A list of the 79 libraries in the architecture mbed_portenta.
1NCE Arduino Blueprint | Sample integration of 1NCE SDK with Arduino, providing demos for various features of 1NCE OS. |
107-Arduino-APDS-9950 | Arduino library for the Avago / Broadcom APDS-9950 Digital Proximity, RGB and Ambient Light Sensor |
107-Arduino-AS504x | Arduino library for interfacing with various Austria Micro Systems angle position sensors. |
107-Arduino-BMP388 | Arduino library for interfacing with the BMP388 barometric pressure sensor which can be used for inferring altitude information. |
107-Arduino-BoostUnits | Arduino library for providing boost::units for the Arduino platform. |
107-Arduino-CriticalSection | Arduino library for providing a consistent critical section interface over various Arduino platforms. |
107-Arduino-Debug | Arduino library for providing convenient macros for printf-style debugging. |
107-Arduino-NMEA-Parser | Arduino library for interfacing with any GPS, GLONASS, Galileo or GNSS module and interpreting its NMEA messages. |
107-Arduino-Sensor | A unified sensor abstraction layer used by all 107-system sensor libraries. |
107-Arduino-TCS3472 | Arduino library for TCS3472 color sensor |
107-Arduino-TMF8801 | Arduino library for interfacing with the TMF8801 time-of-flight distance sensor. |
107-Arduino-TSL2550 | Arduino library for TSL2550 ambient light sensor |
107-Arduino-UniqueId | Arduino library for providing a unique 64-bit ID over various Arduino platforms. |
AlPlc_PMC | Arduino IDE PLC runtime library for Arduino Portenta Machine Control |
ArduTFLite | TensorFlow Lite Micro library in Arduino style. |
arducam_dvp | Library to capture pixels from supported cameras on Arduino boards. |
ArduinoBLE | Enables Bluetooth® Low Energy connectivity on the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, Arduino UNO WiFi Rev.2, Arduino Nano 33 IoT, Arduino Nano 33 BLE, Nicla Sense ME and UNO R4 WiFi. |
ArduinoECCX08 | Arduino Library for the Atmel/Microchip ECC508 and ECC608 crypto chips |
ArduinoIoTCloud | This library allows connecting to the Arduino IoT Cloud service. |
ArduinoModbus | Use Modbus equipment with your Arduino. |
ArduinoMotorCarrier | Allows use of the Arduino Motor Carrier |
ArduinoRS485 | Enables sending and receiving data using the RS-485 standard with RS-485 shields, like the MKR 485 Shield. |
Arduino_10BASE_T1S | Generic library for providing IP based 10BASE-T1S communication. |
Arduino_AdvancedAnalog | Advanced Analog library for STM32H7 boards |
Arduino_BMI270_BMM150 | Allows you to read the accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope values from the IMU on your Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2 |
Arduino_Cellular | This library provides a toolkit for interacting with the official Arduino Pro 4G Modules. |
Arduino_CMSIS-DSP | CMSIS-DSP library ported to arduino mbed cores. |
Arduino_ConnectionHandler | Arduino Library for network connection management (WiFi, GSM, NB, [Ethernet], Notecard) |
Arduino_GigaDisplayTouch | Touch library for Arduino Giga Display Shield |
Arduino_LowPowerPortentaH7 | A library to use low-power modes on the Portenta H7 board. |
Arduino_MachineControl | DEPRECATED. Arduino Library for Portenta Machine Control - PMC |
Arduino_NiclaSenseEnv | Read sensor data from the Nicla Sense Env board and control the board behaviour. |
Arduino_PF1550 | Arduino library for the PF1550 Power Management IC |
Arduino_PortentaBreakout | Arduino Library for Arduino Portenta Breakout Carrier |
Arduino_PortentaMachineControl | Arduino Library for Portenta Machine Control (PMC) |
Arduino_Portenta_OTA | Firmware update for the Portenta H7. |
Arduino_POSIXStorage | POSIX Storage Library for the Portenta C33, Portenta H7, Portenta Machine Control, and Opta |
Arduino_PowerManagement | A library to charge and monitor the battery and use low power modes on the Portenta C33, Portenta H7 and Nicla Vision boards. |
Arduino_Pro_Tutorials | This library contains the complete Arduino sketches from the Pro Tutorials. |
Arduino_Threads | Easy multi-threading for your Mbed OS-based Arduino. |
Arduino_UnifiedStorage | Simplify cross-device storage management on Portenta platforms with a single library supporting SD, Flash, and USB storage access. |
Arduino_USBHostMbed5 | ARM Mbed5 USBHOST library port for Arduino. |
BLE-MIDI | BLE-MIDI I/Os for Arduino |
Chirale_TensorFLowLite | Allows you to run machine learning models locally on all Arduino boards with mbed or ESP32 architecture. |
custom_PortentaBreakout | Library for Arduino Portenta Breakout Carrier modified by alessandromrc (Alessandro Marcon) |
DSpotterSDK_Maker_PortentaH7 | DSpotterSDK_Maker_PortentaH7 provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Portenta H7, which can recognize trigger words and command words. |
EmbeddronicsBleOTA | Bluetooth low energy (BLE) library for updating firmware over ble. |
ESP-Google-Sheet-Client | Arduino Google Sheet REST client library for Arduino devices. |
ESP_SSLClient | The upgradable SSL Client for Arduino devices. |
FirebaseClient | Async Firebase Client library for Arduino |
GestureDetector | Gesture recognition library for Arduino Giga Display. |
GU_Elements | Buttons, menus and more for Arduino Giga Display Shield. |
haversine | A library to find the distance and azimuth angle between two GPS cordinates based on haversine formula. |
iMakeBeta | Library for beginner. |
Kasia | IoT Library and Framework that will take care of all your communication needs. |
LittleFS_Portenta_H7 | Wrapper of LittleFS for Arduino MBED Portenta_H7 boards |
Mbed BLE Mouse | Bluetooth LE Mouse library for the Arduino Boards with BLE support and running mbed OS. |
micro_ros_arduino | micro-ROS Arduino library |
micro_ros_kaia | micro-ROS Arduino library with additional Kaia.ai message types |
MKRWAN | Support library for MKR WAN 1300/1310 |
nw2s_portenta_SSD1322 | ssd1322 display driver for Portenta H7 |
OneWireNg | Arduino 1-wire service library. OneWire alternative. |
Portenta_H7_AsyncHTTPRequest | Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of Portenta_H7_AsyncTCP library for Portenta_7, using Vision-shield thernet or Murata WiFi. |
Portenta_H7_AsyncTCP | Asynchronous TCP Library for STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 using mbed_portenta core |
Portenta_H7_AsyncUDP | Asynchronous TCP Library for STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 using mbed_portenta core |
Portenta_H7_AsyncWebServer | Asynchronous WebServer Library for STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 using mbed_portenta core. |
Portenta_H7_ISR_Servo | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on Portenta_H7 board to control multiple servo motors. |
Portenta_H7_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on an STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 board to create and output PWM to pins. |
Portenta_H7_Slow_PWM | This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on an STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 board to create and output PWM to pins. |
Portenta_H7_TimerInterrupt | This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 board. PWM feature can now be used |
QCFA | Quadcopter Control Functions using Arduino |
Servo | Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of servo motors. |
STMSpeeduino | A library with faster commands for STM32H747 |
TapatioElectronics | Allows access to the use of sensors, actuators and control panels designed by Tapatio Electronics |
TinyMatrixMath | Implments common matrix math operations for small matrices. |
uMyo_BLE | Allows to get data from uMyo devices using BLE-enabled Arduinos (nRF52x and ESP32). |
vovagorodok_ArduinoBleChess | Bluetooth low energy (BLE) library for communication via CECP chess protocol. |
vovagorodok_ArduinoBleOTA | Bluetooth low energy (BLE) library for uploads. |
WiFiManager_Portenta_H7_Lite | Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Manager for Portenta_H7 boards using built-in WiFi (Murata) modules/shields. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters. |