
A list of the 23 libraries in the architecture stm32f4.

ADCTouchSensor Create Touch Sensors with a single analog pin without external hardware
AMY Synthesizer AMY, the Music Synthesizer Library
ChirpSDK Chirp SDK
DMD_STM32 STM32 library for led matrix panels
ESP-Google-Sheet-Client Arduino Google Sheet REST client library for Arduino devices.
ESP Line Notify Line Notify Library for ESP8266 and ESP32.
ESP Mail Client Arduino E-Mail Client Library to send, read and get incoming email notification for ESP32, ESP8266 and SAMD21 devices.
ESP_SSLClient The upgradable SSL Client for Arduino devices.
Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266 and ESP32 Google Firebase Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP8266 and ESP32
FirebaseClient Async Firebase Client library for Arduino
Firebase ESP32 Client Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP32
Firebase ESP8266 Client Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP8266
FirebaseJson The easiest Arduino library JSON parser, builder and editor for ESP8266, ESP32, Teensy 3.x, Teensy 4.x and others MCUs.
haversine A library to find the distance and azimuth angle between two GPS cordinates based on haversine formula.
iMakeBeta Library for beginner.
Kasia IoT Library and Framework that will take care of all your communication needs.
MMA8653 Allows reading the MMA8653 accelerometer.
QCFA Quadcopter Control Functions using Arduino
Servo Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of servo motors.
Taskrunner Allows arduino to run scheduler which can run functions at specific frequency
TinyMatrixMath Implments common matrix math operations for small matrices.
U8glib-HAL A library supporting monochrome TFTs and OLEDs, specifically for use with Marlin Firmware.
U8glib-HAL A library supporting monochrome TFTs and OLEDs, specifically for use with Marlin Firmware.