC(or PWM), ADC, DMA and Timers |
BackSeatDriver | Simple move and turn semantics for self-driving vehicles. |
BaroLibrary | Library for Measurement Specialties MS5637-02BA03 Altimeter/Pressure sensor (including Freetronics BARO module). |
BH1750 | Arduino library for the digital light sensor breakout boards containing the BH1750FVI IC |
BlueDisplay | This library enables an Android smartphone or tablet to act as a graphical display for your Arduino. |
Braccio | Allows to move each Braccio parts using simple calls. |
BraccioRobot | Braccio Robot controller API. |
BraccioV2 | A library that enables more functionality for use with the Tinkerkit Braccio Arm. |
BSEC Software Library | Bosch Sensortec Environmental Cluster (BSEC) Software library |
bsec2 | Bosch Sensortec Environmental Cluster (BSEC) Software library |
Capacitor | Measure capacitance from 0.2pF to 100uF with no external hardware. |
CaptureTimer | Arduino Input Capture Library |
Ch376msc | A library for CH376 file manager control chip. |
controlKeyboard | A library for checking keyboard events like whether a key is pressed or released. |
Cpp_Standard_Library | 将C++标准库移植到 Arduino。支持C++11~17。Porting the C++ standard library to Arduino. Support C++11~17. |
dcf77_xtal | DCF77 decoder with excellent noise tolerance. |
DIO2 | Fast digital input/output functions. |
DMD2 | Updated (beta) library for Freetronics DMD dot matrix displays. |
DMD2TUR | Use with DMD2 library and enjoy Turkish letters! |
DueAdcFast | Arduino Due ADC analogRead Fast 1Mhz with measures collect and also differential. |
DueTimer | Timer Library fully implemented for Arduino DUE |
DUE_ADC_Oversampler | 16 Bits ADC oversampler with PDC on SAM3x DUE |
due_can | Allows for CAN bus communications with the Arduino Due |
DUE_schmitt | Enable SAM3x DUE IO Schmitt trigguer |
EEPROM_CAT25 | Driver for On Semiconductor CAT25 SPI EEPROM chips for AVR, SAM3X (Due), and SAM M0+ (SAMD, SAML, SAMC) microcontrollers |
EmotiBit ArduinoFilters | Filter library for Arduino. |
ESP-Google-Sheet-Client | Arduino Google Sheet REST client library for Arduino devices. |
ESP Line Notify | Line Notify Library for ESP8266 and ESP32. |
ESP Mail Client | Arduino E-Mail Client Library to send, read and get incoming email notification for ESP32, ESP8266 and SAMD21 devices. |
ESP_SSLClient | The upgradable SSL Client for Arduino devices. |
FastAccelStepper | A high speed stepper library for Atmega 168/168p/328/328p (nano), 32u4 (leonardo), 2560, ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3, ESP32C3, ESP32C6 and Atmel SAM Due |
Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266 and ESP32 | Google Firebase Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP8266 and ESP32 |
FirebaseClient | Async Firebase Client library for Arduino |
Firebase ESP32 Client | Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP32 |
Firebase ESP8266 Client | Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP8266 |
FirebaseJson | The easiest Arduino library JSON parser, builder and editor for ESP8266, ESP32, Teensy 3.x, Teensy 4.x and others MCUs. |
FreqPeriodCounter | Smart library with comprehensive functions for counting (multiple) frequencies. For Arduino Uno and Zero. |
FTOLED | Library to drive Freetronics OLED128 128x128 display. |
FTRGBLED | Freetronics RGBLED module (WS2801-based) driver library. |
GroPointModbus | Arduino library for communication with GroPoint soil moisture sensors via Modbus. |
GUIslice | GUIslice embedded touchscreen GUI library in C for Arduino & Raspberry Pi |
haversine | A library to find the distance and azimuth angle between two GPS cordinates based on haversine formula. |
iMakeBeta | Library for beginner. |
Infrared | An object oriented library for sending, receiving, generating, and decoding IR signals on the Arduino. |
InterruptStepper | A stepper library for the Arduino Due board that can run stepper motors using timer interrupts. |
Kasia | IoT Library and Framework that will take care of all your communication needs. |
Keyboard | Allows an Arduino board with USB capabilities to act as a Keyboard. |
LINBus_stack | Provides Local Interconnect Network (LIN) support on SAM3X or AVR based boards with a TJA1021 transceiver. |
LIN master emulation with background operation | LIN master node emulation with preemptive background operation |
mWebSockets | Simple to use implementation of WebSockets for microcontrollers |
micro_ros_arduino | micro-ROS Arduino library |
micro_ros_kaia | micro-ROS Arduino library with additional Kaia.ai message types |
Microcontroller-id | Retrieve manufacturer serial number stored inside the microcontroller |
MIDIUSB | Allows an Arduino board with USB capabilites to act as a MIDI instrument over USB. |
MKRWiFiLed | Control the RGB led on the MKR WiFi board. |
MMA8653 | Allows reading the MMA8653 accelerometer. |
ModuleInterface | ModuleInterface is an open-source system for configuration of and data logging from Arduinos and similar devices. |
MPU6050 | MPU6050 Arduino Library. |
NeoGPS | NMEA and ublox GPS parser, configurable to use as few as 10 bytes of RAM |
Nova Fitness Sds dust sensors library | A high-level abstaction over Sds sensors family |
OneWireNg | Arduino 1-wire service library. OneWire alternative. |
OpenDevice | OpenDevice is a set of tools and APIs to build solutions for the "Internet of Things" like home automations systems, robotics, smart city, energy monitoring, security, sensor monitoring |
OpenMRNLite | Network protocol stack for model railroading: OpenLCB and LCC implementation. |
OZGPS_NMEA | GPS NMEA Parser library |
PinScribe | A library to manage and handle GPIO pin events such as button presses, long presses, and double presses. |
PJON | PJON is an open-source, multi-master, multi-media bus network protocol |
PololuLedStrip | Arduino library for addressable RGB LED strips from Pololu |
PrecDueTimer | Timer Library that is optimized for when frequent changes to the timer(s) period/frequency are required. |
PS2KeyAdvanced | PS2 keyboard FULL control and ALL keys processing, as well as LED control. |
PS2KeyMap | PS2 keyboard codes from PS2KeyAdvanced to UTF-8 for any Latin language keyboard. |
PS2KeyRaw | PS2 keyboard control and raw data receiving |
QCFA | Quadcopter Control Functions using Arduino |
RT-Thread | Real Time Operating System porting for Arduino SAM and SAMD boards |
RTCDue | Use for the RTC inside the SAM3X8E from the Arduino DUE |
RTT-GUI | Embedded GUI Library |
RTT QRCode | RT-Thread QR Code App |
RTT Stream | Arduino library for Segger RTT Real-Time Transfer |
SAMDUE_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on SAMDUE boards to create and output PWM to pins. |
SAMDUE_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on an Arduino SAM_DUE board to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. |
SAMDUE_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an SAM-DUE-based board |
Scheduler | Allows multiple tasks to run at the same time, without interrupting each other. For Arduino sam and samd architectures only (Due, Zero...). |
SDI-12 | An Arduino library for SDI-12 communication with a wide variety of environmental sensors. |
Servo | Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of servo motors. |
ServoEasing | Enables smooth servo movement. Linear as well as other (Cubic, Circular, Bounce, Sine, Back, Precision, etc.) ease movements for servos are provided. The Arduino Servo library or PCA9685 servo expanders are supported. |
SPI-FlashMem | SPI Memory library for Arduino |
SPIMemory | SPI Memory library for Arduino. (Formerly SPIFlash) |
SSLClient | Arduino library to add TLS functionality to any Client class |
STM32duino ASM330LHH | Automotive inertial measurement unit. |
STM32duino IIS2DLPC | High Performance Ultra Low Power 3D accelerometer. |
STM32duino IIS2MDC | Ultra Low Power 3D magnetometer. |
STM32duino ISM330DHCX | High-Performance 3D digital accelerometer and 3D digital gyroscope. |
STM32duino ISM330DLC | 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope. |
STM32duino LIS2DU12 | Ultra Low Power 3D accelerometer. |
STM32duino LIS3MDL | High-performance 3D magnetometer. |
STM32duino LPS22HB | 260-1260 hPa absolute digital output barometer. |
STM32duino LPS25HB | 260-1260 hPa absolute digital output barometer. |
STM32duino LSM303AGR | 3D accelerometer and 3D magnetometer. |
STM32duino LSM6DS0 | 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope. |
STM32duino LSM6DS3 | 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope. |
STM32duino LSM6DSL | 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope. |
STM32duino LSM6DSR | iNEMO inertial measurement unit. |
STM32duino M95640-R | This library includes drivers for ST M95640-R EEPROM. |
STM32duino Proximity Gesture | Allows performing simple gestures detection using proximity sensors |
STM32duino S2-LP | This library includes drivers for ST S2-LP sub-1GHz transceiver. |
STM32duino VL53L0X | Allows controlling the VL53L0X (Time-of-Flight and gesture detection sensor) |
STM32duino VL53L1X | Allows controlling the VL53L1X (Time-of-Flight and gesture detection sensor) |
STM32duino VL53L5CX | Allows controlling the VL53L5CX (Time-of-Flight 8x8 multizone ranging sensor with wide field view) |
STM32duino VL53L7CX | Allows controlling the VL53L7CX (Time-of-Flight 8x8 multizone ranging sensor with wide field view) |
STM32duino VL6180X | Allows controlling the VL6180X (proximity and ambient light sensing (ALS) sensor) |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 | Allows controlling the VL53L0X sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L1A1 | Allows controlling the VL53L1X sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L1A1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L4A3 | Allows controlling the VL53L4ED sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L4A3 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L5A1 | Allows controlling the VL53L5CX sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L5A1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L7A1 | Allows controlling the VL53L7CX sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L7A1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L8A1 | Allows controlling the VL53L8CX sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L8A1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 | Allows controlling the VL6180X sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-GNSS1A1 | Allows controlling the X-NUCLEO-GNSS1A1 (GNSS expansion board based on Teseo LIV3F) |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 | Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 expansion board |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-S2868A1 | Allows controlling the S2-LP radio on board of X-NUCLEO-S2868A1 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-S2868A2 | Allows controlling the S2-LP radio on board of X-NUCLEO-S2868A2 |
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-S2915A1 | Allows controlling the S2-LP radio on board of X-NUCLEO-S2915A1 |
sunset | Allows calculation of sunrise, sunset, and moonphase |
TapatioElectronics | Allows access to the use of sensors, actuators and control panels designed by Tapatio Electronics |
Taskrunner | Allows arduino to run scheduler which can run functions at specific frequency |
ThingSpeak | ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino, ESP8266 & EPS32 |
ThingSpeak_asukiaaa | An API manager for ThingSpeak |
TinyMatrixMath | Implments common matrix math operations for small matrices. |
TMC2130Stepper | Arduino library for Trinamic TMC2130 stepper drivers |
uCOS-II | MicroC/OS-II 2.92.10 for ARM Cortex M3. |
uCOS-III_Due | MicroC/OS-III 3.08.01 for ARM Cortex M3. |
uMT | Micro Multi Tasker specifically designed for ARDUINO UNO, MEGA and DUE boards. |
U8glib | A library for monochrome TFTs and OLEDs |
U8glib-HAL | A library supporting monochrome TFTs and OLEDs, specifically for use with Marlin Firmware. |
USBHost | Allows the communication with USB peripherals like mice, keyboards, and thumbdrives. |